The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Crazy Itch Radio is ok.

    I haven't listened to enough of their other stuff to comment really.
  • ~*tasteless*~

    u keep on giving me the HOLD UP
    u know i wish u'd make ur MIND UP
    cuz when we get it on ur SO SO
    u used to be my ROMEO


    oh wow

    not even gonna comment.

    I miss basement jaxx, their new(est) stuff just isn't doing it for me.
    Basement Jaxx haven't been too good for awhile. I don't get why Flying Lotus hates them though.
    where'd he say that?
  • u keep on giving me the HOLD UP

    u know i wish u'd make ur MIND UP
    cuz when we get it on ur SO SO
    u used to be my ROMEO


    oh wow

    not even gonna comment.

    I miss basement jaxx, their new(est) stuff just isn't doing it for me.
    Basement Jaxx haven't been too good for awhile. I don't get why Flying Lotus hates them though.
    where'd he say that?

    oh he has like a violent hatred of them.

    He's mentioned it on his twitter several times.

  • i gave that a spin once it did not stick really.

    They are a bit too pop-y for my tastes tbh
  • ~*tasteless*~

    i don't know if I should ignore twitter more or less :|
  • ~*tasteless*~

    god now I miss the 2000s

    this conversation is an asshole
  • I don't really get how you could violently hate a piece of music unless it's shitty and also the musician(s) are complete douchecanoes.
  • well this came out really recently and it's incredibly good

    so I don't miss the 2000s so much as look back on them from time to time.

  • edited 2013-01-20 02:48:00

    I don't really get how you could violently hate a piece of music unless it's shitty and also the musician(s) are complete douchecanoes.
    I can get hating a musician if they're a cunt, but I can't get hating music, or hating a musician for being shitty

    it's like, you can just not listen to it

    or you can listen to it and just make fun of it

    i dunno
  • edited 2013-01-20 02:49:58


    well this came out really recently and it's incredibly good

    so I don't miss the 2000s so much as look back on them from time to time.

    lol that just goes to the front page
  • Naney said:

    I don't really get how you could violently hate a piece of music unless it's shitty and also the musician(s) are complete douchecanoes.

    idk there's a couple artists he growls about from time to time. Other examples are Beach House and Big Sean.

    lol that just goes to the front page


  • man why do people all seem to listen to people i know nothing about? ;_;
  • Naney said:

    man why do people all seem to listen to people i know nothing about? ;_;

    tbh your taste in music seems to only extend as far as some very obscure venues. You should really make an active effort to appreciate more stuff.

    I do that all the time, which is why I like as much stuff as I do. Of course some people would say I have no taste, but fuck them.

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Toxic is a great song and y'all are just hating

    also i expected you to know who Lil' Kim is

    because of Stupid Hoe being about her if for no other reason
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • ni**as is mad, I get more butt than ash-trays.
  • Well I mean I know who Lil' Kim is.

    I had just never heard or seen her.

    Or rather had heard her or seen her and had known who it was i was hearing/seeing. 
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Naney said:

    man why do people all seem to listen to people i know nothing about? ;_;

    i actually didn't think this was possible

    cause, like, you know everything, especially about music

    nothing wrong with having particular tastes though
  • ~*tasteless*~


    Naney said:

    man why do people all seem to listen to people i know nothing about? ;_;

    tbh your taste in music seems to only extend as far as some very obscure venues. You should really make an active effort to appreciate more stuff.

    I do that all the time, which is why I like as much stuff as I do. Of course some people would say I have no taste, but fuck them.

    lol I just tell people my tastes are "eclectic". that's like the new buzzword that's code for "indiscriminate" anyway.
  • a8 said:

    Toxic is a great song and y'all are just hating

    also i expected you to know who Lil' Kim is

    because of Stupid Hoe being about her if for no other reason

    idk it's like my least favorite Britney song.

    well except that recent one she released with but that's because has turned into a mockery of his former self and sucks now. Would you believe he used to make political hip-hop?

    also Britney did a song with Ke$ha and Nicki Minaj like a year or two ago.

  • ~*tasteless*~

    I actually like Toxic, but everyone acts like it's just the best Britney song ever and, wow, no.
  • edited 2013-01-20 02:57:40
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Britney's worst song is If You Seek Amy.

