

2011-11-08 16:03:31
Last Active
2013-03-10 13:02:29


  • "ex-marine" is generally considered an insult ...Why? "Ex-marine", "former marine", it's the same thing. How can "ex-marine" be an insult?Is that a Monthy Python-like thing, in the sense that "ex-marine" is like saying that the person in question i…
  • What the hell. I'm not here for a while and somebody's (accidentally?) impersonating me? What the hell?
  • That feel when you wonder why there is nothing but Homestuck talk in the Trash Heap, only to realize that you actually clicked on the Homestuck Heap. Also, The Avengers seemed to have replaced Madoka as the thing I wish people would stop talking ab…
  • I really like this song. It's so frigginly catchy. But I wonder why. Why is a song about a flat-chested girl is so catchy, that it doesn't leave my mind so easily? It's as if it's designed to make the listener feel awkward.
  • ..... and then there's the fanbase. There's people who say you can't judge something on its fanbase.  Oh, yes you can. Sure one can judge something on it's fanbase. That doesn't mean that is a good idea. If I did that, I would hate absolutely everyt…
  • The only thing I would change about that is their relation. Other than that, it never bugged me. Then again, I like yuri and always thought that Tomoyo's infatuation was cute (albeit seemingly obsessive). What's with the (prepubescent) student/teac…
  • I admit, I'd like old stuff like Cardcaptors(or perhaps a new dub that puts everything in order, albeit, still, you know, toned down for American audiences. I agree with a lot of the changes.) What changes would that be?
  • I remember being really annoyed with Opera about ten years ago, back when there was no Firefox or Chrome, since it had a number of fanboys who simply would not shut up about it. I was very much in the tank for Mozilla once I heard about it, and foll…
  • This will be a quote in my next post. Now? Ah, so changing the name isn't really possible, otherwise the quote has a yellow background and the (alleged) name of the quoted person is... well, not there. Now, I know. And knowing is a more-or-less ov…
  • And yet again, it didn't work. Interesting.
  • This will be a quote in my next post. Except that this didn't work, so I'll quote the first post again.
  • This will be a quote in my next post. This post has a quote of my last post. This post has a quoet of my last post, which already had a quote of my last post and this quote is included as an extra. Also, the name is changed, so they aren't actually…
  • This will be a quote in my next post. This post has a quote of my last post.
  • This will be a quote in my next post.
  • Huh, my favorite texture pack is actually called "Meine Kraft". I haven't actually played Minecraft for quite a while. When I recently played it again, I wasn't sure what I should do. Maybe, I do more pixel stuff in Creative (I did a few Nintendo s…
  • The odd thing is that the fourth wall in Dr. Slump is very thin, so they are often actually aware that they are in a manga, making such comments rather odd. Althought I can't remember whether "we are not in a manga" actually still appear later. The…
  • I was actually four or five when I saw Rambo movies. Since then, I never saw one again. The only thing I can remember is a scene in which Rambo gets cut with a knife across his chest. If I remember correctly, I just thought that it looked ugly and h…
  • "All of that however, is irrelevant. As Haruhi is a terrific anime based on a series of novels that are total and utter shit." Funny, I thought it was the other way round (the quality, not what's based on what). I liked the novels (at least the fan…
  • I have "Connect" (the opening song of Madoka) in my ear and it refuses to leave. It's not so bad, since I actually like it.
  • I'm pretty much always aware that I talk to people over the internet. Knowing that they are real people does that to you. But only to a limited extent. There is quite a certain detachment, if you don't actually face the people you are talking to. Th…
  • "I hope I don't end up trying to get my kid(s) to check out TOO much shit they don't care about. I mean, it's be cool if we could share some interests, but I get that they're not going to be their own person with their own tastes." Agreed. But if m…
  • In 50 years, I will tell my hypothetical grandchildren about the time, Japanese cartoons were the shit. And when they ask what this "Japan" is, I'll tell them about the time, when the world was divided into multiple "countries", instead of being uni…
