The Homestuck Heap of the Heapers' Hangout Forum



  • Aliroz said:Wait, why would Jade eat Jake?

    because she has been turned evil by The Condesce, who has the black queen's ring that gives her Vriska's mind control and Tavros's animal control powers because a
    certain purple motherfucker prototyped Vriska's and Tavros's corpses with Jane's kernelsprite.
  • in other news i can finally spell The Condesce correctly
  • Bunny said:

    so uh

    evil jane is a terrible terrible person

    that's all that really needs to be said on the matter
    Make this man king.
  • edited 2013-08-19 23:03:36
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Aliroz said:

    Wait, why would Jade eat Jake?

    because she has been turned evil by The Condesce, who has the black queen's ring that gives her Vriska's mind control and Tavros's animal control powers because a certain purple motherfucker prototyped Vriska's and Tavros's corpses with Jane's kernelsprite.

    Actually, because he prototyped all of the sprites after they entered the Medium, none of this had an effect; the ring remained powerful but non-prototyped, as the Draconian Dignitary's use of the RED MILES demonstrated.

    Rather, the Condesce has the ability to hijack other blood castes' innate powers through her crown, weird experiments that she performed on herself, and perhaps some inherent fuschia blood stuff that we don't know about. Also, she kinda-sorta still has shades of her pre-Scratch equivalent's Thief of Life powers, so... in your base, stealin' your abilities, etc.

    We saw a bit of that in her battles with the post-Scratch version of Dave and Rose.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    I love Jade being a wolf and that video amused me. :)
  • edited 2013-08-19 23:16:00
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    ^^ ...was that really pedantic? I'm sorry about that...

    ^ Even when she's being evil, Jade is really cute. She should be a massive threat, but she just kind of falls short. She's loyal and affable, not mean and scary.

    Jane is terrifying, though.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    hmmm evil Jane is a douche and rather scary and so is evil Jade but evil Jade is ineffective at being evil so it's almost cute. I think it would be cute if she were not terrorizing people and working for sea hitler.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    You... you ninja'd my edit?!
  • i have always liked jade and her expressing a willingness to kill the mayor and use her space powers to repeatedly devour Roxy's internal organs has done surprisingly little to change that, most likely because her dorktastic personality seems mostly intact.

    crockertier jane on the other hand in this update alone has managed to become, in my eyes, the creepiest character in the comic
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    She was kind of creepy as soon as she went crocker-tier but she only spoke in single words back then...
  • edited 2013-08-19 23:26:04
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    ^^ Indeed. It's kind of like a reversal of what happened with AR, if you think about it.
  • edited 2013-08-20 04:14:02
    For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    ...who is the "Daughter"?
    Hahaha, I got confused on exactly that same point, too, until someone corrected me on TVT.

    In news that has very little to do with the latest update, this fellow might have the answer to the Ultimate Riddle and the nature of free will in Homestuck
  • edited 2013-08-20 09:38:52
    More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.

    Will people ever stop discovering new ways in which this comic is genius? :o Also that ^ is a good link. :)
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    No aspect can be fully understood, or fully embraced, until you’ve had at least a glimpse of its inverse, learned to appreciate the underside of your aspect’s coin.

    Feferi practiced optimism, preached that everything was going to be alright, but never acted on it: she merely let things fall as they would under the premise of “everything’s going to be okay”.  (Including her dangerous former moirail, but her culpability in ignoring the danger he posed - and not doing something about it beforehand, though I wouldn’t have recommended keeping the relationship - is debatable.)  As such, she was excluded from the picture.  She died.

    This was a trial of Life, the aspect involving the energy and optimism one uses to affect reality.  Satisfied with events, she was suddenly content to do nothing substantial to change the course of existence, not understanding the sacrifice (Doom's domain) necessary on their parts for existence to continue.  And in her complacence, as she simply indulged in and ceased leveraging Life, Life simply ceased leveraging her.

    Tavros learned Vriska’s disastrous brand of false confidence, and acted as if it was real. He foolishly pursued a doomed duel with Vriska in person, without so much as notifying his team of the reasoning behind what he was doing, and charged headlong into a vicious wall of spikes called the Thief of Light.  He died.

