Completely legit reasons for disliking newer Legend of Zelda titles



  • Should I know who this person is?

    He sounds decidedly unpleasant.

  • image

    There we go.

    And hey, I was right about OoT being a prequel to A Link to the Past.

    And, as mentioned A Link to the Past is a prequel to games 1 and 2. Link's Awakening is as well, a timeline made from the point of view of the games being release would break down immediately. 

    How do you leave out the best games in the series? :/

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis


    Regarding KC Green:

    KC Green has been drawing for a long time and has a chance to draw many "misses" in the comic world. The thing is, there is JUST so many comics he's done that the brilliant ones easily outshine his ones that don't hit the mark.

    If the above is an example of "PURPLE MONKEY DISHWASHER" than I think being "lol, so random" is the key to making brilliant comics. This is probably why KC. Green gets to hang out with the likes of Yoku Ota, Becky Dreistadt, and Evan Dahm and Dobson spends his time ragging on Green's style.

  • My dreams exceed my real life
    So Forever Pandering released a couple of videos about Preston.

  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • TUMUT CREW REPRESENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tumut
    When brentalfloss ends?
    Forsythe: hen it comes to this sort of thing, it always seems to come down to "Those who can, do. Those who can't? They just complain about the ones who can and insist they deserve the credit."

    Again, Chris-chan comes to mind, though he's definitely a worst-case example. As many things as Preston gets wrong, at least he's trying -- Chris-chan did the bare minimum possible to get attention and attempt to get back at his enemies, and it shows.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    @lee4hmz:  But this isn' t a case of Preston trying at all. In fact he's quite a unique case.  Take the typical DA anime fanartist - they want to draw their favorite anime character or an OC or whatever and not bother with all that "fundamentals of art" crap, kind of like a toddler deciding that he doesn't want to bother with this whole crawling or walking business, he wants to start doing cartwheels, now. We know how well that usually turns out. 

    Tom here manages to be the polar opposite of this common case. He's got a Bachelor's of Fine Arts from a well respected art university that's know for weeding out people who aren't serious about art.  He's posted his work from where he was tasked to put what he was taught to use and he's not just capable, he's very good at it. Some of this work includes working with Disney character models and that looked like it was done by an old hand at Burbank. And then, for some reason, he tossed out every good thing he learned and now churns out the most generic shit imaginable, and then tries to pass his bad concepts and habits about art onto younger folks which is where everyone started to get mad in the first place. He's not trying at all.

  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast

    How do you leave out the best games in the series? :/
    Because they weren't made by Ninty and therefore don't exist as a part of the main Zedla universe :p


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    ^^Wow, that's just sad.

    Sometimes people have a "style" that sort of rubs me the wrong way.

    His "style" makes me wish I can punch every character he draws in the goddamn face.
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Good God. His comics all start to the look the same after a while. He really does just have a few dozen stock emotions he show off and only one angle all his comics are drawn from.

    So, OoT comes up ALL the time when Zelda gets mentioned. Now it's understandable not everyone thinks it's mind blowing, but it's pretty damn understandable that many people think it revolutionized gaming, ' sorta did.

    Oot was probably the first game for a lot of people where it really felt you could do anything. Your character could run around a huge 3D world and interact with things and do anything, really. The fact that was a Zelda game was kinda moot (but it probably makes it one of the most influential Zelda games, and probably the on most loved by critics).

    To put it in perspective, the game STILL cracks the top 5 in "Best Nintendo Games of All Time" lists.

    Saying one doesn't think OoT is the best Zelda game ever is fine, but it warrants an explanation. Not a dismissive "people think I'm controversial" comic where you get to chat it up with someone who "agrees with you" and harp on a super nerdy looking detractor. That's something an unintelligent man-child, who doesn't have the wherewithal to defend his position, does.

    And... courtesy of videos, I've now seen this guy and am privy to his opinion on the Zelda Saturday Morning Cartoon. 

    Him making fun of a fat-glasses-wearing-super-nerd is like the pot calling the kettle black where the pot just got back from his daily black paint scrub down complete with a glass of black paint to guzzle on the way out the door.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Things I will never understand!

    Why do I find that panel with Bugs Bunny so hilarious?

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Klingons are cool.

    Now Twilight, I agree with that.

    And this is pretty much a textbook example of Why Imi Generally Doesn't Like Webcomics Item No. 1: Author Soapboxing.
  • edited 2012-05-28 21:04:11
    Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    There are many, many things I could comment on about that comic. Some of them are a bit more nitpicky than others.

