Talkin about Tumblrs, man



  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    One other thing that from all of this I find funny: the one phrase on every protesting student's lips was "I don't feel safe."  Again, this at a very expensive, secure private university.  And these are the same types to always denounce "privilege" when given the chance. 
  • I'm not even sure I understand what was being protested.

    I went to a high school where calls of "White power!" were often shouted and met and responded to between classes amongst various students who were dead serious about that phrase, and I've seen so many scribbled swastikas in my life I'm desensitized to them.

    What's the deal here?

  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
    It looks like some Chinese whispering to me.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    SJWs ruin everything.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    I'm not even sure I understand what was being protested.

    I went to a high school where calls of "White power!" were often shouted and met and responded to between classes amongst various students who were dead serious about that phrase, and I've seen so many scribbled swastikas in my life I'm desensitized to them.

    What's the deal here?

    It would be easy to say that it's all of them being rich, pampered and stupid but throughout history people have showed this disturbing tendency to fall into mob mentality. I think that's what happened here. 
  • Conservapedia is about as representative of actual conservative views as Micheal Moore's movies are of actual liberal ones.

    Oh no, please don't get me wrong. I never intended to indicate that Conservapedia accurately depicts conservatives.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    Note all the stuff she's discussing as if they're capital offense-level crimes ("they're POSTING PICTURES OF HIM!") are nothing unusual to 4chan/chon's daily routine. Note the hashtags too. 

    Hell, look at the "proof",  screenshot from an anonymous image board.  

    Anyway if you haven't already guessed, Rohan was never in any danger at all. 


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    I've decided Tumblr shall where I post the weird stuff I make.

    Like this:


    I've made three of those today...

    Honestly? Kinda a waste of time considering I think putting that hat and Hawaiian outfit on Clubs Deuce is about as good as I'm going to get.
  • I'm amazed at how un-self-aware some are.

    The luxury of being able to be offended at whatever strikes you as vaguely prejudiced is itself the result of growing up in the same privileged environment that these people so often decry.


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    I learned that the hashtag pages will only support like three entries of your stuff on the main page.

    This makes a great deal of sense to me considering about half the Marchingstuck page would be full of my random sprite comics.
    Yeah, the person complaining about English is always welcome to, y'know, learn some super-obscure Amazon language in order to counteract their feels...just don't get mad when no one can understand you. 

    In other words, 

  • edited 2012-11-25 18:11:44

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    They'd probably be labeled a "culture appropriator" for their attempt and be thrown in social justice Tumblr jail.
  • It's 4:20 somewhere.
    I had a whole thing typed up about dictionaries, but I think it was getting too long to be both coherent and interesting.

    Basically I wanted to say that dictionaries aren't perfect representations of language and shouldn't be expected to be, but they are generally accurate enough to serve as a good authority on the standard variety of the language for the purposes of a layperson. If your definition is not in the dictionary, it's not an absolute indicator of the illegitimacy of the definition, but it can be taken as a clue that your definition is presently outside of standard usage and is not guaranteed to be understood by strangers.

    There certainly are plenty of situations where a certain idea needs to be attached to a word or a term in order to facilitate discussion. But in order to do that, it's much better to establish the context that word will be used in for that discussion rather than asserting that the definition that you would rather people use is the "true" definition.
  • edited 2012-11-26 00:39:37
    Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    ^I just typed up something similar to add to the little knowledge base on my website. It's about the "tone argument" from earlier. 

    From the source (here):

    The tone argument is where you object to someone else’s argument based on its tone: it is too angry, too hateful, not calm enough, not nice enough, etc. It is a logical fallacy because none of those things has anything to do with whether the truth was spoken. It is used to derail and silence.

    The privileged use it against the marginalized. This post looks at one case of that: white racists in America using it against blacks when talking about racism.

    The whites who use it have no interest whatsoever in what you have to say – no matter what your tone. The tone thing is just to shut you up and dismiss you as an unreasonable person. What you said made them feel uncomfortable and tone is an excuse not to deal with it seriously.

    The "tone argument" is an specious argumentative tactic parading as a logical fallacy that attempts to supersede the accepted rules of engagement for a debate or argument. This is currently a favorite gambit of the on-line, chaotic social justice movement to preemptively or immediately gain the upper hand in any debate or discussion. It is also one of the more egregious examples of the social justice movement's attempt to wrap one of their many spurious notions in the guise of science and logic. 

    If this sounds novel, it is of a sort. It was born of a certain necessity due to the advent of online communication. In the real world, there's two styles of argument: the civil debate and the shouting match. The civil debate relies on a figurative talking stick to be passed around, while the shouting match suffers no such formalities. Verbally bombarding someone into acquiescence or silence is the vehicle of this approach, as intimidation is main driving force of this method. This aggressive form of "debate" is such that it often rattles the other participant, especially if more than one person is involved against them. 

    While the civil debate transitions to the internet with little problem, not such the case for the shouting match, especially in the case of internet forums and social networking sites which inherently level the entire playing field for everybody. No matter the type of argument, the participant who chooses to maintain civility has all the time in the world to compose a rational reply, request that the debate be of a civilized manner, or simply ignore their cacophonous opponent and move on to someone else who will. For the type of person whose only course in a debate is employing overbearing volume and crude language and/or antics to silence their opponent, this leaves them at a critical disadvantage -- and rightly so. Intimidation has no place in the pursuit of the truth. 

