The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Aww, big kitty little kitty!
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • edited 2012-06-04 14:37:02

    Bleh, stupid picture. >:/
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    *hugs CA*
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    IT's JUNE OF 2012!

    yes chef
    the rearstaurnat is open again



    Chef, don't do taht.
    Ther restaruant is the other direction ,anwya.


    whatever you say chef

    The Five Singers REsturatnt: Season 2
    Coming Soon to The Trash Heap™
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    ^^ Thanks.
  • TreTre
    edited 2012-06-04 14:47:39
    it was familiar to me
    the smoke too thick to breathe
    the tile floors glistened
    i slowly stirred my drink

    and when you started to sing,
    you spoke with broken speech
    that I could not understand
    and then you grabbed me tightly

    i won't let go, i won't let go
    even if you say so, oh no
    i've tried and tried with no results
    i won't let go, i won't let go
  • edited 2012-06-04 14:48:58

    The sky was blue and high above
    The moon was new, and so was love
    The eager heart of mine was singing
    Lover, lover where can you be
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Ask Barack Hussein Pie: It's like Ask PDP, but with a US president as the murderpony

  • Lover
    Leave me
    Make me burn
    You're coming back!
    You're coming back!

    I'll wait patiently
    For your return
    You're coming back!
    You're coming back!
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I had originally posted this in a PM, but I figure Tre might appreciate it too, so:
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    If you had Knockout you could set "HOEFLER ST" in that, and if you had Interstate or Gotham you could set "FRERE-JONES AVE" in one of those!
  • edited 2012-06-04 15:48:17
    You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Man, you and I need to start our own city so we can give the street goofy names.

    Either that, or buy out an existing city...

    ^ And you can join, too!
  • Buy out Greyson. I barely know the street names there anyway.
  • TreTre
    edited 2012-06-04 16:15:18
    Is it weird that I like the unmastered demo version of Owl City's "On the Wing" better than the version they put on his album Ocean Eyes? I never knew why, there was just some sort of feel to it that made it seem more... real to me.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    The Gwen Stefani Heap of the No Doubt Tropes Forum
  • edited 2012-06-04 17:22:44
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    Working on 11.975 here and I'm wondering

    what's the difference between "terrible" and "horrible"?

  • Horrible would be 


    terrible would be more

  • edited 2012-06-04 17:56:07

    But both are so overused that there's no real difference anymore.

    And I mean the events that transpire in those two, not the works themselves.
  • edited 2012-06-04 18:16:40
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    In literature studies a distinction is sometimes made between terror, which is a kind of growing dread, and horror, which is more like the visceral mixture of shock and disgust you get when seeing something nasty.  The terms are particularly used that way when talking about gothic fiction.

    Dunno if that was what you were after, but it's certainly a distinction.
  • Yeah, it's like that.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Fouria, that was the distinction I was looking for, thanks
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    You're welcome.

    Night Wind Fish.
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • The sadness will last forever.

    I <3 the Heap.



  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    Okay, you have my full undivided attention, Mike. 

  • I heap the <3
  • The sadness will last forever.

    -hugs everyone here-



  • Touch the cow. Do it now.

  • The sadness will last forever.


  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    -Vshao hug-

    ...what does that name mean, anyway
  • The sadness will last forever.
    V is a shortened version of my real name and Shao is my mother's last name.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Ah. I see.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    if that's anything like a mayo sandwich I'll pass
  • edited 2012-06-04 20:38:21
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I like mayo. I make no apologies
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    I like mayo sometimes.
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    I've never tried mayo and I will never start.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    But you're missing out!
  • Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    Mayo is okay with tuna, but I wouldn't eat it with everything. When it comes to condiments, I usually prefer certain kinds of mustard.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Not a huge fan of mustard.  Mayo is OK.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    mean mr. mustard
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