The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    Personally I am quite offended. There is a lot of Full House in The Iliad, and
    also why the hell did I read that in Plucky Duck's voice
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    thing is, tropers often treated it like it was a serious reference

    while a lot of the criticisms were admittedly  elitist, there was definitely an anti-intellectual contingent on the site which left me more sympathetic towards said snobs
    I seem to remember some anti-intellectualism going around, but I can't remember how it manifested.
  • kill living beings
    my stupid field doesn't even know what it's doing

    it's an exploratory nothingness

    and it doesn't even matter to me really
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    Tachyon said:

    thing is, tropers often treated it like it was a serious reference

    while a lot of the criticisms were admittedly  elitist, there was definitely an anti-intellectual contingent on the site which left me more sympathetic towards said snobs

    More seriously, yes I feel you, but I can't stand snobs by default so while I was more sympathetic... it was only by so much. If they actually cared, there would have been less naming-and-shaming bad amateur works, and more constructive criticism (which happened all too infrequently), alongside the other nonsense. So, meh.

    I have cookies.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Eddie was a proponent of it, to some degree

    i'm thinking here of the way you'd see people sneering at 'modern art' and 'literary criticism' and people putting forward the claim that tropes were the 'building blocks of fiction'

    though now i mention it i'm not sure there was any overlap between those two groups, it just sort of added up to an overall impression for me, of a culture that was basically to art and literature what LessWrong is to philosophy and computer science
    Now, see, that makes sense to me. The minimalist, overly reductive approach is easy enough to follow if you're completely ignorant of a philosophy (or know enough to be dangerous), but if there's anything that LW proved, it's that trying to reduce morality to a canned set of hard and fast Absolute Truths doesn't work all that well in the more nuanced real world.

    The same goes for TVT; it seems like "troperiffic" works tend to be garish and soulless, like those cheap kids drinks that have more E numbers than anything else.
  • kill living beings
  • Tachyon said:

    i'm thinking here of the way you'd see people sneering at 'modern art' and 'literary criticism' and people putting forward the claim that tropes were the 'building blocks of fiction'

    the thing is that this is true in a way but also utterly meaningless. Lots of things can be said to be "the building blocks of fiction" including: words, ideas, pages, letters, characters, plots, settings, etc., etc., etc.

    it's just one of those weird turns of phrase that doesn't actually mean very much.
  • lee4hmz said:

    the same goes for TVT; it seems like "troperiffic" works tend to be garish and soulless, like those cheap kids drinks that have more E numbers than anything else.

    oh come on
  • I dunno

    I feel like one of the few people who doesn't think that TVTropes has some big overarching capital-P Problem.

    It has issues, most of which are attributable to the fact that it's mostly edited by your ISO standard nerd crowd, but it's not really markedly different from other nerdwank sites except in format (being a wiki as opposed to say, like, Cracked or something) so I dunno. I feel as though the ongoing discussion about "The Problem With TVTropes" is some kind of weird lingering influence of the whole SA/TVT "feud" that was going on in like 2011 even though most people on both sides that were actually involved (myself included, God help me) seem to have since moved on. Regardless of what anyone might want it to be, TVTropes is and always has been a great timewaster, but not much else.

    I also think it's improved markedly since the new admins took over, at least from a reader's standpoint.

    Couldn't tell you how it is from a user's standpoint since I am still IP-banned 5 years later. I'd like to talk to the new admins about that but I don't know how to get ahold of them.
  • kill living beings
    son of a dick

    these basic blocks, they drive me to drink

    how can something so about code be so annoying to code

    fuck your side effects dammit. things don't actually happen. fuck you, fuck you. i'm going to beat you to death with a fucking leibniz joke you flayed son of a cunt. die die die die die. bleed out on me.
  • son of a dick

    these basic blocks, they drive me to drink

    how can something so about code be so annoying to code

    fuck your side effects dammit. things don't actually happen. fuck you, fuck you. i'm going to beat you to death with a fucking leibniz joke you flayed son of a cunt. die die die die die. bleed out on me.


    I HATE C+

  • kill living beings
    Icona Pop plays in the elevator as I meticulometrically pull my skin out from inside my hepatic lololobules i just wanna see what it looks looks looks i mean if you see a million books in a library you don't assume they're all made out of paper or rather you do but there might be that one piece of shit book that's a pop-up or something and it's all wrong all the angles jut into each other all lobachevskially and you just want to burn down the whole building to free yourself of the fucking many angled dipshits singing soviet infantry songs in your stupid fucking head that can't even fucking get the noise out you see the the the the sic the the the the the the the control flow is impossible. that's what i'm telling you. it's just a stupid mess of nonlinear elements you goddamn smart person you can't even see the the fucking non fucking fucking the the the the the the fucking the fucking hair inside the body. pull it out. ding ding ding, music for trains. it's all a mess. we can't even understand computers if we don't put them in ridiculous badly generated boxes. what a joke. we can't understand me. i'm just a bunch of blood. what a joke. what a joke. the the the the, for good measure
  • edited 2016-05-27 12:36:10
    Jane said:

    lee4hmz said:

    the same goes for TVT; it seems like "troperiffic" works tend to be garish and soulless, like those cheap kids drinks that have more E numbers than anything else.

