The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Planet Jane, what is your opinion on Reggie Watts.

    If you have any.
  • Another thing that really gets to me is seeing people couch their negativity in moralistic strains. The anti-hype against Kill La Kill when it started is an example of that. That happens less often on HH than the excess and/or repetition, though.


    like semi-relatedly earlier on tumblr i complained about beyonce showing up on my dash a bunch due to a blog i somehow ended up unintentionally following and several people asked me what problematic thing beyonce had done that they were out of the loop on like somehow if you dislike a thing there has to be a moral reason to it as opposed to personal preference.
  • edited 2015-06-06 22:34:17
    Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    naney said: i dont mind people being negative every now and then, i mean it can be pretty fun to whine and pick holes in things for petty reasons and generally be a sour grump, but it's no fun when i check in early in the morning and there are like five bajillion posts and it's mostly just that, or when you get the same bit of complaining drilled into your head over and over and over
    it's like, in theory i dont mind hearing a beyonce song every once in a blue moon, hell i'd be fine with hearing a beyonce song every day
    but i would not want to go on a fifteen hour roadtrip with a bunch of beyonce stans whilst listening to beyonce the whole time
    you feel me?

    I feel you, yes, even if I again can't entirely sympathize. Like, the second I got that Math Nerds Suck, I stopped paying attention to that. I'm not under any more of an obligation to read those posts than anyone here is to read my posts. Which also strikes me as an exaggeration, anyway, barring the times people sporadically fixate on some subject.


    I suppose. I tend to avoid overly negative discussions for a reason: They're not worth it. Goes too well in hand with pointless cynicism, exaggerations, and incomplete and tedious chatter, among a slew of other junk. Just because they affect people does not mean I have to respond to, let alone even read, every viewpoint or all of the negative matter out there since they can all pretty easily flow back into various unified forms. This is even easier when the venues are mainstream, which can also easily be watered-down versions of more elaborate discourse elsewhere. I'm under no obligation to make myself unhappy, or bored.


    Video games, music, history, comics, anime, our own artistic goals I suppose, our history... especially like how we're all more or less familiar with each other, some of us for over 5 years? Not sure, I don't count that as very few, though I've also always seen as one large collective of people that basically enjoy each other's presence (through good and bad).


    I'm seeing excessive negativity, personally, I tend to assume it's a fault in what I'm viewing and requires adjustment. Much like how I basically ignored all Kill la Kill discussion months and months ago, if not entirely due to the backlash. Sure it still exists, but that's not necessarily directly relevant to me until I wish to discuss said negativity; until then I can do what I can to ignore excessive chatter after I've already gotten The Point.
  • Panurge said:

    Planet Jane, what is your opinion on Reggie Watts.

    If you have any.
    I don't know who / what that is.
  • Tachyon said:

    i am of the opinion that plot holes genuinely count as errors and lessen the overall quality of a work of fiction

    like take Moffat's approach to writing Doctor Who, he likes to craft these intricate puzzle boxes, but the actual success of the puzzle boxes generally depends on how logical and internally consistent they are

    plot holes don't kill a thing but if you're anal about the details it lets you pull off cool tricks like hiding foreshadowing in implict details and minor aspects of continuity

    Moffat can do this when he's on form, the plot of Doctor Who season 5 hinged on an apparent continuity flub that wasn't one

    and none of this is to say puzzle box writing is the best thing to aspire to, but once in a while it can be cool and satisfying and fun

    Bit of advice when looking at this: if the purpose of media is ultimately to make the world a better place and the viewer a better person (which is the least reductive possible way of looking at this really so please don't try to argue this. Tryinh to make people worse off/the same as they were really isn't a valid aim and I use the word "better" in a broad sense).

    Very few plot holes actually serve to make the morals of a story worse (eg no one is going to have their morals harmed by the plot holes of, say, The Dark Knight. Any problems have to be attributed to the more subtle thematic issues). And if they aren't noticeable enough to affect emotional impact then that's another capacity where it isn't really important. Plot holes are really more indicative of higher level problems like a lack of storytelling clarity.
  • I remember a person i followed on tumblr who referred to Kill la Kill only as The Bad Anime like it was fucking voldemort or some shit it was fucking crazy
  • image

    stop what you're doing there is now a ski mask cafe in Yume 2kki.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Panurge said:

    Planet Jane, what is your opinion on Reggie Watts.

