The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Please quote things in boxes with appropriate attribution so that I don't have to look up what you're talking about every single time. I don't like giving these people website traffic, and neither should you, but you seem to insist on it.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Okay that's fair.
  • The Alex Jones conspiracy fringe also borrows heavily from Lyndon LaRouche

    As you probably know, Mr. LaRouche is this person who has started his own political party, and wishes to take over the country, which troubles many people because his views are somewhat unorthodox. (What I mean, of course, is that he is as crazy as a bedbug. Where you have a brain, Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr. has a Whack-a-Mole game. But I am not about to state this in print, as I do not wish to have his ardent followers place poison snakes in my sock drawer.)

    Those of you who are frequent airline travelers are no doubt already familiar with Mr. LaRouche's views, because they are displayed on posters attached to card tables at most major airports. Somehow, a year or so ago, the LaRouche people managed to get the lucrative Airport Lunatic concession away from the Moonies. What I suspect happened is that one day, on a prearranged signal, the LaRouche people sneaked up behind the Moonies and strangled them with their own little book bags, probably in full view of thousands of air travelers, who of course would not have objected. Many of them probably helped out by whapping the Moonies with their carry-on luggage. I know I would have.

    But, now, two of Mr. LaRouche's ardent followers have won the Illinois Democratic primary nominations for secretary of state and lieutenant governor. This has caused massive nationwide anxiety because of the unorthodoxy of their views, which, as far as we have been able to tell, involve shooting Jane Fonda with a laser beam from space. Not that I personally see anything wrong with these views! No sir! I don't even have a sock drawer!

    But we do have to ask ourselves if we truly can afford, as a nation, to elect crazy people to a vital state office such as lieutenant governor, which involves weighty responsibilities such as wearing a suit and phoning the governor every day to see if he's dead. Because mark my words, if these people win in Illinois, they'll go after higher and higher offices, until some day - I do not wish to alarm you, but we must be aware of the danger - we could have a situation where our top national leaders are going around babbling about laser beams from space. So I am calling on you Illinois voters to come to your senses before the general election, and take responsible citizen action in the form of moving to a more intelligent state. This is the perfect time to do so, thanks to declining oil prices.
  • Jane Fonda Space Laser 2029
  • New Years Resolutions

    Are So Pase
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    I will say for the latter quote that LaRouche is, in fact, a fascist. The Southern Poverty Law Center has tabs on his organisation, if I am not mistaken. And many of the more stuck up Internet Marxists—who are really just continuing a tradition that goes back to Militant Labour if not further—do have this gross authoritarian streak underneath their system-smashing rhetoric that bears an uncanny resemblance to Internet Fascists.
  • I Write Lyndon LaRouche/Donald Trump Slashfic, Welcome To The New American Century Bitch
  • a strong American military equipped to meet the challenges of the 21st century
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    John Steppling is mostly angry at people who are more popular than he is on the grounds of not being angry out of touch old white men who write embarassingly unedited rants.
  • Jane Fonda Space Laser 2029

    West Europe midnight, circling over land
  • John Steppling is mostly angry at people who are more popular than he is on the grounds of not being angry out of touch old white men who write embarassingly unedited rants.

    then he must be incredibly angry at every single human being on the planet because nobody on earth knows who he is
  • his moustache is shit
  • savage i know, but true
  • he looks like that Parks and Rec character that i hate
  • you know, i really have exactly the opposite of a soft spot in my heart for comedy
  • image

    le epic meat meme mustachioed man
  • "bangers", i draw a chart, everyone is dead silent, i turn around, the test audience is screaming
  • apparently everyone here is really angry again so I'm going to go do something else
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • kill living beings
    i remember a larouche booth set up in front of my post office. they had posters saying to nationalize BP and that obama was hitler and should be impeached
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    Jane said:

    apparently everyone here is really angry again so I'm going to go do something else

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I'm not angry!
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...


    le epic meat meme mustachioed man
    Come on, don't bring Swanson into this crap.
  • well if he didnt want to get brought into this, then he should not have written that strange and obtuse blog post
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    What blog post are you referencing?
  • the blog post about Lyndon LaRouche!
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    I don't see any post by Nick Offerman, actor of Ron Swanson, about this. Everything I've searched from this page leads back to Steppling.

    I was just like geez, why bring a character I like into this drivel, ha ha, I didn't expect a non-answer not about my actual issue.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    February 1st, 1800:

    The queen of Alexandria is killed in a failed attempt to execute her weapons supplier.