    But I have to say that the sports panel is particularly unfair, even compared to most of the other panels. As much as we may be tempted to believe it sometimes, not all people who like sports or are athletic are brain-dead, uneducated meatheads. In fact, one of the most athletic people I know is a total zoology geek.

    Liking sports and academics are not mutually exclusive. And even though I don't like it myself, liking sports isn't a bad thing.
  • edited 2012-05-28 21:49:11
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • The first video indirectly insulted Romantically Apocalyptic. That's the only thing I found wrong about the tirade.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Things I Can't Do

    I like how he presents himself as more intelligent than those stupid football players, while also showing that he can't understand pre-algebra and has to use a thesaurus for words like "apple" and "dyeing".
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    ProfessorGator: on that note, a fellow I know was the one who's done a lot of work making video codecs more accessible as well as being one of the smartest people I know in the computer science realm is also built like a brick shithouse and tosses around 600lb earth mover tires for exercise. And tooting my own horn here, Muscles Are Required, Intelligence Not Expected and I'm a CS major as well. Gridiron/rough sports rarely ever truly means "vapid jock."
  • edited 2012-05-28 22:48:11
    I also kind of wish the "you can't be smart at all if you're a jock" thing would go away. There are plenty of much better reasons to criticize the professional leagues, especially the NFL, but they require actual thought, not the bumper-sticker "PROUD TO BE A GEEK" crap a lot of self-proclaimed geeks do. Slacktivism will doom us all, I swear. 

    As for Preston...he's doing the "I'm a nice guy, really! Look at how much I'm not a smug bastard, see how not smarmy and not-insufferable and pwecious I am?!!?!?!" thing a lot of pathological jerkasses do. He can't go one strip without bitching about his pet peeves, can he? :P
  • I'm a loser. Also, Creeper. And a woman.
    I really despite that stereotype. Although maybe that's what they refer to when they say "Jock" by itself? Although "Jockstrap" may question that...
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
    Apparently this Andrew Preston guy hasn't played any of the Final Fantasy games either.
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    Because everyone knows that all Final Fantasy games are emo. All of them.

  • The sadness will last forever.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Whoa. That's like meta-soapboxing
  • My dreams exceed my real life

  • I don't understand what I'm looking at here.

    Normally I would laugh at these things (especially SCREW IT PORTAL REFERENCE) but yet I am not.

    Like I said before, this guy is just letting his ego run roughshod over whatever joke he might have been trying to make. It's not funny because even though he thinks it is, it's not supposed to be -- it's "HI I WANT ATTENTION PLZ".
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
    But aren't friends and family supposed to say things are good when they aren't?
  • edited 2012-05-29 13:32:14

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Or at least be a little less judgmental of flaws in the work.

    Either way, that's was like the comic book equivalent of saying "Well, my MOM thinks I'm cool."
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
    Yeah I guessed that :p
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Pretty much what I thought as well. Are ALL of this guy's comics like this?
  • edited 2012-05-29 13:46:32
    Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
    Yes they are
  • The sadness will last forever.
    Well, duh
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Well then, this is just about the pinnacle of webcomic suckage, except for that one that Naney likes.
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
    Its like reading a set of comics done by a TV troper.
    I would dare say that not even Sonichu is this hard to read -- as much of a creep as CWC is, his comically bad art and love of misplaced wackiness and sitcom plots make his massive ego and scary-ass fantasies far easier to stomach.

    These comics are pretty much "I HAVE NO REDEEMING QUALITIES BUT YOU DAMN WELL BETTER LIKE ME ANYWAY", played almost completely straight. People told Dave Sim to go fuck himself when he did this with Cerebus, I wouldn't be surprised if they're angry with Preston for the same reasons.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Thing is, unlike Sonichu, this actually has decent art. So it's like "I'm a competent artist but I've decided to squander it making self-indulgent comics everyone will hate." Which kinda makes it more interesting, for me at least.
  • edited 2012-05-29 14:23:37
    I dunno, huge egos just end up irritating me after a while. Especially when it seems like they're making no attempt to solve any of their problems or get off of whatever soapbox they're on. 

    So he doesn't like Ocarina of Time. SO FUCKING WHAT.
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
    Cant this guy do what normal people do and just masturbate?
  • edited 2012-05-29 14:34:43
    My dreams exceed my real life

    Things I HATE

    1. Internet Speak

    For crying out loud, why can’t we all just write and talk NORMALLY for once? I just don’t understand internet speak at all. How hard is it to actually write out what you’re trying to say instead of abbreviating it all into an acronymic mess? I can tolerate some of the older ones like LOL or BRB… but there’s a lot of new phrases and garbage that I just don’t “get.”

