The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Smee, Maiman, Doktar, Pavelier, Button-Lee, Juan Ovyu
    Memes may not be art, but menes sure are.
    I mean look at this
    Lörs lärä provides the listener a critique of contemporary consumerist
    society. A society that, for the first time in the history of
    societies, is devoid of meaning, precisely because of the equalization
    of all virtues, ethics and goals that cultural marxism has brought

    Lörs lärä embodies the psychological evolution of an individual
    in this society. Initially, the subject embarks on an instinctive search
    for meaning by adopting one of society's prefabricated social
    philosophies. These are indeed fabrications as they consist of mere
    abstract notions which form a coherent whole, but which neither
    correspond with nor are applicable to the subject's reality. Examples
    include communism, anarcho-capitalism, nationalism, fascism. A faith in
    and a strong adherence to all doctrines of the chosen prefabricated
    social philosophy are characteristic of this phase.
    As the individual nears the end of this phase, he gets increasingly
    aware of and uncomfortable with the realization that his choice is
    essentially arbitrary.
    This phase has not yet been audibly documented.

    The discomfort at the end of the first stage is resolved by
    resorting to meaning through absurdity. The subject engages in a series
    of increasingly desperate attempts to extract meaning from his
    surrounding. One such attempt is documented here >>14828651. A
    non-audible example of this phase is the use of (variations on) :DDD as a
    postfix of every statement, regardless of the arbitrary perceived
    emotions that the neurotypical has learned to connect with these
    statements ("bls, resbond :DDD", "oh fug :DDD", and so on).

    The subject soon realizes the futility of these attempts —futile
    because the consumerist society into with which his entire being is
    interwoven is inherently devoid of meaning— and in response, he abandons
    them and starts reproducing the absence of meaning in his creations.
    >>14828488 is the most well known of such reproductions. The
    subject's reproductions are almost always created using speech synthesis
    software. The blandness and absence of intonation of the more primitive
    speech synthesis software indicates a lack of any and all emotion or
    feeling and is symbolic of the subject's state of mind at this phase.
    Most /int/ users identify themselves with this phase of the mental
    evolution and consequentially, most of the other lörs lärä productions
    are of the same format.

    In the final stage, the subject's mental health decays markedly
    as a result of being crushed by the inbearable burden of having
    witnessed the unveiling of the facade that keeps the neurotypicals sane
    and shielded from the mental desert that is the consumerist society. He
    falls into what neurotypicals would describe as a state of insanity.
    Symptoms include non-sensical posting (also known as shitposting) and an
    extreme hostility towards and fear of society and those that conform to
    This is well exemplified by the poor English fellow who, when approached
    by a female acquintance of his, offers her money in a desperate attempt
    to flee possible interaction with her. Society is alien and frightening
    to a subject in this phase. He is unable to use (neurotypical) common
    sense and instead offers her money for he knows not what to do.

    The recent demonic and spooky lörs lärä's are attempts to capture the mental state of a subject in this final phase.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    art is dead
  • Imitation is the most sinceriest form of Flattery, Xena Warrior Princess.

    Bag of Apples, bashtag Nero.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Tachyon did you play the Pac-Man stage
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    yes :)
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    that one gave me some trouble at first
  • Magnums, how do they work?

    you feeling lucky, Punk.

    I am a punk, a punk without an establishment to rebel against.
  • More than a rebel without a cause, I am a punk without anything to rebel against.
  • Smee, Maiman, Doktar, Pavelier, Button-Lee, Juan Ovyu
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Tachyon said:

    yes :)


    that one took like 89 hours to make
  • Donkey Duck and his sandwitch with crimson on it.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i'll confess something i didn't do

    i didn't beat Qliphoth yet

    it's 2hardcore4me
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    the sand witch

    she lives in the desert

    likes the heat for some reason
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Qliphoth is probably the hardest one, although there is one other that perhaps rivals it.
  • Posers and camera phones
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    helfie, welfie and wise
  • 1.) be able to name the notes on the
    staff which uses the G clef. Since the notes go forward alphabetically
    as they ascend, all you really need to do is identify one line or space
    and then be able to count from there

    2.) add the
    durations of the notes given in a measure of score to determine the
    meter. If you know the durations of the notes, all you need to do is add
    for the sum. For example, if there are four quarter notes in a measure
    and each is worth one beat, then the meter is 4/4.

    be able to recognize a musical symbol and tell what it does. The symbols
    could range from a clef or rest to  a tempo or dynamic marker (loudness
    or softness)

    4.) be able to identify a meter upon
    hearing. All that is required here is that you count along to determine
    which fits best, a 2 count, a 3 count, or a 4 count.

    I haven't read about any of this.

    I am 100% unfit to take this exam but I have to, and am going to fail it.

