Heap of Tunes of the Heapers' Hangout Forum



  • here is the original track for reference

    (*it is very good btw*)
  • cheers for posting this mojave and making me aware of young fathers, i was at leeds festival and saw them and they were Real Good.

  • here is the original track for reference

    (*it is very good btw*)
    It sounds like Skrillex's version is a pretty light rework. He just dumped some pop-dubstep stuff on it and called it a day.
    sunn wolf said:

    cheers for posting this mojave and making me aware of young fathers, i was at leeds festival and saw them and they were Real Good.
    I actually have not listened to a thing by them since I posted that, because I am an idiot.

  • i have been spamming this dude's stuff in a few threads so i decided to post it here

    he's good
  • !!! another new kayo dot appears !!!


    don't be fooled by the delicate start. this is a full on avant-doom monster by the second half. this double album is going to own bones

  • oh god the very ending is the definition of beautiful
  • toby driver please let me make love to you

  • new Tyler the Creator song that he made for GTA 5.

    If that doesn't interest you, that the beat is by Flying Lotus might.
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    Went to the music store on Tuesday. And... well, first I need to give you some background. 

    There's a singer-songwriter guy who goes by Richard Swift. He played keys for that one band I really, really like for a few years, then he went solo and did this really cool Dennis Wilson meets Rufus Wainright style. (Unfortunately, all his stuff in the last five years has been a letdown.) This is the cover of one of his (good) EPs:

    He drew that garbage himself.

    ANYWAY, last Tuesday, I was browsing the music store and THIS cover caught my eye:


    MYSTERY SOLVED. I didn't even realize that the inspiration for that Richard Swift cover scribble was a mystery in the first place, but I solved the hell out of it anyway. And, in my post-solution euphoria I totally bought that Pérez Prado album. It's good stuff. (I don't know Spanish, though, so I can't tell which song details Señor Prado's duel to the death with his mirror universe clone.)

    The great thing about liking music no one else listens to is that, on the rare occasion that you find your music at the store, it's super cheap because no one else will buy it.

    Currently listening to: I'm not sure, really. All the album text is in Armenian–except for copyright info (this was printed in the US? really?) and a blurb about the record label. Parseghian Records: apparently the first name in Armenian music. I definitely recognize this music as of the many ingredients in A Hawk And A Hacksaw's gumbo.
  • edited 2013-08-29 04:46:11
    More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    aaaaa wrong thread
  • edited 2013-08-31 00:19:40

    The great thing about liking music no one else listens to is that, on the rare occasion that you find your music at the store, it's super cheap because no one else will buy it.

    yes this


    a few weeks back i bought Meshuggah's Destroy Erase Improve. it made a great first impression but on my second or third listen or so i came to realise it was really fucking lame. the music consists of nothing but two-note chugging guitar parts that don't line up with a repeating drum part, making for some really lazy sounding polyrhythms. there are also some more " DARK AND ATMOSPHERIC" bits, but they just serve to illustrate that the band sticks to the two note chugging most of the time because they cannot write anything melodically interesting whatsoever. every song was forgettable, most were boring, the lyrics were Tool-level cringe-worthy dreck. 2/10

    i will write more reviews of other things at some other point maybe

    oh yeah i was gonna say i bought this sleepy time gorilla museum cd its hella rad that's all

  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    ^ Ooooh...

    You also mentioned a new Foetus record on the way. Paired up with that coming Kayo Dot album, this should be a good fall harvest, as it were.
  • also that link caused me to learn that there is an official Trax Records bandcamp, which might be the most eye-searing website i have ever seen.
    Oh lordy, and I thought the SHOCKING PINK LACK TABLE I saw at IKEA earlier was naff...
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    Old news: 

    is amazing.

    Even older news: 

    is also amazing.
  • image

    i was so pissed when i learned that this was not a real mixtape
  • 変身 第二形態~The Metamorphosis 2nd Form~ by DJ Technorch

    New DJ Technorch is dope, has collaborations with Aural Vampire and Gancher & Ruin
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    Oh snap, DJ Technorch is on bandcamp? Now I've got no excuse not to buy that stuff.
  • most of his stuff is on his official bandcamp, not the Murder Channel one but yeah.

    Speaking of extreme electronic music and bandcamp:

    http://adnoiseam.bandcamp.com/ (*Igorr, The Outside Agency, Enduser and the gang!*)

    http://ant-zen.bandcamp.com/ and of couse that means their subsidary http://hymen-records.bandcamp.com/ has one too, so that means you can find stuff from basically every good rhythmic and power noise artist with an IDM bent (*Doll Doll Doll is on Hymen too, so pick dat shit uuuppp. also hecq, cdatakill, terminal11, architect (a haujobb alias) and Tonikom*)

    speaking of aaron, he has his own bandcamp with remasters of a bunch of his older stuff

    http://prspctrecordings.bandcamp.com/ and also http://forbiddensocietyrecordings.bandcamp.com/ do crossover DnB. (*More stuff from The Outside Agency, some Bong-Ra, The Panacea ect.*)

    and last but not least, http://tympanikaudio.bandcamp.com/ who specialize in industrial/IDM crossover stuff (*Haujobb would be the most reprasentative person on their roster i think*)
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    http://ant-zen.bandcamp.com/ and of couse that means their subsidary http://hymen-records.bandcamp.com/ has one too, so that means you can find stuff from basically every good rhythmic and power noise artist with an IDM bent (*Doll Doll Doll is on Hymen too, so pick dat shit uuuppp. also hecq, cdatakill, terminal11, architect (a haujobb alias) and Tonikom*)

    speaking of aaron, he has his own bandcamp with remasters of a bunch of his older stuff
  • http://robert-scott-thompson.bandcamp.com/album/belfast-imagined-soundscapes