  • CA's plan won't suceed, since the people of January aren't able to read posts from the future. ...Or are they? DUN DUN DUN!
  • Which is good, because it still counts as talking about it even if you don't say the name. I mean, it wasn't a moratorium against the words "TV Tropes" :p I'd actually find it funny if there were a word filter that changes "TV Tropes" to "The Sit…
  • The western porcelain, bra, coffee filter, eco-friendly fridge, artificial mineral water, mechanical loom, daily newspaper, modern teabag, vacuum flask and audio tape (among other things) were all invented by Saxons (although in the case of porcelai…
  • In the British governments defence, most countries that the time made sodomy illegal. And my first thought was: "Well, that's how it should be!" In my defense, the German "Sodomie" means "bestiality". I always have to remind myself that the Englis…
  • After going through a few pages of this thread, I came across this post and was like "Huh, it's true. Logo and bigger avatars. And even signatures." Yeah, I didn't notice this earlier. I blame it on the fact that I was on IJBM just before and I don…
  • "Joined HG101, since I have not joined a forum in a while. This should be fun. :]" Maybe I should do that too. Actually, I already did, but only to point out a mistake in the Asterix article. I already forget my username and password there.
  • And again, I got hit right in the nostalgia bone. Dr. Slump was pretty much my first manga and a favorite for a long time. I still like it and think it's the best work of Toriyama (then again, I only know like four of him). It's likely that I'll fol…
  • "as you can see shadowgate is a wild and crazy game where only the most deft gamers armed with NES advantages have a hope of winning" I wouldn't say that. I got quite far on my own in Shadowgate Classic. Then again, the awful German translation had…
  • My problem with the Double Fine thing is that pretty much nothing is known about it. Other projects like Wasteland 2, the Shadowrun game or The Banner Saga have a clear concept, a clear idea, but the DF thing has just Schafer saying, "Hey, I want to…
  • Somehow, I want to watch MLP again. Maybe I'll do so today. And yes, this forum isn't exactly unguilty of that.
  • I haven't been involved in ponies since a long while (never finished the first season, never even started the second, of which I only have a few episodes), so there are probably a lot of memes I'm unfamilar with (this thread confirms it, nearly ever…
  • I read that as "MY CAT IS VERY LONG." No, I have no idea.
  • "It took me a while to realize we where talking about Chobits and not Chi-chi." Well, I'm talking about a cat, not about breasts or pseudo-computer that don't make sense.
  • Nah, I don't think that I can be so awesomely incorrectly correct like that.
  • I think I still associate TMA with Chi too much. When I saw Anonus' post with the Chi picture, I thought he was TMA, before I saw the name. Maybe I should get a Chi avatar myself. And actually continue watching the actual show (of which I have 30 e…
  • CA fails so hard, that she is right again, while still being wrong. At the same time.
  • Yeah, I kind of guessed that.
  • I keep thinking that both Viani and Degenerate Whore are Vorpy (formerly known as Triophelia). For all that I know, that may be completely true. But I don't know, so I don't know.
  • The guy in the first picture looks a bit like he's crying. You know the thing where manga/anime characters are crying so heavily, that it gushes out sideways (probably a bad explanation, but I can't think of a better one)? It kind of looks like that…
  • I remember you. You are the one who got banned one time, because you posted a thread complaining about faggots. And then you were allowed to make a new account, but your old handle was still banned. Of course, these "faggots" were actually food and…
  • This is Keanu Reeves? Totally didn't recognize him (in the first three pictures, which  are incidentally the same).
  • The fuck, that thing is from 2000? I thought it's a pretty recent thing, not older than maybe three/four years. Granted, not learning about it since fairly recently has something to do with that.
  • I have a problem with my profile. It doesn't greet me with "Welcome, Master, how can this humble profile serve you?" and it doesn't compliment my avatar choice with something like "What a magnificent image you chose for your avatar! Your feeling for…
  • Kicking rats for fun and profit experience. Mostly for fun.

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