    Okay, the first one's relatively easy. G clef is named for the line that the little curly bit is on.

    The second line from the bottom, the one that the spiral is curved around? That's G. Specifically the G above middle C, but you probably don't need to know that. 

    In addition, the lines that the spiral is actually touching (the ones below and above the G line) are E and B, respectively

    Besides that, all you need to do is go up and down the alphabet from there.

    As for's basically a matter of counting. Try and get the different notes down (I can try and help you with it if you need it) and then add them up. I'd guess that they won't do anything too complicated, so it'll either be X/4 (meaning that the beat's based on quarter notes) or maybe X/8 (meaning that the beat's based on eighth notes). Add up how many quarter notes are in a measure (with half notes counting as 2, eighth notes counting as 1/2, etc.), and see if it comes to 2, 3 or 4. If not, then do the same thing with eighth notes. are some tips. If a symbol has a p in it, it probably has to do with softness. More p's mean more softness. Same with f and loudness. If it has an m in it, then it means somewhat. mp = somewhat soft.

    And for rests, the half note rest lies on top of a line, making it look like a hat, while the whole note rest lies on the bottom of the line, like a (w)hole. Quarter rest looks like a lightning bolt and Eighth rest looks like a seven.

    There are only 3 clefs (well, 3 major clefs). The G (Treble) clef, which is at the top of this post, the F (Bass) Clef, which looks like a backwards C or a comma, and the C (Alto/Tenor) clef, which, erm...


    It kind of looks like a pair of ram horns. 

    Dynamics don't really have helpful tricks. But they're usually just Italian words with English equivalents, so sound them out and think about whether they'd be fast or slow. Also, ritardando (rit.) means to slow down (it sounds like the slur for the mentally disabled) and accelerando (accel.) means to speed up.

    4's a bit trickier. Best thing I can suggest is to listen to music that has those kinds of beats. 4/4 describes all of pop music. 3/4 can be found easily in waltzes (or AJJ's Stormy the Rabbit). 2/4's usually found in marches.
    I bookmarked this, thanks. I'm sorry for not knowing things that I'm sure seem simple to you. :/

    Oi, what a day.
  • Tachyon said:

    idk, claiming internet memes are art or that bronies have redefined masculinity sounds pretty trollish to me

    spurious yet provocative claims, backed up by just enough argument to make them sound halfway credible

    From what I get out of the channel, the claims are simply meant to be hypotheses, with the host making, or attempt to make, an objective view of the claim, then leave the debate up for the commenters. For what it's worth, I don't feel that the host was in any way being insincere with his arguments.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Tachyon said:

    i mean, i know that's not what he's trying to do

    but it irritates me, all the same

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    this isn't rational, sorry

    the videos just grate
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Tachyon said:

    this isn't rational, sorry

    the videos just grate

    This is understandable, but I think that you let these things get to you way more than is warranted. Some guy makes an outlandish proposal to generate discussion and uses some odd rhetorical footwork to back it up to keep things interesting, and you... erupt with fury and indignation? If he were a troll, that would mean that you would be letting him win, or at least giving him the desired outcome. But the desired outcome in this case is much more benign: To make people discuss the issues surrounding the matter and hopefully come up with some clever points for or against the hypothesis.

    I can understand the tone and arguments being grating, but it just doesn't strike me as worth getting legitimately angry and vitriolic about.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i don't know what it is about tone on the internet, but i'm not actually raging here

    i'm just like explaining why i find the videos mildly annoying

    i think i do this thing where one minute i'm in a normal conversation, and the next i'm blowing things out of proportion and the person i'm talking to is like 'what'
  • edited 2014-03-04 19:07:31
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i dunno, i haven't figured what it is i'm doing, only that people react like, well, like that to me

    like you just now
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Hey, I found a place called MIrror Tropes Wiki, and one called All The Tropes.  They both remind me of the 09 Tv Tropes.

  • fwiw I could tell you were only mildly annoyed, Bawb.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    sic transit gloria mundi
  • Smee, Maiman, Doktar, Pavelier, Button-Lee, Juan Ovyu
    GO is GOD
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Tachyon said:

    i don't know what it is about tone on the internet, but i'm not actually raging here

    i'm just like explaining why i find the videos mildly annoying

    i think i do this thing where one minute i'm in a normal conversation, and the next i'm blowing things out of proportion and the person i'm talking to is like 'what'

    It's your wording sometimes. Stringing together negative or contextually negative adjectives before a noun like "garbage" or "shit" tends to indicate more than mild dislike.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Also, I still have my mod reflexes from my tenure at BTL to some degree, so when people sound agitated here my immediate instinct is to quell things with walls of text...
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • Damn game tryna guilt me into taking someone else's Lucario. Do I seem like the kinda person who'd do that?

