The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    Ooh, yay!
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    A is for Alice, a name for a dove
    B is for boobies, which Imicow loves
    C is for Centie, a Princess extreme
    D is for doggies, Anonus's team
    E is for Epitome, who always saves the day
    F is is for Fossilmaiden, a girl who's super gay
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    All reviews should have long tedious digressions where we box at insubstantial shadows to prove we aren't a certain kind of nerd

  • edited 2016-02-27 21:01:56
    meow meow meowtherfuckers
    Toolsie said:

    My Sim self wants to be a forensic specialist and sort of looks like me.

    A skinnier, prettier me >_>

    You're plenty pretty irl already. What traits didja give your sim, out of curiosity? 

    ^^ We should make a magical girl team, it'd be great. 
  • G is for Garrus Vakarian, that is my contribution
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    I am the only person who gets annoyed by aspects of things he likes

  • Epitome said:

    Toolsie said:

    My Sim self wants to be a forensic specialist and sort of looks like me.

    A skinnier, prettier me >_>

    You're plenty pretty irl already. What traits didja give your sim, out of curiosity? 

    ^^ We should make a magical girl team, it'd be great. 
    Sim self (Sim name Amy Stone):
    * Insane
    * Vegetarian
    * Bookworm
    * Genius
    * Neurotic

    AKA my real life traits.

    If I could add a 6th trait (which I can do if my sim self went to University or climbed up a group latter enough, I'd add Loves The Outdoors).
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Goons are the biggest idiots the world has ever seen, and I hate all of them
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    The foundation of something awful was worse than the bush presidency.
  • edited 2016-02-27 21:20:04

    I am the only person who gets annoyed by aspects of things he likes

    no, by far no

    right off the top of my head there's every time i've yelled at a fandom for demanding really shitty things
  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • Yes

    don't tell me what my opinion is of the inclusion of smutty pictures in the extras of the otherwise very serious dysfunctional systems
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Glenn, I never have any idea what you are saying, but you sure say a lot of it
  • meow meow meowtherfuckers
    Toolsie said:

    Epitome said:

    Toolsie said:

    My Sim self wants to be a forensic specialist and sort of looks like me.

    A skinnier, prettier me >_>

    You're plenty pretty irl already. What traits didja give your sim, out of curiosity? 

    ^^ We should make a magical girl team, it'd be great. 
    Sim self (Sim name Amy Stone):
    * Insane
    * Vegetarian
    * Bookworm
    * Genius
    * Neurotic

    AKA my real life traits.

    If I could add a 6th trait (which I can do if my sim self went to University or climbed up a group latter enough, I'd add Loves The Outdoors).
    I haaaave
    • Cat Person
    • Couch Potato
    • Good Sense of Humor
    • Supernatural Fan
    • Bookworm
    Any of those can be switched out for Shy/Socially Awkward/Loner depending how I feel, though. (I've made too many self sims due to computer problems and having to reinstall the game ;_;) 

  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Goons are worse than mosquito bites
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Naney was right about everything, as he always is
  • My last Sim self was crushed to death by a wall bed.

  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Goons are cancer
  • Glenn, I never have any idea what you are saying, but you sure say a lot of it

    The funny thing is that I feel the same way about you; I never understand anything you're saying but you sure do say a lot of it.

    Sorry about that -_-

    When you said:
    > I am the only person who gets annoyed by aspects of things he likes
    I was like, that's certainly not true, because there are many aspects of things that I like that I find unsatisfactory, such as how easy the bosses are in Symphony of the Night to the really crappy in-game map in Mega Man ZX, and so on and so forth.
    I don't know the original context of your statement though so maybe you aren't talking about creative media works, but then again one can certainly extend this opinion to other things, such as how I really love the Catholic Church's music but I strongly disagree with their positions on some moral issues such as abortion.

    "Dysfunctional Systems" is a visual novel with a generally very serious storyline, and everything in the game, including most of the extras, generally fits this tone, except for a handful of pictures that are smutty for no apparent reason.

    And I've rather frequently complained about various fandoms and their habits.
  • Naney was right about everything, as he always is

    no he's not

  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Goons are worse than murders
  • edited 2016-02-27 21:32:35

    Goons are worse than murders

    they certainly have higher attack power

    ...okay damnit why doesn't everyone else think the Chrono Trigger enemy when the term "goon" is used

    fuck SA
    they're not important
    we shall insult their sense of self-importance by thinking of something else first, specifically a minor enemy in a videogame
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Goons are worse than insight wankers
  • edited 2016-02-27 21:35:07
    what's SA?  what's 4chan?  what's reddit?  what's tumblr?  what's snapchat?  what's vine?  what's myspace?

    they don't matter
  • wait, you're vegetarian, Toolsie?

