The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • edited 2013-04-20 16:29:00
    More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    [basically i have my own problems too]
  • ok we all have problems we get it let us move on
  • Pardon me for being stereotypical, but there is no greater display of
    upper-class privilege than having so few things to worry about that you
    assume that no one else in the first world has anything to worry about
    ever. I apologize that my impending homelessness does not mean as much
    to you as it does to the warzone that is the middle east, but I am not
    going to sit here and beg for your moral pennies. I don't want them, and
    neither do any of us.
    okkkkk whooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I am not even talking about that and my attitude is not "none of these things are bad or unfortunate" my attitude is "jeez why all the attention to the Boston incident when this is commonplace stuff outside perfect little America" and individual problems like yours are serious ok

    Dude it's not a fucking contest.

    If anything, my problems are way less important than what happened to the friends and families of the people in Boston. Those people died, at least I'll probably still be alive. You can't say Boston doesn't matter and then say I do just because you know me, that's why people care about Boston at all, because it happened here. You can't cut that both ways.

  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Naney said:

    this has been going around tumblr and as a white person i feel vaguely awkward about reblogging it but it's funny so yeah
    This was great.
  • okkkkk whooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I am not even talking about that and my attitude is not "none of these things are bad or unfortunate" my attitude is "jeez why all the attention to the Boston incident when this is commonplace stuff outside perfect little America" 
    So what you're saying is that it's only bad if it happens outside of America and doesn't get media attention?
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    This is so frustrating because I am just making the point that I wish people would sympathize with the third world as much as the first world but you are acting like it's offensive I would say that and it's not.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    You know... I am going to leave for a while because this is turning into a retarded argument again and imi is not here and I will probably be blamed for all this commotion because I said something more than one person didn't like.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Naney said:

    RE: homelessness: the entire time i've known you dudes i have been on the verge of this whooooo i win do i get a prize (*though my mom kinda has a job now so maybe this don't count*)

    Heh, same here. My family's home's been on the verge of foreclosure since 2009...we've been lucky because my mother actually works in mortgage banking and thus knows all the little tricks and stuff she can use to stall for time, but...yeah, that's all it is. And it looks like in the next year or so time will likely run out either way. >_<

    oh and also she might have to go on disability soon because it's only a question of when she'll be unable to work, not if she'll be unable to work

    do i win
  • what he's saying is that this sort of stuff happens outside of america and it's bad that it does not get attention, despite the fact that it should
  • and i agree with him, the lack of attention paid to such problems in developing countries is disturbing and shows systematic problems with the news media
  • This is so frustrating because I am just making the point that I wish people would sympathize with the third world as much as the first world but you are acting like it's offensive I would say that and it's not.

    How are people supposed to do this when the media isn't giving it attention?

    Moreover, there's no tactful way to say "Hey guys I know there was a tragedy recently in the country you live but you should pay attention to the one half a world away that no one talks about so good luck finding out about it."
  • Naney said:

    RE: homelessness: the entire time i've known you dudes i have been on the verge of this whooooo i win do i get a prize (*though my mom kinda has a job now so maybe this don't count*)

    Heh, same here. My family's home's been on the verge of foreclosure since 2009...we've been lucky because my mother actually works in mortgage banking and thus knows all the little tricks and stuff she can use to stall for time, but...yeah, that's all it is. And it looks like in the next year or so time will likely run out either way. >_<

    oh and also she might have to go on disability soon because it's only a question of when she'll be unable to work, not if she'll be unable to work

    do i win

    you get the prize

    the prize is

    (*Catnaps on you*)
  • This is so frustrating because I am just making the point that I wish people would sympathize with the third world as much as the first world but you are acting like it's offensive I would say that and it's not.

    there is not a single person here who doesn't already know about what happens in Syria

    you are preaching to the choir, and it's really annoying, and I just had a terrible day and the last thing I want to talk about right now is how fucked up the rest of the world is

    you're acting like this is somehow an unreasonable request. I'm sorry that I don't want to be bombarded with concentrated depression every time I go online.

