The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Can I make a statement without being mansplained at
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Tucker said:

    Can I make a statement without being mansplained at

    Yeah, Section, please, stop.
  • Torgo said:

    I think this is what Kex is talking about

    Shit, not even this, really. For what I'm talking about look up Miranda Lambert's song "Automatic," Florida Georgia Line's "That's How We Do It Round Here" or that song where it's essentially just the country version of Girlfriend but with, like, fishing or something

    This song is just gross and stupid though

  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    0vvvv0 said:

    Tucker said:

    Can I make a statement without being mansplained at

    Yeah, Section, please, stop.
    Yeah, I admit I jumped the gun on the Todd thing. I'm sorry for that.

    I still think my basic points are sound, though.
  • I am aware of the EXISTENCE of modern country music that is not execrable. This is not something you have to explain to me.
  • ok, but you just said "country music" full stop.

    surely you can see where there is room for confusion there
  • edited 2015-10-12 19:00:49
    Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    I surprisingly don't dislike "That's My Kind of Night" as much as I feel like I personally should. It's crass, and traditionally masculine, and another old boring party song, but at least it doesn't cover up any of it's tackier parts with any faux-deep nonsense. The others mentioned are obnoxious as heck though, screw Florida Goergia Line.

    re country music: I think it could've been fixed by adding "modern" or "radio' somewhere, but I still got Kex's point so whatever.
  • edited 2015-10-12 19:00:20
    We can do anything if we do it together.
    Tucker said:

    I am aware of the EXISTENCE of modern country music that is not execrable. This is not something you have to explain to me.

    I apologize for misreading your posts, then...
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    You are being weird to Kex again.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    Torgo said:

    You are being weird to Kex again.

    Yeah yeah, I realize that now.

    I would like to apologize, but that somehow feels inadequate.
  • ok, but you just said "country music" full stop.

    surely you can see where there is room for confusion there
    I was unaware that I was operating in a social sphere where people would take offense on Lucero's behalf.

    ...pettiness aside, I understand the room for confusion, but like surely we're all aware of what "modern country sucks" is shorthand for
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    You know, it's kind of impressive that The Beatles had enough star power to turn an otherwise unremarkable crosswalk into a tourist attraction.
  • nobody even listens to the "good" country
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    :3 said:

    nobody even listens to the "good" country

    People do listen to it. They just don't inhabit the same social circles that we do.

    I mostly don't listen to the "good" country myself, so I want to stress that this wasn't me trying to be self-defensive this time.

    I do still apologize for misreading your posts and bringing Todd in out of nowhere, though. I admit I'm confused at the use of the term "mansplaining", since we're both male-bodied. If that was in reference to the Todd mention, then it's fair and I apologize for that.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    I can think of some good modern country music that actually gets or seems to be getting some modicum of airplay, but it's not my forte at all and I can't say that the majority of what now passes for the genre holds even the barest shred of interest for me.
  • kill living beings
    boredom... fear
  • I also don't get the use of the word mansplainig of what Todd has to do with anything
  • kill living beings
  • the only genre I actually dislike in its entirety is polka.

    that's not a joke, the actual musical structures that make polka what it is are complete musical anathema to me. I'd actually rather listen to Merzbow and I hate Merzbow.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    0vvvv0 said:

    I can think of some good modern country music that actually gets or seems to be getting some modicum of airplay, but it's not my forte at all and I can't say that the majority of what now passes for the genre holds even the barest shred of interest for me.

    I agree with this statement, honestly.

    :3 said:

    I also don't get the use of the word mansplainig of what Todd has to do with anything

    Yes, I know that now. I don't need it beaten into my head.
  • the autocorrect on my phone and this forum don't play nice well together
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Lurking To Merzbow
  • edited 2015-10-12 19:13:55
    To my understanding mansplaining refers to the actor of explaining something patronizingly and in away that implies the person being splained at doesn't "really" understand what they're talking about
  • man it's been so long since I had the twerking to merzbow URL

    also someone is squatting on rickowensfursuit >:/
  • I thought it was like a more specific thing though
  • Tucker said:

    To my understanding mansplaining refers to the actor of explaining something patronizingly and in away that implies the person being splained at doesn't "really" understand what they're talking about

    nah mansplaining is that but specifically a guy doing it to a woman about something related to gender issues
  • Know your lines? Of course you know your lines! But I don't want to just hear your lines...I wanna hear what's in YOUR SOULS!!
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I admit, I never quite got the meaning of "mansplaining" until I tried cracking jokes on Tumblr and got some oh-so-smart people telling me I was wrong because this is obviously how it is.
  • man

    I used to like Nelly.

