The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Oh, here's the problem: when I shipped Lumiere and Cogsworth, it replaced my xorg.conf file with hot steamy candle-on-clock Rule 34 fanfiction.

    That's the last time I ever run shipping commands as root. Lesson learned.
  • iOS more like YuriOS
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.


    sharing a post I made on facebook earlier today regarding Noah's Flood:

    "[Prof. Walt Brown's] own scientific credentials are impressive. He holds a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Mechanical Engineering, is a West Point graduate and a National Science Foundation fellow, served as a tenured associate professor at the U.S. Air Force Academy and was chief of Science and Technology Studies at the Air War College."

    I'm a Southern Baptist Christian. While I'm not a strict 7-day creationist (religious texts DO allow metaphors, critics of religion are just as bad about this as well what all raising a fuss about the Bible mentioning the 'four corners' of the earth), I believe in the account of Genesis. Noah and the flood? Oh indeed; I derive much mirth from the same critics trying say Judaism and Christianity "borrowed" the idea of the flood and not the other way around. However, despite Prof. Brown's very impressive credentials and very good intentions, this is not the way to go about convincing others. In fact, it's a safe wager that the science community will simply yawn at this too. Why?

    Prof. Brown doesn't have any actual proof that unsettles the foundations of science as we know it. Lots of nice theories and all, but no proof. You can't have math and sciences without proof. If we did allow it, we'd still be applying mint and slug poultices to toothaches, and the circular constant would be 3, not pi.

    How is this harmful to Christianity? We have the Professor here with his credentials, and I'm going to point to James Randi's career that included proving that professors and science genuises are probably the most easily-duped and self-deluding people on the planet who will regularly turn an experiment useless because of something as simple as bias. Many of these scientists really wanted to believe Uri Geller could bend spoons with his mind alone, and none afterwards would admit to being duped by a second-rate stage magician. They're PROFESSORS, after all! Secondly, Prof. Brown here has spent research and made a book to show how the flood and plate tectonics and other things all happened within the past 5000 years -- just about completely ignoring God and what he is. He as seem to forgotten that God is a supernatural, omnipotent power which means he plays by no rules whatsoever. He created the Heavens and the Earth and that was that. Either you believe it or you don't -- rationalization wastes the time of the believer and of science.


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis



    Twilight Sparkle

    Pinkie Pie

    Rainbow Dash


    Princess Celestia 



    As always, you're narrator talks in eye grabbing white on black.  We now return you to your latest episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magical Bullshit, Flanderized, Mary-Sue, Color Adventures.


    Oh thank God! All the other ponies could be being eaten while we speak!

    We interrupt this episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magical Bullshit, Flanderized, Mary-Sue, Color Adventures..


    ..To bring you that other episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magical Bullshit, Flanderized, Mary-Sue, Color Adventures that was interrupted by the latest My Little Pony: Friendship is Magical Bullshit, Flanderized, Mary-Sue, Color Adventures. 

    Well it's about time..

    We interrupt this episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magical Bullshit, Flanderized, Mary-Sue, Color Adventures..

    Celestia DAMNIT! 

    ..That interrupted our OTHER episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magical Bullshit, Flanderized, Mary-Sue, Color Adventures (but only after this episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magical Bullshit, Flanderized, Mary-Sue, Color Adventures was interrupted by that other episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magical Bullshit, Flanderized, Mary-Sue, Color Adventures) To bring you THE MOST HEARTRENCHENESS EPISODE OF My Little Pony: Friendship is Magical Bullshit, Flanderized, Mary-Sue, Color Adventures, YET!



    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis

    Justice Justice come quick!


    What is it Pinkie Pie? I call tell by me heightened sense of empathy that you are in distress!


    Its Twilight Sparkle! She tried to treat her Speed and Meth pains with Heroine!


    Oh no! Heroine is the hardest of the hard drugs! Ive told her time and time again that drugs are bad and that she should stop taking them because drugs do nothing but hert herself and those that care for her!  


    This time was the worse yet! She took so much heroine that she passed out! Me and the other ponies dont know what to do! Your the only one that can help Twilight Sparkle!


    Of course! I would do anything for my friends that i deaply love and care for! I would even sacrifice my life for them! I will do whatever it takes to help Twilight Sparkle!


