The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    if it was a typo that somehow made it past proofing, it's pretty funny

    if it was intentional, less so
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    though regardless it would have to be a joke i guess, if we're assuming he's not stupid

    i haven't read the article, jsyk
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    You know what's a cool thing?  On the way back from shopping earlier, i saw 3 badgers and a fox

    that is cool imo
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    the fox wasn't like hanging out with the others

    but maybe it was on its way to join them
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I feel like the existence of a 144p option on YouTube is an insult to my intelligence
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    It's an insult to your eyes, at least.
  • edited 2015-08-04 21:00:11
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    it's not an insult to anything, it's for people with shit computers
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    they were forming a party

    They're totally powergamers. Badgers are so OP that with a fox to disarm traps, you can make it through most farms and get a ton of food. Farmcats are a non-issue, and even a dog isn't that big of a deal.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    that's actually pretty smart

    a good plan
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I'd play an RPG about forest animals putting aside their differences to explore farms as if they were dungeons  a la a TRPG or an MMORPG
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Tachyon said:

    it's not an insult to anything, it's for people with shit computers

    The thing is, if my connection were genuinely slow enough that all I could watch was 144p, I wouldn't be watching YouTube videos. Because I wouldn't ever want to watch something with a lower resolution than a VHS tape on my computer. This isn't 1995.
  • Bunnies & Burrows exists.
    I have no idea if it's any good though.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I hate how they force older videos to play in a low quality
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    Bunnies & Burrows exists.

    I have no idea if it's any good though.

    I could also bring up Mouse Guard
  • getting that urge to start a D&D campaign again

    this is why I shouldn't worldbuild in my spare time
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Anonus said:

    I hate how they force older videos to play in a low quality

    I always just assumed that was because said videos predated YouTube offering higher quality video
    And a lot of people forget that, too; I see comments like "why hello there 240p" on videos from 2005 or 2006, when all YouTube even supported was QVGA.
  • I kinda get pissed when people suggest that Youtube (or more relevant to me, Twitch) should just get rid of those options

    fuck people with old computers, right?
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    Anonus said:

    I hate how they force older videos to play in a low quality

    I always just assumed that was because said videos predated YouTube offering higher quality video
    Remember when you could force any video into HQ by adding "&fmt=18" to the end of the URL though
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Embedded image permalink
  • getting that urge to start a D&D campaign again

    this is why I shouldn't worldbuild in my spare time
    -perks ears up-
  • Oh, sure, blame the meth addict for making Walter White go back to making meth

    -nerd voice- first of all, it wasn't meth addicts that made Walter White go back to making Meth.

    second of all, -head spins off and flies into space-
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Dear America, you are jerkwaffles who should give us Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold. Thank you for your time.
  • I name all of my minotaurs by picking names from Wikipedia's List of Explorers page at random
  • life update: it turns out that the internet works fine on Microsoft Edge but not on Chrome
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    naney said:

    life update: it turns out that the internet works fine on Microsoft Edge but not on Chrome

    ...I'm pretty sure that qualifies as cruel and unusual in most countries
  • iunno, edge is much cuter than chrome

    you cant pin tabs tho
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    It is a very aesthetically pleasing app, I'll give it that much
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    I kinda get pissed when people suggest that Youtube (or more relevant to me, Twitch) should just get rid of those options

    fuck people with old computers, right?
    this basically
  • edited 2015-08-05 00:19:23
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    also like, i don't really get when people online complain so much about video/picture quality

    i mean like sure it's nice to watch things in the quality they were intended, that's ideal

    but the quality would have to be pretty dang horrible for me to choose, on that basis, not to watch something i wanted to watch
  • What format are you planning on for the 'not happening at all' RP, Mo?

    I want to see how fast it takes me to create a character this time around
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    At least it's noticeable, unlike framerate in video games.
  • What format are you planning on for the 'not happening at all' RP, Mo?

