Talkin about Tumblrs, man



  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    It's wrong on so many levels
  • edited 2014-09-30 23:15:51

    i dunno i was feeling depressed and then i read "I have made a My Little Pony fanfiction story, that is designed to cure depression and other mental illnesses." and i laughed and now i feel a bit better.

    and keep in mind that's only the sales pitch, imagine the restorative properties that the fanfiction itself has
  • kill living beings
    I like "designed".Imagine this portrait of the brony as a young man: sitting at his desk, carefully arranging letters with tweezers. Five months of research have led to this moment. Interviews, fMRI, you name it, no expense has been spared. An entire theory of fiction design has been createdin service of this goal
    Why is it so hard for people to see that trans* men are Mens Rights Activists and that humouring them in any manner only solidifies their privilege and dominance over women
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    oh fuck now I can't stop laughing
  • im laughing again
  • Anonymous: Hello! Where did you get your pretty shoes from? :D so in love with your wardrobe !

    my answer to all these clothes q’s is japan jus go to japan w an empty
    suitcase and buy clothes dont pack jus buy all things there dont
    question anything my answer is japan

  • virtual artifacts owns where can i find more tumblrs of cool turn of the century cllothes from turkmenistan
  • edited 2014-10-02 11:59:38
    kill living beings
    can we just ban cafabs from claiming to be ~~trans~~ please
    why is this happening
  • kill living beings
    coercively assigned female at birth

    i.e. they're talking about trans men
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    rosaluxmemeburg:    I’m a very productive worker
  • kill living beings
    good job
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    My general thought is that anyone who uses "coercively assigned < > at birth" outside the context of intersex individuals is not someone worth listening to to begin with.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Is anyone else annoyed by talk of "canon urls"

    Unless the character canonically has a Tumblr, there's no such thing as a "canon url", just a url that's exactly the name of the character
    Wait, how can you be "coercively" assigned a gender if your genitals are intact? Gender identity isn't even possible at birth because newborns aren't really all that self-aware.
  • i was meaning in general more tumblrs posting archaeological/historical objects, however im also rly interested in central asia so this is also sick
    Central Asia seems like kind of a neglected part of the world...there's no big wars or disease outbreaks, no one in the West really knows anyone from there, so it's just kind of there.
  • edited 2014-10-02 15:30:53
    kill living beings
    I'm a big fan, I even submitted something to that blog once though it was crap

    it was Soviet and rural forever so nobody in the west cared much

    soon... soon, I will begin calling people cute in misspelled uzbek
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    lee4hmz said:

    Central Asia seems like kind of a neglected part of the world...there's no big wars or disease outbreaks, no one in the West really knows anyone from there, so it's just kind of there.

    With respect to war and disease, that part of the world did give us Tamerlane and the pneumonic plague, so that's somewhat inaccurate. But on the other hand, the Silk Road ran through Ferghana; and the region was the refuge of numerous strange ethnic and religious minorities until the Chinese and the Soviets started carving the place up...
  • kill living beings
    those fucking marmots

    caused the third pandemic too, on the other side o f China
    Well, I mean in modern times. Afghanistan and the fights over Nagorno-Karabakh are the only ones I can think of in my lifetime.
  • there was a Kyrgyz girl in my primary school, so ive known..... one person from central asia?
  • i am fascinated by the place though, i think partly because it gets so little attention. the silk road and stuff is really interesting historically
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    lee4hmz said:

    Well, I mean in modern times. Afghanistan and the fights over Nagorno-Karabakh are the only ones I can think of in my lifetime.

    History is long.

    Also, Afghanistan is pretty important, but for whatever reason we treat it like it's the Middle East. Maybe it's not far north enough?

    sunn wolf said:

    there was a Kyrgyz girl in my primary school, so ive known..... one person from central asia?

    I feel kind of bad for the Kyrgyz. But really all of the -stans are kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place.
  • especially the ones that don't formally exist like Kurdistan
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    The Kurds have different problems. But they will probably be a country inside of two years, with the best military in the region that isn't Iran's freaky shadow army.
  • I also know of Lohistan but I think that's a historical region.
  • edited 2014-10-02 17:47:15
    weird to think that Merv in central asia was at one point the largest city in the world and now it doesnt even exist

    genghis khan invaded it and murdered the entire population and razed it to the ground

    thanks, asshole
    "We're the exception!" -- A Mongol
  • kill living beings
    i don't think of kurdistan as central asia, i mean it's half in turkey and whoever heard of a turk in asia

    Also, Afghanistan is pretty important, but for whatever reason we treat it like it's the Middle East. Maybe it's not far north enough?

    my guess would be either the whole iraq war conflation thing, or less recently that it was in the british colonial sphere rather than the russian or chinese ones, but those are both kinda stretchy
  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Good comic.

    Best blog.
  • meow meow meowtherfuckers

    clothing stores popular on tumblr are weird

    like if they found this stuff at a thrift store they would probably laugh at it and pass it over, but if it's on a popular online shop it's ok? i'm sure i could maybe find something i like on the site if i tried, but what i see here
  • edited 2014-10-03 16:56:05
    meow meow meowtherfuckers and this does not exactly raise my opinion of it
    The models are cute, but that's about it...the whole thing seems very forced-meme/viral marketing to me
  • Yeah, for some reason there's an extremely vocal faction of Tumblr trans women and girls who have developed an extremely virulent hatred of trans men.  They tend also to be trans supremacists who throw around "cissies" and "cishets" and "cisbians" a lot, and who accuse any trans person who disagrees with them of being "cispicious" (i.e. "I don't believe you're actually trans if you disagree with me").

    But they hate trans men more than they hate any other group.  I have a feeling it's because being a woman is, in their minds, better than being a man, and trans men were given membership in the better gender at birth and are betraying it, and thus women.  They are "choosing to become oppressors!"

    It tends to be the same types who believe that being trans is not a question of changing your body and your societal role to match what you truly feel inside; instead, every man should become a trans woman, and if you don't you are choosing to remain a disgusting oppressor.

    It's pretty fucked in the head, to be honest.  Fortunately I don't really think there are that many of them, they're just loud and obnoxious about it.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    MonetizeYourCat was one of that group, wasn't she?
  • I think so.  
  • kill living beings
    posting my post here because it's hilarious and i demand
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    It's always nice to remember Ancient Aliens logic is built on White Supremacist logic.
  • A lot of it really is, combined with the idea of linear, constantly upward Progress.  If the people living in an area now don't have the ability to do something, clearly they never did.
  • posting my post here because it's hilarious and i demand

    ah, the old 'hmmm well its made of stone so the africans can't have built the great ruins of zimbabwe' chestnut
  • kill living beings
    I just love how absurd the denial is

    "the only skeletons around are African... probably a fluke"
  • 'there is absolutely nothing to suggest it was arabs but it was definitely arabs they just worshipped dicks for some reason idk'
  • kill living beings
    british alphabet soup dude in a pith helmet staring at rocks

    "by jove what are these strange markings"

    dude he hired looks at them, "oh i think my great grandma knew how to read these things"

    "what was that i don't speak savage. They look like cuneiform, don't you think!"
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