z;li;l o;ae;igah i;lei;g jaw;i ghe (GMH opines/muses about things)



  • the thread started with some random throwing-paint-at-the-wall-or-the-typographical-internet-equivalent-of-that, but then i started posting stuff here and then i was like, i might as well use it for such
  • you're free to use it for other conversation i guess

    perhaps i should throw it into the "personal" category, though i'm not sure since that category is technically non-public
  • edited 2015-12-17 03:28:12
    "Hollywood" idea of female beauty:
    * not sexy: hair tied up, decently clothed, glasses
    * sexy: wavy hair let down, lipstick, not very clothed, no glasses
  • @Crystal well i mean the thread title is sort of appropriate because it's basically a topicless thread
  • i'll be honest here and say that i find a lot of stranger fashion styles to be...well, strange

    also neckties are sorta stupid
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...

    @Crystal well i mean the thread title is sort of appropriate because it's basically a topicless thread

    Yeah, I got that much when a whole bunch of non-sequitur-esque opinion posts started filling this up, haha. I was mostly wanting to know which lens I should be reading it through, on the whole.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    i'm sorry i'm not hyped about the new star wars movie

    in fact i'm not really all that interested in star wars

    i don't really care that it's a major geekystuff franchise

    i'll become interested in it when i become interested in it

    major geekystuff franchises, unless they have some cartoon/comic origin/pedigree (and I mean a good pedigree), generally do not hook me
  • edited 2015-12-17 03:34:41
    ^^ well feel free to argue with me here

    i guess i'll designate this a public personal thread that's not in the personal category only because i want to be able to link other people from not on HH to this thread if i find it convenient

    and since this is a personal thread for me i will make the rule that you are allowed to argue here to your heart's content about anything you wish, and post anything here about anything you wish, as long as site admins don't object to the content being discussed
    and there are no rules against multi-posting (except for blatant and persistent spam that's not funny)
    and there are no rules against necroing, should that ever come up
    and there are no rules against posting strange or disgusting content as long as it is SFW since it is not in the NSFW category
    so it is okay to discuss chickpea pineapple soup that is overflavored by bacon and tabasco sauce, even if that is disgusting

  • lingzhi mushrooms boiled with canned tuna
  • unpopularopinons.txt
  • Who Wants To Be A Millionaire sucks
  • note that it's only against the rules if the spam is not funny

    if the spam is funny you're fine
  • bad arguing is allowed
  • the password for posting in this thread is "swordfish"
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    Who Wants To Be A Millionaire sucks


  • blue lavender and orange vivid tangerine morality
  • what i feel like doing right now:

    playing an RTS and using a severe turtling strategy
  • on the to-do list:

    make Empire Earth work on my computer
  • coming to the same level of appreciation for a "popular" recent creative work as for a high-regarded literary classic, by applying the same level of care and attention to detail and depth to both
  • coming to the same level of appreciation for a "popular" recent creative work as for a high-regarded literary classic, by applying the same level of care and attention to detail and depth to both

    to be fair, doing so does mean that setting development and lore detail becomes more important than the exact writing/text
  • why do you have a dog toy
  • i have had "my soul, your beats" in my head all day long and i am loving it

    both the song and the having it in my head and letting it subtly shape my going through my day

    I love it when something like this happens, when the music helps define the meaning of my time
  • the role of the music is not merely a suggestion to play second fiddle to the action

    the role of the music is practically to DEFINE the mood and emotional context
  • i never thought of symphogear as a musical

    thanks for posting that recs image link, whoever it was
    @theirsbailiff i think
  • i think the name sam harris means more to @baldanders than gen urobuchi or even arnold schönberg does to me
  • earlier today, while trying to visualize the master bedroom closet of the house i currently live in, i visualized the master bedroom closet of the house i lived in as a kid

    just now, imagined a second bathroom to exist on the second floor the way there were two bathrooms on the second floor in the house i previously lived in
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    i'm surprised you haven't moved this to Personal yet
  • edited 2015-12-18 02:15:38

    i'm surprised you haven't moved this to Personal yet

    as i stated in the edits to the OP and in another previous post, this is because i want it to be viewable by non-members
  • oh gosh why did i just get involved in that dispute
  • > walk into XSEED forums' thread about localization edits and censorship