    So the need arises to handicap the opposition before the discussion has even begun, and what better way to do it than to appeal to their guilt? The premise behind crying "tone argument" is thus: the people who demand civility are really just trying to silence their poor counterpart. Race, sexuality, gender, and other factors -- as we see above -- are dragged in to bolster this playing-the-victim ploy. The foundation of this entire concept is based on pure speculation and an appeal to emotion (a true fallacy, by the way), far away from anything resembling logic or science -- and then they have the nerve to accuse the one walking away of a logical fallacy! 
    The minimal requirement for a logical fallacy to be a logical fallacy is a claim to a truth or falsehood must be involved. The "tone argument" never has a chance to arrive at that junction. It's simply a refusal by one party to debate with another. A fallacy is an illogical end to an argument, and a fallacy can't act as an end to something that never began in the first place. 

    Logic is not a game of win or lose. It's a process used to arrive at a truth or falsehood. If one side of the debate isn't cooperative, that doesn't mean something becomes true or false due to forfeit. Race, gender, sexuality, and other social matters have never been nor will ever be a factor in this simple process. 
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.


    hahahaha damn

    you win the thread
  • The sadness will last forever.


    Okay, as critical as I am of SJs, this has to be a parody.
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    RolandVerliden said:Okay, as critical as I am of SJs, this has to be a parody.

    That's the problem. You can
    never tell. 
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit

    Given the title, I am 95% this one is a joke.

  • edited 2012-11-25 21:56:50
    Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    this witch hunt shit is just fucking incredible
  • Kankri, Kankri everywhere.
  • image

    this witch hunt shit is just fucking incredible
    Well, a white person with dreads is trashy, but...
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.


    this witch hunt shit is just fucking incredible
    Well, a white person with dreads is trashy, but...
    it's just a hairstyle, and a practical one for that matter (letting the natural oils maintain the scalp and hair instead or something like that)

    hell my mom has even thought about getting dreads. guess I better call and tell her to check her privilege

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Vriska said:

    Kankri, Kankri everywhere.

  • image

    this witch hunt shit is just fucking incredible
    Well, a white person with dreads is trashy, but...
    it's just a hairstyle, and a practical one for that matter (letting the natural oils maintain the scalp and hair instead or something like that)

    hell my mom has even thought about getting dreads. guess I better call and tell her to check her privilege
  • hell my mom has even thought about getting dreads.

    Should pick up a fedora while she's at it.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I like fedoras :/

    but I don't think I'd wear one...

    anyway, murder spirals

    unless rotini tends to have eggs in it did they think it was funny to suggest that plant-based food is murder
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    is it okay to wear one if you match it with something that isn't casual
  • You have to do it well.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    You have to have a certain look beyond the correct clothing ensemble to rock a fedora

    for one, doesn't matter if you're Goony McScragglyneckbeard or ZZ Top, you can't rock facial hair with a fedora (I'm just kidding on ZZ Top, they're the sole exception)

    it helps if you're over 35 at the very least 

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    I'm already on page 8 of this thing and haven't seen one thing close to a "yes"
  • image

    this witch hunt shit is just fucking incredible

    oh shit, someone call Yellowman and tell him his entire career is invalid.

    Or does he not count cuz he's Albino rather than white?

  • edited 2012-11-26 00:37:25
    Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    I just remembered someone who can rock a fedora and isn't Humphrey Bogart:


    I worked for Bobby here a few years after high school and before I did that year of truck driving and off to the Marines. He's a jazz/big band act and he's fucking awesome at it too. 

    He can (edit) rock a fedora. 
  • fedora fedora fedora

    fedora? fedora.



  • Tumblrites really like complaining, don't they? It's always "waaah you don't make up stupid crap to identify as and that offends me everyone should change for meeeeeeee" or "pffft. I am obviously better than some other person for some arbitrary reason. Look at how cool and snarky I am."
  • I was informed the other day that Anne Beeche does this shit now.

    I don't think there's a word for how not-surprised I was.

  • I like Anne Beeche.
  • I think it helps to remember that the overwhelming majority of SJWs are otherwise well meaning people who are caught up in the fact that Tumblr is a community of enablers.
  • I think it keeps me awake at night how people manage to live like this.

    Whatever, though.

  • Speaking of tumblrs, I like the various rapgif ones.


  • I really doubt it's a lifestyle the way everyone acts like it is. Everyone's negative traits are amplified on the internet.
  • This is random, but another reason I really hate made-up pronouns is that, as a Deaf person, they make my life exponentially more complicated. I speak well, but it’s humiliating for me to stumble over “thon” and “ze” and “hir,” and I have no fucking clue what you’re saying when I read your lips. We don’t cover that shit in speech therapy! There also aren’t signs for those, and if you think I’m going to take the time to fingerspell your goddamn pronouns you are insane, not to mention I haven’t met a person who uses those pronouns who signs more than a few letters. (Really? You’re going to insist I modify my language when you won’t modify yours?) When someone says “My preferred pronouns are…” I just interpret it as “This doesn’t matter because we aren’t going to be friends.” 
    tl;dr CHECK YO PRIV 

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    This is random, but another reason I really hate made-up pronouns is that, as a Deaf person, they make my life exponentially more complicated. I speak well, but it’s humiliating for me to stumble over “thon” and “ze” and “hir,” and I have no fucking clue what you’re saying when I read your lips. We don’t cover that shit in speech therapy! There also aren’t signs for those, and if you think I’m going to take the time to fingerspell your goddamn pronouns you are insane, not to mention I haven’t met a person who uses those pronouns who signs more than a few letters. (Really? You’re going to insist I modify my language when you won’t modify yours?) When someone says “My preferred pronouns are…” I just interpret it as “This doesn’t matter because we aren’t going to be friends.” 
    tl;dr CHECK YO PRIV 


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