    Best... idk, maybe Lucky.
  • Naney said:

    man why do people all seem to listen to people i know nothing about? ;_;

    tbh your taste in music seems to only extend as far as some very obscure venues. You should really make an active effort to appreciate more stuff.

    I do that all the time, which is why I like as much stuff as I do. Of course some people would say I have no taste, but fuck them.

    lol I just tell people my tastes are "eclectic". that's like the new buzzword that's code for "indiscriminate" anyway.

    Well I think a lot of times being eclectic or whatever is seen as a bad thing for some reason.

    Also, while we're talking about 90s/early 2000s pop, no one can front on Smash Mouth



  • My knowledge of pop and hip-hop is really really really shitty.

    I am also really terrible at judging the relative obscurity/popularity of bands, which has lead to a lot of awkward conversations.

    I have tried to get better at this, but there are only like a few pop acts (*Owl City and One Direction, and some stuff by Justin Bieber*) that I've really enjoyed, and no matter what angles I try to tackle hip-hop from I can never really seem to enjoy the non-instrumental stuff.
  • a8 said:

    Britney's worst song is If You Seek Amy.

    I forgot that song existed

    why did you remind me it did.

  • Naney said:

    My knowledge of pop and hip-hop is really really really shitty.

    I am also really terrible at judging the relative obscurity/popularity of bands, which has lead to a lot of awkward conversations.

    I have tried to get better at this, but there are only like a few pop acts (*Owl City and One Direction, and some stuff by Justin Bieber*) that I've really enjoyed, and no matter what angles I try to tackle hip-hop from I can never really seem to enjoy the non-instrumental stuff.

    Well I don't know what to tell you about that last part.

    What have you tried?

  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I'm watching old Disney Channel presentation

    Why did they ever get rid of this logo

    The mouse ears could have been very versatile (e.g. stick them on a computer, a mobile device, stuff like that)
  • ~*tasteless*~

    a8 said:

    Britney's worst song is If You Seek Amy.

    Ehh, maybe. It's between that and like those two or three that were popular recently (hold it against me and some other shit).

    haven't heard her collab and not going to.

    Naney said:

    man why do people all seem to listen to people i know nothing about? ;_;

    tbh your taste in music seems to only extend as far as some very obscure venues. You should really make an active effort to appreciate more stuff.

    I do that all the time, which is why I like as much stuff as I do. Of course some people would say I have no taste, but fuck them.

    lol I just tell people my tastes are "eclectic". that's like the new buzzword that's code for "indiscriminate" anyway.

    Well I think a lot of times being eclectic or whatever is seen as a bad thing for some reason.

    Also, while we're talking about 90s/early 2000s pop, no one can front on Smash Mouth



  • just tested and this song does in fact still make me cry.

    I am an enormous wuss I'm sorry.



  • ~*tasteless*~

    Anonus said:

    I'm watching old Disney Channel presentation

    Why did they ever get rid of this logo

    The mouse ears could have been very versatile (e.g. stick them on a computer, a mobile device, stuff like that)
    well, they kind of still do the ears, just, different? Iunno.

    It's weird when you realize the ears represent Mickey, despite their current programming having nothing to do with him at all.
  • edited 2013-01-20 03:04:22


    I don't know why (lol bullshit yes I do) but I remember only being able to associate this song with breaking up for a long time

    like EVERY TIME I broke something off this song was there, watching me, forcing me to listen.
  • edited 2013-01-20 03:04:40
    I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    But their current logo is awful

    The fact that it is bound to a corner is stupid, meaning that anytime they want to make more versatile use of it they have to stick it in a square with rounded corners (a version of this resembling an iOS app icon became their primary logo in 2010)

    Really the Disney Channel bothers me a lot more than it should, and they make stupid design decisions too
  • Danny Brown, stuff from several members of Odd Future, The Notorious BIG, MF DOOM, Run DMC, The Wu-Tang Clan, a whole bunch of other stuff...

    I did like a few things though, Grandmaster Flash, Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy
  • Dido is the woman.

    Have you heard her recent track with Kendrick Lamar? It's really good.

