Talkin about Tumblrs, man



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  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    also which pope was it because I forget.

    memory wants to say one of the Bonifaci.

    Urban VIII
  • Kexruct said:

    a8 said:

    We're doing it because Cream is talking like he understands Catholicism, even though he doesn't, which would be a little more bearable if he wasn't condemning it.

    Dude, no one understands Catholicism.

    My mother is Catholic and I went to a Catholic school for most of my early life, and I don't understand it at all.

    a8 said:

    Urban VIII

    I was incorrect.
  • edited 2012-12-16 00:18:36
    Cream said:

    ^^ You know... I haven't talked about my cultural background, and may know more about Catholicism than people think.

    I know you used to be Catholic. But how long ago was this? I know you used to talk about how when you were around 13 you would tell people you were a Satanist to freak them out, so it's been at least six years since you've been Catholic, and no one knows much about their religion at 12.
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  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • I also recall you saying that, actually.
  • edited 2012-12-16 00:21:20

    Kexruct said:

    you used to talk about how when you were around 13 you would tell people you were a Satanist to freak them out, so it's been at least six years since you've been Catholic

    that's a bit of an assumption to make dude

    tho i also recall it
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    The name Boniface always amused me.

    I can't help but think there must have been better ways to Anglicize that.
  • edited 2012-12-16 00:23:16
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  • Cream said:

    ^^ Can you prove I said this? :D

    And what's the purpose of this? You know you said it, I know you said it.
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  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Cream, given your tendency of deleting your old posts when you don't like them anymore, is that an honest or reasonable request?

    Sincere question.
  • Cream said:

    But I wanna test your devotion to me~

    I spent a few minutes on Google trying to call your bluff, but I couldn't find the exact post.
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  • Naney said:

    Kexruct said:

    you used to talk about how when you were around 13 you would tell people you were a Satanist to freak them out, so it's been at least six years since you've been Catholic

    that's a bit of an assumption to make dude

    tho i also recall it
    Last time he mentioned it, he said he was 19.
  • Actually even if he didn't delete it, the forum's search function is so faulty I doubt you'd find it even by reproducing it word-for-word. Google would be only slightly better.

    All of that is entirely perpendicular to his point anyway.

  • try looking on tumblr
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  • edited 2012-12-16 00:27:58

    you like being moronic

    because that's really the only word i can apply here dude
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  • Long story short: Don't insult people's religion. Nobody likes it, nobody will be converted to your oh-so logical way of thinking when you inevitably stun them with your cunning arguments, and you make yourself look like a tool.
  • Cream said:

    Well that isn't very nice. :(

    But you guys decided to open the puzzle box into Cream's religious past, so... here we are ;)

    No. We are not "here". There is no "here" to be at.

    You are not being clever, you are not being cute, you are being an idiot.

    You are perfectly capable of being a functional human being, but sometimes I cannot help but wonder if you actually have any desire to be one.

  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Cream said:

    Well that isn't very nice. :(

    But you guys decided to open the puzzle box into Cream's religious past, so... here we are ;)

    No. We are not "here". There is no "here" to be at.

    You are not being clever, you are not being cute, you are being an idiot.

    You are perfectly capable of being a functional human being, but sometimes I cannot help but wonder if you actually have any desire to be one.

    You stop this too. He's not going to change anything if he thinks we're attacking him. Just stick with the issue at hand.
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  • Kexruct said:

    Cream said:

    You stop this too. He's not going to change anything if he thinks we're attacking him. Just stick with the issue at hand.

    What issue? There is nothing left here to discuss intelligently.

    Cream said:

    Mojave I think this thread is picking on me now, because I said some impolite stuff about Catholic history. But, what would you do if you were me?

    I'd change. Because I was actually very like you once, notice how I am not anymore.

    I like you for the most part, Cream. But you have an annoying tendency to go on these little spirals of malicious whimsy for (I can only imagine) the sole purpose of getting people to pay attention to you by virtue of their being annoyed.

    That is not a good way to make friends, take it from someone who knows. No one thinks you're mysterious or clever by doing this. It is only annoying.

    Now, this discussion is over. You can think on what I'm saying or you can not, your choice.

  • Cream said:

    I can insult whatever religions I want. A religion is not a race, or a mental condition, or a physical disability, or a gender, or a sexuality. A religion is an opinion: a choice that people make. Some religions have stuff I hate. Some religions are thoroughly retarded. Like Scientology!!

    You can. But an inevitable result of this is that no one will like you because of how self righteous you are. And "durr hurr yur religon sux" is nothing to be self righteous about.
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  • Cream said:

    Mojave I think this thread is picking on me now, because I said some impolite stuff about Catholic history. But, what would you do if you were me?

    Go back. Read what you said. 
  • edited 2012-12-16 00:36:29
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    A religion can be a culture, a belief about reality, an ancestral tradition, a set of core moral values, some combination of the above and any number of other things.  What it usually isn't is something trivial to its adherents.

    With that said can we not have another stupid catfight over something as stupid as this?  Otherwise I'm just going to lose it and like punch a dog or a Catholic priest or something.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    whyyyy you guys
  • Cream said:You are a very defensive person and you like to make everything personal. It irritates me.

    Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I should have a little more perspective considering how you
    attacked my freaking religion.
  • a8 said:

    Also can we not have another stupid catfight over something as stupid as this?  Otherwise I'm just going to lose it and like punch a dog or a Catholic priest or something.


    how about both?
  • *headdesk*

    whyyyy you guys
    i blame tumblr
  • edited 2012-12-16 00:38:09
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Works for me.

    Scratch that, I couldn't punch that face.

  • edited 2012-12-16 00:38:15

    though seriously that doggeh is too adorable to punch, especially in that pawecious outfit~

    ^ you monster, check your dogpriest punching privilege
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  • edited 2012-12-16 00:39:34

    well that was coherent and mature.

    imma go now and grab some popcorn
  • edited 2012-12-16 00:39:54
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  • If the doors aren't working it's only because I'm laughing so hard.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Nobody's a punching bag dude.

    Cream, I like you.  But you can't go goading people and then act persecuted when you get a response.
  • Stop victimizing yourself! You are the person who caused this. You. Maybe if you were defending something, you'd have a right to consider yourself a victim. But you're attacking, and therefore you deserve no sympathy.
  • Oh my god this is so fucking stupid.

    This is every 2011 TVTropes conversation I've ever had on rerun.

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  • wait


    hold on, I know what to do

    I'll be right back.

  • image


  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.


    whyyyy you guys
    CA: give it a moment and wait.
  • Cream said:

    Yes. It has done more bad than good during the millennium-and-a-half of its existence.

    Cream said:

    I am aware that you are an adherent but really your church does bad things.

    Cream said:

    The Catholic church, for a very long time, only ever hindered science, and I don't believe that it has contributed very much to the discipline. It may have been the driving force of literacy and education in Europe in the middle ages but that is because it was the most powerful entity in Europe, and during that time it did terrible things.

    ^ Oh ok.

    Lighthearted goading. Uh huh. Because when I'm just screwing around with my friends, I go up to them and say "Hey guys! You know that Stalin oppressed religious people and killed hundreds upon thousands of people, right? Man, I don't know about you, but I'll be glad when all the atheists are gone."
  • image



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