The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Anonus said:

    Go ACLU!

    Anytime it's brought to my attention, it's in a "WE HAVE TO STOP THIS NOW OR WE'RE ALL FUCKED WE ARE DOWN TO THE WIRE!" fashion, but then nothing happens and the TPP just disappears for a while again
    what people don't realize is that bills like this get constantly kicked around and are almost never signed into law. I don't think the TPP has actually come all that close even once.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    Anonus said:

    Go ACLU!

    Anytime it's brought to my attention, it's in a "WE HAVE TO STOP THIS NOW OR WE'RE ALL FUCKED WE ARE DOWN TO THE WIRE!" fashion, but then nothing happens and the TPP just disappears for a while again
    what people don't realize is that bills like this get constantly kicked around and are almost never signed into law. I don't think the TPP has actually come all that close even once.
    I got an email suggesting that we were this close to having the Internet be ruined forever and we had to act NOW to prevent that...
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    Often but not necessarily.

    I would have voted for a republican candidate in the last presidential election (I forget his name, Rex something) if he'd actually made it through the primaries, but he was too socially liberal, so he didn't.

    I still don't fully understand why someone would stand as a Republican candidate with policies that were not typically Republican.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    Do you like Rocky & Bullwinkle at all? Just curious
  • Anonus said:

    Anonus said:

    Go ACLU!

    Anytime it's brought to my attention, it's in a "WE HAVE TO STOP THIS NOW OR WE'RE ALL FUCKED WE ARE DOWN TO THE WIRE!" fashion, but then nothing happens and the TPP just disappears for a while again
    what people don't realize is that bills like this get constantly kicked around and are almost never signed into law. I don't think the TPP has actually come all that close even once.
    I got an email suggesting that we were this close to having the Internet be ruined forever and we had to act NOW to prevent that...
    Anonus this may shock you but not everything you get in a random email from fuckknowswhere is a reliable and trustworthy source. Those websites have their own reasons to get everyone in a panic about the internet being shut down, panic leads to clicks, and clicks lead to revenue.

    That is why this is constantly treated like a huge issue. The same people who would call Fox News "Faux News" can't be bothered to doublecheck to see if what or is true or not.
  • I am sorry if I seem cranky but god I feel terrible right now
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I got an email saying I could add a bunch of inches to my size immediately

    You can't believe every email you get
  • edited 2014-05-30 17:12:07
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    ^ sorta nsfw i guess but
  • edited 2014-05-30 17:18:23
    I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    Anonus said:

    Anonus said:

    Go ACLU!

    Anytime it's brought to my attention, it's in a "WE HAVE TO STOP THIS NOW OR WE'RE ALL FUCKED WE ARE DOWN TO THE WIRE!" fashion, but then nothing happens and the TPP just disappears for a while again
    what people don't realize is that bills like this get constantly kicked around and are almost never signed into law. I don't think the TPP has actually come all that close even once.
    I got an email suggesting that we were this close to having the Internet be ruined forever and we had to act NOW to prevent that...
    Anonus this may shock you but not everything you get in a random email from fuckknowswhere is a reliable and trustworthy source. Those websites have their own reasons to get everyone in a panic about the internet being shut down, panic leads to clicks, and clicks lead to revenue.

    That is why this is constantly treated like a huge issue. The same people who would call Fox News "Faux News" can't be bothered to doublecheck to see if what or is true or not.
    Oh I take TPP-related stuff with a grain of salt now

    Also, this was brought to my attention by an email sent by, not or anything like that...
  • sounds a lot like a URL a hypothetical corporation would have.

    they prey on people who are insecure about the government and its authority. It's a fuckin' sham it is.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
  • First impression: what the fuck.

    Second impression: internet slow lane? Where to these people live? I already live with data caps and risk getting my internet shut off if I go over them.
  • ....they're giving away Ouya controllers? :/
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Sometimes I wonder why we can't just live in a world where good intentions are always what they seem and don't need to be second guessed all the time.

    Maybe I'm just too trusting.
  • maybe it is well intentioned, but even then it doesn't seem terribly informative.

    There's a lot of stuff about copyright trolls, which I guess are a legitimate issue, but beyond that it just seems to be editorials and giveaways.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    First impression: what the fuck.

    Second impression: internet slow lane? Where to these people live? I already live with data caps and risk getting my internet shut off if I go over them.

    I don't have data caps, but I don't know if they continue to apply to me solely because of a grandfather clause or not...
  • edited 2014-05-30 17:31:28
    We can do anything if we do it together.
    Anonus said:
    >What do the Good Wife, Justin Bieber, and Internet Freedom have in common?

  • They're not everywhere (which is good) but they're common, and have been common for a good amount of time (which is bad).

    In many other countries (eg. Canada) they're the norm.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Adam Tod Brown's area of expertise, the reason popular listicle site Cracked continues paying him to write articles, is that he has mildly unpopular opinions.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    Anonus said:
    >What do the Good Wife, Justin Bieber, and Internet Freedom have in common?

    Why is that image backwards?

    Also, it seems to me that a significant chunk of Simpsons pictures were captured from KCPQ recordings

    Was there just some guy in Seattle who taped every episode of the Simpsons?

    Also, in Canada, the telcos are generally shittier than in the U.S. It also doesn't help that they own like 95% of the media up there.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.

    They're not everywhere (which is good) but they're common, and have been common for a good amount of time (which is bad).

    In many other countries (eg. Canada) they're the norm.

