The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • My dreams exceed my real life

    Papa Kean is gonna commit braticide
  • Acererak said:
    That's a good summation. I think it understated how much Tumblrers take their fiction at face value. It's not just "Peridot has qualities of an abuser" it's "peridot is a horrible abuser and if you like her you are trash unfollow me please"

  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    Kexruct said:

    Acererak said:
    That's a good summation. I think it understated how much Tumblrers take their fiction at face value. It's not just "Peridot has qualities of an abuser" it's "peridot is a horrible abuser and if you like her you are trash unfollow me please"

    Have you even watched SU yet?
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Odradek said:


    Papa Kean is gonna commit braticide

    Extenuating circumstances. I'd give him five in minimum security, keep him away from glamping sites and private school grounds for ten.
  • Kexruct said:

    Acererak said:
    That's a good summation. I think it understated how much Tumblrers take their fiction at face value. It's not just "Peridot has qualities of an abuser" it's "peridot is a horrible abuser and if you like her you are trash unfollow me please"

    Have you even watched SU yet?

    Yeah. I wasn't /endorsing/ either of those statements.
  • iunno who would say peridot is an abuser because she has had no relationships with anyone?
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    Kexruct said:

    Kexruct said:

    Acererak said:
    That's a good summation. I think it understated how much Tumblrers take their fiction at face value. It's not just "Peridot has qualities of an abuser" it's "peridot is a horrible abuser and if you like her you are trash unfollow me please"

    Have you even watched SU yet?

    Yeah. I wasn't /endorsing/ either of those statements.
    I'm fully aware you weren't. I was just curious.
  • naney said:

    iunno who would say peridot is an abuser because she has had no relationships with anyone?

    Not necessarily an abuser but I do see people saying things similar to that.

  • peridot, a villain in a cartoon for kids, is problematic because she acts like a villain in a cartoon for kids
  • Essentially, yes.
  • i find that level of stupidity

  • LWLW
    edited 2015-09-26 23:06:04

    "There's more Yo-kai than taters in Idaho."
  • LW said:

    "There's more Yo-kai than taters in Idaho."

    This is a good sentence.

  • kill living beings
    lafcadio hearn wrote weird
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Kexruct said:


    Snape is one of the most sophisticated characters I have yet encountered in a children's book. He's really a wonderfully imagined person on so many levels.
  • LWLW
    edited 2015-09-26 23:14:20

    Kexruct said:

    LW said:

    "There's more Yo-kai than taters in Idaho."

    This is a good sentence.

  • Kexruct said:


    Snape is one of the most sophisticated characters I have yet encountered in a children's book. He's really a wonderfully imagined person on so many levels.
    The series ends with one of the most beautifully realized morals of forgiveness I've ever seen and it's downright hurtful seeing people roundly reject it.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    All fiction consists of historical documents of real events.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Kexruct said:

    Kexruct said:


    Snape is one of the most sophisticated characters I have yet encountered in a children's book. He's really a wonderfully imagined person on so many levels.
    The series ends with one of the most beautifully realized morals of forgiveness I've ever seen and it's downright hurtful seeing people roundly reject it.
    People don't like their simple stories being complicated after the fact.

    Or they assume it's all a Calvinist allegory and I'm all :?

  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Also: So there's a show on Cartoon Network called We Bare Bears, in which cartoon bears hang out and get into low-key adventure. Yarrun says it's kind of like Ed, Edd, and Eddy. I like it.

    So this Tumblr artist did a drawing of the three main characters, who look like this


    As humans who look like this


    Anyway, she got hate mail from some people on tumblr because drawing Grizz and Ice Bear as not fat was fat-phobic, and also the races were all wrong. She quit doing so because she didn't expect a backlash for something like that.

    It's just like.

    Tumblr sometimes.
  • they all seem... larger than average?

    like, they aint lean, they big people
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Also bears do tend to be bulky, so it's not like the designs are inherently fat-seeming.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I'm not sure.

