The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality?
  • Tachyon said:

    Panurge said:

    TNC isn’t the aesthetic, lol, it’s worse cheap thede-pandering than HPMOR.

    i don't understand this sentence at all
    you are not alone my friend
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    In all probability this is about him being angry at nostalgebraist for being someone in the LW sphere who's a mindkilled prog who doesn't like Harry Potter And The Methods of Rationalizing
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    well, whatever

    i haven't seen Fury Road yet but i saw the trailer and it looked potentially like a lot of fun

    i saw the latest MCU thing because my friend wanted to see it, it was kind of what i was expecting i guess?  i don't think i've seen any other MCU movies and superhero movies aren't really my thing i think
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i did not hate it

    overall i enjoyed the experience i guess

    but i am not all that hard to please really
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Tachyon said:

    well, whatever

    i haven't seen Fury Road yet but i saw the trailer and it looked potentially like a lot of fun

    i saw the latest MCU thing because my friend wanted to see it, it was kind of what i was expecting i guess?  i don't think i've seen any other MCU movies and superhero movies aren't really my thing i think

    The new Mad Max: Fury Road movie is very good, and something new.

    The new MCU movie was alright, and not something new.

    Guess which one people wanted to talk about
  • edited 2015-06-06 21:57:08
    I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I thought Fury Road was a big sensation and Age of Ultron not so much
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Panurge said:

    TNC isn’t the aesthetic, lol, it’s worse cheap thede-pandering than HPMOR.

    i don't understand this sentence at all context
  • why will Yume 2kki not update properlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Panurge said:


    In all probability this is about him being angry at nostalgebraist for being someone in the LW sphere who's a mindkilled prog who doesn't like Harry Potter And The Methods of Rationalizing
    but what has this got to do with Homestuck?

    nothing i guess

    i read MoR like 5 years ago

    it started out funny then it got tiresome

    i think round about the point where he stopped poking holes in story logic and started ranting about how horrible death is

    i can't remember the details
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    My favorite part of HPMOR is the part where Eliezer suddenly stops the story dead in its tracks to tell people to donate to MIRI
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    see i wouldn't want to talk about a movie i hadn't seen

    and i rarely watch any movies

    they cost money and you have to organize people to go to the cinema, and there's never any day that's good for everyone and then like 3 people end up cancelling on the day

    the logistics are way too much for me
  • the only thing I have in common with Eliezer Yudkowsky is we both like this one Haruhi fanfic.
  • edited 2015-06-06 22:02:25
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i'm negativing again
  • Poking holes in story logic is so lame

    It's like the equivalent of looking for specific fallacies in an opponent's argument rather than engaging with it meaningfully
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    eliezer yudkowsky is probably very clever

    his blog is probably more popular than anything i will ever write

    computers are the future or something
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Kexruct said:

    Poking holes in story logic is so lame

    It's like the equivalent of looking for specific fallacies in an opponent's argument rather than engaging with it meaningfully

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Kexruct said:

    Poking holes in story logic is so lame

    It's like the equivalent of looking for specific fallacies in an opponent's argument rather than engaging with it meaningfully

    this is yudkowsky remember
  • Tachyon said:

    to be fair if i didn't have something to complain about why would i be on an internet forum hmmm~????

    ba-dum TSSSH
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Tachyon said:

    eliezer yudkowsky is probably very clever

    his blog is probably more popular than anything i will ever write

    computers are the future or something

  • is Yudkowsky the guy who came up with the Magic Future God Robot (forgive me I forget what it's actually called atm) or is that someone else
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    and no it's kind of funny

    or at least it can be
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    is Yudkowsky the guy who came up with the Magic Future God Robot (forgive me I forget what it's actually called atm) or is that someone else

    something like that?

    he's not the one who came up with Roko's Basilisk if  you're thinking of that

    he's the one who got mad because Roko came up with the Basilisk
  • edited 2015-06-06 22:07:22
    Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    naney said:

    why must you be so negative!!!

    why is everyone around here so negative????!

    man and i thought i was a grumpy gus!!!

    I'm really not fond of the negativity. It seems like saying something is bad is a lot less controversial around here than saying something is good a lot of the time. Which is kind of ass backwards.

    To be fair, you tend to be down on a lot of things, and in a pretty over the top way too.
    Okay, can you and naney and Section just answer me one thing first: What is this so-called "negativity"? Is it excessively complaining about something to the point of beating a dead horse (or twice over at that), is it complaining about anything (doubtful, but), is it just being virulent/spiteful/etc. and venting here, or what? I've seen all of you complain about this at length, but without - to my understanding - any sort of concrete definition of what even qualifies for this negativity that y'all so despise.

