Talkin about Tumblrs, man



  • edited 2012-11-22 15:00:03
    It's 4:20 somewhere.
    I just decide to count being able to observe crazy people as a positive thing. It's entertaining, and I think you can learn from it.

    Of course, it does discourage me from doing much besides lurking periodically.
  • Anyway, regarding "appropriating other cultures", why the fuck shouldn't anyone dress up in a kimono if they want to? 

    It makes you look like an idiot, generally. Unless you have some good reason (eg. you're going to a culture festival or something).
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    Anyway, regarding "appropriating other cultures", why the fuck shouldn't anyone dress up in a kimono if they want to? 

    It makes you look like an idiot, generally. Unless you have some good reason (eg. you're going to a culture festival or something).
    No, I don't see it that way. If a person wants to dress up in a kimono then I don't see what the deal is.  There's nothing we do every second of the day that someone else somewhere doesn't think is idiotic. 
  • *shrug*

    If you have a kimono and want to wear it, that's your deal. I'm just saying that I think a lot of people would find it dumb.

    I'm not sure I'd personally care, I suppose I wasn't really clear about that.

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Finding it dumb is one thing, getting all offended over it (especially on the behalf of a culture and people you're not a part of) is just stupid
  • Oh, no doubt.

    I'm just saying, a lot of people will see a white person wearing a kimono and just think "weaboo".

    I'm not saying that's necessarily right.

    Sorry I'm kinda half asleep here.

  • I got a Tum8lr 8ecause I figured I'd end up re8logging Homestuck art and stuff since a lot of the art I'd seen on the now-defunct Skaianet image 8oard had Tum8lr as sources. That and several other tropers and ex-tropers I talked to had tumblrs.

    Then I started roleplaying on there.

    And attempt to avoid the social justice stuff. Sometimes I'll look at a couple of the 8logs if they've got something that's actually educational on there as opposed to harassing some teenage girl who had the audacity to post a picture of herself with a sticker 8indi on or something, 8ut it is not something I want to get into de88s (debates) over, I have no interest in "collecting": people or whatever, I really just want to rp and look at Homestuck (and other fandom) stuff and cute pictures of animals and the occasional funny text post.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    I got a Tumblr for reblogging cute, funny and horror related stuff.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I got a Tumblr for no reason.

    No, literally. I was like "hey, Tumblr exists; I don't know what it is but I'm gonna sign up for it anyway."
  • edited 2012-11-22 19:42:24
    I got a Tumblr because I have Views that I felt I share. Then I got embarrassed because my Views were stupid so I deleted everything.
  • Actually, the cultural appropriation stuff comes up much more often with Native American stuff.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    Actually, the cultural appropriation stuff comes up much more often with Native American stuff.

    I have an article written by a Sioux nations member around here somewhere (in fact I think I posted a snippet of it here earlier) where he tells all these SJ types to fuck off, stop getting offended on his people's behalf. For instance, more than a few Indian mascots for schools and universities were put in place only after the express permission of the tribe because they felt honored by it. The reason those names were chosen was because they are a warrior culture and they're very proud of this.

    Fun fact: A lot of Native American/Aboroginals in the United States Marines come directly from Canada because it's one of the few ways their tribe will let them earn a warrior feather. 
  • edited 2012-11-22 20:42:24
    Yeah, I saw you quote that somewhere on this forum (in this very thread, probably).

    Also, apparently, some Thanksgiving football game involves the Redskins vs. the Cowboys, which does not please the Tumblr masses for obvious reasons.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    You should tell them that the Redskins and the Cowboys have a longstanding rivalry and play twice every year
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    I want to draw a cartoon of an angry tumblr person yelling at a Native American all CAN'T YOU SEE I'M GETTING ALL WORKED UP AND BENT OUT OF SHAPE ON YOUR BEHALF WHY AREN'T YOU THANKING ME

    but politics are the dark side of cartooning and Yoda warned us about that shit
  • LWLW
    edited 2012-11-22 21:04:46

    Thanks a bunch for the responses. I liked reading about all of that for some reason.

    This is probably just stating the obvious, but it sounds to me like a lot of the Heapers who made a Tumblr thought it was pretty useful as a way to express themselves and connect with/discover people and stuff they found interesting. For the people who agree with that, why go for a Tumblr over a normal blog some place else?