    I thought I had already ferreted out all the other vegans/vegetarians
  • edited 2016-02-27 21:37:45
    My dreams exceed my real life
    I'm not sure what your point is. Are you denying that there's an aesthetic that's common in goons? When you bring up criticisms, is it not in reference to things you dislike?
    This is my starting point: goons have an aesthetic. Yes, #notallgoons, but by and large, there is a collection of beliefs, ideas, opinions and ways of speaking that are common to the population. I don't dig those beliefs, ideas, opinions and ways of speaking I don't think it looks cool, or sounds cool, I don't respond to the idiosyncracies. They're annoying to me, or, if you'd like, they're silly in a way I dislike.
    But I'm not sure if you're saying the aesthetic isn't there (which I disagree with) or you're saying you shouldn't dislike an aesthetic (which I also disagree with). Yes, I can scour the world of goons for exceptions but why would I? I know they exist, they land on my door step sometimes, but life is too short to swim upstream for people. There's people everywhere.
  • edited 2016-02-27 21:39:58

    I'm not sure what your point is. Are you denying that there's an aesthetic that's common in goons? When you bring up criticisms, is it not in reference to things you dislike?
    This is my starting point: goons have an aesthetic. Yes, #notallgoons, but by and large, there is a collection of beliefs, ideas, opinions and ways of speaking that are common to the population. I don't dig those beliefs, ideas, opinions and ways of speaking I don't think it looks cool, or sounds cool, I don't respond to the idiosyncracies. They're annoying to me, or, if you'd like, they're silly in a way I dislike.
    But I'm not sure if you're saying the aesthetic isn't there (which I disagree with) or you're saying you shouldn't dislike an aesthetic (which I also disagree with). Yes, I can scour the world of goons for exceptions but why would I? I know they exist, they land on my door step sometimes, but life is too short to swim upstream for people. There's people everywhere.

    First, I'm not sure I can make sense of this.  I think I know what this means, but not well enough to be able to argue about it.

    Second, I'm not even sure if this is you writing this as your actual opinion or if this is a copypasta.  I am guessing it's a copypasta, based on your usual style, but I'm never actually sure.
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    I'm not sure what your point is. Are you denying that there's an aesthetic that's common in goons? When you bring up criticisms, is it not in reference to things you dislike?
    This is my starting point: goons have an aesthetic. Yes, #notallgoons, but by and large, there is a collection of beliefs, ideas, opinions and ways of speaking that are common to the population. I don't dig those beliefs, ideas, opinions and ways of speaking I don't think it looks cool, or sounds cool, I don't respond to the idiosyncracies. They're annoying to me, or, if you'd like, they're silly in a way I dislike.
    But I'm not sure if you're saying the aesthetic isn't there (which I disagree with) or you're saying you shouldn't dislike an aesthetic (which I also disagree with). Yes, I can scour the world of goons for exceptions but why would I? I know they exist, they land on my door step sometimes, but life is too short to swim upstream for people. There's people everywhere.

    First, I'm not sure I can make sense of this.  I think I know what this means, but not well enough to be able to argue about it.

    Second, I'm not even sure if this is you writing this as your actual opinion or if this is a copypasta.

  • wait, you're vegetarian, Toolsie?

    I thought I had already ferreted out all the other vegans/vegetarians
    Pescatarian. I occasionally eat fish.

  • edited 2016-02-27 21:43:42
    I'm semi-vegetarian by convenience.
  • meow meow meowtherfuckers
    Aaaah, talking about The Sims reminded me that I just want to play the ultimate do-nothing game. Like, please just give me my Sims/Animal Crossing/Harvest Moon/Shenmue hybrid where I can explore a huge town/city that's way more interesting than my own and play minigames and romance/befriend a cast of colorful characters.
  • I'm also lactose intolerant.

    Go me and my fussy eating habits!
  • edited 2016-02-27 21:46:02

    I'm not sure what your point is. Are you denying that there's an aesthetic that's common in goons? When you bring up criticisms, is it not in reference to things you dislike?
    This is my starting point: goons have an aesthetic. Yes, #notallgoons, but by and large, there is a collection of beliefs, ideas, opinions and ways of speaking that are common to the population. I don't dig those beliefs, ideas, opinions and ways of speaking I don't think it looks cool, or sounds cool, I don't respond to the idiosyncracies. They're annoying to me, or, if you'd like, they're silly in a way I dislike.
    But I'm not sure if you're saying the aesthetic isn't there (which I disagree with) or you're saying you shouldn't dislike an aesthetic (which I also disagree with). Yes, I can scour the world of goons for exceptions but why would I? I know they exist, they land on my door step sometimes, but life is too short to swim upstream for people. There's people everywhere.