    This was a trial of Breath, the aspect of quest, direction, and freedom.  Tavros was arrested with a goal, a quest, dedicating himself to the foolish move of attempting for Vriska’s life.  He ignored any and all warning signs, catapulting himself to the task like John on a jetpack.  However, in immersing himself in this direction, Tavros drowned himself in Breath without appreciating its inverse, Blood: the aspect of bonds, relationships, promises, responsibility and shackles.  Not once did he consider informing his friends of his course of action, asking them for advice or assistance, uniting a single will with his own to increase his likelihood of success or potentially dissuade him from his course.  And confronted through the chest with an insurmountable obstacle, Breath left him.

    Contrast this with John, who reconsidered in favor of his trust in Dave!

        TG: so you believe me then
        TG: about future me
        TG: and like
        TG: him turning into a floating sword bird
        EB: um…
        EB: ok, i don’t know anything about that…
        EB: but it doesn’t matter!
        EB: you’re my best bro, and if you say not to go then i won’t go.

        GC: SO JOHN 4CTU4LLY D1D WH4T 1 S41D?
        TG: yeah
        TG: im telling you
        TG: huge pushover
        TG: he will do what you say
        TG: unless it happens to be for his own good
        TG: then all a sudden hes a tough nut to crack go figure

    Equius was given one last chance to stand up against his personal issues, against Gamzee, but refused to overcome his hemospectrum zealotry, even when his friends’ lives were at stake.  For this, he died.

    This was a trial of Void, the aspect of nothingness, irrelevance, the destruction of information, darkness, and - most importantly in this discussion - submission.  Equius indulged in submission to authority over the safety and livelihood of his friends.  Had he even so much as twitched his neck, taking the slightest bit of personal free will (a part of Light's domain that Vriska often steals) into his own hands, the rope around his neck would have snapped clean.  Instead, he perished as unimportant as ever.

    Nepeta was placed in a safe location where she could have been absolutely safe and hidden.  She had one last chance to finally take the danger they were in seriously, to finally move where she had stagnated frivolously instead of making any sort of move towards the team’s survival.  Instead, she ignored her moirail’s last wishes, and scurried around the vents curiously, completely heedless of the mounting warnings and danger. For this, she died.  (Yeah yeah curiosity killed the blah blah I get it.)

    This was a trial of Heart, the aspect concerning personal inclination, the effect of the unique soul on reality.  Nepeta followed her inborn curiosity relentlessly, when even the slightest consideration of logic - Mind, the choices with which we react to our environment - would have had her taking her situation seriously before it was too late.

    Compare this to Terezi’s mistake with Dave, getting so wrapped up in scheming, plotting, and affecting Dave’s thoughts about reaching God-Tier that she ended up violating his trust in her by killing him, injuring his resolve in a way that may have eventually helped lead to his suicide attempt, and reducing herself to later tears.  The mistake of immersing herself in Mind while ignoring the ramifications of Heart.

    Vriska is a very unique case.  She was making significant progress against her issues, and her death wouldn’t have had to happen… without the influence of Doc Scratch.  He had Gamzee invite destruction through Rage in Terezi, narrowing her outlook on the possibilities available to forestall Vriska’s fight with Jack, until it was too late for her options to be anything more than killing her or allowing everyone else to die.  (For what purpose Doc had her killed - the nature of the “unfathomable destruction” her later actions will result in - is yet to be seen.  EDIT: We might now know what it is!)  However, despite the cruelly enforced inevitability, Vriska still faced and failed a Skaia-ordained test.

    That test was the coin flip.

    Vriska had amassed enough luck to forestall any attempts by fortune at preventing her from getting exactly what she wanted, all the time, without exceptions.  If she wanted to have her fight with Jack, she was going to have it.  However, this outlook failed to take her team into account:

    In being challenged to let the coin fall fairly, Vriska was being offered the chance - begged to consider the option, by Skaia, you could think about it - of allowing her team to possess even the least, slightest bit of control over reality.  To allow coincidence to even possibly forestall her own desires, to have the tiniest chance of not getting what she wanted, if it had the potential to be in her friends’ best interests.

