The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • The sadness will last forever.
    morning of the dead
  • The sadness will last forever.
    afternoon of the dead
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Double Dealing Character stage 5 is basically Fresh Prince of Bel-Air XD
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    run rabbit run
  • The sadness will last forever.
    nigerian princes
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • "I am going to cry b/c maeks hte bad music and I don't understand how culture works"
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    How so? Are you more bothered by the article or what it describes?
  • How so? Are you more bothered by the article or what it describes?
    The central point about pop musicians sampling underground musicians isn't necessarily wrong, but the way it's presented and framed is so fucking stupid it makes me hate the article and whoever wrote it.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    How so? Are you more bothered by the article or what it describes?
    The central point about pop musicians sampling underground musicians isn't necessarily wrong, but the way it's presented and framed is so fucking stupid it makes me hate the article and whoever wrote it.
    Again, how so?
  • The sadness will last forever.
    Sampling is theft and uploading videos is murder.
  • How so? Are you more bothered by the article or what it describes?
    The central point about pop musicians sampling underground musicians isn't necessarily wrong, but the way it's presented and framed is so fucking stupid it makes me hate the article and whoever wrote it.
    Again, how so?
    The article pushes a lot of ideas that I cannot stand. The idea that persons chiefly concerned with electronic music inherently have a knowledge of hip-hop and are entitled to speak about it, the idea that there was a golden age of electronic and/or rap music that is now over because a creative bankruptcy has somehow emerged, the idea that a sampler is always a criminal and a samplee is always a victim regardless of circumstances (and the article does push that, even if pretends to not), the idea that sampling a large portion of another track is inherently wrong or uncreative, and the idea that the modern underground music scene is an unsustainable one where artists are starving on the streets when in reality they're often doing almost as well as their popular counterparts. I could go on, but I'm not going to.

    In the end, this all comes back to yet another thoughtpiece that boils down to a guy who doesn't listen to a certain kind of music complaining about said kind of music. It'd be like me writing an article on why thrashcore is going downhill.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    " Online movie review site, From the Mind of Tatlock had a negative experience"

    This is important information that belongs on the page of a film, in some Wikipedia editor's opinion.
  • Odradek said:

    " Online movie review site, From the Mind of Tatlock had a negative experience"

    This is important information that belongs on the page of a film, in some Wikipedia editor's opinion.
    I think things like that are specifically why Wikipedia is trying to slowly kill the "critical reception" subheading.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    It's kind of like the wikipedia version of that problem TvTropes had with people filling film pages with lines from a review an internet critic did.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    The article pushes a lot of ideas that I cannot stand. The idea that persons chiefly concerned with electronic music inherently have a knowledge of hip-hop and are entitled to speak about it, the idea that there was a golden age of electronic and/or rap music that is now over because a creative bankruptcy has somehow emerged, the idea that a sampler is always a criminal and a samplee is always a victim regardless of circumstances (and the article does push that, even if pretends to not), the idea that sampling a large portion of another track is inherently wrong or uncreative, and the idea that the modern underground music scene is an unsustainable one where artists are starving on the streets when in reality they're often doing almost as well as their popular counterparts. I could go on, but I'm not going to.

    I think that you are reading a lot of things into the tone of the article that are not actually there, although I do agree that the author's attitude toward mashups and long-form sampling in pop are pretty simplistic and reductive. But it does raise an interesting question: At what point does sampling cease to be creative in its own right and become a kind of theft? And to whit, at what point is that "theft" no longer justifiable?

    Really, I love Dada and Pop Art and the musical equivalents thereof, but I think that there is a distinct difference between clever transformation of a work by changing the context and simply imitating or cutting up that work to sell something as your own. There is a Borges story that satirises the matter, but I'm not sure whether I want to get into that...
  • have you considered that entitlement
  • The sadness will last forever.