    First, I'm not sure I can make sense of this.  I think I know what this means, but not well enough to be able to argue about it.

    Second, I'm not even sure if this is you writing this as your actual opinion or if this is a copypasta.

    I still don't get it.

    Also I mentioned that I think it's a copypasta but I'm never sure.
  • edited 2016-02-27 21:47:18
    Kit Kat Chunky with peanut butter.
  • kill living beings
    Epitome is gifted a copy of Seinfeld the Game, and the monkey's paw closes one finger
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Epitome said:

    Aaaah, talking about The Sims reminded me that I just want to play the ultimate do-nothing game. Like, please just give me my Sims/Animal Crossing/Harvest Moon/Shenmue hybrid where I can explore a huge town/city that's way more interesting than my own and play minigames and romance/befriend a cast of colorful characters.

  • meow meow meowtherfuckers
  • Toolsie said:

    wait, you're vegetarian, Toolsie?

    I thought I had already ferreted out all the other vegans/vegetarians
    Pescatarian. I occasionally eat fish.


    (i'm allergic to fish; and milk, as it goes)
  • Epitome is gifted a copy of Seinfeld the Game, and the monkey's paw closes one finger

    is this monkey's paw thing kinda like the four statues in super metroid
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    So, Seinfeld or A Game About Nothing:
    Action resolution stays the same(craps)
    Three stats: Inane, Neurotic and Eccentric
    Set one stat as +(can add a +1 to any roll involving that stat), one to =(no special actions on that stat), one to -(other players can subtract from your rolls on that stat). Kramer, for instance is E+,N=,I-
    Each character also starts with 5 twist points
    At the beginning of the game, choose a turn order through whatever method your group likes(rolling, clockwise, rps, etc)
    In turn order, each player declares an episode goal, the next player declares the major complication that will impair the previous player(though not make it impossible to complete), with the initial player deciding the last player's complication at the end. 
    In order, each player will set a scene where they attempt to accomplish something related to their goal. Which players are involved will be decided by consensus, though the GM should override if one player is being excluded or is trying to hog every scene. The GM will play NPCs, though they may allow another non-participating player to play one to make it easier.
    When a player takes an action that would move the plot forward, they roll craps against the stat most closely related to their actions as decided by the GM. 
    Before the roll(and only before the roll), if that roll is the player's - stat, any other player may spend a twist point to subtract one from the result.
    If the roll changes from positive to negative, the player who invoked the minus gains 1 twist point. If it changes from negative to positive, the player rolling gains 1 twist point. If it changes from negative to mega-negative, there are no changes to anyone's twist points but the invoking player can influence how the failure occurs. If the result doesn't change the twist point is burned.
    After 3-5 times around the table(to the group's taste and depending on group size), the episode concludes.
    If you met your goal, you win. If you didn't, you lose. If no one meets their's, whoever has the most twist points remaining wins.

    Thoughts as a basic framework?
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Duke Nukem as a character is pointless for anyone that isn't a twelve year old in the nineties who hasn't seen Army of Darkness
  • Duke Nukem as a character is pointless for anyone that isn't a twelve year old in the nineties who hasn't seen Army of Darkness

    Incidentally, Duke Nukem in DN1 had a much different characterization -- basically a generic action hero.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    For what it's worth, Baldanders, I feel much the same way about SA's culture, and I feel like it occasionally spills over here in a way I'm not really comfortable with.
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    Like, in Duke Nukem 3D, there's a bit where Duke can find the space marine from Doom, and he'll say "That's one DOOMed Space Marine!"

    That's the level of humor the Duke Nukem series is working with.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.

    For what it's worth, Baldanders, I feel much the same way about SA's culture, and I feel like it occasionally spills over here in a way I'm not really comfortable with.

    I very much agree with this post.

    I may have inadvertently gotten sucked into it in the past myself, and I apologize if I have.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    It is actively ruining things I like at this point.
  • i never went through the "i wanna be a badass action hero who kills stuff dead and makes them explode into gory bits" stage in my life, so i'm sorry if i can't sympathize with people who like this sort of shit
  • i never went through the "i wanna be a badass action hero who kills stuff dead and makes them explode into gory bits" stage in my life, so i'm sorry if i can't sympathize with people who like this sort of shit

    nah, the hell with it, elegance ftw
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