    She stole just enough luck to decide the flip in her favor.  Took away the only chance they had at overruling her fortune.  And she died a Just death as a result.  There was no way she was going to take Skaia’s offer, but it at least had to put it on the table for her before killing her.

    After all, this was still indeed a trial she failed, and you can very easily see that it was a trial of Light.  The aspect concerns not just fortune, but information, relevance and importance.  Vriska was immersed in her aspect, wanted to be responsible for both her team’s defeat - Jack Noir’s existence - and their victory, by personally defeating him.  She wanted it ALL!  And ultimately, this killed her, and she was in actuality responsible for neither; a First Guardian of some variety would have been created in the kids’ session regardless, and even if John had succeeded in prototyping the blue lady doll, Bec still intended to jump in.  Vriska failed to acknowledge that more people than her deserved to matter to reality’s progression.

    Eridan I didn’t think I had to mention, but apparently everyone insists that I do.  I thought “I’m going to join the enemy and kill my friends because fuck the progression of reality” was quite enough of a moral statement, you know?.

    Eridan was overcome not by his aspect, bur rather by his entire role: he came to detest Hope, not become immersed in it.  To become fully realized, a Prince must understand and appreciate the aspect which they threaten to destroy, else their path leads to nothing but oblivion for themselves and those around them.

    (Dirk constantly, unwittingly attempts to erode the uniqueness of his friends in place of logic, to pound them into submission on occasion simply with his relentless determination… and his auto-responder is even less restrained in this regard.  Until Dirk learns to fully appreciate their Hearts, the wear he puts on his friends will begin to result in cracks.)

    Finally, the Matriorb was destroyed.  This was one of the most important and thematic consequences of the troll session’s “overtime”:  Having been denied the Ultimate Reward, the major celestial players - Horrorterrors especially - will not let their race perpetuate.  Said Matriorb was not simply destroyed, but destined to be destroyed, according to Kanaya’s modus.  And when the Condesce repeatedly attempted to resurrect trollkind on post-scratch Earth, the Gl’bgolyb progeny that was her pet - a Horrorterror emissary - kept wiping them out, as she had not earned the right to propagate in the dark gods’ eyes!  Trollkind’s resurrection awaits a further victory on the behalf of the remaining trolls, a demonstration of worthiness or a sacrifice…  and may not come in the form of trolls, but rather - as a result of their combined victory with the kids - a hybrid race, spliced with human reproductive capability.
    hmmm wow :o
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    If you think about it, this also explains the necessity of a Heroic or Just death method for Gods.  Everyone who lives deserves a chance to have a say in how reality and the world unfolds.  And if powerful heroes lived forever, well, others’ voices would be drowned out, even if the heroes intentions were noble!  So, there are conditions to godhood.  If one overembraces their hero role like Vriska was described to have done above, or simply resolves that their will matters more than that of others, they risk becoming a tyrant over the unfolding of reality: one who crowds out and suppresses other wills, that of other heroes and the countless masses.  When those with will rise up to challenge and kill such a tyrant for their transgression, no matter how noble the tyrant’s objectives may seem, they receive a Just death, their will removed from reality so others might give voice.  And likewise: Noble and fair gods will find that eventually, over the possible nigh-eternity of their lifespan, there comes a time when a challenge or threat arises, the spark for a purpose, whose victory is worth their life, a wish that is worth their soul.  By selecting one mighty will to enforce, choosing potentially the last difference they will ever make to reality, they accept that the rest of reality will be decided by others after their success or failure, should others’ wills prevent the god from surviving.  This is a Heroic death, when a good natured god almost intentionally passes the baton to the next generation.