    powered by entitledment
  • Element Tint
    Tenement Lit
    Entente Milt
    Eel Nett Mint
    Eel Tent Mint
    Lee Nett Mint
    Lee Tent Mint
    Mettle En Tin
    Mettle En Nit
    Mettle Ten In
    Mettle Net In
    Lenten Em Tit
    Lenten Me Tit
    Lenten Met Ti
    Lenten Met It
    Nettle Em Tin
    Nettle Em Nit
    Nettle Me Tin
    Nettle Me Nit
    Nettle Men Ti
    Nettle Men It
    Nettle Met In
    Nettle Ten Mi
    Nettle Net Mi
    Mete Lent Tin
    Mete Lent Nit
    Mete Ten Lint
    Mete Net Lint
    Mete Nett Nil
    Mete Tent Nil
    Meet Lent Tin
    Meet Lent Nit
    Meet Ten Lint
    Meet Net Lint
    Meet Nett Nil
    Meet Tent Nil
    Teem Lent Tin
    Teem Lent Nit
    Teem Ten Lint
    Teem Net Lint
    Teem Nett Nil
    Teem Tent Nil
    Nee Melt Tint
    Nee Lent Mitt
    Nee Nett Milt
    Nee Tent Milt
    Teen Elm Tint
    Teen Melt Tin
    Teen Melt Nit
    Teen Let Mint
    Teen Men Tilt
    Teen Met Lint
    Teen Ten Milt
    Teen Net Milt
    Teen Nett Mil
    Teen Tent Mil
    Tenet El Mint
    Tenet Elm Tin
    Tenet Elm Nit
    Tenet Melt In
    Tenet Lent Mi
    Tenet Em Lint
    Tenet Me Lint
    Tenet Men Lit
    Tenet Met Nil
    Tenet En Milt
    Tenet Ten Mil
    Tenet Net Mil
    Tee Lent Mint
    Tee Nett Limn
    Tee Tent Limn
    Mile Ten Nett
    Mile Ten Tent
    Mile Net Nett
    Mile Net Tent
    Lime Ten Nett
    Lime Ten Tent
    Lime Net Nett
    Lime Net Tent
    Lien Met Nett
    Lien Met Tent
    Line Met Nett
    Line Met Tent
    Inlet Em Nett
    Inlet Em Tent
    Inlet Me Nett
    Inlet Me Tent
    Inlet Met Ten
    Inlet Met Net
    Tile Men Nett
    Tile Men Tent
    Lite Men Nett
    Lite Men Tent
    Title Men Ten
    Title Men Net
    Tittle Men En
    Mien Let Nett
    Mien Let Tent
    Mine Let Nett
    Mine Let Tent
    Mitten El Ten
    Mitten El Net
    Mitten Let En
    Emit Lent Ten
    Emit Lent Net
    Time Lent Ten
    Time Lent Net
    Mite Lent Ten
    Mite Lent Net
    Item Lent Ten
    Item Lent Net
    Intent El Met
    Intent Let Em
    Intent Let Me
    Nite Elm Nett
    Nite Elm Tent
    Nite Melt Ten
    Nite Melt Net
    Nite Lent Met
    Tine Elm Nett
    Tine Elm Tent
    Tine Melt Ten
    Tine Melt Net
    Tine Lent Met
    El Em Ten Tint
    El Em Net Tint
    El Em Nett Tin
    El Em Nett Nit
    El Em Tent Tin
    El Em Tent Nit
    El Me Ten Tint
    El Me Net Tint
    El Me Nett Tin
    El Me Nett Nit
    El Me Tent Tin
    El Me Tent Nit
    El Men Ten Tit
    El Men Net Tit
    El Men Nett Ti
    El Men Nett It
    El Men Tent Ti
    El Men Tent It
    El Met En Tint
    El Met Ten Tin
    El Met Ten Nit
    El Met Net Tin
    El Met Net Nit
    El Met Nett In
    El Met Tent In
    El En Ten Mitt
    El En Net Mitt
    El Ten Nett Mi
    El Ten Tent Mi
    El Net Nett Mi
    El Net Tent Mi
    Elm En Ten Tit
    Elm En Net Tit
    Elm En Nett Ti
    Elm En Nett It
    Elm En Tent Ti
    Elm En Tent It
    Elm Ten Net Ti
    Elm Ten Net It
    Elm Ten Nett I
    Elm Ten Tent I
    Elm Net Nett I
    Elm Net Tent I
    Melt En Ten Ti
    Melt En Ten It
    Melt En Net Ti
    Melt En Net It
    Melt En Nett I
    Melt En Tent I
    Melt Ten Net I
    Lent Em En Tit
    Lent Em Ten Ti
    Lent Em Ten It
    Lent Em Net Ti
    Lent Em Net It
    Lent Em Nett I
    Lent Em Tent I
    Lent Me En Tit
    Lent Me Ten Ti
    Lent Me Ten It
    Lent Me Net Ti
    Lent Me Net It
    Lent Me Nett I
    Lent Me Tent I
    Lent Met En Ti
    Lent Met En It
    Lent Met Ten I
    Lent Met Net I
    Let Em En Tint
    Let Em Ten Tin
    Let Em Ten Nit
    Let Em Net Tin
    Let Em Net Nit
    Let Em Nett In
    Let Em Tent In
    Let Me En Tint
    Let Me Ten Tin
    Let Me Ten Nit
    Let Me Net Tin
    Let Me Net Nit
    Let Me Nett In
    Let Me Tent In
    Let Men En Tit
    Let Men Ten Ti
    Let Men Ten It
    Let Men Net Ti
    Let Men Net It
    Let Men Nett I
    Let Men Tent I
    Let Met En Tin
    Let Met En Nit
    Let Met Ten In
    Let Met Net In
    Let En Nett Mi
    Let En Tent Mi
    Let Ten Net Mi
    Em En Ten Tilt
    Em En Net Tilt
    Em En Nett Lit
    Em En Tent Lit
    Em Ten Net Lit
    Me En Ten Tilt
    Me En Net Tilt
    Me En Nett Lit
    Me En Tent Lit
    Me Ten Net Lit
    Met En Ten Lit
    Met En Net Lit
  • do you even high pass filter
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    will i am from America, with the power of Entitlement.

