The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Kexruct said:

    Kexruct said:

    Honestly I think gameplay concerns should run secondary to concerns of narrative in games driven by narrative (although the reaction button did sort of detract from the gameplay at points, certainly). Yes, I just said that, go ahead and mock me, Miko. 

    you really do often come across as actively wanting people to be angry at you.
    Honestly that was just me trying to prepare myself because I don't want to get into a bitter nasty argument over that particular thing.
    "Yes, I just said that, go ahead and mock me, Miko. " does not sound like trying to avoid a nasty argument, it sounds much more like trying to intentionally create one.
  • edited 2014-05-10 22:26:10

    that is amusing

    because video game music is hella lame #shotsfired


  • My dreams exceed my real life

    that is amusing

    because video game music is hella lame #shotsfired

    Yume Nikki had a great soundtrack.

    All told though I find a lot of the time people gush about VGM and I don't understand why.
  • see, whenever i hear video game music outside of the game that it's in it just seems flat and lifeless

    same goes for (most) movie soundtracks

    because it's designed to support something and without the thing it's supposed to be supporting it just doesn't work for me regardless of how well composed it is.
  • Number one, that's terror.

    Number two, that's terror.
  • that is amusing

    because video game music is hella lame #shotsfired

    Yume Nikki had a great soundtrack.

    All told though I find a lot of the time people gush about VGM and I don't understand why.
    Well, tastes in music are a thing that varies quite a bit, and there's also a lot of associating game music with enjoyment of the game itself.

    I usually try to wait like six months or so and then see if I'm still thinking about the music and getting it in my head without thinking of the game first.  If so then I probably like it.
  • hell, i don't even like the stuff J.G. Thirlwell has written specifically for soundtracks and he is pretty much my favorite musician ever period.

    ...actually come to think of it I like the stuff that Ben Frost has done for soundtracks

    maybe because his non-soundtrack stuff already has a sort of "soundtrack for an invisible movie" quality to it.
  • see, whenever i hear video game music outside of the game that it's in it just seems flat and lifeless

    same goes for (most) movie soundtracks

    because it's designed to support something and without the thing it's supposed to be supporting it just doesn't work for me regardless of how well composed it is.

    I think there's also a thing about western games and movies more frequently having music that's more ambient and less tuneful or memorable.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Game soundtracks, full stop. You know how people say they're just dumb beeps and blips? They are. To people on YouTube who replace the music in their gameplay vids: I salute you for not making your viewers puke to death from the horrible beep sounds.
  • Odradek said:

    Game soundtracks, full stop. You know how people say they're just dumb beeps and blips? They are. To people on YouTube who replace the music in their gameplay vids: I salute you for not making your viewers puke to death from the horrible beep sounds.

    is this something you agree with or is this something you're posting because you disagree with it
  • edited 2014-05-10 22:37:54
    also if chiptune music is just dumb beeps and blips then non-chiptune music is just dumb twangs and whoos and taps and burps

    and occasionally a person pronouncing nonsense to the tune of a melody
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I like some game tunes

    depends on the tune in question, y'know
  • edited 2014-05-10 22:40:12
    My dreams exceed my real life
  • Video game music tends to work better when you are already familiar with its context in-game. Soundtracks are about mingling with other aspects of the experience for maximum emotional impact, so oftentimes, divorced from that, they don't hold much weight.
  • @Odradek: does that post mean that you don't think much of videogame music?

    @Kexruct: well, not necessarily.  Sometimes they are works of standalone merit (aside from looping, but that's a whole nother issue) that just add additional meaning to a scene or area.  This tends to be less the case with ambient tracks and more the case with older tracks that were of the catchier, more attention-keeping sort.
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    @Odradek: does that post mean that you don't think much of videogame music?

    @Kexruct: well, not necessarily.  Sometimes they are works of standalone merit (aside from looping, but that's a whole nother issue) that just add additional meaning to a scene or area.  This tends to be less the case with ambient tracks and more the case with older tracks that were of the catchier, more attention-keeping sort.

    I am quoting the old Complaining About Things You Don't Like page.

    I do not hate videogame music
  • edited 2014-05-10 22:51:08 that page even still around

    edit: oh i see, it became an administrivia page that's locked.
  • Regardless of anything, "Barrack Theme" is one of the best couple-second loops I have ever heard.

