The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Nah I get that

    I'm not offended
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    Kexruct said:

    Ugh, you're not even being bad about it this time I'm sorry

    But I have a Pavlovian panic response at this point

    Same. >_>
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    You should not be yelled at for your opinions because they remind me of a Bad Time In My Life.

    I will need to find a way to stop doing that. I am sorry.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • Look my recent target of ire has been Dragon Age: Origins. It is a game that I don't hate but it nonetheless makes me very, very angry because of its perpetuation of a lot of truly damn obnoxious fantasy writing tropes and not just that but the way broader nerd culture just adooooores that game. That makes everything a million times more infuriating.

    But what helped a lot was understanding that even though it's a game that frustrates me immensely, the fact that it resonates with so many people means I shouldn't just shut myself off and assume they love it because they're incapable of scratching beneath the surface and seeing all the bullshit. I've actually written quite a bit about the game (not that I'll ever actually finish anything but that's another story) and it's helped a lot to step back and recognize what qualities made it meaningful to others and respect that rather than just assume they aren't seeing what I'm seeing. Because a lot of the time they do.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Celebrities should really stop expressing any left-wing opinions at all, because the nerdleft will instantly assume it means they are a filthy liberal who fall short of the demanded 100% pure #wokeness required of everybody and will make them hate them so much more than if they never expressed opinions on politics, or went full Clint Eastwood
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Odradek said:

    Celebrities should really stop expressing any left-wing opinions at all, because the nerdleft will instantly assume it means they are a filthy liberal who fall short of the demanded 100% pure #wokeness required of everybody and will make them hate them so much more than if they never expressed opinions on politics, or went full Clint Eastwood

    The worst move Macklemore ever made as a white straight rapper was attempting to navigate his position as a white rapper and reach out to LGBT people.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Kexruct said:

    Look my recent target of ire has been Dragon Age: Origins. It is a game that I don't hate but it nonetheless makes me very, very angry because of its perpetuation of a lot of truly damn obnoxious fantasy writing tropes and not just that but the way broader nerd culture just adooooores that game. That makes everything a million times more infuriating.

    But what helped a lot was understanding that even though it's a game that frustrates me immensely, the fact that it resonates with so many people means I shouldn't just shut myself off and assume they love it because they're incapable of scratching beneath the surface and seeing all the bullshit. I've actually written quite a bit about the game (not that I'll ever actually finish anything but that's another story) and it's helped a lot to step back and recognize what qualities made it meaningful to others and respect that rather than just assume they aren't seeing what I'm seeing. Because a lot of the time they do.

    What nerd culture loves about Winter Soldier is that it's "well-made"

    When it is not, in fact, well-made. It has a few decent scenes and a lot of egregrious padding, bad dialogue, boring poorly-shot action sequences, and hamfisted attempts at social commentary.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    Odradek said:

    Odradek said:

    Celebrities should really stop expressing any left-wing opinions at all, because the nerdleft will instantly assume it means they are a filthy liberal who fall short of the demanded 100% pure #wokeness required of everybody and will make them hate them so much more than if they never expressed opinions on politics, or went full Clint Eastwood

    The worst move Macklemore ever made as a white straight rapper was attempting to navigate his position as a white rapper and reach out to LGBT people.
    Also, they'll be regarded as an example of the ultimate evil that is liberalism by conservative cranks.

    Macklemore seems to have escaped that as far as I can tell, weirdly enough.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    And the good scenes actually make it worse, because you can see it actively ruining any chance it has to be anything other than a particularly mediocre Moribund Cinematic Universe entry
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    Odradek said:

    Odradek said:

    Celebrities should really stop expressing any left-wing opinions at all, because the nerdleft will instantly assume it means they are a filthy liberal who fall short of the demanded 100% pure #wokeness required of everybody and will make them hate them so much more than if they never expressed opinions on politics, or went full Clint Eastwood

    The worst move Macklemore ever made as a white straight rapper was attempting to navigate his position as a white rapper and reach out to LGBT people.
    Also, they'll be regarded as an example of the ultimate evil that is liberalism by conservative cranks.

    Macklemore seems to have escaped that as far as I can tell, weirdly enough.
    See also: Emma Watson, who pissed off angry /r/atheist Reddit whiteboys by being a feminist, and also Tumblr by being a feminist and not a transgender black woman living in desperate poverty
  • edited 2016-11-06 16:37:09
    We can do anything if we do it together.
    I actually get what you mean regarding The Winter Soldier now.

    It has two great scenes as far as I can tell: The opening car chase, and when they meet Armin Zola.

