The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • It is my belief that you are the most idiotic example of a gardening tool that I have ever seen in my life, and I believe I will repeat that sentiment in short order.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Nice. Now paraphrase the whole song that way.

    I should be doing my project right now. But I'm not! :D
  • Living tissue over endoskeleton.
  • I just saw Forsythe's avatar on the arm of the marine recruiter in the lunchroom.

    Knew I saw that somewhere.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Well actually you have to be a sergeant to be a recruiter -- I finished my service one rank below that
  • Were you actually a corporal or is that just a nickname?

    As for the recruiter, I dunno anything about him. I'm a pacifist, so I've never had a real reason to talk to him.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
  • I kind of want to read this, it's old, but it seems interesting.


    But...that doesn't answer the question! D:
  • is Firefox seriously telling me that "doesn't" isn't a word?
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    And pacifism is the best thing, unfortunately the rest of the world doesn't believe so. The ideal world is one without a Marine Corps, but I'm still very proud of my service
  • Well, I recognize a practical and very unfortunate need for war in the present day due to a variety of factors, but what I mean when I say that is that I could never accept taking any action I knew would lead (directly or indirectly) to the taking of a human life.

    I don't hold anything against people that can or could. I just can't.

    I do hold things against what I will loosely term Palmerton war geeks, though. The kind that are racist and want to join the military so they can go shoot some dark people. I know an utterly depressing amount of people who are like that.
  • Palmerton


    Except you mentioned it before. :P
  • It's not hard to find, it's a federal superfund site and was formerly a fairly important industrial town.

    Mostly dead water nowadays though. I plan to move.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    You know what was funny

    was my Drill Instructors finding my webcomic online

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    It was. They thought it was hilarious. The "got" the humor. I swear I'm not making this up. 
  • the school day ends in one hour and twenty-four minutes.


    It was. They thought it was hilarious. The "got" the humor. I swear I'm not making this up. 

    Well I guess that's good.

    I'm not sure I 'get' it, though if it's the kind of thing to be got. I just find it amusing.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    speaking of which


    I'm the one on the right

  • I STAND ALONE against your mad, deadly, worldwide conspiratorial Gangster Computer God Communism with wall-to-wall deadly Gangster protection, life-long sworn conspirators, Murder Incorporated, organized crime, the police and judges, the Deadly Sneak Parroting Puppet Gangsters using all the Gangster deadly Frankenstein controls! These hangmanrope sneak deadly gangsters, the judges and the police, trick, trap, rob, wreck, butcher, and MURDER the people to keep them TERRORIZED in Gangster Frankenstein earphone radio slavery for the Communist Gangster Government and con-artist Parroting Puppet Gangster-playboy scum-on-top!

     Deadly Sneak Parroting Puppet Gangsters using all the Gangster deadly Frankenstein controls!

    He's like the Timecube guy. 

    But with more Gangsters.

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    sweet, I got XP64 installed via USB on my other old computer
  • edited 2012-05-17 13:15:13
    Huh, Oan's What is it? review was taken down. While it's sad to see any of TGWTG's producers' videos taken down for any reason, and especially one of my favorite episodes of one of my favorite series...I have to say that im 0k with this.

    The movie was an old shame for Crispin Glover, was only ever meant to be seen in private screenings hosted personally by him, and the review was produced from a bootleg copy that Kyle admitted to using right in the video. Its days were numbered right from the start. So, really, I don't begrudge anyone this. 

    That and I get the feeling from his tweets that Kyle is feeling a bit of The Girlfriend Experience-esque remorse over the review, too.
  • Worldwide Mad Deadly Communist Gangster

    Computer God!!!
  • Most of the principal actors have Down syndrome (though this condition is not addressed in the film). Fairuza Balk lends her voice to a real snail, and Glover's role in the film is officially described as "Dueling Demi-God Auteur and The young man's inner psyche." The film includes images of a painting of a prepubescent Shirley Temple in the nude, and songs by cult leader Charles Manson and racist singer Johnny Rebel, and deals with many types and symbols of racism and prejudice. 
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
    What is it with Yanks and Communism, its not like you lived under it :P
  • edited 2012-05-17 13:36:59
    Years of Cold War propaganda pounding it into people's heads, though it's really only been this bad since the far-right gained legitimacy with Reagan's win in 1980. The more blinkered rightists had been comparing Communism to the worst excesses of old bogeymen like the Nazis and the Catholic Church (no, those two don't really go together, but this is insane troll logic we're discussing) as far back as the late 1940s, but after the Red Scare of the 1950s dissipated, no one really took that hardline view on things seriously until after Reagan was in. 
  • Oh look, Nane got a new name.

    Hey there, FM.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Well, there's the fact that the only nation on earth that embraced communism and that hasn't outright rejected communism later is North Korea, that tells us something
  • edited 2012-05-17 13:39:59
    Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast

    But here in the UK, we had years of Cold War propaganda as well as well as the whole "30/5 minutes from Moscow" thing so its just weird thats all.