    If you have any.

    I don't know who / what that is.

  • kex people dont always interact with media looking for the same things you are looking for and that is totally ok
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    plot holes that are so minor as to go unnoticed can be fun to spot

    it's like playing where's wally

    i don't really have much to say here, plot holes are not ZOMG the movie is ruined, they're just a bit sloppy imo
  • image

    stop what you're doing there is now a ski mask cafe in Yume 2kki.
    Damn Now That's What I Call Aesthetic
  • Panurge said:

    Panurge said:

    Planet Jane, what is your opinion on Reggie Watts.

    If you have any.

    I don't know who / what that is.

    I feel like there's something I'm not getting here.
  • I think "media should try to make people better" is absolutely the broadest approach and I don't see how it's even, like, possible to disagree with that statement. It seems like everyone just has a knee-jerk reaction to anyone making statements about the purpose of media and it makes these conversations really difficult to have in any productive capacity.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    any statement about THE PURPOSE OF MEDIA is something i instinctively want to argue with, but that would probably be no fun

    and apparently i am NOT ALLOWED because it only looks reductive

    so oh well
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    Panurge said:

    Panurge said:

    Planet Jane, what is your opinion on Reggie Watts.

    If you have any.

    I don't know who / what that is.

    I feel like there's something I'm not getting here.

    I feel like no one entirely gets the joke, with the possible exception of Reggie Watts
  • Kexruct said:

    I think "media should try to make people better" is absolutely the broadest approach and I don't see how it's even, like, possible to disagree with that statement. It seems like everyone just has a knee-jerk reaction to anyone making statements about the purpose of media and it makes these conversations really difficult to have in any productive capacity.

    No one here wants to have this conversation, is the thing you're not understanding.
  • edited 2015-06-06 22:38:28
    We can do anything if we do it together.
    Three quick things:
    naney said:

    I remember a person i followed on tumblr who referred to Kill la Kill only as The Bad Anime like it was fucking voldemort or some shit it was fucking crazy

    Is it wrong this just made me laugh?
    naney said:

    kex people dont always interact with media looking for the same things you are looking for and that is totally ok

    This is a lesson I have slowly been absorbing over the past year or two, so I can relate to Kex on that.

    Panurge said:

    Panurge said:

    Planet Jane, what is your opinion on Reggie Watts.

    If you have any.
    I don't know who / what that is.

    I feel like there's something I'm not getting here.
    How did you not know about Fuck Shit Stack before now?
  • kill living beings
    Son of Hype
  • Because I don't follow comedy in the slightest.

    The only comedian I'm familiar with that does rap-related stuff is Hannibal Buress.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i am tired

    How are you Imipolex G?
  • I am gonna knit a 8oo8 window sweater just watch me
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...


    Fine. Looked at pretty people earlier, played games, ate food, read, will read later, and I'm not sure what else.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I am also tired, from work.

    But I have a day off tomorrow at least.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.


    I'm pretty alright today.

    I'm at the house by myself and I'll be going to get myself some McDonalds in a little bit.
  • Three quick things:

    naney said:

    I remember a person i followed on tumblr who referred to Kill la Kill only as The Bad Anime like it was fucking voldemort or some shit it was fucking crazy

    Is it wrong this just made me laugh?
    it made me laugh fosho
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I had McDonald's today already

    by which I mean I ate the whole restaurant
  • I am........ tired. Work was 8usy which is good though since it was dead yesterday.