    I want to see how fast it takes me to create a character this time around

    something involving a minimum of commitment
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Neoreaction/Dork Enlightenment and their cousins over at LessWrong and satellites hate and fear culture. Certainly, they like their commodified pop culture, but more for its signifiers than for its content--many, perhaps the majority of these works have themes and messages that run directly against the sort of thought that underpins these movements. Of course, most obviously and inescapably, Eliezer Yudkowsky's nerd fanfic opus pretty much negates every premise, every theme, every moral of the actual Harry Potter book series, which features an antagonist whose name is French for "flight from death", whose all-consuming lust for immortal life has destroyed his ability to understand or experience even the slightest joy or human attachment. His followers believe in the inherent superiority of a group of people with natural, inherited gifts, even though the actual events of the story show that these people are in character no better, and frequently worse, than "Muggles" without these gifts. He is ultimately defeated by someone who has the natural talent but was raised by those who do not, and successfully integrates the his magical and Muggle sides into a mature identity, accepts his own mortality, and is willing to fight and die even for--especially for--the Muggles that according to Voldemort, he should see himself as innately superior to.

    Among these sorts of people (and, I suspect, by other fascist-minded movements of the past), culture and art are reduced to signifiers and bits of "cool" that they attach to themselves. Their own attempts at creating art end up as propagandistic self-promotion and/or fetishistic self-indulgence (see: Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality). Art that cannot be put through this reductive process and left recognizable becomes the tools of the Enemy, a vehicle through which the Cathedral intends to infect virile Neoreactionary rationality with emotions and postmodernism and liberalism and nasty icky girly ~feelings~ because their cargo-cult rationality is so unimaginative and narrow that it leaves them unable to comprehend what it actually is, what it actually means, or why someone might actually like it.

    It's kind of a tacit admission of the limits and weaknesses of their "rationality"--it falls apart if it tries to seriously examine culture, philosophy, or anything else that isn't some combination of data and facts. These all get shoved under the banner of the Cathedral, a massive part of the human experience that is now totally off-limits lest it infect you with its insidious mind viruses. It also means that their society would be, in my estimation, hellishly culturally sterile, endlessly recycling old signifiers without meaning in self-indulgent, flatulent spectacles created for the glorification of Neoreaction (see for comparison what happened to art, culture, and music under 1930s fascism). Artists, as inherently mysterious and threatening forces beyond the ken of the Neoreactionary nerd-kings, would be ruthlessly controlled and eliminated if they do anything the rulers feel threatened, insulted, or confused by. The masters of this realm would dream of their transhuman dreams coming to fruition so they can finally excise this troublesome culture from the human animal and we can exist as perfectly sociopathic beings of pure reason, unaffected by other humans' experiences and perspectives. There will be no homes, only sleeping modules; no food, only Soylent; no activities beyond maximizing production, efficiency, and power. For you, at least. Someone has to watch over the human ant farm of the future, hoarding the products of your labor as an immortal AI upload Smaug.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    it honestly wasn't noticeable to me at one point

    it's gotten so over time, as i've grown accustomed to the quality options and as other, better options have been added

    at first i couldn't see the difference at all and it felt like people were whining for no reason whatsoever
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    I need a certain amount of video and sound quality in order to watch anything. This threshold is not very high.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Tachyon said:

    also like, i don't really get when people online complain so much about video/picture quality

    i mean like sure it's nice to watch things in the quality they were intended, that's ideal

    but the quality would have to be pretty dang horrible for me to choose, on that basis, not to watch something i wanted to watch

    I can understand 240p or 360p if your connection is really crappy (as mine has been at times) but by the time we're down to 144p it looks like I'm watching TV without my glasses on and sounds like I'm listening through an AM radio. It's not worth watching at that point, to me. 
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Odradek said:

