The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    a haunted forest
  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    Are you just starting Undertale?

    You're in for a ride.

    I was going to start my second playthrough tonight myself.
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    Shadow the Hedgehog (シャドウ・ザ・ヘッジホッグ Shadō za Hejjihoggu?) is a fictional character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He is an anthropomorphic hedgehog/Black Arm alien hybrid and the arch-rival of Sonic the Hedgehog. Shadow was created as the "Ultimate Life Form" (究極生命体Kyūkyoku Seimeitai?) by Gerald Robotnik, using the DNA of Black Doom, and is the end result of Project Shadow. His purpose was to provide ways to develop cures for incurable deadly illnesses, more specifically for Gerald's granddaughterMaria Robotnik, but he was captured and put into stasis by the military when he was deemed as a threat to humanity.

    Fifty years later, Shadow was released by Dr. Eggman to help him conquer the world. Initially, Shadow sought to destroy Earth to avenge Maria, who had been killed by the military, but was persuaded to help save it from Gerald's doomsday plans. In the process, Shadow lost his memories and he sought to uncover his past, during which he met the Black Arms. Ultimately, Shadow thwarted Black Doom and saved the world. From there, Shadow continued his mission to protect humanity by becoming a special agent of GUN.

    Shadow is sharp-witted, always on edge and has a strong sense of purpose, willing to accomplish his goals by any means. Essentially a dark version of Sonic, Shadow can match him in both speed and skill, and can use Chaos Control with a Chaos Emerald. While preferring to work alone, he has helped Sonic and his allies when needed.

  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.

    Are you just starting Undertale?

    You're in for a ride.

    I was going to start my second playthrough tonight myself.

    Unless I am secretly my three weeks ago self, no. :P
  • I feel like making fun of the worst parts of the Sonic fanbase is like punching toddlers
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    I feel like making fun of the worst parts of the Sonic fanbase is like punching toddlers

    That's not the fanbase, that's the canon as set forth by the creators.
  • is there a difference between the fanbase and the franchise itself at this point

    when The Arcane Kids get involved something's gone wrong.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.

    is there a difference between the fanbase and the franchise itself at this point

    when The Arcane Kids get involved something's gone wrong.
    well all of that stuff up there was canon as of 10 years ago, so
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    The best Sonic game is the first one, because it has none of this pretentious story shit.
  • edited 2015-10-12 00:14:18
    image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.

    The best Sonic game is the first one, because it has none of this pretentious story shit.

    The evil mad scientist Dr. Eggman is up to his old nasty tricks again. "Sonic…that annoying, impertinent hedgehog. Thanks to him, my great plans are always laid to waste! Oh, but this time, I'm going to rub him out with the power of science! Ha ha ha ha ha…"

    South Island is a treasure trove of gems and ancient ruins. They say that it's the island where the mystical Chaos Emeralds lie. The Chaos Emeralds are a super-material that give energy to all living beings. Also, when applied to scientific purposes, they can be used for nuclear and laser based weaponry. However, nobody knows exactly how to get ahold of these emeralds. At the same time, though, they do say that the reason why South Island is always moving is because the emeralds are somewhere inside the island's hazy depths.

    One day, crisis visited upon the island. And who showed up with it but Dr. Eggman and his cronies. "I'll find those emeralds even if I have to dig up the entire island to do it!"

    Dr. Eggman set up a fort in one corner of the island, and went about carrying out his plan.

    "Eggman, you still haven't had enough?" Sonic hurried as soon as he heard the news. Dr. Eggman never seemed to leave him alone, even though Sonic had beaten him every time so far. It sounded like Dr. Eggman considered Sonic his sworn enemy, but he was never any match for Sonic.

    However, this time something is amiss.

    "Have you seen it, Sonic? This time is going to be different! Because this time, I've turned all the animals on the island into robots!"

    "E, Everybody!?"

    "All of them go about in accordance to my orders. In other words, Sonic, everyone on the island is your enemy! Gya— Ha ha ha ha ha ha ^cough^ ^ack^ ^ahem^. This time, the world really will be all mine!"

    This is terrible! Hurry! Sonic the Hedgehog - everyone is waiting for your help!
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    the one in the American manual is even better.

