The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Extremely Cool Lady hour on bbc 6 music
  • edited 2015-09-29 21:34:59
    My dreams exceed my real life
    Adam Wingard is directing a Death Note movie, and 
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    My mind feels a tad unpleasant right now, so the topic change to something as pleasant as Joni Mitchell was much appreciated.

    Thanks, Sunn.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    sunn wolf said:

    Extremely Cool Lady hour on bbc 6 music

    That is rad.
    Odradek said:

    Adam Wingard is directing a Death Note movie, and 

    So the guy who did Kiss Kiss Bang Bang dropped out? I am disappoint. This guy sounds hella weird, though.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    sunn wolf said:

    Extremely Cool Lady hour on bbc 6 music

    That is rad.
    Odradek said:

    Adam Wingard is directing a Death Note movie, and 

    So the guy who did Kiss Kiss Bang Bang dropped out? I am disappoint. This guy sounds hella weird, though.
    Go see You're Next and or The Guest
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Are they good?
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    Go in as blind as possible.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Odradek said:
    I seriously misread some of that as "huck" as in Huckleberry Hound
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Odradek said:


    Go in as blind as possible.

    Will do!
  • kill living beings
    slept to avoid olive oil
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    I like Old Navy.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Ugh, Goodbye Deponia is in the Humble Indie Bundle.

    (For an explanation of why Goodbye Deponia is a Bad Game, click here. If you want a TL;DR: At one point, you literally sell a black woman to be an organ grinder's monkey. This is not the only time the game is trash.)
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    Cancer Winkercancer
  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Odradek said:


  • Ugh, Goodbye Deponia is in the Humble Indie Bundle.

    (For an explanation of why Goodbye Deponia is a Bad Game, click here. If you want a TL;DR: At one point, you literally sell a black woman to be an organ grinder's monkey. This is not the only time the game is trash.)

    Oh, gross. A shame, too; the art style is undoubtedly appealing, but it looks like that's all that the game's got going for it.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Odradek said:


    The collection named for this story arc was my favorite of the C&H books as a kid and it's definitely still in my top 3.
  • edited 2015-09-30 00:19:28
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    I really want the omnibus, so, so badly.
  • A man jumps out of a plane for the first time. At 3,000m he tries to undo his parachute, but the cord fails. At 2,000m he tries to open the emergency chute but that doesn't work either. At 1,000m he bumps into a man wearing blue overalls, carrying a spanner. "Can you repair parachutes?" asks the first man. "'Fraid not," says the other. "I only do boilers."

    Ugh, Goodbye Deponia is in the Humble Indie Bundle.

    (For an explanation of why Goodbye Deponia is a Bad Game, click here. If you want a TL;DR: At one point, you literally sell a black woman to be an organ grinder's monkey. This is not the only time the game is trash.)

    ...did fucking goobergrape write this :poop:
  • went to club night. house party drug dealer host is here. feel i made the right decision
  • edited 2015-09-30 00:34:26
    You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022


    I really want the omnibus, so, so badly.

    Watterson donated most of his original comics to Ohio State University and last year they did an exhibition where you could go in and look at them for free. Calvin and Hobbes practically was my childhood, so I was all giddy walking around looking at the original art of the comics I'd so often read reprints of in the books.

  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    I love seeing people from other countries try American stuff that they consider weird foreign things
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    sunn wolf said:

    went to club night. house party drug dealer host is here. feel i made the right decision

    I think so.
  • edited 2015-09-30 00:49:20
    We can do anything if we do it together.


    I really want the omnibus, so, so badly.

    That seems like it would be impossible to read unless you had a really sturdy table of some sort.
  • I had several Calvin & Hobbes collections, as well as two Far Side collections, but as with most of what he bought me, my stepdad took them with him when he moved out.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Your stepfather sounds like a really horrendous human being.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Like, even disregarding all the bigger issues, that is a complete violation of basic gift etiquette.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Plato's Symposium begins with a roomful of people at a party wondering why the poets have not written a hymn to love.

    How times have changed.
  • I refuse to read anything other than erotica that begins at a party.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    I had several Calvin & Hobbes collections, as well as two Far Side collections, but as with most of what he bought me, my stepdad took them with him when he moved out.

    Why? What would he care about them

    Let me guess, he feels them to have been his property because he paid for them
  • Odradek said:

    Plato's Symposium begins with a roomful of people at a party wondering why the poets have not written a hymn to love.

    How times have changed.
    I’m filled with the fading memory of those flowers
    that we both loved,
    even to this poor
    colorless thing-
    I saw it
    when I was a child-
    little prized among the living
    but the dead see,
    asking among themselves:
    What do I remember
    that was shaped
    as this thing is shaped?
    while our eyes fill
    with tears.
    Of love, abiding love
    it will be telling
    though too weak a wash of crimson
    colors it
    to make it wholly credible.
    There is something
    something urgent
    I have to say to you
    and you alone
    but it must wait
    while I drink in
    the joy of your approach,
    perhaps for the last time.
    And so
    with fear in my heart
    I drag it out
    and keep on talking
    for I dare not stop.
    Listen while I talk on
    against time.
    It will not be
    for long.
    I have forgot
    and yet I see clearly enough
    central to the sky
    which ranges round it.
    An odor
    springs from it!
    A sweetest odor!
    Honeysuckle! And now
    there comes the buzzing of a bee!
    and a whole flood
    of sister memories!
    Only give me time,
    time to recall them
    before I shall speak out.
    Give me time,
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.

    I refuse to read anything other than erotica that begins at a party.

    Even DnD campaigns?
  • damn it vanilla the formatting is important
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    I refuse to read anything other than erotica that begins at a party.

    Have you ever noticed how many horror movies start with a group of people who just want to PAAAAARRRR-TAAAAAYYYYYY
  • I refuse to read anything other than erotica that begins at a party.

    Even DnD campaigns?
    taverns are different than parties
  • edited 2015-09-30 01:42:11
    image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    have you never had a party at a pub/bar/club/tavern/graveyard
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    According to Lovecraft, the Necronomicon means "The Image of Dead Laws"
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    If the Necronomicon actually existed, there'd be a Penguin Books edition with a forward by a semi-celebrity.
  • Odradek said:

    If the Necronomicon actually existed, there'd be a Penguin Books edition with a forward by a semi-celebrity.

    The two Lovecraft things i have physical copies of have forwards by Joshi and Mieville
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    naney said:

    Odradek said:

    If the Necronomicon actually existed, there'd be a Penguin Books edition with a forward by a semi-celebrity.

    The two Lovecraft things i have physical copies of have forwards by Joshi and Mieville
    Well yes, but in the hypothetical universe where the Necronomicon existed, Lovecraft would only have incorporated it in his stories, not written it.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    I like how Ramsey Campbell had his characters talk about reading the Necronomicon in "The Render of the Veils". In a nutshell: "Yeah, some parts are creepy and cool, but it really pussyfoots around its subject matter, y'know? You would think something banned since the Dark Ages would be less vague and ponderous."
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