    I am not under the pretence that the film is flawless. For example, I will fully acknowledge that the film has issues regarding women (I can't tell Sharon Carter and the Black Widow apart). Weirdly enough, The First Avenger was much better about that.

    I think a lot of this is that I'm not a big film person, so I can't really detect what is wrong with the Russo brothers' craft like you can.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    The scene where they meet Arnim Zola is kind of a microcosm of what's wrong with the movie for me, because going down to the basement to find a nazi scientist preserved on tapedecks is so good, but then they ruin it with using "we hate freedom" as an actual honest to god motive, and linking nazi infiltrators to 9/11 and Chavez(???)
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Like that should be the best scene in the movie and it's so tarnished by those details
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    Yeah, I think another difference is that I'm able to turn off my brain and just enjoy the ride.

    I fully acknowledge how the politics are faulty, and also that their plot at the end doesn't particularly make much sense once you think about it.

    I can definitely get not being able to do so.
  • Look I don't actually care about reasoning that much at all. I don't want to be mean but you've made it absolutely impossible to be anything other than repulsed and irritable any time you even being this up

    What I'm talking you is that regardless of your complaints you need to be *nice* dammit. No one ever got anywhere getting mad and insulting people over a damn movie.
  • Because *I* like it and I don't have to "turn off my brain" to do so. And so when you are being insulting about it it insults me. I understand being frustrated that no one seems to Get It, but I do "Get It" and you're not gonna explain me into disliking the movie. You'll just make me associate a movie I like and had a good time with my friends watching with two years of whinging and being sniped at.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    He is actually being nice now, though.

    Mind you, I get what you're saying, since it really shouldn't have taken so long for him to get to this point.

    I do now finally at least get why he's so repulsed by the movie while I'm not, which allows me to put that feeling of thinking we inhabit separate universes to rest. That will allow me to start finally putting this behind me, which will hopefully make me less defensive at his comments regarding the MCU in the future.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    superhero movies
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Kexruct said:

    You'll just make me associate a movie I like and had a good time with my friends watching with two years of whinging and being sniped at.

    Click this
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Honestly, Odradek, I don't get why a movie that you thought was bad is worth dwelling on literally years after the fact, let alone getting mad when someone you know expresses a positive opinion about it. The venting itself is bad enough, but at this point you should be over it enough to not feel the need to vent about it.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Because the movies keep coming out year after year and people still won't shut up about how well-made Winter Soldier is.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    And when people who are a bit tired of the series complain, people point to Winter Soldier as a highpoint

    When it's not

    It's really not
  • edited 2016-11-06 17:20:20
    We can do anything if we do it together.
    I made my last response before I saw the second post Kex made, and although I still stand by what I said there, I'd like to add that I definitely get why Kex is still upset, particularly since he was on the receiving end of Myr's anger much more than I was.

    I apologize for inadvertently diminishing that.
  • edited 2016-11-06 17:21:58
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    ^^^ & ^^ Then roll your eyes and move on?

    It's an opinion you disagree with about something fairly trivial related to a cash-cow fad that will eventually run itself into the ground. It's not even worth arguing with. Some people like a thing you don't for reasons you don't entirely grok. So what. They're allowed and so are you.
  • TreTre
    edited 2016-11-06 17:24:38
    Tove Lo said:

    I'm a cool girl
    I'm a, I'm a cool girl
    Ice cold, I roll my eyes at you, boy

    Yea bitch, yeah bitch, call me steve-o,
    Yea bitch, yeah bitch, call me steve-o,
    I'm a wild boy, I'm I'ma wild boy
    I'm a wild boy, fuck an eighth I need o's

  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I mean it's apparently not allowed, because the internet is constantly on full klaxons about the very possibility that someone might like Suicide Squad or any of the Star Wars prequels, so if we could just move out of that environment first it might be nice.

    Also a friend showed me the trailer for the newest X-Men movie, and I was expected to be Very Outraged that Fox continued to make movies in defiance of the Great Content Creators At Marvel Disney Content Creation Enterprises
  • edited 2016-11-06 17:29:36
    We can do anything if we do it together.
    I think another part of this is just that we look for different things in media.

    Tatterhood's description of GOTG (which I found to be dull) as the good version of the Star Wars prequels kinda put that into perspective for me, since the Star Wars prequels are also dull to me, even stripping away all the nitpicks people hold against them; whereas they aren't for you.

    I should've realized this sooner, but I think because I didn't get a proper explanation, I wasn't able to really understand the specifics of it. I think I do now, so thanks.
  • Hey, guys. I..