    Whether that means it holds any weight outside of the game it was composed for is another matter entirely.
  • right now i feel slightly frustrated and angry and tired in a nondirectional sort of way
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    this is a game music track I like

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    right now i feel slightly frustrated and angry and tired in a nondirectional sort of way

    I know the feeling. *offers hugs*
  • im also hungry but i really dont want to eat
  • image

    I laughed.

    i've been using this interface for like forever so it's kinda weird to see people doing the whining about it now

    I just started using it 2 days ago when Firefox auto-updated, so I can understand people complaining about it now.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    The Firefox revamp wasn't exactly a secret--I first saw it myself some months back when I played with an alpha version--but it only just hit the "stable" release channel a couple days ago, so a lot of people are seeing it for the first time as their browsers auto-update...
  • The Firefox revamp wasn't exactly a secret--I first saw it myself some months back when I played with an alpha version--but it only just hit the "stable" release channel a couple days ago, so a lot of people are seeing it for the first time as their browsers auto-update...

    ahhh i see
  •  Although the bonkers ones from the countries that don't actually expect to win are the best.

    Very true, although there didn't seem to be many bonkers/out there songs this year, aside from Poland's. And Austria's performer and her song were actually really, really good this year.
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    The Sonic 2006 soundtrack is really good, and actually works a lot better as a standalone album than as music in the game itself.
  • MetaFour said:

    The Sonic 2006 soundtrack is really good, and actually works a lot better as a standalone album than as music in the game itself.

    to be fair, that's 'cuz the game is crap
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    There is bad Sonic '06 music though, like this:

    It was brought back for Generations, but they didn't do anything fancy with it, just more like "this is how it should have been all along":

  • edited 2014-05-11 00:22:23
    You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    chef, what eare you doing

    whey, i'm doing the same thing i always do

    what's that?

    my job at hte Five Singers Wheelchair Store of course!

    wheelchair store?
    no, it's a restaurant

    are you srue?

    i'm pretty sure
    it syas "restaurant" on the sign

    oh, so it does
    i guess it is a restauarnat after all

    right! so why not get to cookin' ,chef?

    well, there's a problem, waiterman

    what's that, chef?

    i already ordered a shipment of 62 and a half wheelchairs to be delivered later this morning
    but if we're not a wheelchair store
    what am i gonna do with them??

    can you return them

    i told the man that if i tried to return them he was free to slash the tires on my car and make me read Sonichu

    why did you even say that?

    i say that every time i make a business deal
    how do you think i got this restaurant?

    i'm going to go look for a local chairty in need of wheelchair donations
    you wait here for when your deilviery shows up, chef

    good luc kwaiterman!
  • wheelchairity
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    ...whoa, unintentional pun there
    I'm up to the Saved by the Bell review now...the jokes have been getting better, and his rhythm is improving (I noticed that his comedy beats and diction were kind of forced on the Space Jam review). 

    I know one thing, though: This is a whole lot more pleasant to watch now, 6 years later, after the most irritating fanboys have moved on, and the phenomenon of That Guy with the Glasses has boiled off.
  • you know that thing

    where you can remember like every single plot detail from a thing

    but not the name of the thing
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    you know that thing

    where you can remember like every single plot detail from a thing

    but not the name of the thing

    all too well
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • this is gods punishment for me getting that sandwich




    btw this comic is good and you should read it

    yes, you the person reading this post right now
  • TreTre
    edited 2014-05-11 01:27:00
    God <i>damn,</I> I wish I knew how to make proper electronic music

    or at least, know how to fake it properly
  • Tre said:

    God <i>damn,</I> I wish I knew how to make proper electronic music

    or at least fake it properly

    i will tell u the secrete

    u must compress
  • edited 2014-05-11 01:32:26

  • actually this is better
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    lee4hmz said:

    I know one thing, though: This is a whole lot more pleasant to watch now, 6 years later, after the most irritating fanboys have moved on, and the phenomenon of That Guy with the Glasses has boiled off.
    I remember being frustrated that tropers considered every word out of the Critic's mouth to be gospel truth

  • actually this is better

    selfquote because this is 2good2pagebottom
    Anonus said:

    lee4hmz said:

    I know one thing, though: This is a whole lot more pleasant to watch now, 6 years later, after the most irritating fanboys have moved on, and the phenomenon of That Guy with the Glasses has boiled off.
    I remember being frustrated that tropers considered every word out of the Critic's mouth to be gospel truth
    I remember that, too, and I also participated in some of it myself. I think it was actually sitting down and watching The Garbage Pail Kids Movie unriffed that made me stop taking his reviews so seriously.
    Oh yeah, and Street Fighter, too.
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