    Dude never exactly had a dignified career, but he made some good songs.

    What happened
  • I blame the fact that Slo-Down isn't part of The St. Lunatics anymore
  • the suburban lawn is a blight. who decided this should be a thing. high maintenance, high impact (both ecologically and financially) and hideous to look at
  • the suburban lawn is a blight. who decided this should be a thing. high maintenance, high impact (both ecologically and financially) and hideous to look at

  • people who care too much about their lawns are some of the worst kinds of people
  • Tucker said:

    To my understanding mansplaining refers to the actor of explaining something patronizingly and in away that implies the person being splained at doesn't "really" understand what they're talking about

    nah mansplaining is that but specifically a guy doing it to a woman about something related to gender issues
    I have seen it used more broadly.

  • people who care too much about their lawns are some of the worst kinds of people

    also yes
    Tucker said:

    Tucker said:

    To my understanding mansplaining refers to the actor of explaining something patronizingly and in away that implies the person being splained at doesn't "really" understand what they're talking about

    nah mansplaining is that but specifically a guy doing it to a woman about something related to gender issues
    I have seen it used more broadly.

    p sure those people were doing it wrong
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    Tucker said:

    To my understanding mansplaining refers to the actor of explaining something patronizingly and in away that implies the person being splained at doesn't "really" understand what they're talking about

    nah mansplaining is that but specifically a guy doing it to a woman about something related to gender issues
    Usually, but certainly not exclusively. I have heard "mansplain" used to describe many similar behaviours and have used it in those contexts myself. The meaning has broadened with time.

    people who care too much about their lawns are some of the worst kinds of people

    The weird thing is, I have met people who are mostly perfectly nice people who get utterly insane about their lawns. Mostly, it is indicative of a detestable personality, but when it isn't, it's just confusing and a little... creepy, although that may be too strong a word.
  • 0vvvv0 said:

    Tucker said:

    To my understanding mansplaining refers to the actor of explaining something patronizingly and in away that implies the person being splained at doesn't "really" understand what they're talking about

    nah mansplaining is that but specifically a guy doing it to a woman about something related to gender issues
    Usually, but certainly not exclusively. I have heard "mansplain" used to describe many similar behaviours and have used it in those contexts myself. The meaning has broadened with time.

    people who care too much about their lawns are some of the worst kinds of people

    The weird thing is, I have met people who are mostly perfectly nice people who get utterly insane about their lawns. Mostly, it is indicative of a detestable personality, but when it isn't, it's just confusing and a little... creepy, although that may be too strong a word.
    those are what we call serial killers in this part o' the country
  • kill living beings


  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Why do you hate hats? :(
  • the only genre I actually dislike in its entirety is polka.

    that's not a joke, the actual musical structures that make polka what it is are complete musical anathema to me. I'd actually rather listen to Merzbow and I hate Merzbow.
    Accordions are still cool though, right?
  • kill living beings
    I like accordions but not polka... I'm a fool
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    The only acceptable instrument is the theremin.
  • rayman said:




    don't let Aliroz hear you talking like that.
  • "A wrong note played timidly is a wrong note.  A wrong note played with authority is an interpretation."

    (found on Facebook)

    I'd revise that a bit.

    A wrong note played timidly is a wrong note.
    A wrong note played with confidence is an interpretation.
  • the only genre I actually dislike in its entirety is polka.

    that's not a joke, the actual musical structures that make polka what it is are complete musical anathema to me. I'd actually rather listen to Merzbow and I hate Merzbow.
    Accordions are still cool though, right?
  • kill living beings
    it's cool I don't hate hats

    simply, hate hate hat
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