The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • My dreams exceed my real life
    A neoreactionary dude on the internet once called me "a cross between Brian Leiter and Pol Pot"

    Which is just offensive. I mean Brian Leiter? Really?
  • a neoreactionary on twitter once called me a furry
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    The nerve!!!!!
  • Tamlin said:

    a neoreactionary on twitter once called me a furry

    now wait just a minute here
  • a guy once called me an egotist for saying the idea of a Trump presidency scared me and I still think about that a lot because it's maybe the most nonsensical single-word insult I've ever received 
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    I was called a fascist goat for banning someone on Kongregate once. That was fun.

    Actually, I lie. A facist goat.
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    A fact goat.
  • Guys the dude who punched Richard Spencer is totally the same as Pol Pot

    all political positions are bad and I am very smart
    I dunno about that guy, maybe he's pretty sweet. I was thinking more along the lines of the antifa types. Paramilitaries sprout out from somewhere, you see.
    Hot take: Stalin and Pol Pot do not prove Horseshoe Theory, but only
    because they were both far right, whatever noises they made to the
    Keep telling yourself that, both were socialist icons for a good while.
  • edited 2017-01-26 19:03:50

    now that I think about this, normie types thinking that pointing out you are a furry as a way to shut down a conversation is one of the most amusing things about being a furry
  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • Lunate said:

    Guys the dude who punched Richard Spencer is totally the same as Pol Pot

    all political positions are bad and I am very smart
    I dunno about that guy, maybe he's pretty sweet. I was thinking more along the lines of the antifa types. Paramilitaries sprout out from somewhere, you see.
    I mean if I were forced to take the decision I'd rather run with a paramilitary that respects my right to live than live under a government whose second-highest official thinks I should be strapped to a chair and shocked with electricity until I stop being trans.

    You do realize that your position is self-evidently ridiculous, right? Trump is in charge of America--where I live--now, in 2017. Pol Pot was in charge of a country halfway across the world half a century ago, which do you think I'm more concerned about?

    You can make plenty of cases for socialism gone wrong! Hell I might even give you some credit if you pointed to the Kim family in North Korea since that's still around, but Pol Pot? That's like saying fascism is bad because the British Freikorps existed. You start out somewhere at least sort of sensible and lose the plot halfway through.

    But even that much is irrelevant. Trump has dictatorial ambitions, or else is so ignorant to how a government is actually run that he might as well. That is the enemy in the here and the now.

    Antifa folks are my friends as far as I'm concerned. I will deal with a lifetime of tedious thinkpieces and reblogged gifs from Inglorious Basterds--macho posturing or no--if it means that less people die between now and 2020.
  • basically, what Jane said
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
  • edited 2017-01-26 19:11:27
    Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    I initially read that as referencing some of the more dubious antifa and leftist types (the types we've complained about for example), rather than a wholesale comment, but maybe I read wrong. In any case I'm going to have to go away in a bit and just want to make sure this doesn't get out of hand, please (and would have commented earlier but was doing something else).
  • I want it on record that I largely don't agree with that complaining.

    I think there is a specific line of rhetoric (that if you're not stockpiling bombs to assassinate trump with right now then you're Not Doing Enough) that is annoying and unrealistic but that is an extreme minority.

    Honestly now that a Trump presidency is actually here, even that doesn't bother me anymore.
  • edited 2017-01-26 19:17:18
    Jane said:

    I mean if I were forced to take the decision I'd rather run with a paramilitary that respects my right to live than live under a government whose second-highest official thinks I should be strapped to a chair and shocked with electricity until I stop being trans.

    You do realize that your position is self-evidently ridiculous, right? Trump is in charge of America--where I live--now, in 2017. Pol Pot was in charge of a country halfway across the world half a century ago, which do you think I'm more concerned about?

    You can make plenty of cases for socialism gone wrong! Hell I might even give you some credit if you pointed to the Kim family in North Korea since that's still around, but Pol Pot? That's like saying fascism is bad because the British Freikorps existed. You start out somewhere at least sort of sensible and lose the plot halfway through.

    But even that much is irrelevant. Trump has dictatorial ambitions, or else is so ignorant to how a government is actually run that he might as well. That is the enemy in the here and the now.