    Best Korea doesn't really have communism but tries to practice autarky.
  • edited 2012-05-17 13:46:33
    Right, because the way Communism was sold by Russia really had no hope of working outside of a small commune. Most utopian systems have the same problem, no matter what economic basis they're using, and the way Mao implemented it in particular ended up ruining China's economy so badly that they were glad to see him go. 

    In the end, the same thing happened to Russia, but that was more because the whole government had basically become a Ponzi scheme at that point, and the USSR was broke.

    Wind: Well, I guess it just comes down to certain parts of the US traditionally running conservative/right-leaning. The South was still dealing with the impact of the civil rights movement, and the Mountain West, while not as stridently racist or xenophobic, has always been either really classically liberal/libertarian, or socially conservative Mormon.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Also currently in the farming provinces in North Korea, every able man/woman/child has been pulled from their homes, places of work, and school to work the fields for 40 days so the top 10% of the population and of the party living in Pyongyang can eat comfortably this fall and winter. Dunno about you but I have problems with this arrangement
  • It'll take a while to get used to, but it's good to move on.

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    No, North Korea practices purestrain communism. Everything is collected and then redistributed -- as long as it lasts, which it never does. The rest left with nothing have to survive any way they can, and the thousands in the prison camps are even worse off from that.

  • edited 2012-05-17 13:47:29

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis

    Holy crap, I remembered this series for DECADES, but could never remember anything else about it, including the name!


    *strips naked and runs around Portland, calls it "performance art" and gets away with it*
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    Justice: There's a DVD box set -- I have one -- but from what I understand, they're going fast.

    Also, the shit they got away with in that series was incredible. 

  • edited 2012-05-17 13:47:46

    I thought N. Korea's main problem was that it has a policy of total self-sufficiency, so when they fucked up their agriculture with bad central planing they didn't accept food aid because they'd rather their citizens starve.

    But I'm no expert.
  • I just assisted in dissecting a frog.

    It was nasty. Also, my hands smell like latex alternatives.


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    They accepted aid from us, if memory serves. I believe we often don't give them stuff because they're not cooperating and decided "Thanks America! This aid will really help the people who are making missiles to test fire at Japan."
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
    I thought
    N. Korea's main problem was that it has a policy of total
    self-sufficiency, so when they fucked up their agriculture with bad
    central planing they didn't accept food aid because they'd rather their
    citizens starve.

    Bad planning and droughts, harsh winters and floods but yeah, I thought they tried to practice autarky
  • Recurring themes and phrases[29] in Dec's rants include: an entity referred to by Dec as the "World Wide Communist Gangster Computer God", its "Frankenstein Earphone Radio" and "Eyesight Television" (often preceded by "Frankenstein" as well), along with allegations of political chicanery on the part of Presidents and Vice Presidents throughout U.S. history.

    I like how Wikipedia can be subtlety funny like that. Best use of the word "chicanery" ever.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    That's the facade they put up.  In reality, they've been accepting food and medical aide from (get this) the United States for years.  They rattle our chain, we stop it for a week or two, get China involved, and the the aide starts flowing in again. 

    Also they love Jimmy Carter as much as China loved Nixon. Every time he flies in (which is relatively often) he's always greeted like an old pal.


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    They also accept aid from China.
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
    Thats because China doesn't want over a million Best Koreans overrunning the border
  • I really wanna know what goes on in their heads.

    Also they love Jimmy Carter as much as China loved Nixon. Every time he flies in (which is relatively often) he's always greeted like an old pal.

  • Bill Clinton secretly recruited Carter to undertake a peace mission to North Korea,[75] under the guise that it was a private mission of Carter's. Clinton saw Carter as a way to let North Korean President Kim Il-sung back down without losing face.[76]

    Carter negotiated an understanding with Kim Il-sung, but went further and outlined a treaty, which he announced on CNN without the permission of the Clinton White House as a way to force the US into action. The Clinton Administration signed a later version of the Agreed Framework, under which North Korea agreed to freeze and ultimately dismantle its current nuclear program and comply with itsnonproliferation obligations in exchange for oil deliveries, the construction of two light water reactors to replace its graphite reactors, and discussions for eventual diplomatic relations.

    The agreement was widely hailed at the time as a significant diplomatic achievement.[77] In December 2002, the Agreed Framework collapsed as a result of a dispute between the George W. Bush Administration and the North Korean government ofKim Jong-il. In 2001, Bush had taken a confrontational position toward North Korea and, in January 2002, named it as part of an "Axis of Evil". Meanwhile, North Korea began developing the capability to enrich uranium. Bush Administration opponents of theAgreed Framework believed that the North Korean government never intended to give up a nuclear weapons program, but supporters believed that the agreement could have been successful and was undermined.[78]

    In August 2010, Carter traveled to North Korea in an attempt to secure the release of Aijalon Mahli Gomes. Gomes, a U.S. citizen, was sentenced to eight years of hard labor after being found guilty of illegally entering North Korea. Carter successfully secured the release.[79]

  • edited 2012-05-17 13:54:45

    Thats because China doesn't want over a million Best Koreans overrunning the border


    LOL @ "Best Koreans"
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