    Neoreaction/Dork Enlightenment and their cousins over at LessWrong and satellites hate and fear culture. Certainly, they like their commodified pop culture, but more for its signifiers than for its content--many, perhaps the majority of these works have themes and messages that run directly against the sort of thought that underpins these movements. Of course, most obviously and inescapably, Eliezer Yudkowsky's nerd fanfic opus pretty much negates every premise, every theme, every moral of the actual Harry Potter book series, which features an antagonist whose name is French for "flight from death", whose all-consuming lust for immortal life has destroyed his ability to understand or experience even the slightest joy or human attachment. His followers believe in the inherent superiority of a group of people with natural, inherited gifts, even though the actual events of the story show that these people are in character no better, and frequently worse, than "Muggles" without these gifts. He is ultimately defeated by someone who has the natural talent but was raised by those who do not, and successfully integrates the his magical and Muggle sides into a mature identity, accepts his own mortality, and is willing to fight and die even for--especially for--the Muggles that according to Voldemort, he should see himself as innately superior to.

    Among these sorts of people (and, I suspect, by other fascist-minded movements of the past), culture and art are reduced to signifiers and bits of "cool" that they attach to themselves. Their own attempts at creating art end up as propagandistic self-promotion and/or fetishistic self-indulgence (see: Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality). Art that cannot be put through this reductive process and left recognizable becomes the tools of the Enemy, a vehicle through which the Cathedral intends to infect virile Neoreactionary rationality with emotions and postmodernism and liberalism and nasty icky girly ~feelings~ because their cargo-cult rationality is so unimaginative and narrow that it leaves them unable to comprehend what it actually is, what it actually means, or why someone might actually like it.

    It's kind of a tacit admission of the limits and weaknesses of their "rationality"--it falls apart if it tries to seriously examine culture, philosophy, or anything else that isn't some combination of data and facts. These all get shoved under the banner of the Cathedral, a massive part of the human experience that is now totally off-limits lest it infect you with its insidious mind viruses. It also means that their society would be, in my estimation, hellishly culturally sterile, endlessly recycling old signifiers without meaning in self-indulgent, flatulent spectacles created for the glorification of Neoreaction (see for comparison what happened to art, culture, and music under 1930s fascism). Artists, as inherently mysterious and threatening forces beyond the ken of the Neoreactionary nerd-kings, would be ruthlessly controlled and eliminated if they do anything the rulers feel threatened, insulted, or confused by. The masters of this realm would dream of their transhuman dreams coming to fruition so they can finally excise this troublesome culture from the human animal and we can exist as perfectly sociopathic beings of pure reason, unaffected by other humans' experiences and perspectives. There will be no homes, only sleeping modules; no food, only Soylent; no activities beyond maximizing production, efficiency, and power. For you, at least. Someone has to watch over the human ant farm of the future, hoarding the products of your labor as an immortal AI upload Smaug.

    this seems fairly accurate

    but who said it?

    hey Tach do you know of Despot

    not really

    is he good?
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Odradek said:

    this seems fairly accurate

    but who said it?

    hey Tach do you know of Despot

    not really

    is he good?
  • Despot is very good.

    He is a rapper who has been active in the New York underground scene since 2000 but has never released a full project. He recently put out his first music video and it's incredible.

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    Tachyon said:

    also like, i don't really get when people online complain so much about video/picture quality

    i mean like sure it's nice to watch things in the quality they were intended, that's ideal

    but the quality would have to be pretty dang horrible for me to choose, on that basis, not to watch something i wanted to watch

    I can understand 240p or 360p if your connection is really crappy (as mine has been at times) but by the time we're down to 144p it looks like I'm watching TV without my glasses on and sounds like I'm listening through an AM radio. It's not worth watching at that point, to me. 

    well i guess we have different priorities

    it's not great, obviously, and i wouldn't choose it given better alternatives, but if it comes to it, it's tolerable and better than nothing, to me
  • kill living beings
    the spot
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    @QP: watching that now
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