


  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    And he objected to people comparing things like otherkin to trans people.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i mean he wanted to introduce a flat tax across the country and thought privilege was a fallacious buzzword and hated trade unions

    but i don't think any of it stemmed from actual bigotry, just an obsession with 'keeping things simple' and the notion that the government should butt out of the market

    honestly by fundie republican standards he was positively liberal, tho he'd probably hate me for saying so
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    on the other hand he also said stuff like that reintroducing the draft would get ideas like otherkin out of the youth's heads
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    confound those youth with their silly notions
  • his hatred of otherkin was honestly the most ridiculous thing

    like that tier of hatred is normally reserved for people who axe-murdered your parents
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    There would totally have been otherkin hippies if the idea had existed at the time of the Vietnam war.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    This is the dawning of the age of aquarius, and spiritually speaking, I'm a hobbit.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    tbh i never got that impression, mostly it just seemed like he was taking the mick

    sometimes he would go overboard, it's true
  • people constantly exaggerate their hate for things on the internet and i always assume that kind of vitriol is exaggeration for comic effect

    that doesnt mean it is always okay but it is best to take statements made on the internet with an entire big ass rock of salt
  • it might have been but with him it was really hard to tell
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    enough about the corporal, more about DRUGS
  • drugs? well anyone who read me posting on friday night will be aware that i did a thing

    i dont know if anyone is interested more specifically in the experience since at the time i dont think i said much more than 'its really good guys' with 5 exclamation marks on the end. i got it in powder form about 200mg which i swallowed. took about half an hour to kick in, which started as a tingly feeling in my feet and head and quite quickly became a feeling something like the goosebump feeling you get in the back of your neck from a good bit of music, except much more intense and all over my body. round about when that hit its peak i couldn't really see properly either, like everything was vibrating really fast. the visual thing went fairly quick though. md makes you feel very happy about... well everything, especially other people. it's like impossible to see anything but positive things about people. also cuddling or any body contact feels incredible. smoking weed is also very good on it. the effects lasted quite a long time, i was feeling it still the next morning for quite a while and i still kinda feel residually happy now

    the negatives... not much really? i was clenching my jaw a lot so my jaw hurt. also i had been drinking and it made my hangover the next morning seem quite a bit worse than it should have, but thats the fault of the alcohol. and i couldnt get to sleep for a long time on it, but that isnt supposed to be a thing on md, so it probably had some speed in it as well (this is fairly common.) it was good fun and i will probably do it again though its not good to do it more than once in a month so u have to wait a bit. thats my story
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