    As someone who actually lives in Canada, this is why I laugh at people who say they want to move to Canada to avoid the (admittedly bad) behaviour of American ISPs.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    To wit: Comcast owning NBCUniversal might be scary to Americans, but in Canada shit like that's been the norm since the early 2000s.
  • edited 2014-05-30 17:36:40

    i made the world come to an end

    with my cold cold heart and my blood red hands

    i dont care what your government represents
  • Odradek said:

    Adam Tod Brown's area of expertise, the reason popular listicle site Cracked continues paying him to write articles, is that he has mildly unpopular opinions.


    sometimes he accidentally stumbles onto a good point, but dude's kind of an idiot by and large.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • whelp I have now officially sent five beats to really good rapper Stripes Solid.

    He asked me for some! So hopefully these are the first collaborations of many.

    Working outside the Skullboy clique is a little weird to me, admittedly (his own group of friends he makes music with is called SuckMyDickImAShark, which is really just legitimately a great name).
  • Going the opposite route, saying "Ant-Man needs to be THIS so that he fits in with the next crossover" is almost certain to lead to a less interesting final result than "Just make Ant-Man and we'll work out what he'll do in Avengers when we see if people like him or not." That first way is how Warner Bros and DC are currently trying to nudge Justice League into place - it's not going great so far. They're doing a movie whose subtitle is Dawn of Justice. An actual movie. Not a parody or a deliberate send-up. A real honest to goodness movie. With that title. Yeah.

  • edited 2014-05-30 17:51:06
    image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    AK-47 Shirt goes home to Estonia early tomorrow morning.
  • remember when Kerli made a song wherein the chrous said that no one knows where Estonia is
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    DC is making a movie subtitled Dawn of Justice and Marvel made a movie subtitled The First Avenger into a hit.
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    My favorite Adam Tod Brown moment was when he was trying to say something good about The Jonas Brothers, and he praised one song of theirs by pointing out how much it sounded like "Reflektor" by The Arcade Fire.
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Anonus said:


    Do you like Rocky & Bullwinkle at all? Just curious
    Hmm, It's kind of amusing, but I prefer kiddie joke books.  And the live action movie was an atrocity.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    On a related note, it's kind of shameful how Warner Bros. has been less kind to characters it owns all the rights to than some of Marvel's licensees have been to characters they are just licensing

    Warner Bros. gave us Catwoman-in-name-only, that's like Classic Media kind of shit
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Examples, Anonus?
  • MetaFour said:

    My favorite Adam Tod Brown moment was when he was trying to say something good about The Jonas Brothers, and he praised one song of theirs by pointing out how much it sounded like "Reflektor" by The Arcade Fire.

  • MetaFour said:

    DC is making a movie subtitled Dawn of Justice and Marvel made a movie subtitled The First Avenger into a hit.

    It's a difference of magnitudes. The latter is charmingly comic booky, the former just sounds stupid.

  • MetaFour said:

    My favorite Adam Tod Brown moment was when he was trying to say something good about The Jonas Brothers, and he praised one song of theirs by pointing out how much it sounded like "Reflektor" by The Arcade Fire.

    Is that not a good song
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Aliroz said:

    Examples, Anonus?

    I have heard pretty much nothing good about the ill-fated Jonah Hex or Green Lantern movies...they were made by Warner Bros., based on DC characters that they OWN lock, stock and barrel

    Of course, for every Singer X-Men or Raimi Spider-Man, there's Story's Fantastic Four or that Daredevil movie, so
  • Kexruct said:

    MetaFour said:

    My favorite Adam Tod Brown moment was when he was trying to say something good about The Jonas Brothers, and he praised one song of theirs by pointing out how much it sounded like "Reflektor" by The Arcade Fire.

    Is that not a good song
    it's a really strange comparison.

    Granted the Jonas Brothers used to get more hate than they deserved but there are better ways of defending them than that.
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    Kexruct said:

    MetaFour said:

    My favorite Adam Tod Brown moment was when he was trying to say something good about The Jonas Brothers, and he praised one song of theirs by pointing out how much it sounded like "Reflektor" by The Arcade Fire.

    Is that not a good song
    Yon Assassin and I don't care for The Arcade Fire one bit. ATB's intended audience probably had a lot of Arcade Fire fans, so the comparison was intended to make them say "Whaaaa?" and then go listen to see if the two songs really were that much alike. My reaction was, instead, "Jonas Brothers at their best sound like Arcade Fire? Yet another reason to continue ignoring both."
  • Anonus said:

    Anonus said:

    Go ACLU!

    Anytime it's brought to my attention, it's in a "WE HAVE TO STOP THIS NOW OR WE'RE ALL FUCKED WE ARE DOWN TO THE WIRE!" fashion, but then nothing happens and the TPP just disappears for a while again
    what people don't realize is that bills like this get constantly kicked around and are almost never signed into law. I don't think the TPP has actually come all that close even once.
    I got an email suggesting that we were this close to having the Internet be ruined forever and we had to act NOW to prevent that...
    Was it asking you for donations?
    Tachyon said:

    I still don't fully understand why someone would stand as a Republican candidate with policies that were not typically Republican.

    Because, as I noted, the two major political parties in the United States are basically like the governing coalitions in the UK and Canada, rather than like the individual parties.

    Ideological coherence is something that comes and goes on long timescales, and right now it's coming, or mostly here already, but in the recent past, it wasn't.  Instead, voting blocs have varied in size and shifted and recombined their allegiences over time.
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    My gosh, it's beautiful.  No words... Should have sent a poet.
  • The Hash Heap of the Heapers' Trangout
  • The Trash Heap of Krang's Trangout
  • Someone in the thread I found that in did a trap remix of "In The Library" and it's incredible.
    Aliroz said:

    My gosh, it's beautiful.  No words... Should have sent a poet.
    I sorta get the impression you wouldn't like it, but if you're feeling adventurous a lot of his album Acid Rap sounds like that. Though he is as his name indicates primarily a rapper rather than a singer.
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