Talkin about Tumblrs, man



  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    I find "demisexual" to be really amusing

    I mean, I don't understand why "needs a close romantic connection to fuck someone" really needs a different label, other than the obvious speshul snowflaek syndrome
  • There's also demiromantic, apparently.
  • edited 2012-12-09 21:56:35

    I'm having trouble parsing what the first two people are trying to say.

    From what I can tell, there's this idea among social justice bloggers that one can frequently blog about social justice-related topics but still be "not a social justice blogger" as long as you're running a personal blog instead of a blog explicitly about a social justice topic.

    It's one of few things about this whole phenomenon that genuinely irritates me.

    I don't really know enough about the context, especially considering that Lerandy deleted most of the posts, but she seems to be taking a beating when she's going through a rough time. I hope she'll be okay.

    Is Kankri the same person who defended drunk driving that we were talking about a little while back?

    Nah, kankri is a character from Homestuck who is a parody of SJWs.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    I find "demisexual" to be really amusing

    I mean, I don't understand why "needs a close romantic connection to fuck someone" really needs a different label, other than the obvious speshul snowflaek syndrome
    if you really want to see some unique snowflake shit, look at how "asexuals" go about defining themselves

    yeah man I just got back from one big bisexual orgy and I fucked everything, woo, it's tough being an asexual
  • but like there are legit asexuals
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    There are most certainly legit asexuals, and tumblr asexuals are fucking it up for them.

    ...No pun intended.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    but like there are legit asexuals

    that's why I used quotes

    why are people so desperate for an off-the-shelf identity like that

    that's all they are
  • Because they're young and unsure of themselves and they want a group to belong to.

    I've been there.
  • Yeah, I know a couple asexuals from #yf who aren't like that on Tumblr, I think. They consider it to be simple and normal, I think.

    Which I agree with, it's just one of those human psychology things that one notes and moves on from.
  • Oh, also...

    Kexruct said:

    "White privilege. " *shudder*

    Nonononono! I wasn't saying it isn't a legitimate issue. Just that Tumblr has made a complete mockery of it.

    Augh I 'm sorry I really could have worded that better.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    Saying the word stupid/idiot/etc is now ablest apparently.

  • edited 2012-12-09 21:09:59
    I can understand "retarded" being offensive, but huh?
  • Seriously, it's a miracle that I can walk considering I have my foot in my mouth 24/7.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    Saying the word stupid/idiot/etc is now ablest apparently.


    some folks are trying to push that "lame" is an "ableist slur"

  • I have yet to stumble upon these pools of SJWism during the three or four days I've started actually using-using tumblr.

    The prevalence of Homestuckery is more annoying, to be honest.

    Also you don't edit Ed Edd N Eddy.

    It's just not done.

  • I have run across SJWism like once or twice in all my time on tumblr
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    So here's where that bit got started:

    If I'm reading this ready, this leradny person experienced a moment of reality and blogged about it. Look at what he/she wrote:

    To Social Justice Bloggers in General: You aren’t making a difference by shouting complaints into the void whenever you feel particularly cynical.

    and got rebuked for dragging that nasty reality thing into the hugbox and is now all I'M SO SORRY SO SORRY FORGIVE ME

    Sorry, reality. You tried
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Leradny...she's another troper

    Unlike most of us she still hangs out there
  • This isn't the same Leradny who used to post on TVTropes is it? I'm pretty thoroughly disappointed if it is.

  • edited 2012-12-09 21:30:30

    This isn't the same Leradny who used to post on TVTropes is it? I'm pretty thoroughly disappointed if it is.

    As best I can tell, it's the same person. Why are you disappointed if you don't mind me asking?
  • edited 2012-12-09 21:31:58
    The sadness will last forever.
    Never mind
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    That entire post of hers is realtalking and what people need to hear, but she got one little rebuke and caved in like a house of cards

  • The sadness will last forever.
  • As best I can tell, it's the same person. Why are you disappointed if you don't mind me asking?

    Because she always struck me as smarter than that, mostly. I'm not sure if that's disappointment per se, but whatever that feeling is when the mental image you have of a person does not match the reality in a negative way.

    Though to be honest, my memories of certain tropers have gotten kinda jumbled over time. I may well be thinking of someone else entirely.

  • In more specific

    Thoughts? Opinions?

    The interviews they do are defs worth reading also~
  • As best I can tell, it's the same person. Why are you disappointed if you don't mind me asking?

