You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
One of my problems with the prequels was that moments that should be tense really aren't because we've seen the characters' futures and know they survived
But I can't really blame Lucas for that because it's kind of inherent in a prequel
One of my problems with the prequels was that moments that should be tense really aren't because we've seen the characters' futures and know they survived
But I can't really blame Lucas for that because it's kind of inherent in a prequel
I getcha
I still was worried about him, though I shouldn't have been
So, for a close-up of the audience, we have costumed extras, often with insane amounts of detail going into costumes, but for a large shot, like the one above, what we are seeing is actually pegs.
The podrace should have been the equivalent of the "Jabba's Palace" part of Return of the Jedi. The highlight of the movie, the part that lets you get away with slacking off elsewhere because people are so blown away here.
I mean, it is the event that frees Anakin Skywalker from slavery, essentially setting into motion the entire series.
personally i really liked the idea of "there's like this ambient force that permeates all things that people have various levels of facility with due to like weird biological shit"
I think a lot of the hate was because people somehow thought it meant midichlorians made the Force, while the movie was trying to say that the Force is already there, and midichlorians are what allow us to connect to it. Or maybe even that midichlorians are attracted to the Force, but don't actually cause any connection on their own.
As far as a biological component to the Force... the OT allowed that foot in the door in the first place. "The Force is strong in my family"—implying the connection can be passed down, so there's some biological/genetic component.
They're aesthetically consistent with AT-ATs and such but like, they have such wispy frames
They don't look important or intimidating or anything
There's some scenes with them fighting in mass formations where I thought they were pretty intimidating. Basically, Zerg Rushing is all they're good for, and the movie didn't give them enough chances to do that.
But I can't really blame Lucas for that because it's kind of inherent in a prequel
personally i really liked the idea of "there's like this ambient force that permeates all things that people have various levels of facility with due to like weird biological shit"