    Really enjoying this album, though some of the higher pitched sounds give me a headache at times.
  • edited 2013-09-05 16:00:37
    so apparently a beardy British library music producer signed to Ghost Box fell into a rift in the spacetime continuum and became a woman in 1980s Poland, and this happened

    ... or at least thats the only explanation i can come up with
    either way its way cool
  • edited 2013-09-06 18:15:48
    For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    My copy of Candy Claws' Ceres & Calypso Instrumentals in Dual Mono arrived in the mail today. It was wrapped in crumbling, yellowed pages from an unidentified book, and it came with a baseball card. Flannelgraph Records is an interesting company.

    Perhaps this is too soon, but Inland may well be Jars of Clay's best album yet. The songwriting is reminiscent of The Long Fall Back to Earth (which I loved) while the production reminds me of the deep, organic sound of their prior best album, Much Afraid. It certainly doesn't hurt that the guitars on "After the Fight" would fit right in on a Starflyer 59 song.

  • so the new(ish) Danny Brown song is like, really, really good. It's produced by Paul White but my first inclination was that it was the Rustie beat he was talking about.

    Anyway it's fucking crazy and you should listen to it.
  • edited 2013-09-11 01:20:57
    Jesus Christ, September is an avalanche of new music, my favorite being Janelle Monae's Electric Lady. Not as good as The ArchAndroid, but still pure pop pleasure.

    My least favorite is probably the new Pixies EP. Your mileage will probably vary, but...why release these songs, and why now? The songs aren't that bad, but with the exception of "Bagboy" none of them stood out or felt essential.
    MetaFour said:

    My copy of Candy Claws' Ceres & Calypso Instrumentals in Dual Mono arrived in the mail today. It was wrapped in crumbling, yellowed pages from an unidentified book, and it came with a baseball card. Flannelgraph Records is an interesting company.

    Woah, I thought I was the only Candy Claws fan here.

  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    They covered Starflyer 59's "Do You Ever Feel That Way" so I was obligated to investigate further.
  • edited 2013-09-11 11:58:42
    We can do anything if we do it together.

    My least favorite is probably the new Pixies EP. Your mileage will probably vary, but...why release these songs, and why now? The songs aren't that bad, but with the exception of "Bagboy" none of them stood out or felt essential.

    I see what you mean. I gave a listen to "Indie Cindy" the other day, and although it was an alright song, it felt like it was missing something. I'm wondering if that "something" has to do with the fact Kim Deal isn't around anymore.
  • also i am now listening to Young Fathers, very very good
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    They really are.
  • <a href="http://youthcode.bandcamp.com/album/youth-code">Youth Code by Youth Code</a>

    straight up EBM is getting front page coverage on RA what bizarre yet awesome alternate reality have i woken up in today
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    My pet lo-fi angsty singer-songwriter Will Toledo, alias Car Seat Headrest, released a double album a few weeks ago. I am listening to it piecemeal and so far it is very, very good.

    Interesting aside: An earlier version of the track "Crows" from this new album was originally released as a guest contribution to the first Lamezine. Seeing that Toledo has contributed a song to each one so far, I wonder if one will turn up on the third...
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    Holy balls Inland keeps getting better the more I listen to it.
  • the new kayo dot album is incredible but you all knew i would say that

    but no, seriously, i reckon it's toby's strongest work for some time, whole thing is on spotify and you owe it to yourself to check it out if you love that kinda stuff

    i have also been exploring the output of richard skelton. listen:

    and read: http://www.corbelstonepress.com/landings-excerpts.pdf

  • ooohhh, very cool
  • edited 2013-09-16 18:35:28

    apparently one of my fave musicians released her third solo album and it completely slipped me by >.<
  • edited 2013-09-17 14:04:28

    this tune gets really weird, very cool like it's got this deep house meets free improv vibe at times
  • charlotte church, noted in the uk for being a former child star classical singer turned terrible generic pop artist turned z-list celebrity, has evidently gotten bored of being terrible and has decided to transform herself slowly into Bjork covering the mars volta with occasional RnB sections. results are actually pretty good

  • new Danny Brown song. Skywlkr beat.

    I like it slightly less than "ODB", but it's still real good.
  • edited 2013-09-19 16:02:50


    There is a new Shed single "The Dirt/Fluid 67" it is also sweet

  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    This. This is why Facebook was invented, right here.

  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    I bought Cannonball Adderley's Somethin' Else months ago, but for a variety of stupid reasons only gave it a cursory listen then. Listening at this point in time and wow. It really is... another entity entirely.
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    Elvis Costello: This Years Model = yay
    Joy Division: Closer = I need to give it another listen
    Elvis Costello: Momofuko = tentative yay
    The Church: Magician Among the Spirits = yay
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