You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
I can understand the rationale behind @names not counting towards the limit--I've always wondered why it wasn't designed that way--but at the same time allowing 50 @names in a tweet seems, well, excessive.
I'm not sure w)(at your point is. Are you denying t)(at t)(ere's an aest)(etic t)(at's common in anime? W)(en you bring up criticisms, is it not in reference to t)(ings you dislike?T)(is is my starting point: Anime )(as an aest)(etic. Yes, #notallanime, but by and large, t)(ere is a collection of visual, dialogue, plot and c)(aracterization tropes t)(at are common to t)(e medium. I don't dig t)(ose visual, dialogue, plot or c)(aracterization tropes. I don't t)(ink it looks cool, or sounds cool, I don't respond to t)(e dialogue ticks. T)(ey're annoying to me, or, if you'd like, t)(ey're silly in a way I dislike.W)(en I end up liking anime, it's w)(en it avoids t)(ose t)(ings. W)(ic)( does )(appen! But I'm not sure if you're saying t)(e aest)(etic isn't t)(ere (w)(ic)( I disagree wit)() or you're saying you s)(ouldn't dislike an aest)(etic (w)(ic)( I also disagree wit)(). Yes, I can scour t)(e world of anime for exceptions but w)(y would I? I know t)(ey exist, t)(ey land on my door step sometimes, but life is too s)(ort to swim upstream for media. T)(ere's media everyw)(ere.
ii'm not 2ure what your poiint ii2. are you denyiing that there'2 an ae2thetiic that'2 common iin aniime? when you briing up criitiicii2m2, ii2 iit not iin reference two thiing2 you dii2liike?thii2 ii2 my 2tartiing poiint: aniime ha2 an ae2thetiic. ye2, #notallaniime, but by and large, there ii2 a collectiion of vii2ual, diialogue, plot and characteriizatiion trope2 that are common two the mediium. ii don't diig tho2e vii2ual, diialogue, plot or characteriizatiion trope2. ii don't thiink iit look2 cool, or 2ound2 cool, ii don't re2pond two the diialogue tiick2. they're annoyiing two me, or, iif you'd liike, they're 2iilly iin a way ii dii2liike.when ii end up liikiing aniime, iit'2 when iit avoiid2 tho2e thiing2. whiich doe2 happen! but ii'm not 2ure iif you're 2ayiing the ae2thetiic ii2n't there (whiich ii dii2agree wiith) or you're 2ayiing you 2houldn't dii2liike an ae2thetiic (whiich ii al2o dii2agree wiith). ye2, ii can 2cour the world of aniime for exceptiion2 but why would ii? ii know they exii2t, they land on my door 2tep 2ometiime2, but liife ii2 two 2hort two 2wiim up2tream for mediia. there'2 mediia everywhere.
ii'm not 2ure what your poiint ii2. are you denyiing that there'2 an ae2thetiic that'2 common iin aniime? when you briing up criitiicii2m2, ii2 iit not iin reference two thiing2 you dii2liike?thii2 ii2 my 2tartiing poiint: aniime ha2 an ae2thetiic. ye2, #notallaniime, but by and large, there ii2 a collectiion of vii2ual, diialogue, plot and characteriizatiion trope2 that are common two the mediium. ii don't diig tho2e vii2ual, diialogue, plot or characteriizatiion trope2. ii don't thiink iit look2 cool, or 2ound2 cool, ii don't re2pond two the diialogue tiick2. they're annoyiing two me, or, iif you'd liike, they're 2iilly iin a way ii dii2liike.when ii end up liikiing aniime, iit'2 when iit avoiid2 tho2e thiing2. whiich doe2 happen! but ii'm not 2ure iif you're 2ayiing the ae2thetiic ii2n't there (whiich ii dii2agree wiith) or you're 2ayiing you 2houldn't dii2liike an ae2thetiic (whiich ii al2o dii2agree wiith). ye2, ii can 2cour the world of aniime for exceptiion2 but why would ii? ii know they exii2t, they land on my door 2tep 2ometiime2, but liife ii2 two 2hort two 2wiim up2tream for mediia. there'2 mediia everywhere.
