The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • The sadness will last forever.
  • Smee, Maiman, Doktar, Pavelier, Button-Lee, Juan Ovyu


    LET'S GET SCRATCHED OUT jikkyjikkyjikkyjik

  • The sadness will last forever.
    pew pew pew pew
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    mixed race pride, yo
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    black-reddish hair
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    Also, forgot to say that I bought books today. Good day so far.
  • I know the kinds of stuff I say about otherkin often come off as mean spirited, but may I vent for a moment?

    What's on your mind Kexruct?

    No, Imipolex, that is a bad thing.

    Spinor summed up what I was going to say.
    I said this in response to a post about an otherkin documentary:

    The problem isn’t the spiritual belief. The problem is that very often these people are appropriating cultures that would have a thing like “spirit animals” on only their most superficial level so they can say stuff like “I’m a wolf.” Like, I’m not going to argue about spirituality because that’s utterly pointless, but from a psychological or biological perspective it makes no sense. Being “a wolf on the inside” would require you be non-sapient and, y’know think like a wolf. And the problem is, they just sort of graft superficially animalistic qualities on themselves and pretend it’s the same thing as actually being that animal, and that’s simply not how it works.

    Long story short: You’re not a wolf. You like the recognition that comes from saying you’re a wolf.

    Which made that one otherkin friend I have upset, and caused some of her legion of 1200-ish followers to send me anonymous messages basically saying because people identify as otherkin, the idea is immune to any sort of scrutiny and I just need to shut up. 
  • The sadness will last forever.
    apple up the nose
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • Like I said the other day, I always talk about how stupid teenagers are and how no one should take what they say and do seriously. It's high time I start practicing what I preach.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • they had Coolio play a living wax figurine of Coolio in Gravity Falls.

    that's pretty good.
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    *says a insult*

    *gets fired for saying said insult*
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    my favorite phineas and ferb character is ferb
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    I can see how that'd be insulting rather easily. Though, yeah, that would help your cause to chill about other random people on the Internet on Tumblr doing whatever.
  • Yeah, so can I. I figure I should just wait this one out, honestly. No one stays otherkin past the age of 21.
  • man, if people be doing shit and it aint hurting anybody, why you on their case?

    you sound like richard dawkins or something seriously
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • It's just something that bothers me, honestly. And frankly, something doesn't have to have ~massive world shaking consequences~ to be bothersome.
  • edited 2013-08-24 19:13:37
    More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    On the one paw, drat I'm a transbitch. Why. This is terrible. On the other paw, wow I can be a transbitch. It's great.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    I liked the movie (V for Vendetta) much more than the comic.

    The comic just didn't resonate with me so much, and parts felt like Alan Moore was trying to extol the virtues of LSD.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    nohaynicklibre likes good dancey stuff.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    otherkin are weird. very weird. that is all.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    alan moore

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    I don't know and I have no opinion.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    cake bus
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I feel better now, somehow.

    I should do something fun tonight...I wonder if I'll finally be able to get AU to watch the Gravity Falls two-parter with me...he never seems all that interested but I've been dying to see it.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    mr. feels to the rescue
  • Kexruct said:

    It's just something that bothers me, honestly. And frankly, something doesn't have to have ~massive world shaking consequences~ to be bothersome.

    i get that it bothers you, but you can be a polite person and keep it to yourself
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Miko said:

    On the one paw, drat I'm a transbitch. Why. This is terrible. On the other paw, wow I can be a transbitch. It's great.

    I find this relatable, somehow
  • I have not particularly enjoyed what I have seen of Teen Titans Go! so far.

    I suppose I should be happy that more animated Terra is in existence at all.
  • I have not particularly enjoyed what I have seen of Teen Titans Go! so far.

    I suppose I should be happy that more animated Terra is in existence at all.
  • edited 2013-08-24 19:18:34
    The sadness will last forever.
    gender bending is so awesome because you can see a different perspective and it looks nice.
  • i mean like, even if it's something seemingly silly like thinking you are an animal or whatever, people still should be able to expect that, if they aren't messing with peeps, peeps won't mess with them.

    at least that is what i think
  • Kexruct said:

    It's just something that bothers me, honestly. And frankly, something doesn't have to have ~massive world shaking consequences~ to be bothersome.

    i get that it bothers you, but you can be a polite person and keep it to yourself
    I'm not going out of my way to share these opinions. That wasn't a message I sent to anyone else, it was just something I posted on my blog.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    pizza burgers
  • Kexruct said: Pangur Bán said: Kexruct said:It's just something that bothers me, honestly. And frankly, something doesn't have to have ~massive world shaking consequences~ to be bothersome.

    i get that it bothers you, but you can be a polite person and keep it to yourself

    I'm not going out of my way to share these opinions. That wasn't a message I sent to anyone else, it was just something I posted on my blog.

    but you
    knew one of your followers was an otherkin and would get bent out of shape about it and take it up with you, causing all of their followers to see it and so-on.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    reptilians :)
  • To be fair, she does the exact same thing to me all the time.
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    You know

    I always use robocopy when I make my weekly backups instead of the default file copy command

    Because it seems to be the only built-in file copy utility on Windows that can preserve timestamps

    I'm picky about that
  • edited 2013-08-24 19:29:05
    More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    ~1 of every 25 Americans believes in reptilians. :o
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