    Also I am plotting to knit a 8oo8 window sweater. Is that worth any Imipoints?
  • Yume 2kki update, found the anime protag factory

  • Yume 2kki update, found the anime protag factory

    this looks like it should have the pokemon center theme playing
  • Tachyon said:

    plot holes that are so minor as to go unnoticed can be fun to spot

    it's like playing where's wally

    i don't really have much to say here, plot holes are not ZOMG the movie is ruined, they're just a bit sloppy imo

    That's fair, but oftentimes they serve to ensure that more important things are focused on. Like the fucked up geography of Jurassic Park serves to heighten emotional effect so it is valid that they compromise continuity.
    Tachyon said:

    any statement about THE PURPOSE OF MEDIA is something i instinctively want to argue with, but that would probably be no fun

    and apparently i am NOT ALLOWED because it only looks reductive

    so oh well

    I am very familiar with this instinctive want to disagree with those kinds of statements , but for me it was a matter of realizing that, like, what's the point of disagreeing with them when they're that broad? Like I guess I could dedicate myself to making arbitrarily contrarian works like Hatred which are actively repugnant to no valid end at worst and masturabatory at best. But /why/ would I do that? "Try to make people better" is simply a much more useful place to start than treating media like it's a free for all.

    (Also the word reductive wasn't directed at you)

  • kill living beings
    never been
  • You know what's unrelated to this conversation?

    The Disney Channel. I'm visiting a godniece in the hospital and, frig, at some point, they stopped caring completely
  • outta my 8rain

    it is full of spiders

    8ig white ones

    like spidermom
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Kexruct said:

    Tachyon said:

    plot holes that are so minor as to go unnoticed can be fun to spot

    it's like playing where's wally

    i don't really have much to say here, plot holes are not ZOMG the movie is ruined, they're just a bit sloppy imo

    That's fair, but oftentimes they serve to ensure that more important things are focused on. Like the fucked up geography of Jurassic Park serves to heighten emotional effect so it is valid that they compromise continuity.

    well, that's potentially not an error then, is it?

    artistic license, like how the layout of the Overlook Hotel disorients the viewer
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    You know what's unrelated to this conversation?

    The Disney Channel. I'm visiting a godniece in the hospital and, frig, at some point, they stopped caring completely

    I think everyone but Cartoon Network stopped trying.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    Panurge said:

    You know what's unrelated to this conversation?

    The Disney Channel. I'm visiting a godniece in the hospital and, frig, at some point, they stopped caring completely

    I think everyone but Cartoon Network stopped trying.
    Disney still tries.

    They just shunted off all the shows that demonstrate actual effort to Disney XD.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    that said given the choice between making an internally consistent world which is constructed in such a way as to maximize the emotional effect of my story, and compromising the integrity of the world i have created in a way that i just hope nobody will notice because i think doing so will enhance the emotional effect of my story, well, i would generally go for the former

    i like stories to make sense on both a literal level and an emotional level, that just feels right to me
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    is it Disney Ex Dee or Disney [laughing emoticon]

    i was never sure
  • image

    this NPC is cool and rad

    should I take this to my thread idk if anyone cares
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Y'know when i write something i don't always intend to make anyone feel like anything

    sometimes i just write because i wanna write
  • My dreams exceed my real life



  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    oh no i'm doing the thing

    the thing i said i wouldn't do
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    American Pharoah would also be a good name for a rapper, I feel.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    oh nice!

    well done, Panurge

    and that horse
  • Panurge said:

    American Pharoah would also be a good name for a rapper, I feel.

    I feel like Pharoahe Monch would have something to say about that
  • Kexruct said:

    I think "media should try to make people better" is absolutely the broadest approach and I don't see how it's even, like, possible to disagree with that statement. It seems like everyone just has a knee-jerk reaction to anyone making statements about the purpose of media and it makes these conversations really difficult to have in any productive capacity.

    there is no purpose to media

    it just exists

    there is intention, but you can totally disregard that no problem

    have a book? you can read it, you can eat it, you can flip to a random page, point to a phrase at random and attempt to divine the future, you can take a movie, mute it and play inappropriate music over the sad bits, you can sit there obsessively counting all of the times it contradicts itself, you can smash a DVD into tiny pieces and use them to make a statue, you can take a VHS and splice together The Bad Sleep Well and Gone With The Wind, then sit around with your robot pals and make fun of it, there are no rules and there is no wrong way to do things.



  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Vriska said:

    I am........ tired. Work was 8usy which is good though since it was dead yesterday.

    Also I am plotting to knit a 8oo8 window sweater. Is that worth any Imipoints?
    yes, that is worth 8 Imipoints
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