    I'll come back later
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    And believe me: Internet people do not just hate the designated whipping boy films. They think that if you like any of them, or have anything positive to say about them, you are a blinded by nostalgia marketed-into-liking-something idiotic reactionary moron who doesn't get the deep structural problems in the movie, whatever the fuck those are
  • I think we all need to take a moment to appreciate the YouTube thumbnail for one of the songs I was referencing, simply because it is objectively the best YouTube thumbnail I have seen in months:


    god bless Waka Flocka Flame

    you may now carry on with your arguments
  • edited 2016-11-06 17:31:56
    My dreams exceed my real life
    Look at the reaction nerds had to the new Ghostbusters movie, subtract the worse than normal harassment, and you see the formula for their reaction to every hated movie since the internet was born
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    Your tone is starting to spike up again.

    Look, I can get being upset that Suicide Squad got a raw deal. I'm still kinda upset that John Carter got such a raw deal myself.

    However, you have gone on about it so much that seeing the mere phrase "suicide squad" makes me upset.

    See how you explained the TWS thing to me? You should figure out how to treat other people like you do me.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Odradek said:

    Reading the SA film discussion board

    And here we have the advocation of executive/committee/management based movie making and arguing for the death of an actual creative voice behind a film. We are actually celebrating mediocrity and the idea of building franchise films devoid of any creative voice or identity by just following a homogenised formula set by some upper level management.

    This more than anything else is why the MCU is so terrible. They've successfully sold a narrative where executive meddling is celebrated and everyone cheers while utterly average, bland, forgettable movies with workmanlike cinematography that any half decent cable TV show easily surpasses get churned out on a regular basis to critical acclaim.

  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Okay I am done then
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    stupid things are on the internet

    this has been true since the internet existed. I suggest taking a break from the internet and, uh, reading a good book or something
  • kill living beings
    go to sleep, wake back up, this stupid shit is still happening

    for god's sake stop being so obsessive about fucking everything

    how does this happen, like you look around and you're all, well, it's been two days since the last time i wrote multiple paragraphs about a bad movie from two years ago, better get back on that. someone might have forgotten that i have a hate for this film usually reserved for war criminals.

    or do you see some guy on SA who says, i don't know, literally anything, and your response involves talking to us here about it even though noone really cares because you've already explained yourself ad nauseum for months on end

    it's not like you just do this for movies but it's most obvious for movies because who gives a shit? who gives a shit about this. you. apparently. maybe some pigheaded dickass from the depths of an internet comedy show comment section. and hey: fuck that noise. you are better than that but you fail to demonstrate that.

    and you just say the same things over and over again. look, right there, "deep structural problems". already did that thread! two weeks ago. there is no point to saying this again. nothing has changed in two weeks.

    even when you do say anything it's so exaggerated it doesn't matter. like: is winter soldier a bad film? i dunno, sure. is it over marketed? sure! whatever! but then you describe everyone with an opinion you disagree with as some kind of freaky combination adorno gamergate manchild that i have a really hard time believing really exists in numbers beyond like, five. and i read that and it's like, oh. no informational content here. just hatred.

    it doesn't matter. fuck. just control yourself.
  • Remember when I said conspiratorial thinking

    This is what I meant
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    I pretty much agree with everything that Klinotaxis said there.

    I would also like to add that, assuming that these people you pal around with elsewhere are really so petty, rude, mean-spirited and monomaniacal, and you still feel that they are the company that you wish to keep, then feel free to subject yourself to that. But you will not bring that tone to this forum again, nor shall I allow you to hijack conversations with the undifferentiated and needlessly repetitive venting of spleen. There will be no more lenience in this matter.
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    I'd make a more elaborate post if I didn't just wake up like an hour ago from very bad sleep so I'll just say this (alongside agreeing with Tze): The obsessive hatred that historically gets way too many passes despite not changing is partially only a thing due to HH's folks being pretty forgiving overall.
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    By the way good morning folks.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    That we are. But naturally, there are limits to our permissiveness.

    Good morning, Bird.
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    I added historical since I was still typing while another mod was, gotta catch all those bases like a pro. Agreed, naturally.

    Drowsily waves
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    You are right
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    Backseat gaming is so irritating during streams, even more so when it's something I can relate to. Specifically in the case of games I'm intimately familiar where I can totes help with minmaxing, like FTL.

    Which is also irritating in its own way when the streamer has outright said multiple times not to backseat mod and part of, you know, the fun of a roguelike is not being taught how to beat the game thanks to overactive chat.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I have chocolate milk.
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    Spoken like a true buckaroo.
  • I have been informed by a random passerby that the Vikings lost in overtime
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    how often do random passers-by inform you of such things
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