    Thank you Justice! You always know what to say to make me smile again!


    On the way, Justice and Pinkie Pie meet up with Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Applejack!


    Thank Celestia youve come Justice! Only your powers are strong enough to revive Twilight Sparkle! 


    Im an unsure if I can save her! But I will save her even if it costs me my life!


    Yes Justice Darling! Im sure the most beutiful pony can do it!


  • mint and slug poultices


    the circular constant would be 3, not pi.


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis

    Well since that pony is not here! I will have to help! She needs heroine anecdote but it only exists back in my world and i am trapped here because i sacrificed my only chance to return home to help save all of Equestria! Rarity cant you use your magics to get it from my world?


    My powers only work to bring technology to Equestria! Only you no enough about your world to save Twilight Sparkle!


    Oh Justice! I am so scarred for my friend Twilight Sparkle! If only my and your ability to talk with animals would help.


    There There Fluttershy! You must have more confidence that things will work out for the better!


    I am sad that all my speed is not enought to help my friend!


    Its ok Rainbow dash your still the second fastest flyer in Equstria! 


    Maybe me and Justice can use natural ingrediants to make an anecdote for Twilight Sparkle!


    There is no time Applejack! Our friend Twilight Sparkle is fadding fast! I'll have to  


    We interrupt this episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magical Bullshit, Flanderized, Mary-Sue, Color Adventures to bring you an episode of Avatar: The Last Bullshit, Flanderized Airbender



    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis

    Aang: Sokka! You have to help me! Katara is mad at me, and I don't know why!


    Sokka: Ah, Aang mah boi! You've come to the right man. I know all the advice, all of it! When it comes to the ladies OHGODAGHGHAGHAGHAGHAGHFUCK IM FALLING DOWN ALL THESE STAIRS.






    Toph: I TOLD YOU MAN



    Aang: Oh no! My advice giver!


    Toph: Forget it, Twinkle toes. Anything he tells you is bound to be as bad as the time he told you to act aloof to girls.


    Aang: Hey! You're a girl.




    Aang: You can help me with Katara!


    Toph: No way! Girls are crazy! Do I LOOK like I have any great insight into how they think?!


    Sokka: Yeah Aang! How can she have inSIGHT when she can't LOOK at anything?!


    Toph: *sniff...sob* WHAAAAAAHaaaaahaaahaaaa...


    Sokka: Oh man, I still got it. Now if only I could write that one down with my shattered arm bones.


    Aang:..Oh wait...'cause she's blind...hehe...Good one, Sokka...




    Aang: Zuko! I need help with Katara!


    Zuko: Will me helping you with Katara help restore my honor?


    Aang: Ummmm...maybe? I thought you already regained your honor.


    Zuko: I think I lost it again during a very moving inner conflict. Now I must restore my honor, again!


    Aang:That's...that's great...Do you know anyone else who I can ask.


    Zuko:Try my uncle, he often gives out good advice that I tend to ignore.


    Aang:That's a good idea! I think I'll do just that...the first part I mean, not the part where I ignore the advice....

     Aang:Iroh! I need advice about what to do when a women seems mad at you, and you don't know why!


    Iroh: Ahhhhh, a woman's emotions run deep, like a great undersea channel, always flowing and sometimes wild. Often times, it is best to wait out the tide. Give it time, and this storm will pass.


    Aang: Wow...that was like...a hundred metaphors...


    Iroh: Ahh, wise Avata, you still have much to learn! Those where similes!


    Aang: I don't have time for this! I need to figure out with Katara NOW!


    Iroh: Aang, it is best to be patient. Patience, like the mountain, passively waits until the spring, where...


    Aang: AUGH! I'll just ask her.




    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis

    Aang: Katara! I know I've upset you! I'm so stupid I don't even know what I've done to upset you! Please forgive me! I'll do anything to have you not mad at me!


    Katara: ...I'm not doing this.


    Aang: Doing what?


    Katara: THIS, this WHOLE STUPID SCRIPT! We already went through this crap on Ember Island! WHY REPEAT IT!? WHAT POSSIBLE VALUE IS THERE IN HAVING US MADE FUN OF AGAIN?!


    Aang: Come on, Katara! We're so close!