    oh come on
    Well, not all of them; I was thinking of those times when people in Writer's Block would essentially make a "suicide soda" of as many tropes they could think of. AAatFoVS and TVTtTVS (remember those?) had that problem. Stuff with a lot of tropes in it are typically a lot more organic, and less likely to taste like stale root beer.
  • edited 2016-05-27 12:39:37
    I've also gotten some sleep since I last posted, so that comment should make a bit more sense.
  • hey...
    Hey toolsie
  • so i was talking to my friend/pen pal on nanowrimo, and i told her about my superhero universe that i created
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Jane said:

    Tachyon said:

    i'm thinking here of the way you'd see people sneering at 'modern art' and 'literary criticism' and people putting forward the claim that tropes were the 'building blocks of fiction'

    the thing is that this is true in a way but also utterly meaningless. Lots of things can be said to be "the building blocks of fiction" including: words, ideas, pages, letters, characters, plots, settings, etc., etc., etc.

    it's just one of those weird turns of phrase that doesn't actually mean very much.
    It appears to mean something, though.  It appears to be an unsupportable metaphysical claim that treats 'tropes' as atomic.

    i mean maybe i'm overthinking it and it really is just an empty phrase, but when i think back to the time Madrugada compared writing a story to carrying out a recipe with 'tropes' in place of ingredients, it really did seem like people thought that way and thought that was how you write a story.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Having said which i still feel like 'write a story containing tropes x, y and z' would be a pretty cool constrained writing exercise, it's just clearly not the only way to write a story, and probably won't make for the most original stories.
    I seem to remember things like that being a fairly standard creative-writing class exercise, actually.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I feel like Tumblr has kind of retconned ASOIAF as a progressive masterpiece out of hatred for the adaptation

    Which is weird because, like a twelve year old gets fingered right in the first book
  • i have seen no tumblr opinions on a song of game of ice throne on fire

    which is weird b/c you'd think i would have seen at least a few?

    i guess the Content Gods feel remorseful after subjecting me to the Fallout Opinions of Communist Furries and have decided to let me catch a break
  • as i mentioned on twitter yesterday

    i will pay 17 US dollars to never hear another word about the Fallout franchise. i'd fork over an extra 3 to extend that to all vidya
  • I forgot how much I hate Shark Tale

  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    I have you beat. I saw Bee Movie at the cinema.
  • I would pay 17 dollars to never have to watch this movie again

    out of morbid curiosity why have you had to see this multiple times
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    I saw that once and then, I think, basically cleansed it out of my mind. Thankfully it wasn't in theater, I'm pretty sure, and I was also young.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    I actually liked the first Transformers when I was a kid.

    I think I have you all beat.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    I guess it's balanced out by having seen Toy Story 2 and Fury Road in the cinema.
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    I forgot how much I hate Shark Tale

    In Eastern Promises, there's a scene where a gay mobster has to have sex with a woman to prove he has what it takes to take over the gang.

    I like to imagine that scene was inspired by Shark Tale.
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    i have seen no tumblr opinions on a song of game of ice throne on fire

    which is weird b/c you'd think i would have seen at least a few?

    i guess the Content Gods feel remorseful after subjecting me to the Fallout Opinions of Communist Furries and have decided to let me catch a break
    Let me guess: They really hate Fallout 3
  • and they really love Fallout New Vegas
  • Splat Charger Specialist
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    stop liking things. you must only hate. books: must hate. movies: must hate. music: triple plus must hate. strawberry cheesecake: must be scoured from the universe.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    You guys remind me that I need to work more jokes about Shark Tale and Bee Movie into my writing
  • Anonus said:

    You guys remind me that I need to work more jokes about Shark Tale and Bee Movie into my writing

    Those are bad things and you shouldn't remind people of them.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Jane said:

    Anonus said:

    You guys remind me that I need to work more jokes about Shark Tale and Bee Movie into my writing

    Those are bad things and you shouldn't remind people of them.
    well i do deliberately avoid reference to certain H-B/R-S lowlights in my writing, so, point
  • kill living beings
    a red
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Ben Burtt is an underrated part of Star Wars's success.

    He adds at least as much to the "feel" of the movies as John Williams's score.
  • worst comment section on YouTube goes to: Zizek on BOFA
  • kill living beings
    what does BOFA stand for stand for deez nuts? doesn't even make sense pal
  • Bofa Deez nuts

    the meme is, you ask someone about it, or casually mention it, and they ask what it is

    it's like a more crude version of updog
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