ii'm not 2ure what your poiint ii2. are you denyiing that there'2 an ae2thetiic that'2 common iin aniime? when you briing up criitiicii2m2, ii2 iit not iin reference two thiing2 you dii2liike?thii2 ii2 my 2tartiing poiint: aniime ha2 an ae2thetiic. ye2, #notallaniime, but by and large, there ii2 a collectiion of vii2ual, diialogue, plot and characteriizatiion trope2 that are common two the mediium. ii don't diig tho2e vii2ual, diialogue, plot or characteriizatiion trope2. ii don't thiink iit look2 cool, or 2ound2 cool, ii don't re2pond two the diialogue tiick2. they're annoyiing two me, or, iif you'd liike, they're 2iilly iin a way ii dii2liike.when ii end up liikiing aniime, iit'2 when iit avoiid2 tho2e thiing2. whiich doe2 happen! but ii'm not 2ure iif you're 2ayiing the ae2thetiic ii2n't there (whiich ii dii2agree wiith) or you're 2ayiing you 2houldn't dii2liike an ae2thetiic (whiich ii al2o dii2agree wiith). ye2, ii can 2cour the world of aniime for exceptiion2 but why would ii? ii know they exii2t, they land on my door 2tep 2ometiime2, but liife ii2 two 2hort two 2wiim up2tream for mediia. there'2 mediia everywhere.
why are you typing like Desiigner.
I'M NoT SuRe wHaT YoUr pOiNt iS. aRe yOu dEnYiNg tHaT ThErE'S An aEsThEtIc tHaT'S CoMmOn iN AnImE? wHeN YoU BrInG Up cRiTiCiSmS, iS It nOt iN ReFeReNcE To tHiNgS YoU DiSlIkE?
ThIs iS My sTaRtInG PoInT: aNiMe hAs aN AeStHeTiC. yEs, #nOtAlLaNiMe, BuT By aNd lArGe, ThErE Is a cOlLeCtIoN Of vIsUaL, dIaLoGuE, pLoT AnD ChArAcTeRiZaTiOn tRoPeS ThAt aRe cOmMoN To tHe mEdIuM. i dOn't dIg tHoSe vIsUaL, dIaLoGuE, pLoT Or cHaRaCtErIzAtIoN TrOpEs. I DoN'T ThInK It lOoKs cOoL, oR SoUnDs cOoL, i dOn't rEsPoNd tO ThE DiAlOgUe tIcKs. ThEy'rE AnNoYiNg tO Me, Or, If yOu'd lIkE, tHeY'Re sIlLy iN A WaY I DiSlIkE.
WhEn i eNd uP LiKiNg aNiMe, It's wHeN It aVoIdS ThOsE ThInGs. WhIcH DoEs hApPeN! bUt i'm nOt sUrE If yOu'rE SaYiNg tHe aEsThEtIc iSn't tHeRe (WhIcH I DiSaGrEe wItH) oR YoU'Re sAyInG YoU ShOuLdN'T DiSlIkE An aEsThEtIc (WhIcH I AlSo dIsAgReE WiTh). yEs, I CaN ScOuR ThE WoRlD Of aNiMe fOr eXcEpTiOnS BuT WhY WoUlD I? i kNoW ThEy eXiSt, ThEy lAnD On mY DoOr sTeP SoMeTiMeS, bUt lIfE Is tOo sHoRt tO SwIm uPsTrEaM FoR MeDiA. tHeRe's mEdIa eVeRyWhErE.
So after over five fucking hours of waiting, GTA V finally downloads onto my PS4. I fire it up, eager to play, and I need to actually install the fucking game.
It's apparently takes a long time to download the game, since it's a 50GB game. I'll set it up tomorrow and let it install whilst I do normal human things.
I believe the the Nazi party spread sinister memetic tentacles of Spenglerian damage through the water supply shortly before the Cold War, which created the modern libertarian memeplex.
aliroz i know you're probably doing your semi ironic thing i don't understand but i want you to know i immediately became very angry remembering all the things that happened with mormon and gay kids in my high school
Now that I've calmed down, well, tumblr's, or, the SJW crowd, are not hypocrites. They just weren't my personal army, when I really, really wanted one, and felt that my ends were aligned with their means.
I should learn to let go of such things.
As for Mormons and Gay kids in high school, yeah... bad memories there. I'm so sorry.
Either way, good night
It fucking hurts.
Grant me sweet death.
Fun times
anyway, status
Not a discussion worth having, though. I'd rather talk about pudding.