*Is he doing an MST3K thing at the start? Also he's a terrible actor.
*This is very basic and unpolished.
*That joke about the pane of glass is just him making a dumb joke about a dumb trope.
*He acts like he wouldn't be annoyed by these stupid enemies if they were in the movie, which is weird.
* Lots of weird non-jokes
*Unrelated: Why does Marty where a jacket in sunny summer california?
*He is very irate that this game has little to do with the movie
*A shitstorm of Bifs!
*"without cheating I don't know how this is not possible!"
*Bad comparisons to other videogames
*and now a skit It's not funny intentionally
IRATE-O-METER FOR THIS REVIEW: 19 out of 50 targets
* Half the time they don't even make no sense at all
How, exactly, is playing games out of order punishable by death in a couple of contries?
Um, clearly, Donkey Kong Junior comes between DOnkey Kong and Donkey Kong three.
Um, yeah, sure, there are a lot of games only available in Japan, but really, how many of those are actually good? I assume that for a lot of the games that weren't exported, it was because they weren't good enough to export. I disagree with the Irate Gamer that Japan always gets the best stuff.
You know, maybe the kids in Goonies have other friends that weren't in the movie and weren't mentioned? Pen pals are a thing, and so are friends that were on the other side of town during the events of the movie. I mean, it's not like some sort of thing where they have, say, a new One Piece or MLPFIM game where a new character is added and everyone acts like that new character was always an integral part of the group.
Also his stance on the sketches is more or less "Fuck it, I make this series for myself" and, hell, at least the videos say when to skip to.
ok i think
Part 1 implies that the show isn’t as good as “you” remember it being. The only proof he offers of this is the fact that it still holds up remarkably well to people who grew up with it, which seems pretty paradoxical to me. There is also the fact that, while a lot of kids watched the show, a lot of adults watched the show, too. Many of those people have also complained about a decline in the quality of the show, and nostalgia doesn’t quite explain their attitude towards the later years of the show.
Part 2 is pretty accurate, but I’d say that it’s more proof that the show should’ve gone off the air at that point more than proof that we’re all being too harsh on it. I’ll also note that four of his five favourite episodes all aired within the first seven seasons of the show.
*Bad CGI ho hum
ho hum
Honestly Chris Bores is still better than a lot of internet critics because he's incompetent enough to not actually be rage inducing.
* Ill be your friend Chris
*Chris has no friends, and has to bring in a Maple Story sprite as a co-host
*Let Tony get a word in edgewise Chris, geez
*Ol Shred Head