    Apparently Panda is not Asian enough.
  • edited 2015-09-26 23:41:46
    We can do anything if we do it together.
    1. Of course they're all fat in bear forms, they're fucking bears.

    2. Her drawings look diverse as they are, at least to me.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    If I had to guess, maybe Ice Bear should be Inuit, and Grizz should be Native American?
  • Bears can't be held to your human standards

    They're frigging bears

    besides, that's pretty reasonable considering their rl counterparts. Pandas are lazy layabouts, Grizzlies are powerhouses, and Polar Bears are just huge, they just are
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    In the wild, Polar Bears can become all but invisible in a snowstorm. They cover their noses with a paw, as it's the only part that shows up.
  • My dreams exceed my real life

  • you know, by that logic you are problematic if your fursona belongs to a species that comes from a place where you dont live
  • Odradek said:

    i still need to watch this show but i definitely need to
  • you know, by that logic you are problematic if your fursona belongs to a species that comes from a place where you dont live
    This argument has been made.
  • Kex is problematic cuz he's not from the ocean
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    This is where Tumblr people and White Nationalists overlap
  • Kexruct said:

    you know, by that logic you are problematic if your fursona belongs to a species that comes from a place where you dont live
    This argument has been made.
    poe's law strikes again
  • for real though this sounds like something someone would make up and post to /r/bestoftumblr, i'm real sad that that happened.
  • idk how lazy someone would have to be to make this shit up when it happens like constantly and is seemingly unavoidable even to a master avoider of stupid internet things like myself
  • like, im starting to feel bad for telling odie and kex that they need to just unfollow more people because now this advice is proving fruitless to myself

    like, the only way i could imagine avoiding things like this is just not following anybody at all and living in the woods somewhere
  • I disagree but I don't really feel like talkin about this at length.

    Short version is that I think this stuff is stupid even if I think that in general problematic fanart is a thing that exists.

    In other news this Sean P record is really good even if the presence of Caitlyn Jenner bars early on it made me cringe. Not literally, but you know what I mean.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    Odradek said:

    This is where Tumblr people and White Nationalists overlap

    yeah the argument that complaints about cultural appropriation really closely resemble "race mixing is communism" is one that has been made
  • Starvin B has a few guest spots on this tape and idk who he is but he's impressive.

    when I formulate a plot your block is blaka-blow
  • for real though this sounds like something someone would make up and post to /r/bestoftumblr, i'm real sad that that happened.

    I mean if we are operating under the assumption that furry/otherkin/etc. is an identity about examining a person's relationship with animals, mythological concepts, and fiction, to imply that one has a deep fundamental connection to, say, a character of a different race, or a mythological creature important to a different culture would strike me as at least somewhat appropriative.
  • Kexruct said:

    for real though this sounds like something someone would make up and post to /r/bestoftumblr, i'm real sad that that happened.

    I mean if we are operating under the assumption that furry/otherkin/etc. is an identity about examining a person's relationship with animals, mythological concepts, and fiction, to imply that one has a deep fundamental connection to, say, a character of a different race, or a mythological creature important to a different culture would strike me as at least somewhat appropriative.
    dude to be totally honest with you I just don't really wanna talk about this.
  • if we're talking about weird fan reactions to things can we talk about the contingent of people who hate that Peridot is "a good guy" now because "presenting villains as just misunderstood people is dangerous".
  • if we're talking about weird fan reactions to things can we talk about the contingent of people who hate that Peridot is "a good guy" now because "presenting villains as just misunderstood people is dangerous".

    my actual reaction to reading this was a long series of vowel noises and gesticulations
  • that is a near-direct quote.

    Granted it's an opinion I've seen expressed by maybe 4 or 5 people and I don't know if that's enough to count as a "contingent". But it was a weird thing to discover people were upset about.
  • if i saw someone earnestly express that opinion i would like, refuse to associate with them
  • It amazes me that the inability to forgive even extends to fucking fictional characters.
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