    Sokka: Yeah sis! We all did our parts! I threw myself down the stairs and even shit myself to "show 'em".


    Katara: ...Sokka, that wasn't in the script.


    Sokka: WHAT! *digs out papers* It says RIGHT HERE, "Shit yourself! That'll show 'em!"


    Aang: Uhhh...Sokka, that's clearly written in marker...and you should probably go change...






    Sokka: OH...good point...but who...


    Suki: *snicker*


    Aang: Come on, Katara! *puppy dog eyes* For me?


    Katara: Uaaaughhgh! *rolls eye* I'm sorry Aang. I don't KNOW what just came over me! Myturbulent emotions just got the better of me.


    Sokka: I guess it's true what they say, "Waterbenders just have a heavier flow than other people!"


    Katara: GHAAAAAA! *storms off*


    Everyone else: HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis

    We now return you to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magical Bullshit, Flanderized, Mary-Sue, Color Adventures, already in progress.


    You did it Justice! Youve managed to surpass me and used your magics to bring me the anecdote! I am so touched you would give up your second chance to return to earth to save me! 


    Its ok Twilight Sparkle you are much more important to me than returning to my home! I hope you have learned your lesson about drugs!


    Yes I learned that only bad ponies do drugs and I dont need them that I am better than that!


    Why thats just truth youall!


    Justice I have a confession! When passed out and never thought Id wake up again I was sad because I thought I missed my opperunity to tell the one pony I love the most how much I care for them.


    Its OK Twilight Sparkle! Now that I saved you you can go out and find that lucky pony to tell them just how much you care.


    Justice you silly pony! Youre the pony I love the most!


    Oh Twilight Sparkle you shouldnt play with another ponies emotions like that! I know no pony can ever think of me that way!


    But I do! And I finally have the courage to say it!

    Me too Darling! I loved you since the moment I saw you where the most beatiful pony in all equistria! My jelousy of that fact caused me to act mean to you at first! But now I can admit that I love you!


  • Apparently, while sugar can burn, salt does not.

    If only this nugget of knowledge didn't come at the cost of my food.
  • edited 2012-06-03 14:18:05

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis

    Oh Rarity I am not that good looking! Stop teasing me!

    Oh but its true! I also know  you are the handsomest pony in all Equestria! I also love you! I just didn’t have the confidence to say so until you told me to have confidence!

    Oh fluttershy theres no way I can inspire such feelings in ponies!

    Ah disagree partner! You have touched the hearts of many ponies. I know treated you meanly when you first came because I didnt trust you but your  humbleness has one over my heart. I love you sugercube.

    I to am sorry for how I treated you when you first came. It was not easy to see another pony make a better sonic rayboom than me but i you have helped me so much. Thanks to you I have come to terms with my sexual identity. But I love you enough to   make an esception.


    Me six!


    All: HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa


    Wait a minute ponies!


    Princese Celestia Princese Luna and Princese Cadence! 




    hE shOOUUUR did! *HICK* LESshh..hehe..Dank him... *wobble, falls over*


  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    whoever came up with these names was obviously paying attention to the Guide to Proper Fantasy Names and Locations but then quit reading the page right before the chapter where they teach you to shotgun apostrophes all over everything
  • edited 2012-06-03 14:20:24
    Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • whoever came up with these names was obviously paying attention to the Guide to Proper Fantasy Names and Locations but then quit reading the page right before the chapter where they teach you to shotgun apostrophes all over everything


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    whoever came up with these names was obviously paying attention to the Guide to Proper Fantasy Names and Locations but then quit reading the page right before the chapter where they teach you to shotgun apostrophes all over everything
    Hey, I think they're partially based on real languages (Iroh, Zuko, Suki from Japanese, Aang from China, not sure about the others). Though I don't think anyone really uses names like that except for children of nerds who name their kids after cartoon characters.


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    "Suki, a term in Aikido and Kendo for being vulnerable to attack or having flawed technique"

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    One thing is for sure, we still haven't made contact with any extraterrestrial species but we know for a damn fact that we're the only race in the galaxy who mixes the vowels and consonants, instead of sticking exclusively to one (and apostrophes, lots and lots of apostrophes)

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Also, going from Vanilla to MS Word to gmail back to Vanilla netted me MUCH better results.