    2. Furries

    I’m sorry but it’s true. I had a very bad experience in College with a group of furrie comic artists and it’s kinda screwed me up altogether. There’s nothing I hate more than having the furrie community ruining childhood memories of great cartoons (like Darkwing Duck, or Bugs Bunny). Thanks to Furries i can never look at these characters the same way twice. Le Sigh…

    3. Politics

    I freely admit it, I can’t debate one way or another because I can see both sides of an issue. I’m also rather simple and can’t retain facts the way some people can. I can’t argue because no matter how hard I try, the other person always seems to have MORE information than I do and can plaster me with dates, names, and quotes that I can never verify or debunk. For this reason it pisses me off when people go on a political tirade, because I honestly don’t care. Yeah Geroge W. Bush sucks ass, but honestly he hasn’t impacted my life that much.

    4. Anime

    This developed as a result of me operating the Anime Club at my College. I ran that thing for 3 of my 4 years at MCAD and got nothing but headaches from it. I put my heart and soul into that club and what I got shit in return. I had to clean up the auditorium every single time I ran it, and no one stayed behind to help. My so-called "friends" never stayed to keep me company. They MST3K’d all my favorite movies and shows. And I made the mistake of showing something I shouldn’t have which resulted in a girl, who had child-abuse issues, reliving a particularly nasty flashback which almost got the club disbanded by the College Board. Not to mention because of my club out College suffered a great dip in citywide popularity when a PORNO club decided THEY needed to have a night because I had a night. Sigh… Couple that with the annoying popularity of many of the fans of Anime, the fact that many kids these days don’t know any good AMERICAN cartoons anymore, and you’ll begin to see why Anime has started to piss me off.

    5. 3-D animated films

    Mostly this comes from the fact that I lost my job right out of College thanks to 3-D. Growing up I LOVED 3-D films and was just amazed at what could be done. Now they’ve grown stale and unoriginal and unfortunately CHEAP to produce making my true passion, 2-D animation, extinct. I still think that if given the time and the right writing, 2-D can be JUST as great as 3-D.

    6. Critiques

    Critiques are suppose to help you get better and make you a better person. But the problem I’ve so-often come across is that people tend to critique because they CAN, not because they SHOULD. What I mean is that often people find negative things JUST so they can critique, and they’ll make up some bullshit reason to justify it. That’s not an honest critique, that’s just negativity and makes me not want to continue with whatever it was I was doing. A GOOD critique should point out mistakes and point out good things too. I always try to find something good in everything I look at, no matter how much I may hate the subject or how awful the drawing is. I don’t take much stock in advice from people about my work because the only person who truly understands what I’m doing is myself.

  • My dreams exceed my real life

    Things I LOVE

    1. Nintendo

    I am a Nintendo whore. I’ve had a NES since the Atari days. I tried to play the Genesis, but only ever had 2 games for it and they both sucked. I remember getting beaten up in school for liking NES instead of Genesis, which only heightened my love of the little grey box. I love Nintendo’s willingness to try new things (some which might work and some which might not) and to keep trying to find innovative and unique game play. While others were playing fighting games on the Genesis or Shoot-Em-Ups on the PS2, I was playing Zelda and Mario. That’s another thing, Nintendo has the greatest selection of iconic characters and gameplay out of ANY other system. No one else can hold a candle to Zelda or Mario.

    2. 2-D Animation

    I love 2-D Animation. I use to love it as a kid, but now I love it even more. There’s such a wonderful emotional connection I get with 2-D animation. I think it has something to do with the fact that I just LOVE to draw. I thought I was going to have more to say on this topic, but I don’t have anything else… I just LOVE 2-D animation.

    3. Sherlock Holmes, Nero Wolfe, Arsene Lupin

    I’m VERY particular about the mystery series that I read/watch. You can’t just have ANY mystery, it’s gotta feel right to me. 

    -Sherlock Holmes is awesome. I love Jeremy Brett’s adaption of him on the PBS series (possibly the BEST Holmes EVER) and I have the entire collection both in written and audio form. No one else can write Sherlock save for Conan Doyle and I refuse to read anything but the original text.

    -Nero Wolfe is awesome because the guy is a fat, eccentric, genius who loves gourmet food, orchids, and his privacy. Archie Goodwin (his right hand man) is hilarious as a hard boiled detective and the series is littered with greatly complicated mysteries and 1940’s references. The A&E series has to be the BEST book-to-screen adaption that I’ve ever seen. Rather than re-work things to work on the TV, they actually just stayed WORD FOR WORD what the books said and it works BEAUTIFULLY.

