The Homestuck Heap of the Heapers' Hangout Forum



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  • edited 2012-04-02 12:04:51
    It'd certainly be an epic troll, but there's just too many things riding on the comic's success to pull the rug out from under everyone now. Besides, I think Hussie genuinely enjoys writing Homestuck and wouldn't want to just stop unless someone really pissed him off. This isn't a tortured soul like Hideaki Anno or Dave Sim we're talking about here.

    I still think he's setting up a Problem Sleuth callback, probably the biggest one so far. It's really the only thing that makes sense at this point.

    And another thing: What does an eldritch abomination, someone that probably has beam-spam powers like Bec Noir does, need with a gun? Noir has a sword because stabbing's what he does, but it seems like a gun would be a bit hokey when you can just zap people with Force lightning.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    "This could be a reference to the ending of Problem Sleuth, where PS blacks out after using Sepulchritude."

    This would mean Ruffio will be one the great us in this scene:

    Justice: Him or Ms. Paint. XD
  • edited 2012-04-02 14:34:42
    And oh lovely, the Mutiny guy Kibotized the MSPA music thread and managed to get himself banned again. His attitude strikes me as being the same as the cdrecord guy -- unwilling to admit any fault whatsoever, convinced that all constructive criticism is bullying and that the entire fandom is out to get him.

    The Debian folks banned what's-his-face, dropped their fork and went with cdrskin/xorriso because of the cdrecord thing, since the person in question just would not shut up (and it might have caused problems for them in Germany had he decided to press the issue); it doesn't surprise me that the MSPA forums would do the same with this guy.

    I know I probably should not keep bringing it up, but people that throw fits when they get criticised or when things don't go exactly their way are a huge pet peeve for me.
  • edited 2012-04-02 14:47:53
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    That was pretty much me a year ago or so. I had no idea what was going on besides the fact that everyone was talking about it and that Osbourne really, really liked Vriska. (I even thought Vriska and Terezi were the same person for a while.) 

    Then I started reading it, piling through it, about halfway through the [o] intermission. I haven't stopped since.
  • edited 2012-04-02 14:51:00
    Let me tell you. About Fallen London.
    Yeah, I see that a lot with Homestuck. It's understandable: everyone hears so much about how epic it is and how WTF-inducing the plot twists are and so forth, and then page after page is just kids and fun while things gradually heat up. 

    IMO, the best way to introduce it would be for them to go in expecting a low-key urban fantasy comedy with video game stylings, so that their minds can be blown the way ours were. :o
  • Living tissue over endoskeleton.
    I dunno, it lived up to the hype for me. Maybe it was because going in I really had no idea what was going on other than the fact that it was supposed to be great.

    Regarding today's update:

  • Well, maybe just less specific expectations is the key then.

    As for the update...well, that was surreal. And vaguely Chuck Jones-esque.
  • edited 2012-04-03 02:01:02
    The good news: The fan album is out! 

    The bad news: Some bright spark thought that when Radiation said "remix", they thought he meant "remix of anything", not just other Homestuck songs, and managed to get two songs from another source included practically verbatim. Now all of Tumblr has apparently decided Radiation is a huge bully for pointing this out. 

    Fucking people. And I thought Chris Brown fans were implacable. :P I should know better than to read comments pretty much anywhere these days, as clearly I am deathly allergic to stupid.
  • That upd8.

    Oh my. XXXXD
  • edited 2012-04-03 11:44:27
    Vriska: I laughed my ass off when I saw it. XD 

    Also, I finally got around to rewatching the Floating Continent scene from Final Fantasy VI, and it reminds me a lot of [S] Jade: Enter, enough that I was humming Courser over it. :P Also, that beach that Jaspers washed up on looks awfully familiar...
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  • I was like "Vriska? Vriska! It's Vriska! w8 what."
  • edited 2012-04-03 12:17:47
    Let me tell you. About Fallen London.

    You cannot hope to beat Hussie in a troll-off. He is simply the best there is.
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  • Living tissue over endoskeleton.
    I imagine something will happen to take us back to the intermission and move towards the true ending.

    We're getting a long pause, just like we did after Cascade. :P
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    If nothing else, it's still got a few more months to go. We still haven't seen Years 2 or 3 of the Beta Kids and Trolls' journeys to the new session, we don't know where Jane ended up, and the other three Alpha Kids have yet to enter. 

