The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • I got this song stuck in my head while I was taking a shower and had to FORCE another song to get stuck in my head so I wouldn't get sad.
  • It didn't work.
  • edited 2014-06-06 15:38:03
    image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
  • Fossilmaiden I feel like you only ever respond to my Zero Escape/Kingdom Hearts related woes when you realize there is a way to make them worse.
  • you guys should check the music thread, just sayin'
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Kexruct said:

    Fossilmaiden I feel like you only ever respond to my Zero Escape/Kingdom Hearts related woes when you realize there is a way to make them worse.

  • you know those stupid stamp markers that never really work

    i have to test three buckets full of them
  • you guys should check the music thread, just sayin'

    Sounds good, Mo. I especially like HEATSTROKE.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
  • Tired of regular lamps huh? Sure, a standard lamp looked cool a couple
    years ago but these days they’re old news. The jelly fish LED mood lamp
    is the future of lamps. Little known fact, these Jelly fish lamps are
    the official lamp of South Korea and are referenced multiple times in
    their national anthem.
  • "Whoa, is that a 8g usb flash light? Or is it a
    robot jaguar?" - These are the comments you could be hearing from people
    if you owned this usb. That's when you can slowly turn you head and
    smugly tell them: "Well, let's just say there's more than meets the
    eye... " (Like in the movie Transformers).
    Aliroz said:

    Now, remember that I said that cast iron could take 50 tons of crushing pressure but only 8 tons of tension?  This means that it's resistance to crushing pressure is about six times greater than its tenacity.  Since the top of the girder deals with crushing pressure, and the bottom deals with
    tension, the bottom needs to be about six times wider or thicker than the top, so it can support the same amount of weight both ways.

    The middle is just there to connect the top and bottom, but if you split the middle of the I girder, you get a box girder.

    You go from image..

    to image

    Just imagine that each web in the box girder is half as thick as the single web in the I girder.  Also, imagine that the bottom flange is about six times as thick/wide as the top.

    Now, you have a girder with space inside of it; and the ability to resist tension and pressure are unchanged.  Now, what if we turned each web into a series of triangle, we decrease the weight while keeping the same strength, so i can support more weight of other things because it doesn't have so much weight to support itself.

    Lots of girders inside girders inside girders, and you can make a darn good bridge.


  • Bo Dietl played himself in The Wolf of Wall Street.
  • The year is 2113, and business is booming. But all is not well in the city of Shin Neotokyo. A famous internet personality has been found dead in her apartment, and the only clues to her murder are a small white kitten and an invitation to the hottest dance club in town. Can inexperienced young detective Kimmy Tunasandwich keep step with the city's beat, or will the groove be killed... forever? Find out in the enthralling action thriller, Spooky Boogie, coming soon to a cinema near you!

    i'd watch it
  • Smee, Maiman, Doktar, Pavelier, Button-Lee, Juan Ovyu

    i wonder if they follow back

  • edited 2014-06-06 17:13:52
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)

    Thangtong Gyalpo, a saint of Tibet and a designer of bridges, made the first suspension bridge in 1430.


    It was still operational and in no need of repairs in 1930, but nobody was using it. It was, in fact, later destroyed and replaced with another bridge even though it was perfectly still usable. Wikipedia denies this, but books on Thangtong Gyalpo say it was in no need of repairs when it was torn down.

    Thangtong Gyalpo made a number of suspension bridges, a few of which survive to today, but his first, the longest he ever did, the longest bridge in the world for hundreds of years, does not.
  • that's stupid :/
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    The chains were iron, the rest was wood.

    No other bridge held the title of World's Longest Bridge for so long. It was the longest bridge until the industrial revolution, which used completely iron bridges.

    Thangtong Gyalko's bridges are still studied by students of engineering. For the materials he had, the bridge is unsurpassed to this day.

    But, he's rather obscure, which is a shame for one of history's great engineers.
  • kill living beings
    also pretty common for history's great engineers
  • edited 2014-06-06 17:29:51
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)

    No mass production , the chains were forged and made by hand.

    In Tibet, they say he forged the chain links himself, cut the trees himself and carved them into planks himself, made everything of the bridge himself so it would be done right, but had helpers on his other bridges once he showed that it could work.

    Most scholars say that he would have had assistants, helpers, apprentices, and other people helping with this bridge.

    Either way, it's a shame the bridge was torn down. I think the chains were used as scrap.

    Also, judging by the drawings of him, dude had a great beard.

    He got the money for his bridges from the profits he made with a troupe of seven singing and dancing sisters he founded. He also founded an opera in Tibet, and thus is the patron saint of theater. Most theaters in Tibet have at least one statue of him, but this stopped with the Cultural Revolution, and has recently started again in some parts of Tibet.