    Central Avenue,
    I got a Tumblr for no reason.

    No, literally. I was like "hey, Tumblr exists; I don't know what it is but I'm gonna sign up for it anyway."

    Not to be super blunt, but do you think it has been worth it so far?

    I got a Tumblr because I have Views that I felt I share. Then I got embarrassed because my Views were stupid so I deleted everything.

    If you feel comfortable talking about this stuff, I am kind of interested in hearing more about why you made that decision.

    I guess I mostly say that because I have heard some people say that making a Tumblr is pretty unnecessary (if not actually just being ego-stroking), at least if you lack some special talent to show or insightful comments to share. I am not saying that is true, but seeing as some people here have Tumblrs and actually like them, I was wondering what people thought about that kind of criticism.
  • we will make you an honorary member of our tribe

    your name shall be Yells-at-Nothing

  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I'm not sure what exactly the appeal of Tumblr is to's a nice place to sperg about stuff, and the "social network" element of it is admittedly kinda fun...the website's mechanics are kinda broken (their PM system, "Fan Mail", only works with people who you've followed for at least two weeks, and you can't view sent Fan Mail, and you can't search for multiple tags, for instance).
    Yeah, the Redskins thing has been a point of controversy since before whoever founded Tumblr was even born. I believe it first came up in the 1970s.
  • @Louie: Oh, yeah, I made mine to connect with old TVT people for the most part.
  • edited 2012-11-22 21:36:41

    Honestly, I mainly deleted my stuff because I get embarrassed easily.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    LouieUU said:

    Not to be super blunt, but do you think it has been worth it so far?

    Oh, definitely. SJ craziness aside, it's definitely been a nice way to keep in touch with friends I made back on TVT, now that I've left that site. It's also fun if you're into fandom stuff, or just want to look at blogs that spam things you like.
  • LouieUU said:

    If it is alright for me to ask this, for those who have Tumblrs, why did you decide to get one and do you think having one has been worthwhile?

    Got mine early this year or late last year.

    Function has changed from null to glorified bookmark keeper to a sort of liaison between my internet life and my meatspace life. It's the only place where RL friends and Heaper friends coexist, and I enjoy the existence of their coexistence.

    As far as SJ's concerned, it practically doesn't exist. I follow one SJ blog, one that focuses on prejudice as applied to MLP, but I feel that it doesn't go overboard like other blogs do. It mainly points out bronies who get their jimmies rustled whenever someone's drawn as black, with the occasional commentary about whether or not Derpy's offensive. Besides that, it simply doesn't show up on my dash.
  • LWLW
    edited 2012-11-23 18:03:23

    Central Avenue,
    Oh, definitely. SJ craziness aside, it's definitely been a nice way to keep in touch with friends I made back on TVT, now that I've left that site. It's also fun if you're into fandom stuff, or just want to look at blogs that spam things you like.

    That makes sense. It is is sort of neat (to me anyway) that people can get a lot out of something like a Tumblr, even if they use it in a bunch of different ways.

    Function has changed from null to glorified bookmark keeper to a sort of liaison between my internet life and my meatspace life. It's the only place where RL friends and Heaper friends coexist, and I enjoy the existence of their coexistence.

    Do you ever have issues with that real life/online friends overlap? I guess having them commingle is not super tough if you pretty much act the same around both. Either way, I would be interested to hear how you handle it.

    Feel free to correct me if I am wrong here, but from what people have been saying, it sounds like the Tumblr Social Justice stuff, while annoying, is largely avoidable if it bothers you. If so, does the criticism Tumblr gets for SJ shenanigans affect how you use it?

    Anywho, thanks for the replies. I hope the boatload of questions did not bother anyone. I am not really out to rag on people for having a Tumblr or not having one, I just thought that people here might have some worthwhile stuff to say about them.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    The most "social justice" stuff I get is from Yarrun and it doesn't bother me because it's not overzealous/overly self-righteous bullshit...

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    All the social justice stuff I've seen has just sort of floated onto my dash after making the re-blog rounds from other people. I think I mostly get the sort of parody of sjb posts stuff.