    And Ma-Ti, from South America, with the power of Heart.
  • Unsharp Masking
  • So my stepfather (who was home for a grand total of one hour last night, wearing a suit from god-knows where) was supposed to be home four hours ago.

    Guess I'm making the little guys dinner tonight. :/
  • edited 2013-09-15 16:44:26

    The beautiful world of sound

    That thing where you wonder how did they even do that
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • they own my phone

    joke's on them i don't have a phone
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    ...OK, on second thought, the last few paragraphs of that article are annoying and silly, and many of your points that did not apply to the rest of the article do apply there. I liked most of the article, but that weird turn into "oh, woe unto us!" nostalgia at the end was unwarranted. The point is not bad in the least, but the framing is weak and vaguely reactionary. I am particularly miffed at the fact that the author used a thesis by one of my favourite music writers in a really ham-fisted way.

    So my feelings are mixed now.
  • "people only pretend to love jazz"

    i still doubt anybody has ever really said this
  • "people only pretend to love jazz"

    i still doubt anybody has ever really said this
    To beat a long-dead horse, there was a cracked list that had that as a heading.
  • edited 2013-09-15 17:05:37

    after googling there is a cracked article that lists pretending to like jazz as a way stupid people attempt to appear smart and presents an amusing anecdote about a young man who professed a love of jazz and did not know who thelonious monk was

    ninjad kinda
  • The sadness will last forever.
    i love jazz
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    You know what else people don't like.


    My little brother is lying to look cool at the tender age of six by pretending to like museums, just as I lied by spending a night at the museum when I was a kid.

    Adam Tod Brown says so.
  • the walker is fucking awesome
  • The sadness will last forever.
    museums are cool. too bad i didn't go to one since i was a kid.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    the walker is fucking awesome

    I need to visit your city sometime in the nearish future. Not before I drag you here, though.
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    "I've done a course on philosophy of physics which is basically telling physicists that they're not rational. I am therefore more rational than physicists by some finite amount. But physicists are more rational than Muslims, therefore I am also more rational than Muslims. Mohamed was a Muslim. The only Muslim more rational than Mohamed was Allah, who was infinitely rational because he's Allah.

    Now, as I am more rational than Allah my rationality = Allah's rationality + some finite number. But Allah's rationality is infinite meaning that Allah's rationality + some finite number = Allah's rationality = my rationality.

    Now as anyone from lesswrong can tell you rationality is pretty much the only important character trait. Thus if my rationality = Allah's rationality then me = Allah.

    I have therefore mathematically proved that I am Allah, from a few basic premises as supplied by lesswrong (which are therefore correct). Salaam."

  • definitive proof that math is meaningless
  • The sadness will last forever.
    feels everywhere
  • The sadness will last forever.
    blogs of headcanons about characters with supposed mental disorders
  • The sadness will last forever.
    eating fried chicken
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