Discussion of TV Tropes



  • The ban on Haven was placed by Eddie. The reason given is "Let's see some proof of this allegation of non-support."
    Yes, because the banned are quite good at providing evidence and posting it in your site
  • edited 2012-02-27 01:57:07
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  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Living tissue over endoskeleton.
    Best Of just said it's been lifted.
  • edited 2012-02-27 02:01:46
    Apparently, he was reinstated, but this definetly sets a dangerous precedent.

    Well, that implies that Eddie hasn't pulled this sort of crap before, but whatever. 
  • edited 2012-02-27 02:01:56
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  • It's not like Haven was much of a prolific poster anymore. 
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  • edited 2012-02-27 02:07:16
    I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I wonder what led to this. A year ago this wouldn't have happened, would it?

    And I'm sorry you went through that, Haven.
  • (shrugs) Well, it seems like FE hates the forums with a passion.

    Although it still feels weird being critical of him, because, well, I should be eternally grateful to him for making that site in the first place.

    I mean it, by the way.

    But seriously, his reactions are quite immature and abrasive. Heh, if he was a common troper I suspect he would be banned long time ago, as he is anything but "friendly and civil".
  • That's what I keep saying.

    Someone oughta tell him a thing or two.
  • I kind of doubt it would've, no.

    Kinda sad, really. I have to wonder what Eddie's gone through to make him act like this. He was certainly not always like this.

  • I'm just here to gay the place up
    I just dont want everyone to quit and leave cause i like so many ppl there. Heck, it was dumb luck in a thread I picked up on this place when i asked where centy and anon had gone.
  • edited 2012-02-27 02:15:56
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  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I stopped going in part due to the aforementioned animosity towards Eddie and the fact that the forums just don't seem as fun as they used to.
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  • I'm just here to gay the place up
    Is it really that bad there anon? :(
  • edited 2012-02-27 02:19:46

    ^ ^ Indeed.

    The forums were, believe it or not, intellectually stimulating at one point. They even had interesting people.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Well if you like it that's fine, but it's not my thing anymore.
  • edited 2012-02-27 02:19:51
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  • I'm just here to gay the place up
    I just miss you guys/gals there. You dont post as much here it seems.
  • People keep on saying things are creepy. :/

    Only creepy stuff I ran into was on Writers Block and OTC.
  • I'm just here to gay the place up
    I havent really seen anything creepy myself but i stick to yackfest.
  • As I've mentioned several times, TVT was a very important part of my life. I've learned a lot, I've changed a lot, and I've met wonderful people.

    Heh, semi-related, but I remember when the "civil and friendly forum" banner appared, and how people freaked out and put "mind control" avatars. At that time, I've argued that there is nothing to worry about and that they are overreacting. How naive I was.
  • Because clearly it was a slippery slope.
  • People keep on saying things are creepy. :/

    There are people who will take anything they find at all abnormal and file it under "creepy" because they have a small vocabulary.

    It's incredibly annoying, honestly.

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    Again: If Eddie hates the forums so much, he should just shut them down and tell whoever's responsible to come up with a plan to move them to Proboards or Vanilla. 
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  • edited 2012-02-27 02:29:02
    Because clearly it was a slippery slope.

    In retrospect, it does seem so. Only this time, people  are not freaking out, and instead appear to want more enforced conformity.

    Which honestly baffles me... did userbase change so quickly?
  • No, see that's "insane".

    No, but more seriously. I have seen things called creepy that....aren't. Gross? Sure. Repulsive? Seen some stuff that might qualify.

    I don't know. Things that are disparate being put into the same category bothers me. Except when it doesn't.


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  • 'Cause I know that there are people who consider me creepy....
  • Well that's another thing, in my mind at least "creepy" isn't really necessarily a bad thing.

    I mean, I know a lot of frankly creepy people, but I don't dislike them.

    Maybe that's just me.

  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
    One person tried to run me off the site once for being mildly whiny. This when there were plenty of other, far more creepy people around, people with no idea what they were doing wrong and/or little capacity for learning from their mistakes. Apparently this person either thought I was patently dangerous, or just felt some need to mother me, or something. 

    They left the site themselves not long after that.
  • See, who the hell are we talking about here?

    Because this annoys me to no end. There're never any names or even any activities associated, just this big vague blob of "Creepy People" (TM).

  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    ...what sorts of mistakes did they make?
  • edited 2012-02-27 02:41:55
    Well, I'm thinking of people like Chagen, who I'm pretty sure had been banned by then, but was also far, far worse than what I was doing. I was agonizing over liking someone and not knowing what to do because I hadn't had a good friend in so long, not prattling on about diapers or something.

    As for the person who tried to run me off, it wasn't the first time, either, but this time it was worse because she was putting words in my friend's mouth and I was not happy about it.
  • Why is it always the diapers people mention?

    His problem was being a misogynistic whiny attention whore.
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    Naney: That, too. He didn't listen and he didn't learn, and people who do that don't usually get anywhere. Iyellalot was like that, too, and we had our own poor experiences here on HH with tnu recently.

    I can stand creepy, honestly, as long as it doesn't become "criminally insane". But hardheaded just bugs the hell out of me.
  • Troper Tales was cut for a reason.

    OTC was bad, but its badness is often exaggerated.

    Chagen was a prick and that is the long and short of it. There is really nothing left to discuss about the man.

    Fusionman I had some unfortunate (and entirely unrelated to his larger forum problems) experiences with. Man liked to play some odd RP characters.

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Why is it always the diapers people mention?

    His problem was being a misogynistic whiny attention whore.
    That's always irritated me too. Having a diaper fetish does not make someone fucked up. Granted, he did go on about said fetish much more than was called for and he had one hell of a persecution complex about it, but I find it kinda insulting that people harp on the diaper thing as much as they do when that's the least of his issues.
  • Yeah.

    ...I kinda wonder if people think of me as "The bondage guy", this doesn't help things.
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  • edited 2012-02-27 02:48:57
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  • Naney, I don't know what kind of bondage you're into.

    That alone is enough for you to not be "the bondage guy".

    I know people who have written essays on breast binding.

    Is diapers why people didn't like him? I thought it was just something people mentioned about him because it was funny.

    It's the only thing anyone ever mentions. Long story short, he was unpleasant to be around.

    Sort of like how everyone only remembers rallyfan for being A REBEL THAT WON'T FOLLOW THE RULES instead of the actual reason he got banned, which was being a prick about avatars.

  • edited 2012-02-27 02:48:52
    The sadness will last forever.
    I was the bondage gal...well...I don't know what to say.
    Probably because it's the first thing people think of. Liking diapers is one thing, but he was doing the equivalent of rubbing his smelly butt in your face when you said you weren't into his kink, and that's the part people's memories tend to gloss over.
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