    > walk out an hour later after writing an essay in response

    this is the nth time it's happened
  • feeling extra irritated at anti-censorship nuts

    the "burn the witch" types, basically
  • edited 2015-12-18 08:15:56
    i like a good story as much as the next person, but that doesn't mean i enjoy the internet blowing up with rustled jimmies over nearly-insignificant features being cut attempting to turn the issue into a holy war

    i'll care when a work is significantly affected
    not when you're missing tacky cosmetic options that wouldn't even make sense in character
  • don't give me the "first, they came for the [X]" bullshit
  • first, they came for the boobies, but I was more of an ass man, so I said nothing.
  • edited 2015-12-18 17:55:36
    > The Agreement also says that before 2025 countries should agree a new
    goal [for climate change mitigation and adaptation financing from rich countries to poor countries], with the current aspiration of US $100 billion per year as a

    the "don't be a dick; help your fellow humans already" fund
  • so it's like sans has chosen and (until you get to him) gotten away with making constitution his dump stat and beyond.  instead he invested heavily in dexterity and basically got bonuses at the cost of extra health, so that he could roll to dodge stuff that shouldn't even be dodgeable.  then he also invested in extra attacks, even at the cost of damage, and got an ability that lets his intimidate check get a bonus based on how many attacks he makes.

    and of course, an ability that lets him attack before initiative is rolled so that he actually gets to pump up his intimidate ability when the fight starts.

    the only weakness he has is when he changes the rules in order to not lose, which breaks down the turn system itself and allows the player to attack him in more than one phase, while he only dodges one attack phase.
  • i am not passing judgement on either the clinton campaign or the sanders campaign just yet

    i just found out about the spat today
  • i'm not sure how much there is to talk about
  • "What is COP21?"  [in 30 seconds or something like that]

    International climate change conference that happened in Paris in early December 2015.  World leaders as well as representatives of localities, states/provinces, civil groups, businesses, etc. came together and crafted a reasonably aggressive agreement aiming to limit global average temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius, and review their progress toward this goal every 5 years.

    The agreement produced is generally regarded as a success because it was put together by a lot of bottom-up agreements (from individual small groups making commitments) rather than top-down imposed demands (which characterized the deal from the Kyoto negotiations in 1997, whose resulting agreement is seen as ineffective).

    In the 18 years since Kyoto, people developed lots of new technology addressing greenhouse gas emissions and started implementing lots of policies to reduce these emissions, so now people around the world have lots more experience with them, so people are much more willing to get on board.

    Also, key is that it's no longer a tussle between developed and developing countries trying to pass off responsibilities to each other.  A bit of context for this includes China coming to the United States to announce its cap-and-trade program -- a policy idea that the US itself failed to realize over the past decade and a half.
  • okay that was a lot more than 30 seconds
  • edited 2015-12-19 03:01:57

    Goal: Up results-based funding for tropical forests

    Outcome: Inadequate

    The core concept of REDD+ is that rich countries pay tropical countries to keep their forests standing. But in the absence of an international carbon market, results-based finance from public budgets has been low, slow, and aidified. On the first day of the Paris conference Germany, Norway, and the UK announced around $1 billion a year through 2020 for tropical forests, maintaining funding at roughly the same level it has been for the last decade. On the final day, Norway announced it would continue its funding through 2030.

    Meanwhile other developed countries were missing in action. Australia announced a new initiative on forests without specifying a dollar figure. The United States, France, and Japan pledged no new finance at all, despite signing a statement recognizing “the essential role forests play in avoiding dangerous climate change.” All this underscores the importance of markets in which rich nations can purchase emission reductions from protecting tropical forests out of self-interest, not charity. Along with the new market mechanism of the United Nations mentioned above, California and the International Civil Aviation Organization should look to the forests to help them meet ambitious climate goals.

    See?  Japan is not the best country in the world.

  • GMail locks you out of your old e-mail accounts unless you give them a phone number.

    Don't keep your gmail accounts unmaintained for too long.
  • Open the door close
             the circuit
    Everybody geton thefloor ofthe mosh pit
  • edited 2015-12-19 16:59:50

    Open the door close
             the circuit
    Everybody geton thefloor ofthe mosh pit

    imagine that this is being recited repeatedly, at high speed, in a very rhythmic manner, by a team of soldiers in parade uniform
  • edited 2015-12-19 17:01:30
    As much as I love Pokémon, I don't want to get invested in another Pokémon game until they come out with a "Game of the Century" edition which includes the ability to get all the mons without dealing with time-limited official Nintendo events.
  • edited 2015-12-19 17:03:03
    how to know that one is a politics geek:

    given a list of major Florida cities, in a brochure that introduces them as interesting tourist destinations, one can't help but ask what is the Cook Partisan Voting Index of each city
  • my second thought after that is what are the major industries that form the economies of each city
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