    Either way, it seems like it's pretty easy to avoid if you don't actively go looking for it.
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
    The only good thing about tumblr is the BDSM stuff


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    I added the CSS needed so I can do colors when I post fan-fics and stuff.

    good times.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    Not sure it'll show up that way on anypony's Dashboard, though...

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Probably not. It doesn't even shop up that way on MY dashboard, but it works if you click the post.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Gonna post this here because Tumblr was a large part of this giant meltdown.

    Note: Bard College is a private university where tuition alone, per semester, is $25,000. Most students who attend a state university in Texas spend about this much attending school full-time for four years. This is a very well-to-do institution that, much like Hogwarts, is wholly separate from the real world. 

  • edited 2012-11-24 15:46:20
    Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    What's that?
    here's a tl;dr: 

    1. someone found a small penciled graffiti of a swastika on a desk or something
    2. everyone immediately assumes it was done by the right-wing guy on campus
    3. right-wing guy on campus then hangs up leaflets asking about the value of 'diversity', which questioned how the concept of diversity magically fixes everything. Race, sexuality, culture, etc are never mentioned, he just wants to know why diversity is being pushed so hard instead of everyone realizing that they're all pretty much the same. 
    4. half the student body sees this for what it is, the other half take it as a declaration of a race war, have immediate meltdown, corner said right-wing student and physically threaten him
    5. campus meltdown, big meeting called, students crying and screaming for their safety on a $50,000 to $75,000 a year campus
    6. 4chon (a right-wing variant of 4chan) sees this and does what any chan does which leads to ->
    7. black helicopters, mass hysteria, dogs and cats living with each other (but only in the vicinity of Bard college.) Students start screencapping 4chon as "proof" that the race war is well on its way to Bard and everyone is doomed. FBI is called in from their busy schedule of busting art thieves, CIA notified, hell NCIS probably got pulled off of a domestic squabble for this earth-shattering calamity
    8. right-wing student withdraws, the world is safe once again 

  • What's that?
    here's a tl;dr: 

    1. someone found a small penciled graffiti of a swastika on a desk or something
    2. everyone immediately assumes it was done buy the right-wing guy on campus
    3. right-wing guy on campus then hangs up leaflets asking about the value of 'diversity', which questioned how the concept of diversity magically fixes everything. Race, sexuality, culture, etc are never mentioned, he just wants to know why diversity is being pushed so hard instead of everyone realizing that they're all pretty much the same. 
    4. half the student body sees this for what it is, the other half take it as a declaration of a race war, have immediate meltdown, corner said right-wing student and physically threaten him
    5. campus meltdown, big meeting called, students crying and screaming for their safety on a $50,000 to $75,000 a year campus
    6. 4chon (a right-wing variant of 4chan) sees this and does what any chan does which leads to ->
    7. black helicopters, mass hysteria, dogs and cats living with each other (but only in the vicinity of Bard college.) Students start screencapping 4chon as "proof" that the race war is well on its way to Bard and everyone is doomed. FBI is called in from their busy schedule of busting art thieves, CIA notified, hell NCIS probably got pulled off of a domestic squabble for this earth-shattering calamity
    8. right-wing student withdraws, the world is safe once again 

    Oh, I thought this was something you experienced or something like that. I actually did read it. And why would a right-wing version of 4chan exist, even? I mean, call me biased, but I tend to be wary of right-wing alternatives to things.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    And why would a right-wing version of 4chan exist, even? I mean, call me biased, but I tend to be wary of right-wing alternatives to things.
    I'm speaking from my own point of view here -- whenever I've seen a community, a forum, whatever appear; once it hits a certain size and over an amount of time it eventually splits up and off. This is especially true for rather chaotic ones like 4chan where at the beginning, it's "everything goes" (within legality, of course) and that never lasts, especially in regards to politics. 
  • ..although, to be fair, it's generally conservatives that feel the need to create an alternative to something. I imagine that if there was a liberal alternative to something I wouldn't like it either.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Kexruct said:

    ..although, to be fair, it's generally conservatives that feel the need to create an alternative to something.

    This isn't true at all. Everything on the face of this earth that is considered either a culture, lifestyle, religion or philosophy has done this. You don't even have to look very hard to see this sort of thing. 
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Did you know that there is both a hyper-liberal and hyper-conservative alternative to SA? Most people on SA don't!
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Odradek said:

    Did you know that there is both a hyper-liberal and hyper-conservative alternative to SA? Most people on SA don't!

