The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    looking it up, he also made E4M1, and actually designed several Doom II levels, not just the one
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    the second Alice game did have some good lines

    and some nice music, though i like the 1st game's soundtrack better
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    E4M4 stands out to me because it's pitifully easy in an otherwise "expert-level" episode
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.'re right, though, he did E4M1. That one is brutal.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i think the levels in the original Alice were more fun, the ones in A:MR were much longer and more repetitive, and the items and combat were more conventional

    like in the first game, the items are really diverse; you have the knife, which is slow but costs nothing to use, and then you have various other gadgets that consume some stat, the blue gauge, i forget what it's called but it's basically magic, that all do totally different things, in terms of range, how the projectiles bounce, how much damage they inflict, whether the blast is harmful to Alice, etc. plus each has 2 functions which gave you more options.

    in the second you have the knife (which now functions like the sword in Zelda), you have the hobby-horse (Megaton hammer), you have the pepper grinder (sub-machine gun) and you have the teapot cannon (grenade launcher), and no blue gauge to worry about

    and in the first game the enemies would patrol certain areas and ambush you and you would need to be strategic and consider avoiding combat to conserve the blue gauge, whereas in the second often you get thrown into these extended fights with no indication of when they're going to finish and you just have to kill everything before you can move on (this was also an issue with Prince of Persia)

    so on the whole i would say the combat and items in the first game are better

    i may have posted these exact thoughts before in some form, idk, tired
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    this also made the second feel like less of a horror game, which is weird, because the story is a LOT darker, but the gameplay itself isn't nearly as tense
  • I believe I've heard Helloween4545 express almost that exact sentiment before.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    who's that?
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    tbf the second had better platforming

    but platforming and horror are not things i generally associate with one another
  • Tachyon said:

    tbf the second had better platforming

    but platforming and horror are not things i generally associate with one another

    clearly the words of a man who has never read a mario creepypasta
  • Tachyon said:

    who's that?

    British Lets Player

    to me, best known for his extremely done playthrough of bad horror FPS Cry of Fear.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    nobody ever calls me a man and i can't say i care for the label

    but, you're right, i don't think i have read a mario creepypasta
  • we could talk about Mario creepypasta

    but first we'd have to talk about parallel universes.
  • "clearly the words of a man who has never X" is a gender neutral sentence template in my brain for whatever reason, sorry
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    you were just making a joke, it's fine

    i would prefer not to be called a man, that's all
  • i understand, i was just saying that i kinda didnt remember that is all
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I tried making creepy Mario levels

    did I succeed? eh
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i liked the one where it went way, way above and beyond what you expect from a mario ghost house in terms of 'spooky' content

    and then at the end it goes "boo"

    that amused me
  • hm, I'm not sure I remember that one.

    Though I did only beat Black Candles once.

    I should stream BC sometime.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    oh, with the blood on the ceiling and all that. "Halls of Darkness".

    I thought that was okay.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    My dad is napping in my room and it is not good for my nerves at all.
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    I am genuinely confused as to how Mathas got onto the Roundtable. RLS works with NL a lot and they're good friends so that makes sense. Baer is presumably friends and brings a different take since he's more into mainstream stuff than, say, RLS.

    Wait no, Mathas has also played a lot of multiplayer games with NL, e.g. EU4, CK2, Blood Bowl. I guess I'm more mildly bothered by how out of place he always feels around three folks I like.
  • Mike is really good at networking, mostly.

    I don't mind him but I do find his overbearing cynicism kind of wearying at times, but I could say the same for Nick.
  • edited 2016-02-08 05:47:51
    Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    Well that makes sense, I can respect that.

    Mostly, overshadowing aside, we come from such different places it feels like that sometimes it's hard for me to get as invested. But that's on me.
  • i dont really watch/listen to the roundtables
  • they're marginally more serious than the rest of NL's stuff. Not usually by much unless they're discussing something super serious.

    my favorite part is still the Nick's Weird Games segment

    released only in Japan, published by Atlus, for the PS2, by a company that no longer exiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiists
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    People from Id Software I remember:

    John Carmack who was the ultra nerd and programming wiz.

    John Romero who was the rock star and face of the company and made Daikatana

    Sandy Petersen who has since moved into the TRPG industry and was the principle author of Call of Cthulhu the TRPG. Also a Mormon, which is pretty hilarious given the Doom moral panic.

    American McGee who see above
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    Tom Hall, because he created Commander Keen, who I should really use as an avatar sometime.
  • Eighteen years on this earth and I never thought to consider that "American McGee" was an actual person's name and not just part of a game's title.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    At least the PRC makes good TV.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Chinese folk music plus rock just makes so much sense.
  • Just finished The Last Of Us.

    The feels
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    The violent storm battering Britain, Storm Emoji.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Tom Hall left Id early in Doom's development because nobody agreed with him about which direction the game should take.

    It's kind of an interesting story, I think
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    American McGee's American McGee, starring American McGee. Produced by American McGee.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Things that actually exist: Chupa Chups scented candles.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.

    Tom Hall left Id early in Doom's development because nobody agreed with him about which direction the game should take.

    It's kind of an interesting story, I think

    I'm not sure I know the full story, but I'm pretty sure I'd agree with him.
  • today at goodwill: fake Louis Vuitton, Atlas Shrugged
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.

    Tom Hall left Id early in Doom's development because nobody agreed with him about which direction the game should take.

    It's kind of an interesting story, I think

    I'm not sure I know the full story, but I'm pretty sure I'd agree with him.
    He wanted it to have more of a story, with characters and cutscenes and objectives other than "blast your way to the next level".

    I personally do not agree, but whatever
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    This morning it was snowing. That was ok.

    Then it switched to rain. That was also ok.

    Now it's back to's not ok
    It's supposed to snow here overnight, and while it's not supposed to be much snow, I'm still not happy about it.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    While I understand consternation at having to drive in or shovel snow, the whole "I hate snow" attitude some people have irritates me, and the fact that some people in snowy climes have never built a snowman or had a snowball fight honestly baffles and disappoints me. What kind of lives have you been leading to find yourselves so ignominiously deprived?
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    While I understand consternation at having to drive in or shovel snow, the whole "I hate snow" attitude some people have irritates me, and the fact that some people in snowy climes have never built a snowman or had a snowball fight honestly baffles and disappoints me. What kind of lives have you been leading to find yourselves so ignominiously deprived?

    Don't get me wrong, I like snow. I didn't even particularly mind having to drive in it this morning.

    But if things don't clear up by rush hour, I'm in for a lot of pain on my drive home tonight. >_<
    I'm just old, is all :|
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Snow can go die in a fire
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    well, I suppose it would
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022


    I think it's broken
    Remember when I had that rare petabyte Nexus 7
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