The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Anonus said:

    Also, I'm sorry Myr, but I'm canning Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice

    This is my first act as Warner Bros. and DC's owner
    But Khal Drogo aquaman
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Driving to Warner Bros. Studios in Sunny Burbank to make the decision

    I don't know if I'm gonna reconsider

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Hi Anononononononononus
    Okay, why am I imagining a School Days AMV with "Rolling in the Deep" as the backing track? :O
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    lee4hmz said:

    Okay, why am I imagining a School Days AMV with "Rolling in the Deep" as the backing track? :O

    Betrayal, perversity, head-choppin' - all the good stuff, perfect for that song.
  • kill living beings
    this game is hard
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    what gaem
  • If someone asks you a question about how to get a game to run faster and the first words of your response are "make sure you have a beefy PC", you need to actually check your privilege in a literal and non-meme sense.
  • Anyone who has even a passing familiarity with the small press could not
    consider a fanzine, especially one as simplistic as PURE, "extreme". In
    the end, despite whatever purpose it might have, it is just a bunch of
    photocopies stapled together. PURE could satiate and encourage lust only
    if the reader or editor trusts what they read more than what they
    experience; that is, if they considered how the words on the page
    related to their own lusts/aversions more real than what the describe.
    What is described happened, but the descriptions of those events does
    not. PURE exists, then for those who confuse the map with the territory.
    Spectacular society is in no way threatened by people who are
    hypnotised by the media (mass or alternative), so again PURE fails to be
    extreme. In fact, spectacular society encourages people to believe that
    consumption of the latest extreme is in some way an act of asserting
    oneself rather than accepting the socially-approved role of deviant, a
    role like any other role. The socially-approved rebellion of one
    generation is always sold at a profit to the next one. PURE breeds more
    annoying, self-destructive housepets.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    naney said:


    no there is also doom metal
  • kill living beings

    what gaem


    If someone asks you a question about how to get a game to run faster and the first words of your response are "make sure you have a beefy PC", you need to actually check your privilege in a literal and non-meme sense.

    unfortunately there is often no better option
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    next year I will get a beefier PC
  • Sotos describes women as dogs, garbage, dirt, shit... yet must somehow
    delight in Myra Hindley's role in the Moors murders. He accomplishes
    this by ignoring the fact that she is a woman. Women to Sotos are
    victims or they do not exist. PURE ignores the many women who were Nazi
    death camp guards, multiple murderers of extraordinary savagery, and
    other women who would fit in quite nicely with the men he glorifies,
    simply because they are women. It's laughable to call him sexist: stupid
    seems more appropriate, unable to escape from his narrow view of the
    world as composed entirely by strong white men. Hardly a view that could
    be called extreme. He is a villain in the sense of being all too

    Relating the murder of Frieda Powell by Henry Lucas, Sotos quotes Lucas
    as explaining why he dismembered Powell's body: " was the only thing
    I could think of... I hope you find all of her, I didn't do it because I
    didn't love her. It was because of an argument and the difficulty I
    have had in my life." Sotos then offers the following: "It should be
    mentioned that Lucas entered a plea of insanity in this case and so he
    is probably trying to play up a confused, psychopathic personality. His
    odd sounding sentences should in no way deter from the incredible sexual
    pleasure inherent in his descriptions..." Here Sotos shows what he is
    truly made of. Faced with the possibility one of his heroes might be
    just another fuck up like himself rather than a strong white man as he
    imagines himself to be, he apologises for Lucas appearing to show regret
    for his actions and offers an explanation as to why Lucas would say
    such a thing. Ted Bundy offered regrets before his execution as well.
    Apologists are usually the best source for understanding the weak points
    of any philosophy, because they know the failures of their thinking so
    well they choose not to think about them.

    I've already established how Sotos considers women to be something other
    than human. It follows that what IS human are men. With this
    understanding Sotos very definitely pleads others to think like him when
    he says things like "Ian Brady, Ted Bundy, Sutcliffe, Kurten, -- all of
    them did exactly what all men would like to do, it's just that too many
    men are scared, they would rather be coddled." According to Sotos, this
    is the dark side of (hu)man nature, the true state of the (hu)man
    condition. This is how Sotos makes himself feel safe in world where not
    all humans are murderers (or even murder groupies).

    Sotos would consider new "converts" (another telling clue of the
    unacknowledged philosophy of PURE) useful in monetary concerns but
    doesn't quite have it together enough to produce a zine that would make
    him a cent if it didn't rely on the fear and attraction people feel
    towards violence. PURE is less well produced than the average church
    bulletin and in the space of three years he couldn't quite manage to put
    out what I for one write, print and distribute about every two weeks. I
    don't know if Sotos is still producing PURE (last I heard he'd
    left/fled the country) but if he is I'm sure he's not getting rich off
    it. He appears clever because he writes about murderers who momentarily
    appear strong because they make others appear week. A triple reflection
    from reality with enough distortion to be convincing for a while but not
    able to withstand a good stare.

