Let's Take Back (◕‿◕✿)



  • edited 2015-02-01 08:24:41

    significantly better than anything that actually happens in that show
  • isn't SNK one of those anime dudebros love
  • Basically

    Cute macro SNK would be cute tho
  • The fuck's a dudebro
  • An obnoxious adolescent-to-young adult male, typically overtly misogynistic and bearing a puerile sense of humor
  • Oh, so basically Hatter?
  • no clue who that is
  • what I was gonna say is "the typical 4channer"

    Hatter is some dude who posted on TVT and IJBM forever ago but has since been banned from both, I'm sure
  • to be fair i thought that 4chan hated snk

    mostly i think of snk as the purview of kinda basic 18 year olds on tumblr and reddit
  • reddit is also full of dudebros
  • It's useless to quantify what 4chan does or doesn't hate.
  • edited 2015-02-01 09:19:22

    ^ ^ point
  • reddit is also full of dudebros

    The Pacific Ocean is also kind of damp
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    i watched ten episodes of attack on titan, it seemed alright but i don't have much desire to go back to it after learning about the author being a japanese war crime denialist
  • AoT was one of those things people kept insisting had a loud, annoying fanbase, but I never actually encountered said fanbase.

    The thing about the author is obviously horrible but I feel like people latch onto that as more an excuse than anything.
  • my mind created a dichotomy between Attack on Titan and Kill la Kill

    like the former was ostensibly for casuals or some shit and the latter was The Good Stuff
  • Eh, it's cool. I know lots of Studio Ghibli people are Japanese war crime denialists - I vaguely remember Miyazaki chewing them out, which gave me a lot of respect for the guy.
  • edited 2015-02-01 09:47:57
    i watched ten episodes of attack on titan, it seemed alright but i don't have much desire to go back to it after learning about the author being a japanese war crime denialist
    The characters are well-written but at times it seems like there's a political motive behind it, what with the passion it drives its morals into your brain.

    Whether or not there is one I leave up to you to decide. I've learned my lesson about presuming things.
  • my point being that it's OK to like things written by people who are wrong - or even bigoted. Lovecraft would call me inferior mongrel swine if he were alive today and that doesn't stop me from reading him
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    that's true, but knowing the creator of something has bigoted opinions can lessen my enjoyment of the thing in question, because my recollection of those opinions will be in the back of my mind when watching it and apparent biases in it can bring that recollection to the fore

    like in the case of Lovecraft i can certainly read it and get some enjoyment from it but it does affect my perception of the writing

    i vaguely feel like AoT is less 'essential' than Lovecraft but only time will tell how influential it proves to be

    but in the meantime there are plenty of other anime that interest me more
  • edited 2015-02-01 14:15:11
    Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    I love Lovecraft's work, partly because I'm pretty sure if he were alive today and heard about folks like me, he would be immensely confused and he'd spend most of his days in a daze, and that thought pleases me.

    Whereas me loving Attack On Titan (if I did) is just feeding into Japanese imperialism. Which my folks have suffered and still not entirely forgiven.
  • But isn't liking Lovecraft also feeding into American imperialism

    I mean using that logic
  • edited 2015-02-01 15:08:22
    Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Lovecraft himself was a buffoon and nobody took him seriously. Nobody listens to him. Even we can't take him seriously. When we look at his view of the world as depicted in his writings, we just laugh and laugh. It's plainly ludicrous. He is a figure that is prodded, laughed at, mocked. Lovecraft may have wanted to further the cause of Manifest Destiny, but he did it no good, and even in death he cannot do it any good.

    I cannot mock Isayama Hajime. He is clearly no fool. People listen to him, poring over his work, finding things. He is successful, and that gives him a certain amount of power. Power that is undeniable. His sentiments are shared by many, and he could be a figure of some influence.