    Antifa folks are my friends as far as I'm concerned. I will deal with a lifetime of tedious thinkpieces and reblogged gifs from Inglorious Basterds--macho posturing or no--if it means that less people die between now and 2020.

    *shrug* alright. I thought at first this was a more international
    discussion rather than a US-specific thing. Considering the replies obviously that's not the case and I
    shouldn't have brought up in this context, so... I'm sorry.
  • Most of us are American (for the record I do not know where you are from).

    Apology accepted but, it is probably wise to keep the general context in mind with that sort of thing.
  • Thank you.

    I'm Venezuelan. I hope that explains why I'm very opinionated on this.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    so, how's everyone today?
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    I want to go home and watch anime but it'll be a bit before then, sadly.
  • Lunate said:

    Thank you.

    I'm Venezuelan. I hope that explains why I'm very opinionated on this.

    the other two Venezuelans I know are also pretty strongly antisoc though admittedly I don't know enough about the nation's history to know specifically why.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    It's also a growing concern in Europe since, yannow, Britain literally had a fascist murder an MP in the street last year, and France has a non-zero chance of electing Marine Le Pen.
  • edited 2017-01-26 19:20:44

    I feel like I should say: I articulate negative opinions of left-leaning discourse I see elsewhere on here specifically because I do agree with the broader mission to promote safety for fellow LGBT people, and other minority groups, and know that by talking about it here I can vent my frustrations without people thinking that I'm implicitly going "these things are samebad"
  • It's also a growing concern in Europe since, yannow, Britain literally had a fascist murder an MP in the street last year, and France has a non-zero chance of electing Marine Le Pen.

    and Geert Wilders in my motherland. Man is essentially Trump But Dutch. He even also has stupid hair

    back up though who the fuck got murdered by a fascist in the street?? I either didn't hear about this or it just wasn't presented to me that way.
  • Tamlin said:

    I feel like I should say: I articulate negative opinions of left-leaning discourse I see elsewhere on here specifically because I do agree with the broader mission to promote safety for fellow LGBT people, and other minority groups, and know that by talking about it here I can vent my frustrations without people thinking that I'm implicitly going "these things are samebad"

    I think most of us are broadly left-leaning and I have made similar statements in the past myself, yea.
  • geert is worse than trump because at least trump doesn't stick pens up his nose in public
  • Yea I definitely just did not hear about this.

    I dunno if that was a personal blindspot or if it just didn't make the news over here.
  • edited 2017-01-26 19:28:54
    Jane said:

    Lunate said:

    Thank you.

    I'm Venezuelan. I hope that explains why I'm very opinionated on this.

    the other two Venezuelans I know are also pretty strongly antisoc though admittedly I don't know enough about the nation's history to know specifically why.
    Basically because the government is socialist, whose socialist policies have resulted in what always happens in socialist countries.

    ^ I remember that, though I can't remember if that was while reading Brittain-specific stuff.
  • edited 2017-01-26 19:27:44
    Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I remember that.

    the Jo Cox thing, I mean
  • Lunate said:

    Jane said:

    Lunate said:

    Thank you.

    I'm Venezuelan. I hope that explains why I'm very opinionated on this.

    the other two Venezuelans I know are also pretty strongly antisoc though admittedly I don't know enough about the nation's history to know specifically why.
    Basically because the government is socialist, whose socialist policies have resulted in what always happens in socialist countries.
    that is very vague
  • To be clear

    I do not really self-identify as a socialist (my tumblr URL aside), I don't think there is a blanket solution for economic problems in all countries.

    In the US I'm broadly in favor of the nordic model.
  • kill living beings
    Jane said:

    Lunate said:

    Jane said:

    Lunate said:

    Thank you.

    I'm Venezuelan. I hope that explains why I'm very opinionated on this.

    the other two Venezuelans I know are also pretty strongly antisoc though admittedly I don't know enough about the nation's history to know specifically why.
    Basically because the government is socialist, whose socialist policies have resulted in what always happens in socialist countries.
    that is very vague
    long bread lines followed by authoritarian violence
  • Jane said:

    Lunate said:

    Jane said:

    Lunate said:

    Thank you.