  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    It's like children.

    I will be back... whenever I feel like coming back.
  • Odradek said:

    Naney should stick to good internet critics, like the Blockbuster Buster, or the Irate Gamer, or Pewdiepie, or Red Letter Media.

    What's wrong with Red Letter Media?
  • I'm just tired of no one caring about my problems when I try to care about everyone else's

    I feel like no one listens to me and as far as I know nobody ever does. here or anywhere else.

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Re: Boston and Syria:

    Maybe this says more about me than it does the situation itself, but the whole thing has been kinda eye-opening for me. An entire town essentially became a military occupation due to fears that a suicide bomber was on the loose—and it's like, wow, for us that's this big, huge, anomalous thing and it's almost unthinkable, but for a lot of people around the world that's literally their everyday life...

    [...] and I just had a terrible day and the last thing I want to talk about right now is how fucked up the rest of the world is

    you're acting like this is somehow an unreasonable request. I'm sorry that I don't want to be bombarded with concentrated depression every time I go online.

    You know, though, you're not required to read or participate in this thread if you don't want to. A major event just happened, it's natural that people will want to discuss it.
  • It's like children.

    says the one who hasn't changed a bit since he first showed up on Yack Fest.

    go shit talk about me on #trashheap, that's what you always do when you're pissed.

    You know, though, you're not required to read or participate in this thread if you don't want to. A major event just happened, it's natural that people will want to discuss it.

    this is precisely why I haven't been here much lately. 

    the one time I want to vent no one gives a shit and I get preached to about how my problems don't matter and I should be, I guess, blogging harder about what's going on in Syria. Do I not have a reason to be annoyed? Because I think I do.

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    *sigh* Really?

    Alright, mod speaking, break it up.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    Psycho: Reborn
  • The sadness will last forever.
    Revenge of Ronald Mcdonald
  • The sadness will last forever.
    Tagline: Not loving it
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Odradek said:

    Naney should stick to good internet critics, like the Blockbuster Buster, or the Irate Gamer, or Pewdiepie, or Red Letter Media.

    What's wrong with Red Letter Media?
  • The sadness will last forever.
    Irate Gamer

    Ibutt Bamer
  • edited 2013-04-20 16:49:20

    Odradek said:

    SF_Sorrow said:

    Odradek said:

    Naney should stick to good internet critics, like the Blockbuster Buster, or the Irate Gamer, or Pewdiepie, or Red Letter Media.

    What's wrong with Red Letter Media?
    The difference is that the guy is playing as a senile psychopath. You're free to take or leave that aspect, but I say his critique are pretty hard-hitting.
  • edited 2013-04-20 16:48:09
    The sadness will last forever.
    Generic horror movie series

    Generic horror movie reboot
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    SF_Sorrow said:

    Odradek said:

    SF_Sorrow said:

    Odradek said:

    Naney should stick to good internet critics, like the Blockbuster Buster, or the Irate Gamer, or Pewdiepie, or Red Letter Media.

    What's wrong with Red Letter Media?
    The difference is that the guy is playing as a senile psychopath. You're free to take or leave that detail, but I say his critique are pretty hard-hitting.
    I say my DICK is pretty hard hitting.


    You can't complain about my rudeness because I said something true.
  • The sadness will last forever.

  • edited 2013-04-20 16:53:40

    Uh, jumping ahead a bit are we? What I'm saying is that you can enjoy his criticism without necessarily enjoying his character.
  • I have calmed down.

    Though, I would still appreciate someone to talk to if any of you are willing, but if not, oh well.


    I found a completely sealed vault in Dungeon Crawl with a bunch of valuable treasure in it. I can't figure out how to get in, and there aren't any hidden doors. So that's pretty weird.

    SF_Sorrow said:

    Uh, jumping ahead a bit are we? What I'm saying is that you can enjoy his reviews without necessarily enjoying his character.

    I dunno, I think with internet critics moreso than other critics, you have to find their persona likable to be able to take their opinions seriously.