    Dr. Ivo Robotnik, the mad scientist, is snatching innocent animals and turning them into evil robots! Only one tough dude can put an end to the demented scientist's fiendish scheme. It's Sonic, the real cool hedgehog with the spiked haircut and power sneakers that give him super speed.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    The edges of the road are already crumbling when the video starts but about two and a half minutes in it starts to get interesting
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I also enjoy making fun of the lore of Metal Gear.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    Torgo said:

    I also enjoy making fun of the lore of Metal Gear.

    That's more of a valid target since so many people still take it seriously.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    metal gear?
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    Calica said:

    metal gear?

    parrot exposition?
  • kill living beings
    road collapses are freeky
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.


  • My dreams exceed my real life
    "Episode One, Kyoto, Japan, 2455 C.E.
    Daikatana's first episode is set in far future, techno-industrial Japan. Your quest begins in Kage Mishima's man-made swamp. The vast majority of your attackers in Kyoto are Mishima's robotic security forces, with some extra help from human guards. They often possess lethal ranged laser bullet strikes, so you will usually be safest at a distance ducking behind obstructions.

    Many of the massive robots, though deadly, are quite slow. Stay on the move to avoid the crushing robotic fists of the RageMaster. If you can circle strafe quickly enough, the Disruptor Glove packs quite a tough electric punch and will shatter most robots with a few hits.

    Weapon Notes:
    The Ion Blaster is a great distance weapon, but discharges in water for extra damage. If you plan on using it in the Marsh or other watery areas, make sure you are on the bank! Anytime you jump into liquid, switch to another weapon to avoid self-inflicted bodily harm.

    Episode Two, Ancient Greece, 1200 B.C.E.
    The mythical beasts of Ancient Greece employ mainly melee attacks. Stay a step away to maintain the advantage in battle. Fight each enemy as you encounter it, rather than running. The beasts will hound you through the entire level until the swarm is powerful enough to overtake your defenses. Trying to run usually results in being trapped against the rocks by a mass of attacking spiders, skeletons, thieves, and satyrs.

    Your chances are always better one-on-one, so slash them to pieces as you find them. Use the rocky landscape to your advantage. If you're being chased, run backwards, firing at them.

    Weapon Notes:
    Though a single discus serves as another basic melee weapon, it can be built into a rather deadly tool. You cannot throw a discus again until it has retunred to your hands. Collect as many discuses as possible for a more potent, rapid-fire device.

    Episode Three, Dark Ages, Norway, 560 C.E.
    Mystical creatures abound in the dank dungeons of Dark Ages Norway. The magical assaults of these dispossessed beings and wizards can be quite unpredictable. Rotworms attack with poisonous spit and Fletchers with bow and arrow.

    Wyndrax the Wizard will unleash his magical wisps as Stavros the Sorcerer summons meteors from the nether dimensions. Two of the creatures in this era must be gibbed once killed, or else they will return to life and attack again. The rotting Buboid is one of these creatures. Gib his corpse with any weapon. Be careful not to turn your back; the Buboid can melt into the ground and reappear nearby. To rid yourself of the Lycanthir permanently, it must also be gibbed, but only with the dreaded Silverclaw.

    Weapon Notes:
    The Ballista is a powerful weapon against all foes. Use it to pin your target to the nearest wall. The now-immobilized organism has little chance against your ranged attacks while trapped. It can also be used to perform a "Ballista Jump." To execute, run forward, look down, fire the Ballista and jump at the same time to sail high above the ground.

    Episode Four, San Francisco, 2030 C.E
    Futuristic, torn-down San Francisco is not a friendly environment, nor are its inhabitants. As you get closer to Mishima you will face seemingly endless Navy S.E.A.L.s, Sharks, and even escaped Lab Monkeys. Quick melee attacks will not stun them, so keep your distance and fight them in small groups. Keep an eye on your sidekicks' health. You will need their help to reach and defeat Kage Mishima.

    Weapon Notes:
    The Slugger, weapon number two, has an alternate Cordite Grenade attack. To select it, press the Slugger key a second time. These little bombs unleash a mini-explosion on their targets.