    -Most of you might only know the Japanese Anime series Lupin the 3rd… but I know the ORIGINAL series that started it all. The french books of Arsene Lupin: Gentleman thief. Written at the same time that Sherlock Holmes was being written (the 1890’s) the series was designed to be the ANTI-Holmes. A gentleman who stole from the very rich and corrupt and gave to himself. What made the series so unique is that Lupin would actually TELL people what he was going to do before he did it. He’d send notes to wealthy people’s houses saying  will be coming on August the 4th at 8pm and would like to take you’re credenza, the waterloo painting in the hallway, and the Persian rug in your bedroom. Not the Rembrandt because I know it’s a fake. Hah! That takes GUTS! And of course he always succeed and the revealing of HOW he did it was always ingenious, clever, and fun! If you ever get a chance and find this series on the bookshelf somewhere, I STRONGLY recommend it!

    4. McDonald’s

    I admit it. I love McDonald’s food. I know it’s bad for me, but I love it anyway. Here’s to Microwave’d burgers and cow-fat fries!

    5. Cats and practically every other animal in the world.

    I love Animals. If it weren’t for the fact that I couldn’t handle putting them down, I would TOTALLY be a Vet. I love cats and dogs and at one point in my life our family had 16 cats and 2 dogs in the same house! I love all animals and can calm them down if they’re antsy. I’ve never met a dog that didn’t like me, and I can ALWAYS find that ONE spot on them that makes them go nutty! Lol. Cats RULE!

    6. My Girlfriend

    Yeah I know that might sound obvious, but it’s true. I do love my girlfriend. She’s sweet, sensitive, and thoughtful (plus she adores cats). I don’t want to say too much cuz she likes her privacy, but let’s just leave it at the fact that I love her more than words can express!

    7. Drawing

    Kinda along the lines of 2-D Animation, i just love drawing. It calms me down when I’m having a bad day. I’ve always drawn, ever since I could hold a crayon. I’ve always wanted to become better than I was, and I like to find my own way when I draw too. I hate doing the same thing twice, and I love to find new and interesting ways to present things. I may not be original, but I think I can at least claim that I’m original in how I PRESENT it. Lol.

  • edited 2012-05-29 14:40:08
    Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Opinions, opinions, opinions.

    Also, how could anyone have had a NES in "the Atari days"?
  • The sadness will last forever.
    The dude reeks of smug.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    I tried reading his lists, but they're just so damn obnoxious I couldn't be bothered to do more than skim.

    I did catch that most of his "things I hate" where because of a single bad experience that has nothing to do with the actual thing, Hating 3D films because you lost a job because of "3-D" isn't a legitimate reason. You losing your job doesn't reflect on their quality.

    Furthermore, what the hell does "I lost my job right out of College thanks to 3-D" even MEAN?!

    You lost your job because there are three dimensions?!

    Some job stealing ninja ambushed you, but because you played so much old school gaming you where unprepared for his ability to side step and attack you from the side?!

    Also, anyone who says they don't like politics because they can see both sides of the issue should just be taken out into the street and shot.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Fun fact: One of his classmates, and another guy who got into his class a year after he left it are both successful animators working at Disney.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    I bet they've never lost a job to 3-D, either! Those assholes.
    This guy just doesn't want to try, does he? It's classic immaturity -- wanting to sit around and whine about how it's everyone else's problem that you're a worthless piece of crap, not yours. 

    Also, I'm sick of people complaining that anime is crap because "1980s cartoons were sooooo much better", and you know why?  Things like the Hasbro shows (pick one), ThunderCats, the DiC shows (again, pick one), and pretty much anything Disney Afternoon are a lot of the reason people started watching anime in the first place! They were animated in Japan, Korea and Taiwan, and thus ended up using a lot of anime tropes completely accidentally.


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    His complaints about anime stem mostly from... actually, I'm not sure what the hell any of this is:

    "This developed as a result of me operating the Anime Club at my College. I ran that thing for 3 of my 4 years at MCAD and got nothing but headaches from it. I put my heart and soul into that club and what I got shit in return. I had to clean up the auditorium every single time I ran it, and no one stayed behind to help. My so-called "friends" never stayed to keep me company. They MST3K’d all my favorite movies and shows. And I made the mistake of showing something I shouldn’t have which resulted in a girl, who had child-abuse issues, reliving a particularly nasty flashback which almost got the club disbanded by the College Board. Not to mention because of my club out College suffered a great dip in citywide popularity when a PORNO club decided THEY needed to have a night because I had a night."

    So...anime is bad...because of you having to clean-up after club...and people don't have the same taste in stuff...something, something, child-abuse...something something PORNO club.


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