    So happy that I did not have to re format every ponies colors.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    In 2002, the LiveJournal community The Mary Sue Report[15] was founded to highlight fanfics that featured Mary Sues, linking to the original story and highlighting the characteristics that fit the archetype. The following year, The Canon Sue Report[26] was created to feature characters outside of fanfiction that could be considered Mary Sues, including Rose Tyler from Doctor Who[27], Maito Gai from Naruto[28] and Lana Lang from Smallville.[29]"

    ...How the heck is Gai a mary-sue?! I'm not sure about the other two as I don't watch Smallville or Doctor Who, but unless Masashi Kishimoto is REALLY goofy and likes lamp-shading this in his manga, I think I might have to issue a "phrase violation citation" which can be paid in full or mitigated if the internet attends"phrase school".
  • People still care about "mary sues"?

    cheesus crust people. What is this 2002? Let the terrible people terrib. Find better things to do with your time.

  • People still care about things?

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Bella Swan probably made a bunch of this relevant (as relevant as any internet discussion, that is) again.

    Though, I've heard some interesting argument that she's not so much a "mary-sue" as someone a girl could easily replace with themselves into the story...I guess she could be both.
  • edited 2012-06-03 14:51:55
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    I'm kind of tired of the Rose Tyler = Mary Sue thing, seeing as her worst crime was being given a comparable amount of focus to - though not upstaging - a hypercompetant, superhuman male protagonist.

    ^ "Mary Sue" is such a vague term and so widely used that I'm not sure that isn't a valid definition.  Bella is a self-consciously flat character with an abundance of entirely superficial flaws, at any rate.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    I dunno, I think Mary Sues were the perfect consequence for whenever everyone was preaching "write what you know/who you know" in the past 30 years. It also made me decide from comic number one that me, my ideas, even things tenuously related to my politics, prejudices, preferences, etc were not to be put into my comic. 
  • edited 2012-06-03 14:55:19

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis

    I think people have lost focus on what the word really means. And I'm sure there are many more "mary-sues" than there are "marty-sues".

    Interesting that I've never heard that Arwen in Lord of the Ring:Fellowship of the Ring movie accused of being a mary-sue. She was given a bit more importance in that movie and took out like all the Ring Wraiths temporarily.

    Though, I guess Aragorn pretty much did the same with a sword and a torch and no there's that.
  • I just think it's one of those subjects where little of value is left to be said.

    But that is just one man's opinion, and I have to go now to my grad dinner now. So bai..


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    I dunno, I think Mary Sues were the perfect consequence for whenever everyone was preaching "write what you know/who you know" in the past 30 years. It also made me decide from comic number one that me, my ideas, even things tenuously related to my politics, prejudices, preferences, etc were not to be put into my comic. 
    There are quite a startling amount author avatars in web-comics. Not to mention these semi-auto bio comics are often of the "Life embellished" type, which makes it easy for these characters to slip into suedom.

    You're probably wise to leave such things out. Took a few years, but I got sick of Overcompensating because I was tired of Jeffery Rowland inserting his political opinion into every other strip.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    well, I think that people are going above and beyond in their attempt to label something a Mary Sue. The definition I'd use is Eric Schwartz's Sabrina. She has a perfect body, glasses, only uses Amigas (ahahahah), is a girl who collects Transformers (AHAHAHAH),  works at a porn studio, has a hot (relatively speaking) boss that molests her all the time, and a completely understanding family.

  • edited 2012-06-03 15:03:22
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Bye Lazuli.

    To my mind, "write what you know" is not bad advice.  It's just important to distinguish between that and narcissism.  An entirely fantastic setting whose characters bear little direct resemblance to the author can still be bland and uninteresting, which is a possible consequence of a self-absorbed author.  An author who cares about other people and isn't wrapped up in their own wish-fulfilment fantasies can be far more interesting, and can even write about their own politics, providing they show rather than tell and don't get too carried away with their own cleverness.  Just my two cents on that.

    My preferred definition of "Mary Sue" is a character who warps reality around themselves, at worst forcing other characters out of character in order to accomodate the author's vision.
  • edited 2012-06-03 15:04:11
    You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Yarrun said:

    Remind me to never let you program/write shipping fanfic on my computer.