    Personally, I come here to talk. Sporadically I'll get into some media discussion, usually I'll ramble or just dump my thoughts here, running the gamut from elated to hostile. Not all of which is as fitting the various personal venting threads, or my own threads. I also don't entirely get the whole "everyone is so negative here"/"everyone here complains so much" business either. I mean, I largely skim or ignore stuff that doesn't interest me, or excessive bashing over subjects, even if I care about them to some degree (e.g. wow these Tumblr idiots sure are being idiots over John Green). So I expect others to do the same. Similarly, while I get and understand irritation, to me it seems like a simple task of scrolling over posts you don't like and/or bringing it up to said people and/or ignoring people.

    To Panurge: I've got an active interest in Mad Max: Fury Road, but can't really talk about it with you in any meaningful degree, considering I've been refraining from watching it because reasons.

    EDIT: I find poking holes in story logic to be mildly entertaining, just not worth doing since it rarely ends with me discussing media critically or meaningfully. Never mind the larger parts that to be, to me, self-evident and thus not worth bothering with.
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    is Yudkowsky the guy who came up with the Magic Future God Robot (forgive me I forget what it's actually called atm) or is that someone else

    Roko came up with it, based on Yudkowsky's premises.

    Then Big Yud massively over-reacted and it became A Thing
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Panurge said:

    Tachyon said:

    eliezer yudkowsky is probably very clever

    his blog is probably more popular than anything i will ever write

    computers are the future or something

    it's all true

    can't you see i'm trying very hard to stay positive here
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Whenever I am in danger of taking Yudkowsky seriously, I remember that he refuses to drink more than once every decade, because he thinks all his brain cells are needed for the survival of the world.

    Also he thinks his IQ is too high for human science to meaningfully measure.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    No Negativity

    Nastiness and dickery: will not be tolerated

    wow i've done it now, how could none of you see that this was all Eddie's plan all along wow i'm a douche
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    none of this is serious or an attack on anybody idk what i'm even saying
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Panurge said:

    Whenever I am in danger of taking Yudkowsky seriously, I remember that he refuses to drink more than once every decade, because he thinks all his brain cells are needed for the survival of the world.

    Also he thinks his IQ is too high for human science to meaningfully measure.
    i burst out laughing

    is this actually true?

    he should ditch MIRI, be a stand up comic or something
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Crystal said:

    naney said:

    EDIT: I find poking holes in story logic to be mildly entertaining, just not worth doing since it rarely ends with me discussing media critically or meaningfully. Never mind the larger parts that to be, to me, self-evident and thus not worth bothering with.

    It's a fun thing to do with your friends on the way home from the movie, but it doesn't mean much.
  • i dont mind people being negative every now and then, i mean it can be pretty fun to whine and pick holes in things for petty reasons and generally be a sour grump, but it's no fun when i check in early in the morning and there are like five bajillion posts and it's mostly just that, or when you get the same bit of complaining drilled into your head over and over and over

    it's like, in theory i dont mind hearing a beyonce song every once in a blue moon, hell i'd be fine with hearing a beyonce song every day

    but i would not want to go on a fifteen hour roadtrip with a bunch of beyonce stans whilst listening to beyonce the whole time

    you feel me?
  • I think I finally fixed Yume 2kki

    only took like two months
  • if the city of Moab, Utah should leave that state and become an exclave of another state

    could it be said that Utah dropped the MOAB?
  • edited 2015-06-06 22:12:09
    My dreams exceed my real life
    Panurge said:

    Whenever I am in danger of taking Yudkowsky seriously, I remember that he refuses to drink more than once every decade, because he thinks all his brain cells are needed for the survival of the world.

    Also he thinks his IQ is too high for human science to meaningfully measure.

    i burst out laughing

    is this actually true?

    he should ditch MIRI, be a stand up comic or something
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    yeah i get what you're saying nanes

    i'm just being kinda silly rn

    also attempting to actually be nothing-but-positive when talking about lesswrong as a challenge to myself. it's surprisingly difficult.
  • It's just a prevailing vibe. Most discourse on people and things and media especially here is focused on "such and such sucks." And it's hard to ignore because like these attitudes do affect people.

    Also Panurge like 99% of the world is way more interested in Mad Max than Avengers right now. And to be blunt, if you're operating under the pretense that we don't "get" how annoying your friends are and that's why you're complaining, rest assure you've made us all intimately aware of how irritating an unhealthy fixation on the MCU is. I'm not trying to be mean. I'm just trying to make you think about the position you've put us in here.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i will not keep this up indefinitely
  • ok


    I didn't fix it

    but I know why it keeps breaking now

    which means I can fix it now
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Kexruct said:

    It's just a prevailing vibe. Most discourse on people and things and media especially here is focused on "such and such sucks." And it's hard to ignore because like these attitudes do affect people.