    I think part of my initial attraction to PURE was the convincing nature
    of what I consider his "might makes right" philosophy. He believes
    strong white men rule the world, and they do. What is more, he shows
    examples of strong white men who achieve their goals in spite of
    incredible social and moral opposition, sometimes without getting
    caught. I don't want to rule the world not do I think anyone is fit to. I
    also have goals very different from those men; but I feel social and
    moral opposition as well, and when I compared what I've achieved and
    what they had, they seemed to have achieved much more. Perhaps there was
    something to the philosophy of PURE. But an analysis of PURE gave me
    the same result as my gut feeling when I first read it. Sotos exists in a
    world remade in his own image, and for it to be real you have to
    believe in it. I've nothing against fantasy lands, but I've also seen
    better. Even in the most PURE of possible worlds, it is still entirely
    possible Sotos will someday meet someone entirely willing to use her
    might to impose her right on him. On that day the emptiness of his
    values and his work will be exposed.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    naney said:


    no that's Quick Draw McGraw
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    the hell
  • im trying to figure out who the man who wrote this is, all i can gather is that he published a magazine of some sort
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    wet paint
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    naney said:

    im trying to figure out who the man who wrote this is, all i can gather is that he published a magazine of some sort

    I have heard of him before, and what I have found looking him up is interesting.
  • kill living beings
    i am going to scope out some choice cyberferrets tomorrow hopefully

    building is closed do not stop

    have you ever been sad


  • edited 2014-07-26 04:29:30
    I miss my guinea pig, that fat ball of fluff*.

    He's at my sister's house, as I'm going to Scotland for a week tomorrow. Apparently he is just eating his body weight in grass. Sounds about right.

    *fat ball of fluff isn't his name. It's Gerard.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    My phone awakened me by blaring its emergency alert tone to notify me of an Amber Alert

    That's, uh, not of particular use to me, considering I don't plan to leave the house -_-
  • I have to go to early shift, later nerds
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.

    If someone asks you a question about how to get a game to run faster and the first words of your response are "make sure you have a beefy PC", you need to actually check your privilege in a literal and non-meme sense.

    unfortunately there is often no better option
    Yeah, it's generally either that or "turn the settings down". If the settings are already as low as possible, you're kinda stuck.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    naney said:

    im trying to figure out who the man who wrote this is, all i can gather is that he published a magazine of some sort

    The guy who publishes Peter Sotos's books is a scumbag.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    The newer versions of MATLAB have a Microsoft Office-style "ribbon" interface

    You know, just in case you wanted its GUI to be as clunky as the language itself
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • kill living beings

    The newer versions of MATLAB have a Microsoft Office-style "ribbon" interface

    You know, just in case you wanted its GUI to be as clunky as the language itself
    ir eally don't get the appeal of ribbons i'm fine with the ancient menu tthing
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    must go to work now

    so here is a final moo

  • My dreams exceed my real life
    naney said:





  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    The newer versions of MATLAB have a Microsoft Office-style "ribbon" interface

    You know, just in case you wanted its GUI to be as clunky as the language itself
    ir eally don't get the appeal of ribbons i'm fine with the ancient menu tthing
    What irritates me is that there doesn't seem to be one standard implementation of it

    Like, toolbars and menus pretty much work the same in every app, because they're implemented as standard Windows controls

    But it seems like every developer who uses a "ribbon" has to implement it themselves and as a result each one looks and acts slightly differently :\
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
  • Batman bin Suparman is a criminal and if that isn't irony I don't know what is
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Funny things: babies who can't crawl yet but REALLY want to

    Mia's on the floor and she's trying her damnedest to crawl but it's not working and she's getting frustrated

    It's adorable
  • im bummed out over not being able to go to the gym today
  • well i could go technically speaking but i couldn't do much with my arm like this

  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Cracked seems under the impression that any and every factor of art meant for children is didactic.
  • kill living beings

    The newer versions of MATLAB have a Microsoft Office-style "ribbon" interface

    You know, just in case you wanted its GUI to be as clunky as the language itself
    ir eally don't get the appeal of ribbons i'm fine with the ancient menu tthing
    What irritates me is that there doesn't seem to be one standard implementation of it

    Like, toolbars and menus pretty much work the same in every app, because they're implemented as standard Windows controls

    But it seems like every developer who uses a "ribbon" has to implement it themselves and as a result each one looks and acts slightly differently :\
    it took me like ten minutes to find undo

    I like that Linux matlab uses emacs controls though
  • running emacs on an eMac

  • If someone asks you a question about how to get a game to run faster and the first words of your response are "make sure you have a beefy PC", you need to actually check your privilege in a literal and non-meme sense.

    unfortunately there is often no better option
    Yeah, it's generally either that or "turn the settings down". If the settings are already as low as possible, you're kinda stuck.
    there are less condescending ways to structure the sentence.

    Like, "make sure your computer can run it", for instance.

    See also, PC gamers calling people without high-end rigs "peasants", etc.
  • TreTre
    edited 2014-07-26 15:44:58
    #pcmasterrace culture is a crock in general tbh

    my best friend sips that Kool-Aid and I've told him that but he still does it (probably for partially ironic reasons)
  • edited 2014-07-26 15:50:04
    Goodbye, vaguely gingerish hair with blonde roots.
  • once again, a cashier has referred to me as “mam”

    i don’t mind, but i’m not that girly looking i don’t think? :/
    Yeah, I've never been happy about upgrade treadmills myself. In a world where Intel HD can do 90% of what people want, why strive so hard for the remaining 10% when the only point is keeping up with the Joneses?

    Of course, then there's Apple making people get a new machine every 5 years or do, or the newest OS won't run...
    I just want my computer to get me from one place to another efficiently. I don't expect it to run 10s or travel off-road for miles.
  • edited 2014-07-26 16:42:32
    lee4hmz said:

    Yeah, I've never been happy about upgrade treadmills myself. In a world where Intel HD can do 90% of what people want, why strive so hard for the remaining 10% when the only point is keeping up with the Joneses?

    Of course, then there's Apple making people get a new machine every 5 years or do, or the newest OS won't run...


    I want stuff to be compatible with my perfectly good and serviceable stuff, rather than annoy the heck out of me until I spend money to buy a new toy.
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