    I like to imagine Bunny does all his shipping as root, because he's such an expert:
    root@deathonabun# ship -s anonymous-user central-avenue
    (The -s flag is for "straight" pairings) :P

    What is this 2002?

    You know people have been talking about Mary Sues since like 1973, right?
  • edited 2012-06-03 15:07:51

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis

    well, I think that people are going above and beyond in their attempt to label something a Mary Sue. The definition I'd use is Eric Schwartz's Sabrina. She has a perfect body, glasses, only uses Amigas (ahahahah), is a girl who collects Transformers (AHAHAHAH),  works at a porn studio, has a hot (relatively speaking) boss that molests her all the time, and a completely understanding family.

    Certainly a bit above and beyond Rowland's author avatar, and people misusing the term was sort of what got me on this kick.

    In fan-fiction ( a world I pretty much never visit aside from the nonsense I write here) it seems to mean almost any original character.

    In other works, it seems to mean just about any author-avatar (which I'd say is different than mary-sue, but potentially as annoying depending on how the author goes about things) or any character that seems pretty competent and gets lots of story focus.

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Justice42 said:

    You're probably wise to leave such things out. Took a few years, but I got sick of Overcompensating because I was tired of Jeffery Rowland inserting his political opinion into every other strip.
    This is something I will not do, and if I do so without thinking about it I hope someone calls me on it.  The best I can think of about drawing and working with Deco and Company they're all very autonomous characters and turning them into soapboxes would just destroy them.  I think the closest I ever got to politics or social commentary (that's understandable) is Fussy rudely tormenting the prim and proper old schoolmaster, but I'm pretty sure she does that entirely out of being playful ornery. 
  • edited 2012-06-03 15:09:10
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Sometimes "Mary Sue" seems to mean "female character the reader dislikes".
  • I like to imagine Bunny does all his shipping as root, because he's such an expert:
    I guess those would be the pairings he's rooting for, then.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Justice42 said:

    You're probably wise to leave such things out. Took a few years, but I got sick of Overcompensating because I was tired of Jeffery Rowland inserting his political opinion into every other strip.

    This is something I will not do, and if I do so without thinking about it I hope someone calls me on it.  The best I can think of about drawing and working with Deco and Company they're all very autonomous characters and turning them into soapboxes would just destroy them.  I think the closest I ever got to politics or social commentary (that's understandable) is Fussy rudely tormenting the prim and proper old schoolmaster, but I'm pretty sure she does that entirely out of being playful ornery. 

    Heh, well at least you could probably do it and get away with it for a while until someone who is obsessed with running everything you put in through Google translator or is fluent in any of the character's languages cottons on...

    Fouria G said:

    Sometimes "Mary Sue" seems to mean "female character the reader dislikes".

    Oh definitely, that's while I feel the term is unfairly waited towards female characters. Obviously, it has a very GIRLY name associated with it, but it's not like many of the same tropes from it don't work and aren't applied to males.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    This is something I will not do, and if I do so without thinking about it I hope someone calls me on it.  The best I can think of about drawing and working with Deco and Company they're all very autonomous characters and turning them into soapboxes would just destroy them.  I think the closest I ever got to politics or social commentary (that's understandable) is Fussy rudely tormenting the prim and proper old schoolmaster, but I'm pretty sure she does that entirely out of being playful ornery. 

    This isn't really a suggestion, since I agree that characters should not be soapboxes, but it's possible to give a character a political voice without destroying their autonomy, isn't it?

    I mean, for example, Fussy isn't overtly political, but as a reader, I'd make certain assumptions about her attitude from the way she behaves and presents herself (i.e. she's a hippie), and that in itself doesn't come off as an endorsement or a criticism of said views so much as a fact of her personality.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    An example of a male Mary Sue is Stardust, the Space Wizard.  This character is pretty much textbook mary sue all the way. 


  • edited 2012-06-03 15:28:31

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    ^^If anything, that's probably an aspect of good writing, being able give characters views and attitudes not necessarily held by the author, but not done in an insulting way.

    Not that, you know...Listening to 11.975 is in desperate need of such a thing.


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis

    An example of a male Mary Sue is Stardust, the Space Wizard.  This character is pretty much textbook mary sue all the way. 


    Heh, I hope he also frees the "Crime Wizard's" harem who find Stardust strangely attractive...
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