    If you think about it, this is the virtual condition for reaching the God-Tiers.  To rise up to godhood, you must prove that you are willing to affect how reality unfolds even at the cost of your life.  Others may even judge this for you, on your behalf, if they believe in you.  And your reward is simply a guarantee… by perpetuating your life until a Heroic or Just death, godhood in the alpha timeline guarantees that you will live until you get the chance to attempt to carve your soul’s will into reality’s progression.
  • THIS MACHINE KILLS FASCISTS know, I've been wondering just how much influence Final Fantasy VI has had on the plot since the End of Disc 1, but now it's pretty obvious that they're in a World of Ruin, and they have to restore Balance by any means necessary...including destroying God.

    (Cascade is the End of the World, most of act 6 has been Searching for Friends, and now we're in Kefka's Tower. Which means Act 7 is going to be the 30-minute ending cut scene. XD)
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    The influence is possible (the comic even uses a room from Final Fantasy VI) but I think Earthbound was the biggest inspiration out of the RPGs Hussie likes.
  • edited 2013-08-20 14:26:33
    Well, yeah, EarthBound is a bigger influence, but the way the plot's been going recently seems to be combining them rather interestingly.

    Hmmm....Lord English gets defeated by a loophole no one saw coming, and then Paradox Space ends and they have to escape it before it takes them with it...possibly through that hole Vriska and Tavros made.
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Gone on a binge.

    I a now

    at that page.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Heh, "Speaker Crab".

    I remember that update. Tumblr people where able to create the crab-phone-watch and Terezi's underwear in less than 24 hours.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    lol Terezi's underwear
  • I remember the Speakercrab. I quite liked the speakercrab.

    Can't remember seeing custom dragon boxers, but their existence seems pretty likely.
  • blitz my chakras FUCK YEAH
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    I am actually squeeing pretty hard right now.
  • Do you all know that John/Roxy is called Breathalyzer?

    Because I am about 46% down with this ship, and that's 100% more than usual.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    I am so down with that.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    They are a funny pair, although they have interacted fairly little, and the whole fact that pre-Scratch!Roxy dated John's adoptive dad/half-brother is a little weird as far as shipping goes...

    Granted, I have seriously ventured the idea that the ghost of a muscular, horse-obsessed teenage alien would be optimally romantically compatible with a sapient set of anime-inspired eyewear. So I really shouldn't be talking here.

    Oh, Homestuck.
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    Their relative lack of interactions are nothing compared to the fan fiction I'm already weaving within my brain. That and "Breathalyzer" makes me chuckle.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Huh, well I guess with Roxy it shouldn't be surprised that this might move quickly. 
    so anyway

    EB: er...


    EB: well...

    EB: she is a very pretty lady, but that seems like a really inappropriate thing to think about, karkat.



  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    I'm the only one who likes the Trickster Arc.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    I thought it was pretty amusing. I think a lot of people did.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Truly, one of the comic's most memorable moments, in a story that is full of them.
  • edited 2013-08-22 16:10:18
    More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    It was funny to me but unfortunately the meta-context (i.e. tumblr) made the joke offensive. :/
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    I really enjoyed the Trickster arc. Beyond being very funny, the end result had some really interesting character development with respect to Dirk and, of all people, Equius.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    I thought it was funny, I think he was right to swap it out after a few days, however. 

    Problem is, the joke is REALLY only funny if you knew what was going on with tumblr and other online sites. Without this context, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    I think that it's funny without that context in a kind of absurdist way, given that the characters go from being very literal blank slates to... well, in the words of the revised joke, PEACHY!

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    True, Jakes reaction is a bit over the top...

    Actually the change doesn't really impact that...
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    I wasn't following Tumblr then, and it amused me because of how over-the-top, energy-filled, and nonsensical it was (even for Homestuck).
  • edited 2013-08-22 18:05:08

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Well, the 

    part was the only thing really pertinent to tumblr.
  • I felt that it was an improper response to the Tumblr brouhaha.

    Heck, I think Hussie's entire approach towards the racial texture of Homestuck fanart is off.

    It's clear that he initially didn't think of the kids as anything but white. The kids default to white. He should have just established that the kids are functionally white and then claim that it doesn't matter what their canon races are. Per the standard rules of fanon, characters are not bound to the race/gender/orientation of canon, and as long as the changes are made for good reasons (e.g. not to fetishize them in a certain way), we shouldn't really complain about it.
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