The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    I like to think that one day I will be a functional happy girl in real life with a job and an education and hobbies and things.
  • naney said:


    oh shut uuuuuuuuuup
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Like, I will be around people in real life and not melt into a puddle and not spend all day on the internet, maybe.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    I hope I don't whine *too* much (I probably do ;_; )
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    I got tired of Tumblr a long time ago so I rarely go there anymore and I just stick to here and my friends and the places related to my interests.
  • 'twont tho

    and yeah i know that people gotta vent sometimes but jeez there seems to be a lot of venting on tumblr and not much else, y'know?
  • naney said:

    'twont tho

    and yeah i know that people gotta vent sometimes but jeez there seems to be a lot of venting on tumblr and not much else, y'know?

    then don't go on tumblr
  • and of the various types of internet shit one has to put up with when choosing to visit a given large website, tumblr's is some of the most tolerable.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    I think I don't vent as much as I used to because I would just be complaining about the exact same things all the time for years and even I get really tired of that.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    I was in a really bad mental and emotional place for the last few months but I'm a lot better now because Pyridrym is with me. ; m ;
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    My waifu is fixing my laifu. ; u ;
  • kill living beings
    (no solutions exist)
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    in all irony, Tumblr is what infected me with my (mostly faulty, I think) belief that most people my age don't want to watch classic American animation
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    internet tough guys
  • Most people your age don't watch cartoons at all.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    naney said:

    'twont tho

    and yeah i know that people gotta vent sometimes but jeez there seems to be a lot of venting on tumblr and not much else, y'know?

    then don't go on tumblr

    You're getting kind of excessively defensive here...
  • We can do anything if we do it together.

    Most people your age don't watch cartoons at all.

    I'm pretty sure that's much less true than it used to be.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    sorry I'll stop talking ; n ; thank you for putting up with me hh
  • cream ur rad

    i just wanted to say that

    rad cream customer
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    talk all you want, cream

    don't let these complainers get ya down
  • Miss Miko MayoneggMiss Miko Mayonegg
    glomps naney
    More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    /me glomps naney
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    Most people your age don't watch cartoons at all.

    I'm pretty sure that's much less true than it used to be.

    Probably, but American attitudes toward animation are still pretty... skewed.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    Most people your age don't watch cartoons at all.

    there was a detail I forgot to add

    I just kind of feared that they didn't want to watch it even as kids

    But I'd like to think that's not true

    (keep in mind, I'm excluding the things that got pushed over to Boomerang by the early 2000s due to the channel's narrow distribution)
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    naney said:

    cream ur rad

    i just wanted to say that

    rad cream customer

    Yeah, this.

    Mainly I'm asking Mo why he so mad.
  • Anonus said:

    Most people your age don't watch cartoons at all.

    there was a detail I forgot to add

    I just kind of feared that they didn't want to watch it even as kids

    But I'd like to think that's not true

    (keep in mind, I'm excluding the things that got pushed over to Boomerang by the early 2000s due to the channel's narrow distribution)
    most people watch cartoons as children, most people eventually stop watching cartoons as adults, at least in the United States

    you can go up and down about how that's dumb--and it is--but that is the case.
  • Cream said:

    /me glomps naney

    oh noooooooo i have been glompeded
  • adults don't watch cartoons because they are too busy doing adult things such as taxes and shaving
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    Anonus said:

    Most people your age don't watch cartoons at all.

    there was a detail I forgot to add

    I just kind of feared that they didn't want to watch it even as kids

    But I'd like to think that's not true

    (keep in mind, I'm excluding the things that got pushed over to Boomerang by the early 2000s due to the channel's narrow distribution)
    most people watch cartoons as children, most people eventually stop watching cartoons as adults, at least in the United States

    you can go up and down about how that's dumb--and it is--but that is the case.

    Yeah, agreed.
  • kill living beings
  • kill living beings
    i shaved today

    if i don't shave i kind of look better, at least in that i look like a hobo rather than just an uncategorizable living vomit
  • naney said:

    cream ur rad

    i just wanted to say that

    rad cream customer

    Yeah, this.

    Mainly I'm asking Mo why he so mad.
    You want the god's honest truth? I don't fucking know.

    I have been wildly alternating between furious, depressed, and content for the past few days and I don't know why. I haven't been talking about it here because it's not anyone here's business, and god forbid I be a whiner of any kind.

