The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    any big city you want! chef's choice
  • high in the custerdome!
  • kill living beings
    i can't decide if the hardest part of cooking is sauces, or structural integrity
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Can I complain about something?
  • if you complain about something at this exact moment you will die
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    Go ahead, in my opinion.
  • my stand shall leap through the screen and turn you into a newt
  • a newt

    that is dead
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    If you must complain, please take it to your personal thread.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Honestly, I'd rather you tried to say something positive, Kraken. It's not a huge deal but it would help my mood.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    cake is a thing I enjoy, usually
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    I can say three things. I can say two things here, and I can say one thing over there.

    I'll say that my crush is really wonderful and I'm glad to know her.

    And that I have a cold.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    MachSpeed said:

    I can say three things. I can say two things here, and I can say one thing over there.

    I'll say that my crush is really wonderful and I'm glad to know her.

    And that I have a cold.
    OK, that's fine. I'm not really upset about that sort of "complaining." That's just life stuff.

    And I'm glad for you about the first two. It's nice to have people who actively make your life better in it.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Don't go in my thread today. I got bad things to say.
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    I will try harder to say good things, to talk about things I like.

    I'm just... well, I like the things I like, and I'm worried people will make fun of them and make fun of me.

    Like, how'm I gonna talk about Sonic R and with a straight face.  I like it, and I think I'm a doofus for liking it.

    And, well, I can't talk about Mistborn or The King's Shadow or The Pushcart War or The Search for Delicious or The Book of the Dun Cow or I am The Messenger or The Westing Game or Figgs and Phantoms or Journey To Terezor or Mr. Tuckett or Time Cat or The Remarkable Journey of Prince Jen without SPOILERS.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Mistborn is so old.
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    The first one came out before the summer of '07, so yeah, it came out before the last Harry Potter book, so it is of the era directly preceding ours.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Cloud Atlas is an underrated movie.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I like that Tom Hanks has a redemption arc over six different lifetimes told in anachronic order that I only realized happened after I finished the movie.

    And that's just one facet a many-faceted movie.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Remember a couple years back when I would go on angry rants about how terrible America is and how much I wanted to move elsewhere?

    Well, I figure this upcoming election is the test.

    If America elects Trump, I'm writing it off as a lost cause and making plans to move elsewhere.

    If America elects literally anyone else, there's still something redeemable about the country and something worth working for.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    The cool thing about the american empire is it means that when america sneezes, the rest of the world gets pneumonia
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    That feels super defeatist to me. Gosh.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Is defeatist necessarily a bad thing? :v
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    It's certainly a very big decision, one that will affect your life for many years to come.
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Centie, does it really matter to you so much who sits in the white house, that your judgement of this land rests upon it?

  • kill living beings
    aliroz, please don't do the above-politics thing when it's somebody who's cool with david duke and il duce
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    It's not that you've written off this continent that hurts, as much as it's that you've written off this continent for a freaking island!
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Alright, fine.

    I'm open to the idea that a country that elects Donald Trump could be redeemable, but it's gonna take a hell of a lot of convincing.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    I like that Tom Hanks has a redemption arc over six different lifetimes told in anachronic order that I only realized happened after I finished the movie.

    And that's just one facet a many-faceted movie.
    I have been meaning to check the book out for a long time. It's a favourite of a friend of mine.
  • kill living beings
    trump being a serious candidate is enough for me to want to move

    britain's policies on academics are apparently garbage now, though. maybe new zealand. it's got cassowaries
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    trump being a serious candidate is enough for me to want to move

    ok, so i'm not that far out of left field here
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    I'm certainly not sure how defeatism could be a good thing.