    February 6th, 1800:

    Alexandria is attacked by enemy forces, necessitating the postponement of the princess's coronation.
  • you see, there is this man that nobody on the face of the earth has heard of who writes screenplays, who has a mustache that makes him look kinda like ron swanson.

    he has a blog

    on this blog, he writes long and rambling incoherent rants

    in one of these rants, he started going on and on about how terrible autistic people are

    odradek is now strangely obsessed with this man, whose opinions do not have the slightest impact upon the real world?

    so we are occasionally subjected to him quoting some other person who does not matter talking about how the other man who does not matter is a really awesome guy
  • the name of this fellow is John Steppling, he has a short wikipedia page which he probably wrote himself
  • did you know that there was an english teacher at my old high school who was in a band with wikipedia notability
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    I know who Steppling is. I was bothered by you shoehorning in some mockery over Parks & Rec and contributing to making the conversation even more actively unpleasant.
  • Crystal said:

    I know who Steppling is. I was bothered by you shoehorning in some mockery over Parks & Rec and contributing to making the conversation even more actively unpleasant.

    well there really isnt any other way to interact with it, besides shitposting
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.

    Crystal said:

    I know who Steppling is. I was bothered by you shoehorning in some mockery over Parks & Rec and contributing to making the conversation even more actively unpleasant.

    well there really isnt any other way to interact with it, besides shitposting
    Not doing so at all???
  • like, the only way to get it to stop, is

    * shitposting

    * changing the topic

    so, why not try both?

    it's the conversational equivalent of hitting an old TV repeatedly
  • Crystal said:

    I know who Steppling is. I was bothered by you shoehorning in some mockery over Parks & Rec and contributing to making the conversation even more actively unpleasant.

    well there really isnt any other way to interact with it, besides shitposting
    Not doing so at all???
    then it just keeps going on!
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    There's that one recent song by that ex-Clash member which was really big at one point that popped into my head, specifically the chorus:

    Good morning, here's the news,
    And all of it is good.

    That is one of my default "god, more of this crap" songs. And that's not a jab at you, Odradek. I'd like people to shut up with the he-said-he-said about the Republican primaries, too, probably more so, but everyone's watching the left hand and ignoring the right and I hate it.
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    There's that one recent song by that ex-Clash member which was really big at one point that popped into my head, specifically the chorus:

    Good morning, here's the news,
    And all of it is good.

    That is one of my default "god, more of this crap" songs. And that's not a jab at you, Odradek. I'd like people to shut up with the he-said-he-said about the Republican primaries, too, probably more so, but everyone's watching the left hand and ignoring the right and I hate it.
  • now, you may be thinking "gee naney, that's a stupid idea!"

    and it is!

    it is profoundly stupid!

    it may be the single stupidest idea i have ever had!

    but, I have tried all of the sensible ideas, I have ignored it, I have said "I would like to not do this again"

    and it does not do anything
  • I asked who a person in a picture was, and the reply I was given began with "sorry to disappoint you, plebian, but-"
  • Jane said:

    I asked who a person in a picture was, and the reply I was given began with "sorry to disappoint you, plebian, but-"

    who was the person
  • or, what was the picture

  • Jane said:

    I asked who a person in a picture was, and the reply I was given began with "sorry to disappoint you, plebian, but-"

    who was the person
    someone named Shui Tsang. Apparently he designs clothing, which I wasn't going to mention because I didn't want you to take it as a jab at the fashion industry.

    Also this person has now edited their post to be less condescending and I don't know if I should call them on it or not.
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...

    now, you may be thinking "gee naney, that's a stupid idea!"

    and it is!

    it is profoundly stupid!

    it may be the single stupidest idea i have ever had!

    but, I have tried all of the sensible ideas, I have ignored it, I have said "I would like to not do this again"

    and it does not do anything
    Not like I don't also take issue, mind. I stopped raising a fuss except to say I don't want to make a fuss over dreck, some time ago. I just also got bothered by other stuff, tangential to whatever dreck is currently being spouted.

    @Jane: Sounds annoying.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    There's that one recent song by that ex-Clash member which was really big at one point that popped into my head, specifically the chorus:

    Good morning, here's the news,
    And all of it is good.

    That is one of my default "god, more of this crap" songs. And that's not a jab at you, Odradek. I'd like people to shut up with the he-said-he-said about the Republican primaries, too, probably more so, but everyone's watching the left hand and ignoring the right and I hate it.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    On the note of your post, Sredni, the Clinton/Sanders infighting is going to get insufferable before much longer, and I say that as someone who counts themselves as a Sanders supporter.
  • Jane said:

    Jane said:

    I asked who a person in a picture was, and the reply I was given began with "sorry to disappoint you, plebian, but-"

    who was the person
    someone named Shui Tsang. Apparently he designs clothing, which I wasn't going to mention because I didn't want you to take it as a jab at the fashion industry.

    Also this person has now edited their post to be less condescending and I don't know if I should call them on it or not.
    nah dont sweat it lots of internet fashion people are really snobby and dumb
  • The reason for their particular phrasing is that someone posted a picture of him and I said I would be disappointed if the man didn't either rap or fight for a living, because look at him

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