    JSmithOTI might say things like "jabroni" and make sex jokes, but he's a nice guy and I find him insightful.

    Someone like RedLetter....I just don't understand the point of the act, and I don't find it entertaining, so I don't really find his reviews worth watching.

  • This week sucks.
  • edited 2013-04-20 16:54:21
    We can do anything if we do it together.
    Wheatley said:



  • image




  • The sadness will last forever.
    Cinema Snob
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)

    One of my brother's friends, "Sam" (not his real name) died on Thursday of sickness. 
    His Parents came to my house today to tell us.  The following is from their
    point of view.

    Apparently, his wife (who he let take are of his money for
    him because he had no idea how to work with money) was cheating on him with
    other men (he probably never knew), and spending his army pension/money/whatever
    on fancy gifts for them (like cars) leaving him almost broke from what she said
    were "investments".

    Maybe he did know, because they were close to a
    divorce; and in one more day, the papers would have gone through and they
    wouldn't have been married anymore.

    His funeral is in a few days.  His
    wife will be there are a grieving widow; showing a slideshow of her always
    standing by her man.  His wife is expecting to inherit all of his stuff.  His
    parents are contesting that.

    But for now, I just remember what he was
    like when he was that little eight-year-old boy who came to play at our house
    and let me carry his dinosaurs when his arms were too full.

    Only kid I
    ever knew who would actually clean up his own messes at that age (according to
    his parents, he never cleaned up after himself at his own house; but when he was
    a visitor, it was a different story).

    This week is

    Oh, and now Sam's wife is asking whether she can bring her boyfriend to the funeral.  She's pregnant, too.
  • every internet critic sucks

    yahtzee is funny sometimes

    but for the level of well known he has he should have like at least 3/4 of the talent that, say, Barney Ronay has, and he does not. so

    (barney ronay ownsbut will never be popular on the internet because he writes about football and sports lol)

  • remember i am from the england

    i do not dilute my language for you weirdo colonials

  • what do you guys call American Football anyway
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    "American Football", I would assume.
  • The sadness will last forever.

  • The sadness will last forever.
    soccer i think
  • Wheatley said:

    soccer i think

    [laugh track]

    "American Football", I would assume.

    idk I've heard "American Rugby" but that was an Australian that said that so I was just wondering.
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • ive never heard "american rugby" in my life

    i have only ever heard it called american football. very occasionally 'gridiron' but most people here probably wouldnt know what you were talking about if you called it that

  • There is no real argument to be had when it comes to best sporting moment of the week. This arrived midway through the first half of West Ham versus Manchester United at Upton Park, and it featured Andy Carroll, no longer constrained by the more mannered demands of playing centre-forward for Liverpool – where he seemed always a little baffled and corseted, shoulders slumped, like some captive primate brought back from the new world on an Elizabethan spice ship, forced to wear a ruff and frock coat and batter away at the violin with his great hairy hands, paraded as a Frenchman, taunted by braying courtiers, dreaming of bananas – and now transformed into a boisterously uninhibited presence in the West Ham attack.

    Carroll's full-contact "ravenous wolf" challenge on David de Gea has already been widely examined. The same night there was something of the JFK assassination film about its droolingly sensual slow-motion dissection on Sky Sports. This is the key frame. Watch it again. Carroll arrives in shot. De Gea falls back. And to the left. Again. Crushed beneath a blur of snorting, whinnying man-meat, he goes back. And to the left. As Carroll appears at an improbable height, mane flowing, as though arriving from the skies on a broomstick, De Gea falls back … And to the left.

    It was, in fairness, pretty much impossible to grow tired of watching this. Not just for the sheer oddity of such extreme violence on a football pitch, De Gea entirely obliterated like a balsa wood movie door kicked in by some scowling cowboy, but also because, for differing reasons, it was a moment of mutually illuminating contact for both players.

  • edited 2013-04-20 17:45:39
    You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    Ohio license plate sticker color schemes:

    I haven't seen any 2015 ones yet, oddly.
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