    Anyway, it's not like Trump being a candidate doesn't also bother me, because of course it does. It's... it's the whole idea of not staying to try and fight, or thinking that nothing could be done at all, that bothers me and often has when the political climate is looking ugly (locally or broadly). And this is coming from someone that, mind you, is certainly receptive to moving to other places (like Canada).
  • kill living beings
    now i'm remembering how most of the possible jobs for me are in the military industrial complex aaaaaaaah forget it i'm moving to a submarine
  • if you want to move to britain because of trump then in 4 years time you will be moving again at the prospect of prime minister boris johnson
  • sunn wolf said:

    if you want to move to britain because of trump then in 4 years time you will be moving again at the prospect of prime minister boris johnson

    My friends, as I have discovered myself, there are no disasters, only opportunities. And, indeed, opportunities for fresh disasters.
    i like him already
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Maybe Trump's victory will cause an actual American diaspora which will actually weaken the USA but I don't count on that actually happening.
  • kill living beings
    a submarine... in space
  • my point is that while america is garbage, britain is also garbage, it's just older garbage.

    i mean i still like that garbage country but there's a reason i don't live there rn.
  • meow meow meowtherfuckers
    MachSpeed said:

    Anyway, last night I vividly dreamed that I open-mouthed kissed this guy who I didn't like to shut him up, and in the dream I thought; "Wow this is weird, but fun."

    lmao my first thought was 'hot'

    Also, I found something close to my perfect game that I was talking about yesterday. It's called Stardew Valley and it's an improved Harvest Moon for half the price and it's got like perfect reviews on Steam and everyone is bisexual so I AM PLEASED.
  • edited 2016-02-29 04:12:27

    Epitome said:

    it's an improved Harvest Moon for half the price .... and everyone is bisexual

    sign me right the fuck up
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Epitome said:

    lmao my first thought was 'hot'

    I guess I'm a bisexual or something.
  • kill living beings
    oh, pretty good pixel art too.
  • edited 2016-02-29 04:19:45
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    It's not about politics.  It's about america.

    I can't care about politics.  I can't care about some dink two thousand miles away.

    The mounds of the Adena and Hopewell.  The grandness of Cahokia.  The Serpent mound in Ohio that I would love to much to see.  And, nearer me, Chaco canyon and Mesa Verde.

    There's thousands of years of archaeology and plant cultivation and culture and history in this nation.  Dozens of national parks that I'll most likely never see, museums I'll never get to visit, relatives I'll never meet.  And I'll be danged if I leave this land for any other.

    Why the heck can't anyone see how many wonders there are?

    America isn't garbage.  England isn't garbage.  They're both incredible.  I defend America, because it is my home.  

    I refuse to respect this idea that we need to be so dang harsh on our governments and our societies that we must constantly mock them; that we must always be self-critical and self-deprecating.  But, I guess there's no stories to tell, no caricatures to draw, no jokes to be made about systems that work and societies that function and nations that aren't garbage. 

    Screw that.  This is my home.  These are my people.
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    And this goes without saying as well, but I also don't think wanting to move in and of itself is inherently a character fault or whatever. It's defeatism, combined with a vague sense of "Whatever, go in the garbage can for all I care" which I find a little discomforting, even if understandable. No less with how much of a mess the US is right now.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Aliroz I have a story I want you to read, I will link it in the morning
  • im with the roz
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    It's not the going to england that bothers me, it's the act of writing off an entire nation like that.

    It's the sort of way I would talk about, like, china or something and then everyone would tell me to stop making sweeping generalizations about millions of people and unimaginable amounts of land.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Aliroz, I'm with you on the most part, except for a very specific thing. I'm all for patiotism and loving your nation, because it's yours.

    But a government is not a nation. A government is a thing that rules a nation. They are connected, but distinct objects.

    I am extremely harsh about the PRC and the Singaporean government for good reason. They are corrupt and incompetent and overpowered entities that must antagonize other nations and lie to its people and commit crimes and perpetuate violence for the sake of its control, for the sake of reinforcing its own power.

    But I have nothing but love for the motherland itself and my island home.
  • kill living beings
    the place is pretty and there are nice people in it but i don't want to be put in a death camp or, more likely, unable to have careers i want to have because the government won't pay for them in favor of enforcing laws that are likely to get me in jail. simple
  • meow meow meowtherfuckers
    so i was looking up the villagers you can romance and found a character named elliot and


    12:00 PM -- Emerges from cabin, presumably with hangover, to stand around on the beach and gaze wistfully at the ocean

    1:30 PM -- Feeling the fresh salty wind blowing in from the ocean wasn't going to cure his poor decision-making on Saturday night, he returns to his cabin to cry himself back to sleep

    3:00 PM -- After a catnap and a hot shower, he returns to the bridge to stare wistfully across the river

    6:00 PM -- Bored of contemplating life on the bridge, he returns to the cabin for more brooding

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