    In Tibet, they say he made a hundred and eight suspension bridges, but as of today we have physical evidence for only 58.

  • listening to Ulcerate for the first time in ages woooooooo
  • im borrredddddd OAO
  • go out in public and just beat the shit out of the first person you see.
  • it turns out i can still donate plasma twice this week yay

    very cool pleated pants photo album

    this yohji yamomoto pair in particular
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    That is indeed a nice gallery.
  • Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."

    what is the appeal of MRA stuff?

    is it that sort of "it seems like bad things are happening to me so i'm going to complain and completely ignore all context" that the tea partiers are really good at?

    Honestly, from my observation over the past year and a half, there seem to be two distinct things that the term "MRA" could refer to. The first is the pick-up artists who think it's a cool-sounding label to attempt to legitimize themselves. For those people, pretty much everything already said is extremely fitting.

    The second thing is people who advocate for things like more resources for male sexual and domestic abuse victims to turn to. Which in and of itself is a good thing, and also why at one point, I played devil's advocate for them all the goddamn time. However, this particular group is not free of bad apples. Some people have this mentality that in order to care about men's issues, you must be antipathetic towards women's issues. This is obviously not a healthy mindset to have, and part of why I'm no longer Super Anti-Feminism.

    Honestly, this second group and feminism have more in common than either will care to admit. They both have good ideals but a lot of shit they need to get together in order to achieve them.

    Essay time over whee.
  • But the thing is, most of the MRA movement is basically a hate group. There aren't bad apples in the bunch so much as it's a vat of poison with a few drops of drinkable water in it.
  • See, the thing is, even if there are shitty feminists, it's not because of feminist ideals. 90% percent of MRA ideals are bad. The other 10% are under the umbrella of feminism, too. 
  • At the end of the day you're either talking about a group of people who are ignorant and misguided (and remember these are the good ones) or you're talking about a much louder and more harmful group that is actively awful.

    There is really no good reason for anyone with half or more a brain to ever call themselves a Men's Rights Activist or anything resembling the term.
  • edited 2014-06-06 19:42:51


    every time i see a kyoko sakura image i think of a cross between jill fizzart and kanata shinonome
  • edited 2014-06-06 19:44:05
    Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    In response to Kexruct's posts: I'm not sure about that second part. The point of feminism is that it's geared towards women's issues. This really isn't a bad thing in and of itself. However, it does mean that men's issues fall outside of its scope. Thus, it seems reasonable to have a separate label for dealing with them, if that makes any sense.

    Of course, gender egalitarian may very well be more useful for that purpose by virtue of being less associated with pick-up artists, so I dunno. Whee.
  • Eh, fair enough. But the idea of focusing on men's issues seems almost inherently misguided because there are so few of them that aren't really a result of how we treat women.
  • edited 2014-06-06 19:49:16
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    "Men's issues" are generally assumed to be universal, with a few exceptions which exist due to cultural prejudices.

    Resources for male sexual and domestic abuse victims is definitely a good thing.  Framing it as a men's rights issue, however, as opposed to just a men's issue, is pushing a political agenda with little or no basis in reality, and "MRA" is a term born of a resentment of feminism (be it of feminists themselves or of women taking on traditionally male roles; the two are obviously linked).
  • kill living beings
    is every book on signals terrible? i don't understand
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    is every book on signals terrible? i don't understand

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    what kind of signals?
  • is every book on signals terrible? i don't understand

    I've found good ones; I've found bad ones.

    It's pretty mixed, is what I'm saying.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    I would argue that a world that adopts feminist ideals would probably, as a result, not have male-specific biases either. I think that for every harmful expectation of the male gender, there is a corresponding harmful expectation of the female gender.
  • Do people really use the word "pertinent" as a noun?
  • kill living beings
    i perhaps could have seen that coming, but do i really WANT to see that coming
    Tachyon said:

    what kind of signals?

    the math kind - which are really just functions of time, but there's a lot of useful theory around them.

    the problem being that it's almost exclusively used by engineers, weird as that is, so all the books are written... i guess i shouldn't say they're bad, but they're just kind of bizarre to me.

    i have a hard time reading math. actual math books are very difficult to read, just lemma after lemma with little motivation, but then i look at the other end at engineering and guh
    Miko said:

    I would argue that a world that adopts feminist ideals would probably, as a result, not have male-specific biases either. I think that for every harmful expectation of the male gender, there is a corresponding harmful expectation of the female gender.

  • kill living beings

    Do people really use the word "pertinent" as a noun?

    i don't even know what that would mean O_o
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