    That's because you get banned if you mention them.

    Also they did come together as one over the whole Grover event. 
  • Kexruct said:

    ..although, to be fair, it's generally conservatives that feel the need to create an alternative to something.

    This isn't true at all. Everything on the face of this earth that is considered either a culture, lifestyle, religion or philosophy has done this. You don't even have to look very hard to see this sort of thing. 
    I'm talking mainly about popular culture, and I'm also talking mainly about the more famous examples like Conservapedia and whatnot. It wasn't intended as a jab against conservatives.
  • Conservapedia is about as representative of actual conservative views as Micheal Moore's movies are of actual liberal ones.

    Also that sounds pretty fucktarded. That list I mean.


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis


    ok, i am fully sick of this shit, dictionaries are not sparkly magical oases of unbiased truth, utterly untouched by racism or political agenda

    whose political agenda exactly? here, lemme show you. i took five minutes to search for the creators and current owners of merriam-webster and the oxford dictionary and this is what i got


    noah webster, wrote the first webster’s. did you also know he was a hardxcore american nationalist and christian who thought the written word was explicitly a tool that needed to be used tocontrol public dissent and individualism which he considered to be badwrong? LOOK IT UP, SHITDICK

    oh but who owns it now? well websters became merriam-websters which is a subsidiary of encyclopaedia britannica inc. currently, but here are just some of the white dudes who owned the rights to webster’s shit along the way


    hello richard warren sears, yes THAT sears, you are looking particular white and rich


    senator william benton, yale graduate, founder of benton & bowles advertising company! rockin that rich whiteness


    jacqui safra! member of the famous safra banking family, current owner of encyclopaedia britannica, and merriam-webster and spring mountain vineyard, friend of woody allen and financer of EIGHT of his films. how deliciously white and rich you smell.

    here is a small sample of the white dudes that collabed on oxford dictionary originally, archbishop trench, herbert coleridge, frederick james furnivall and sir james murray by this point i was 500% done with reading biographies on boring white dudes doing boring white dude things so instead let’s just all bask in how boring and white they are


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis


    for added fun the wiki article on the oxford dictionary has a whole section on criticisms that basically outlines exactly the fucking problem here

    Despite its claim of authority[5] on the English language, the Oxford English Dictionary has been criticised from various angles. It has become a target precisely because of its massiveness, its claims to authority, and above all its influence. In his review of the 1982 supplement, University of Oxford linguist Roy Harris writes that criticizing the OED is extremely difficult because “one is dealing not just with a dictionary but with a national institution”, one that “has become, like the English monarchy, virtually immune from criticism in principle”.[30]:935 Harris also criticises what he sees as the “black-and-white lexicography” of the Dictionary, by which he means its reliance upon printed language over spoken—and then only privileged forms of printing. He further notes that, while neologisms from respected “literary” authors such as Samuel Beckett and Virginia Woolf are included, usage of words in newspapers or other, less “respectable”, sources hold less sway, although they may be commonly used.[30]:935 


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis

    He writes that the OED’s “[b]lack-and-white lexicography is also black-and-white in that it takes upon itself to pronounce authoritatively on the rights and wrongs of usage”,[30]:935 faulting the Dictionary’s prescriptive, rather than descriptive, usage. To Harris, this prescriptive classification of certain usages as “erroneous” and the complete omission of various forms and usages cumulatively represent the “social bias[es]” of the (presumably well-educated and wealthy) compilers.[30]:936

    so basically, fuck you, you fucking fuck, if you trot out a dictionary definition as proof of racism against white people cuz THE DICTIONARY SAYS that racism is defined only as “racial prejudice or discrimination” (merriam-webster) or “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race” (oxford).

    well guess the fuck what.




  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Justice42 said:


    this ^^^^
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast

    Conservapedia is about as representative of actual conservative views as Micheal Moore's movies are of actual liberal ones.

    Also that sounds pretty fucktarded. That list I mean.

    You mean that Conservapedia isn't just a bunch of people taking the piss out of Schlafly?

    Well blow me down.
  • @Forsythe: ...Sheeit, I actually reblogged that Noah thing.

    Well, at least it's deleted now.
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