    Naney said:

    Danny Brown, stuff from several members of Odd Future, The Notorious BIG, MF DOOM, Run DMC, The Wu-Tang Clan, a whole bunch of other stuff...

    I did like a few things though, Grandmaster Flash, Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy
    tried Public Enemy?
  • but then when i try to branch out from there I just kinda run into dead ends.
  • Dido is the woman.

    Have you heard her recent track with Kendrick Lamar? It's really good.

    Naney said:

    Danny Brown, stuff from several members of Odd Future, The Notorious BIG, MF DOOM, Run DMC, The Wu-Tang Clan, a whole bunch of other stuff...

    I did like a few things though, Grandmaster Flash, Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy
    tried Public Enemy?
  • And even when I find stuff that I like I don't feel like I'm enjoying it on anything beyond a superficial level.
  • Naney said:

    Dido is the woman.

    Have you heard her recent track with Kendrick Lamar? It's really good.

    Naney said:

    Danny Brown, stuff from several members of Odd Future, The Notorious BIG, MF DOOM, Run DMC, The Wu-Tang Clan, a whole bunch of other stuff...

    I did like a few things though, Grandmaster Flash, Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy
    tried Public Enemy?
    El-P circa Fantastic Damage?
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Hold It Against Me is awful, yes.

    iirc the first hip-hop i liked was Public Enemy.

    Well, apart from like the odd Eminem song my friend played me as a kid, but that was back before i paid much attention to any music.
  • ~*tasteless*~


    Dido is the woman. Have you heard her recent track with Kendrick Lamar? It's really good.

    Listening now, pretty neat.
    Naney said:

    And even when I find stuff that I like I don't feel like I'm enjoying it on anything beyond a superficial level.

    how so?
  • edited 2013-01-20 03:11:21


    can't keep runnin awaaaaaa--aaaaaaa-AAAAAAA-aaaaaayyy
  • my favorite rapper ever remains Aesop Rock, but everyone knows this. There are a couple rappers I enjoy almost as much (El-P, Danny Brown, Busta Rhymes, The Notorious BIG) but none really come too close. Also there are a number of rappers with a similar style (eg. Doseone) that I don't like at all, so idk.

    I sometimes feel guilty that my favorite rapper is a white guy with a scruffy beard. Is this dumb?

  • Naney said:

    And even when I find stuff that I like I don't feel like I'm enjoying it on anything beyond a superficial level.

    how so?
    Like you know when you listen to music and it just... clicks? Like where every sound just fills your thought process and you hear all the things the artist is doing and you can see and feel their effects and it really feels like they are communicating with you, where it makes you feel differently about yourself and the way you relate to the word around you?
  • ~*tasteless*~


    I sometimes feel guilty that my favorite rapper is a white guy with a scruffy beard. Is this dumb?

    yes, it's horrible and evil and you should be ashamed. repent to the gods of rap immediately. fucking traitor.

    also, unrelated but I remember seeing one of your posts about cannibal ox like forever ago and they're pretty cool, so thanks
  • I sometimes feel guilty that my favorite rapper is a white guy with a scruffy beard. Is this dumb?

    I can kinda get that.
  • Oh yeah i tried Cannibal Ox too.
  • I sometimes feel guilty that my favorite rapper is a white guy with a scruffy beard. Is this dumb?

    yes, it's horrible and evil and you should be ashamed. repent to the gods of rap immediately. fucking traitor.


    also, unrelated but I remember seeing one of your posts about cannibal ox like forever ago and they're pretty cool, so thanks
    They are. I recommend avoiding most of their work post-The Cold Vein though, unfortunately. Vordul has been struggling with various drug problems for years and has put out little material and Vast Aire's kinda gotten lame.
  • edited 2013-01-20 03:15:55

    Naney said:

    Naney said:

    And even when I find stuff that I like I don't feel like I'm enjoying it on anything beyond a superficial level.

    how so?
    Like you know when you listen to music and it just... clicks? Like where every sound just fills your thought process and you hear all the things the artist is doing and you can see and feel their effects and it really feels like they are communicating with you, where it makes you feel differently about yourself and the way you relate to the word around you?
    see, I can kind of understand that, but that feeling is so rare for me that I'm just sort of like "uhhhhh what". but yeah.
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