    Because she always struck me as smarter than that, mostly. I'm not sure if that's disappointment per se, but whatever that feeling is when the mental image you have of a person does not match the reality in a negative way.

    Though to be honest, my memories of certain tropers have gotten kinda jumbled over time. I may well be thinking of someone else entirely.

    Well, Leradny's been through a lot of stress from her personal life in the past few months, I believe, so...

  • Because she always struck me as smarter than that, mostly.

    Smarter than what? You mean what she posted in that whole post or the the part Forsythe quoted?
  • I have yet to stumble upon these pools of SJWism during the three or four days I've started actually using-using tumblr.

    The prevalence of Homestuckery is more annoying, to be honest.

    Also you don't edit Ed Edd N Eddy.

    It's just not done.

    What if it's done for YouTube Poop purposes, though? Or what about stuff like "Double D's Epic Doorbell" or those 88 Fingers Edward edits or "A Dickie?"
  • In more specific

    Thoughts? Opinions?

    The interviews they do are defs worth reading also~

    I haven't listened to any of those albums. I need to correct that. Seems like a pretty cool blog though.
  • What if it's done for YouTube Poop purposes, though? Or what about stuff like "Double D's Epic Doorbell" or those 88 Fingers Edward edits or "A Dickie?"

    That's not what I mean by edit.

    Look at this


    the pure, unadulterated horror.

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    Smarter than what? You mean what she posted in that whole post or the the part Forsythe quoted?

    I should have quoted her entire post, really. It's that good
  • edited 2012-12-09 21:39:44
    ^^Oh, that.

    Jesus cristo
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    It always upsets me to see EEnE GIFs with the 2004 CN logo on them
  •   Smarter than what? You mean what she posted in that whole post or the the part Forsythe quoted?

    SJW nonsense in general.

    I'm going to be honest here and say that I am only reading what's being quoted though so I'm not sure if she is actually caving as Forsythe is describing or not, simply because I'm not willing to knowingly raise my blood pressure like that.

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    So here's where that bit got started:

    If I'm reading this ready, this leradny person experienced a moment of reality and blogged about it. Look at what he/she wrote:

    To Social Justice Bloggers in General: You aren’t making a difference by shouting complaints into the void whenever you feel particularly cynical.

    and got rebuked for dragging that nasty reality thing into the hugbox and is now all I'M SO SORRY SO SORRY FORGIVE ME

    Sorry, reality. You tried
    In the interests of fairness...there was a much longer exchange leading up to that, which Leradny's since deleted.

    I saw it, but I won't go into details because it was very personal in nature and I don't think she would appreciate me dragging it up again.

    Suffice to say, though, from what I saw of it, I did get the feeling that others were basically kicking her while she was down, and I found her responses, for the most part, quite reasonable.
  • edited 2012-12-09 21:49:51
    EDIT: Yeah, no, let's just bury that.
  • ^^^In that case I retract my previous statements on her character.

    And again I'm really not willing to look at all of this firsthand. It would only make me angry and that's not healthy.


  • Yeah, I realize that was stupid, go ahead and edit that out, SL.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Dear Cis People, Stop calling yourself "LGBT." You're cis. Get over it.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
  • Dear Cis People, Stop calling yourself "LGBT." You're cis. Get over it.

    dude where's that one reaction image you always use

    because that is like exactly the face i made when i read that
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    Dear Cis People, Stop calling yourself "LGBT." You're cis. Get over it.

    dude where's that one reaction image you always use

    because that is like exactly the face i made when i read that
    you mean General Mattis 


    definitely appropriate
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    Not shocking being white men brought rape to the new world and still do it worldwide.

    nope, Mattis.jpg not cutting it here

    People actually think that Native Americans pre-whitey was all Pocahontas all the time with them communing with the trees and animals


  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Cis people are kind of like the appendix. They exist and they used to serve a purpose, but now we’re better off without them.
  • edited 2012-12-09 22:48:25
    All three five of those posts that Forsythe posted: I really hope these people aren't serious. Like I hope the SJW-ness of tumblr has gotten so ridiculous that everyone is just sorta making one giant joke about it. x.o
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    Do people actually believe that white men invented rape?

    Rape has been a thing ever since sex for pleasure has been a thing.

    I suppose they'll tell us that we taught the dolphins how to rape as well, eh?
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit

    Cis people are kind of like the appendix. They exist and they used to serve a purpose, but now we’re better off without them.

    I hope these people realize that if all cis people suddenly disappeared, they wouldn't be able to live their cushy tumblr lifestyles because all of human society will collapse.
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