    Experience Points
    Experience points are gained each time you kill a creature. Each time you reach the number of points necessary to level up you will be given the option to add a skill point to one of the five categories: Power, attack, speed, acro, or vitality. Your current level is shown on the status bar in the right-hand window. Just to the left of the image of the body is a small experience point status bar. Once the bar reaches the top and all ten notches are filled, you will be able to level up and add a skill point. Specializing in one or two specific skills is highly recommended. The more monsters you kill, the more experience you get, so slaughter away and get smarter!

    The daikatana itself can also gain experience and become powered up to level five. Daikatana experience points are gained in the same way as regular experience points: by killing creatures. The more you use the sword the more powerful it becomes. At level five the daikatana will slash even the strongest of enemies to gibs in an instant. Take note, however, when using the daikatana all experience points go to the sword and cannot be applied to boost skills! Accessing the game scoreboard shows the daikatana's current level. As an extra added bonus, the daikatana does double damage when slicing an unsuspecting enemy from behind.

    Mikiko and Superfly
    Superfly and Mikiko will join you at different points in the game. Sometimes you will battle alone, at other times only one of your companions will be arround to help, and on occasion both will be in on the action. Both sidekicks will automatically perform the tasks necessary to follow you.

    The will defend your party whenever possible, pick up health and ammo, and aid you in exploring unfamiliar territory. There are some basic commands available to help you keep your cohorts in check. Each of these commands can be accessed in the sidekick control menu, or bound to a single key in the main Keyboard menu.

    To tell Mikiko or Superfly to get an item, point at the item with your crosshair and use the GET button. They will follow by design, but can be told to STAY.

    If your friends are really hurting and you wish them to stay back, the BACK OFF command will keep them from attacking and taking further damage when in battle.

    Though it is conceivable that you could fight through a level and later return to get your sidekicks, it is highly recommended to bring them with you into battle to begin with. Their help can prove invaluable in the long run."

  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I want my Avatar TLA-esque adaptation of the Titanomachy, and I want an HBO miniseries about the Book of Judges
  • LWLW
    edited 2015-10-12 02:53:19

    I feel like making fun of the worst parts of the Sonic fanbase is like punching toddlers

    I kind of feel that way about "let's laugh at these pathetic people" type of humor in general. Most of it just seems mean-spirited to me.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    "emancipation of slaves" yeah that was a mistake
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Torgo said:


    I need context. This is just too glorious to ignore.
  • 0vvvv0 said:

    Torgo said:


    I need context. This is just too glorious to ignore.
    Context doesn't really help

    But for reference, it's from LISA, which I was absolutely obsessed about for, like a month.
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    Good evening, this is 'Alice' from the Barbara's Bouquet's. We're running low on staff and need you to help setup shop. Do go casual.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    0vvvv0 said:

    Torgo said:


    I need context. This is just too glorious to ignore.
    It is from the video game LISA: The Painful RPG
  • the one artist who drew that bec/jade porn is a character in that game and that's all i know about it really
  • he's a nice dude

    i ended up unfollowing him b/c he draws a lot of SU porn now and porn of that show makes me feel uncomfy but he also does a webcomic that i have been meaning to look into
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    What's the comic?
  • Light Earth Defenders
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    "seven in ten men and 62 per cent of women"

    why would you dooooooooooooooooooooooo this
  • i told them to kill the noise, i told them to kill the noise
  • "seven in ten men and 62 per cent of women"

    why would you dooooooooooooooooooooooo this

  • I'm so excited to wear my new jacket tomorrow
  • tonight i have just flat out failed to sleep and have spent the night trying to remix naija tracks
  • i guess there is still a few hours left maybe i'll go to bed in a bit
  • one of those nights where i get mad at sleep existing because it seems like such a waste of time and i don't even feel tired
  • this house makes a lot of weird noises at 4:40 in the morning
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.

  • Rugby shirts are the most underrated item of mens clothing

    they are so cute
  • Know your lines? Of course you know your lines! But I don't want to just hear your lines...I wanna hear what's in YOUR SOULS!!
    Do television ratings matter so much these days that people go online to call doomsday on shows/blocks because of them being "bad"
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    they matter less than they used to

    linear TV ratings are down across the board, and if shows can make money in other ways (e.g. being sold to streaming services like Netflix and Hulu), they are successful
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