    Honestly, I don't mind. Pauses I mind, length in general I don't. 
  • i wish to come up with a song lyric for this signature, but no song lyrics are coming to mind
    I'll probably reread Homestuck when it's done.
  • It's 4:20 somewhere.
    Me too, probably... But maybe I'd prefer waiting a year or two.
  • Yeah. I'm kinda hoping Act 6 gets as out of control as Act 5 did, although the way things are going is more than satisfying.
  • edited 2012-04-04 00:15:30
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  • Living tissue over endoskeleton.
    I'd like Act 6 to be shorter than Act 5, though not by much. There's too much potential in the interaction between all the kids and the alpha trolls.
  • edited 2012-04-04 00:18:40
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  • It's 4:20 somewhere.
    By Hussie?
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  • edited 2012-04-04 02:10:48
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  • It's 4:20 somewhere.
    How can I "go" insane when I am ALREADY HERE?
    Okay, this bugs me. 


    "Battle" from Zelda II:

    The similarities are more noticeable in the remixes (especially "Savior of the Dreaming Dead"), but seriously, has anyone spotted this before?
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    Maybe it's not that big of a deal? I know the Star Wars theme sounds almost identical to the King's Row theme when you listen to them together, but then George Lucas wanted that.
  • I can hear it a bit in the beginning, but I think the differences are significant enough to avoid any controversy.
    So I'm re-reading Bard Quest, and I just realised: Gamzee's CANON God Tier outfit is a callback to the Cod Palace. :lol:
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    I hadn't read Bard Quest in so long that I completely forgot about that. :(
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    Indeed. I don't think the multiple branching paths worked very well there.
  • Living tissue over endoskeleton.
    Did Problem Sleuth have branching paths? I never read the whole thing.
  • edited 2012-04-06 01:57:43
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  • edited 2012-04-06 14:50:35
    I think I just realized what Fourier meant by SBURB being some sort of gigantic con or riddle.

    Both the trolls and kids have scratched their sessions, and both follow-on sessions have managed to have Felt agents enter them somehow. This leads me to believe that Lord English has hacked SBURB, and that pretty much every session we've seen so far is infected with a virus that changes the way the game works dramatically. It's entirely possible everything we've been told about how Skaia works, beyond the basics of the Battlefield and prototyping, is complete bullshit. On top of that, I bet the denizens and sprites know this, but since they're required to be all cagey and vague, they're not telling.

    Specifically, I bet normal SBURB has no means to scratch a session, and Skaia in this case has far more limited time-manipulation powers. This means there's no reset button, but it also means that the game is much easier to complete successfully. Normal SBURB would be like Super Mario World or possibly even Yoshi's Island. English-infected SBURB is pretty much Kaizo Mario or I Wanna Be The Guy.

    I also have to wonder if these changes to SBURB are also what's killing the Squiddles Horrorterrors, since for them to work, they'd have to be glitches in reality itself, products of a higher plane of existence most likely populated by, I dunno, frog gods or something.

    And you know what? It would also explain why the Horrorterrors don't want any new universes created. THEY KNOW, DAMMIT, THEY KNOW. They're aware of the fact that reality is diseased and that SBURB is not working properly, and so they don't want a bunch of infected sessions piling up like D34D D4V3S around them, since it increases the chances that something nasty and Green Sun-powered may come out of one and make things worse. They're talking to the kids because they think they can repair the damage to reality, and if UU is to be trusted, they will, but we haven't seen how yet.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    maybe you Homestuckians would like this, I dunno

  • I love Vriska flipping her hair, Feferi shoving Eridan, and Nepeta glomping Equius. XXXXD
  • edited 2012-04-06 17:02:05
    And another thought: Perhaps the Horrorterrors themselves are a symptom of the glitch, and not just victims? I'm starting to wonder if, like Gollum, they were corrupted from their original forms (which were probably like the Consorts) into the monstrosities they are now, and that those original forms are what designed SBURB in the first place. Which would mean the entire story so far has been on a doomed timeline, as Lord English is apparently unkillable, the dead universes will continue to pile up, and without the Horrorterrors to serve as its hosts, reality would eventually die.

    SO! In this case, the endgame means going back in time, possibly trillions of years, to find out how LE corrupted SBURB and enslaved what became the Horrorterrors, and stop it from happening. This also sounds a lot like the end of EarthBound, doesn't it?

    Oh, and one more thing: It explains why the Horrorterrors would help the kids even though Glubbyglub was so awful to the trolls:

    I like to think of her as the pet I gave to their race, at the dawning of their species' evolution. Like a sentience-warming gift. Again, it's just the sort of thing a good host does.

    SHE WAS FORCED INTO IT. English most likely threatened to kill her or her family (cause they have mommies, just like you) if she didn't cooperate.
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