    One is a laughingstock; his type died out long ago, long before my own parents were young. The other is a bogeyman; his kind we will see in the years to come.
  • From (◕‿◕✿) to reddit to Japanese imperialism

    What a world we live in
  • Lovecraft remains a man fundamentally paralyzed by his fears, not one seeking to justify aggression.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    aggression and fear really aren't so far removed from one another
  • Lovecraft was basically his era's version of the reddit misogynist who writes MLP fanfic and hides in his house all day
  • i really hate how the MLP:FIM fandom is full of dudebros with typical nerd tastes and not American cartoon fans
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i know what you mean and i'm sure you're not referring to anyone here, but like, i probably wouldn't have ever watched FIM were it not for the nerd following, and i guess i have typical nerd tastes...

    i dunno, since when did 'dudebro' have anything to do with nerds anyway?  This is a recent association, i feel.
  • edited 2015-02-01 23:38:28
    some nerds are dudebros, or at least act like them

    and American cartoon fans are nerds, I guess, it's just that American animation is rarely central to "nerd culture" (a lot of people I've spoken to outside of, like, Toon Zone seem to think that Looney Tunes and such are something to be grown out of, for instance)
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    a lot of American cartoons *are* aimed at children, but i don't think you're ever too old for Looney Tunes
  • in all irony I've felt myself to have "grown out of" Family Guy and such

    also I have tastes that probably seem more juvenile than most nerds'
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    but yeah i know some nerds act like dudebros, i guess i just kinda bristled at the suggestion that being dudebros had anything to do with having typical nerd tastes
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Family Guy strikes me as kind of teenage, so it makes sense to talk about growing out of it
  • I don't think the singular "nerd" is or ever really has been a thing.

    I think when most people say "nerd" derisively they're recurring to a kind of amalgam of several different types of people, many of whom like fedoras.
  • typical nerd stuff rarely holds my interest anyway
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    I don't think the singular "nerd" is or ever really has been a thing.

    I think when most people say "nerd" derisively they're recurring to a kind of amalgam of several different types of people, many of whom like fedoras.

    typical nerd stuff rarely holds my interest anyway

    somehow, stuff that holds my interest is invariably considered 'typical nerd stuff'
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i might be way off the mark but i think nerds tend to be more forgiving of cartoons made with the express purpose of advertising toys, e.g. He-Man, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Transformers

    plus a lot of American animation fans are kind of meh on flash animation anyway, plus the 'for little girls' thing probably put a lot of people off (bearing in mind the male nerd following for MLP kind of snowballed out of some 'ironic' thing on 4chan and otherwise might not have happened)
  • I think people are OK with that because toys are fun and the cartoons that are mostly to advertise them should be, as a consequence, also fun. Ofc Transformers in particular has become this whole....thing, that is difficult to describe in short.

    The reason the MLP fandom, or at least parts of it, is bad is that it actively excludes the intended audience.

    No child is left out of Transformers by there being older Transformers fans, but a lot of the worst people who latched on to Friendship is Magic are also responsible for the franchise's internet presence being turned into a thing largely of perversion and hatred, and thus unsuitable for the young girls the show is actually made for. You can argue--and you'd be right--that that's not actually the show's fault, but it's how things developed.
  • There's plenty of American animation fans who like FIM, but they don't make up the most prominent chunk of the fandom.

    We do tend to be meh-to-negative on Flash.

    And I'm the sort of fan who generally disdains toyetic cartoons, FIM aside...I prefer things that are based on things with some sort of animated/comic/literary origin, or original creations.
  • the important question: are the toys good
  • edited 2015-02-02 01:17:20
    naney said:

    the important question: are the toys good

    toys of what?

    anyway I thought "nerds" generally gravitated towards tie-in animation more than original stuff (e.g. people waxing nostalgic over Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh! - I thought the latter was kind of junky as a kid, but then again I hated the '90s X-Men show too so)
  • yeah I know lumping "nerds" into one group is never smart but still
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i think devotion to certain interests is kind of integral to the concept of 'nerdiness' so you would expect tie-in cartoons to attract nerd followings, wouldn't you?

    i preferred Yu-Gi-Oh! to X-Men... i watched some of both, but was never crazy about either
  • i guess

    I guess I just like animation in general more than most people (and so does JHM, who doesn't post here right now and we hope can come back soon)
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    y'know i never knew JHM was all that into animation

    idk how i missed that
  • He rarely has occasion to speak about it publicly, but he's mentioned it. He's the forum's only other Pepper Ann enthusiast unless you'd consider yourself such too...
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i guess i'd consider myself a fan, but i haven't watched much of it recently.
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