    Also Panurge like 99% of the world is way more interested in Mad Max than Avengers right now. And to be blunt, if you're operating under the pretense that we don't "get" how annoying your friends are and that's why you're complaining, rest assure you've made us all intimately aware of how irritating an unhealthy fixation on the MCU is. I'm not trying to be mean. I'm just trying to make you think about the position you've put us in here.

    Well actually I was complaining about getting back from Mad Max, and wanting to talk about it, and then being unable to find a way into a long IRC discussion between three people over future casting in the MCU.
  • Kexruct said:

    It's just a prevailing vibe. Most discourse on people and things and media especially here is focused on "such and such sucks." And it's hard to ignore because like these attitudes do affect people.

    Also Panurge like 99% of the world is way more interested in Mad Max than Avengers right now. And to be blunt, if you're operating under the pretense that we don't "get" how annoying your friends are and that's why you're complaining, rest assure you've made us all intimately aware of how irritating an unhealthy fixation on the MCU is. I'm not trying to be mean. I'm just trying to make you think about the position you've put us in here.

    this happens because we have very few interests in common here

    the userbase on the whole I mean
  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • edited 2015-06-06 22:17:12
    Just talk about it here then. I'm certain you'll find willing participants, but when you remind us that you hate everything related to Marvel at this point that is inevitably going to be the thing people notice.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i am of the opinion that plot holes genuinely count as errors and lessen the overall quality of a work of fiction

    like take Moffat's approach to writing Doctor Who, he likes to craft these intricate puzzle boxes, but the actual success of the puzzle boxes generally depends on how logical and internally consistent they are

    plot holes don't kill a thing but if you're anal about the details it lets you pull off cool tricks like hiding foreshadowing in implict details and minor aspects of continuity

    Moffat can do this when he's on form, the plot of Doctor Who season 5 hinged on an apparent continuity flub that wasn't one

    and none of this is to say puzzle box writing is the best thing to aspire to, but once in a while it can be cool and satisfying and fun
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Panurge said:


    Speaking of, the unedited version of this is pretty dumb.

    Like, it really only applies to certain forms of American Southern Baptist Fundamentalist Christianity, not "Religion".

    And even then, I don't think anyone in any major denomination of Christianity actually thinks God himself personally needs their money. They do believe his agents on earth do, but that's very different.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i think it historically applied to the Catholic church?

    if i'm remembering right that was the whole controversy over indulgences that Luther got so angry about

    but yeah that is an example of a Carlin thing people post a lot and which has led to my forming my impression of Carlin as being mostly not funny and kind of angry about stuff
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    Crystal asked my opinion specifically, and I’d feel like a hypocrite if I didn't at least acknowledge it.

    I’m not sure I have much to say that Naney and Kex didn’t already say, though.

    I will say that it’s mostly excessive and/or repetitive negativity that gets to me. I admit that I’ve fallen into that in the past myself, and I am trying my best not to anymore.

    I admit that I can understand why such negativity starts, since there are a few certain ideas out there that I do think deserve to be pinpricked. For example, I actually agree with Myrm to a great degree on the MCU stuff, which is why I get frustrated at seeing him discredit those arguments through his repetitive tendencies.

    Another thing that really gets to me is seeing people couch their negativity in moralistic strains. The anti-hype against Kill La Kill when it started is an example of that. That happens less often on HH than the excess and/or repetition, though.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Tachyon said:

    i think it historically applied to the Catholic church?

    if i'm remembering right that was the whole controversy over indulgences that Luther got so angry about

    but yeah that is an example of a Carlin thing people post a lot and which has led to my forming my impression of Carlin as being mostly not funny and kind of angry about stuff

    It's one of those things /r/atheists treat as knockdown arguments, when it's really only a knockdown argument to a theoretical child in a deeply religious family somewhere in the ozarks.

    And even then, you're screwed if it's a smart child.
  • Tachyon said:

    i think it historically applied to the Catholic church?

    if i'm remembering right that was the whole controversy over indulgences that Luther got so angry about

    but yeah that is an example of a Carlin thing people post a lot and which has led to my forming my impression of Carlin as being mostly not funny and kind of angry about stuff

    that seems to like be the selling point, which I've never understood

    like he doesn't tell jokes. He's just pissed off about the world, idk.

    the only standup comedian that has ever made me laugh is Mitch Hedberg.
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