    Also, I still have my mod reflexes from my tenure at BTL to some degree, so when people sound agitated here my immediate instinct is to quell things with walls of text...

    You shouldn't do that, you know? It's probably not intended to but it can come across as condescending.
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    I don't need Crusader Kings when I have Age of Empires II on steam.

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    fwiw I could tell you were only mildly annoyed, Bawb.

    that's good. :)

    It's your wording sometimes. Stringing together negative or contextually negative adjectives before a noun like "garbage" or "shit" tends to indicate more than mild dislike.

    i will keep this in mind
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    You shouldn't do that, you know? It's probably not intended to but it can come across as condescending.

    I try to be understanding and direct rather than condescending. Honestly, people being condescending makes me want to throw things.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    I tend to be kind of all or nothing about my emotions sometimes: Things that bug me either provoke me to shrug them off or send me into (studiously repressed) conniptions...
  • Aliroz said:

    I don't need Crusader Kings when I have Age of Empires II on steam.

    can you keep The House of Wessex in AoE2?

  • My boyfriend cannot be condescending as he is naturally superior to all other beings.
  • I would post amusing ferret pictures to prove this but I'm on mobile so you can Google up some of your own and imagine me posting them here and commentating upon them in my usual, vaguely funny manner
  • edited 2014-03-04 20:00:52
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch


  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Can't spell Womderpost without derp.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    you said it, Tewi
  • Isn't that why all men and women create art? 

    Get it out of your head and you can pin it down for the final blow.
    "the final blow" HA HA HA HA HA lol HA
    Do you mean blow as in fellatio?

    I don't think that's particularly sexual in context, but I can't see what else the joke might be.
  • 1.) be able to name the notes on the
    staff which uses the G clef. Since the notes go forward alphabetically
    as they ascend, all you really need to do is identify one line or space
    and then be able to count from there

    2.) add the
    durations of the notes given in a measure of score to determine the
    meter. If you know the durations of the notes, all you need to do is add
    for the sum. For example, if there are four quarter notes in a measure
    and each is worth one beat, then the meter is 4/4.

    be able to recognize a musical symbol and tell what it does. The symbols
    could range from a clef or rest to  a tempo or dynamic marker (loudness
    or softness)

    4.) be able to identify a meter upon
    hearing. All that is required here is that you count along to determine
    which fits best, a 2 count, a 3 count, or a 4 count.

    I haven't read about any of this.

    I am 100% unfit to take this exam but I have to, and am going to fail it.

    Okay, the first one's relatively easy. G clef is named for the line that the little curly bit is on.

    The second line from the bottom, the one that the spiral is curved around? That's G. Specifically the G above middle C, but you probably don't need to know that. 

    In addition, the lines that the spiral is actually touching (the ones below and above the G line) are E and B, respectively

    Besides that, all you need to do is go up and down the alphabet from there.

    As for's basically a matter of counting. Try and get the different notes down (I can try and help you with it if you need it) and then add them up. I'd guess that they won't do anything too complicated, so it'll either be X/4 (meaning that the beat's based on quarter notes) or maybe X/8 (meaning that the beat's based on eighth notes). Add up how many quarter notes are in a measure (with half notes counting as 2, eighth notes counting as 1/2, etc.), and see if it comes to 2, 3 or 4. If not, then do the same thing with eighth notes. are some tips. If a symbol has a p in it, it probably has to do with softness. More p's mean more softness. Same with f and loudness. If it has an m in it, then it means somewhat. mp = somewhat soft.

    And for rests, the half note rest lies on top of a line, making it look like a hat, while the whole note rest lies on the bottom of the line, like a (w)hole. Quarter rest looks like a lightning bolt and Eighth rest looks like a seven.

    There are only 3 clefs (well, 3 major clefs). The G (Treble) clef, which is at the top of this post, the F (Bass) Clef, which looks like a backwards C or a comma, and the C (Alto/Tenor) clef, which, erm...


    It kind of looks like a pair of ram horns. 

    Dynamics don't really have helpful tricks. But they're usually just Italian words with English equivalents, so sound them out and think about whether they'd be fast or slow. Also, ritardando (rit.) means to slow down (it sounds like the slur for the mentally disabled) and accelerando (accel.) means to speed up.

    4's a bit trickier. Best thing I can suggest is to listen to music that has those kinds of beats. 4/4 describes all of pop music. 3/4 can be found easily in waltzes (or AJJ's Stormy the Rabbit). 2/4's usually found in marches.
    I bookmarked this, thanks. I'm sorry for not knowing things that I'm sure seem simple to you. :/

    Oi, what a day.
    Hush. My superiority in written music is mirrored by your superiority in produced music. 
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