    Anyway, emotionalism aside, I'm just bothered by complaining about complaining is all. 
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    Anonus said:

    Most people your age don't watch cartoons at all.

    there was a detail I forgot to add

    I just kind of feared that they didn't want to watch it even as kids

    But I'd like to think that's not true

    (keep in mind, I'm excluding the things that got pushed over to Boomerang by the early 2000s due to the channel's narrow distribution)
    most people watch cartoons as children, most people eventually stop watching cartoons as adults, at least in the United States

    you can go up and down about how that's dumb--and it is--but that is the case.
    I never really understood that

    Maybe that's because I'm autistic and thus my childhood habits are tougher to break

    (also personally cartoons always seemed far more interesting than "adult" entertainment)
  • See? Now I'm not even angry anymore, I just feel kind of nauseous.

    I should go do something else.
  • edited 2015-01-07 06:55:28

    Anonus said:

    (also personally cartoons always seemed far more interesting than "adult" entertainment)

    you say this now but just wait until you fill out your first 1040
  • Anonus said:

    Anonus said:

    Most people your age don't watch cartoons at all.

    there was a detail I forgot to add

    I just kind of feared that they didn't want to watch it even as kids

    But I'd like to think that's not true

    (keep in mind, I'm excluding the things that got pushed over to Boomerang by the early 2000s due to the channel's narrow distribution)
    most people watch cartoons as children, most people eventually stop watching cartoons as adults, at least in the United States

    you can go up and down about how that's dumb--and it is--but that is the case.
    I never really understood that

    Maybe that's because I'm autistic and thus my childhood habits are tougher to break

    (also personally cartoons always seemed far more interesting than "adult" entertainment)
    I don't understand how people watch live action TV, but I seem to live in a different world from most other people in terms of visual entertainment tastes. I don't really watch movies either.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    naney said:

    adults don't watch cartoons because they are too busy doing adult things such as taxes and shaving

    <insert Homestuck Dad reference here>

    naney said:

    cream ur rad

    i just wanted to say that

    rad cream customer

    Yeah, this.

    Mainly I'm asking Mo why he so mad.
    You want the god's honest truth? I don't fucking know.

    I have been wildly alternating between furious, depressed, and content for the past few days and I don't know why. I haven't been talking about it here because it's not anyone here's business, and god forbid I be a whiner of any kind.

    Anyway, emotionalism aside, I'm just bothered by complaining about complaining is all. 
    My original post was me being glad that I've recently started to realize just how pointless the endless complaining cycle was, so I'm actually agreed with you there.

    You're also fine to complain here if you want. Nobody would think that you were a whiner.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I am slightly troubled by the notion that anyone who complains about anything is a "whiner"
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    naney said:

    Anonus said:

    (also personally cartoons always seemed far more interesting than "adult" entertainment)

    you say this now but just wait until you fill out your first 1040
    those taxes will NEVER take my cartoons away
  • naney said:

    adults don't watch cartoons because they are too busy doing adult things such as taxes and shaving

    <insert Homestuck Dad reference here>

    naney said:

    cream ur rad

    i just wanted to say that

    rad cream customer

    Yeah, this.

    Mainly I'm asking Mo why he so mad.
    You want the god's honest truth? I don't fucking know.

    I have been wildly alternating between furious, depressed, and content for the past few days and I don't know why. I haven't been talking about it here because it's not anyone here's business, and god forbid I be a whiner of any kind.

    Anyway, emotionalism aside, I'm just bothered by complaining about complaining is all. 
    My original post was me being glad that I've recently started to realize just how pointless the endless complaining cycle was, so I'm actually agreed with you there.

    You're also fine to complain here if you want. Nobody would think that you were a whiner.
    nobody here cares though

    I don't say that in an "ooh pity me no 1 curr bout lil ol me" way, just like, factually, I'm pretty sure no one would care.
  • it's good to complain sometimes, everyone should be able too

    and maybe i should more often but im a very broody person

    but sometimes too much complaining just kinda creates a pool of complainyness if that makes any sense
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I brood a lot too, but once in a while it's nice to open up and say something.
  • edited 2015-01-07 07:06:22
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    ^^ Yeah, I love a lot about Tumblr, but the nature of the format encourages... I'm not sure how to describe it. It's the sort of thing I would probably be OK with in conversation, but it gets tiresome to hear so many people venting about things in that way at the same time.
  • kill living beings
    consider pheasant
  • I think the way Tumblr works encourages a complaint to snowball, to wrap more and more layers of complaint-snow around it until it's a goddamn avalanche with a billion likes.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    and then the ice weasels come
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I don't mean to sound mean when I say this, but Tumblr REALLY seems to like Scooby-Doo

    Like I saw a Scooby-Doo post from New Year's Eve that managed to rack up 12,000 notes in the space of like three days (one of those was contributed by HBL, but still)
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    when I was a kid I thought Shaggy was cool
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