    I'm Venezuelan. I hope that explains why I'm very opinionated on this.

    the other two Venezuelans I know are also pretty strongly antisoc though admittedly I don't know enough about the nation's history to know specifically why.
    Basically because the government is socialist, whose socialist policies have resulted in what always happens in socialist countries.
    that is very vague
    you know the cracks right wing people like to make about waiting in line for bread for hours
  • Fair enough.

    I also knew about the rolling blackout thing, which sounds, at the very least, horridly annoying.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Jane said:

    Yea I definitely just did not hear about this.

    I dunno if that was a personal blindspot or if it just didn't make the news over here.
    I remember it mainly because Nigel Farage later had the audacity to say Brexit passed "without a single bullet being fired", which is blatantly false
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    vote with a bullet
  • It's also a growing concern in Europe since, yannow, Britain literally had a fascist murder an MP in the street last year, and France has a non-zero chance of electing Marine Le Pen.

    Ah, right, that. 

    I remembered it because the guy used a really odd gun for it. I somehow missed the fact that he was an outright fascist though? 
  • Jane said:

    Lunate said:

    Jane said:

    Lunate said:

    Thank you.

    I'm Venezuelan. I hope that explains why I'm very opinionated on this.

    the other two Venezuelans I know are also pretty strongly antisoc though admittedly I don't know enough about the nation's history to know specifically why.
    Basically because the government is socialist, whose socialist policies have resulted in what always happens in socialist countries.
    that is very vague

    On the political front:
    • Use of public resources and logistics for political campaigning.
    • Most certainly electoral fraud.
    • Politization of most state institutions, most notably the Judicial Power.
    • Jailing of oppositors, both big names and random people.
    • Violence against protestors (to be even more specific, when I said 'antifa types' I was thinking of 'collectives', these)
    • Attacks on free speech (closure of media outlets, attacks on journalists, a gag law, etc.)
    • General disregard for the law and constitution.
    On the economic front:
    • Inflation (somewhere between 400-700% last year by some estimations*)
    • Scarcity of basic products (milk, sugar, butter, rice, wheat, soap, medicines, etc.)
    • Devaluation of our currency (about 75% since a year ago at the black market rate)
    • Open hostility towards the private sector.
    • 40+%* unemployment rate (not counting the informal sector)
    On the social front:
    • Hospital crisis due to the above lack of medicines, plus general lack of non-medicine supplies.
    • Huge increase in criminality, currently we're near the top in murder rates.
    • Water shortages.
    • Power crisis. (although the rolling blackouts were only for a couple months last year)
    • General lack of maintenance on infrastructure.
    • Blaming absolutely every failing on scapegoats.
    • Turning cynicism into state policy.
    • I'm going to guess you won't like the fact that they support Trump.
    There's way more but that's what comes up off the top of my head.

    * The reason it's an estimate is because the government illegally hides official figures.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.

    It's also a growing concern in Europe since, yannow, Britain literally had a fascist murder an MP in the street last year, and France has a non-zero chance of electing Marine Le Pen.

    Ah, right, that. 

    I remembered it because the guy used a really odd gun for it. I somehow missed the fact that he was an outright fascist though? 
    Yup, literally a neo-Nazi.
  • Splat Charger Specialist
    Generally, when I advocate socialist policies, it's because I think that people should have a right to free healthcare and education.

    I don't think the state should control the market, but as it stands, we're kind of dealing with the opposite. Which is not fun.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    wait does Maduro really support Trump?  lol, is this Russia-related or just some weird trolling
  • I'm serious.

    Granted, this might change when he needs to scapegoat again, and I'm betting this has to do with Russia, but the socialists' stance towards him since his inauguration is of support, namely, they claim criticism towards him is part of an oligarchy's agenda waging a mediatic war against him, using NGOs to defame him, etc. For instance, here is an article demonizing the Women's March (the title is 'Who Financed the Women's March Against Trump?').

    Basically, what they say about presidents they like.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    lol soros
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I dreamed Anonus and I were in Pittsburgh

    And the street name signs were shitty black-on-yellow things made with stenciled letters

    I don't think the real Pittsburgh is that cheap
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Excuse me you mean black-on-GOLD
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I smiled.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Anonus said:

    Excuse me you mean black-on-GOLD

  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
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