The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Kexruct said:

    Like why is that a notion that bothers you so much

    I cannot even begin to imagine an internet series more dedicated to being gentle and non contentious than Extra Credits and the fact that you're taking this so personally is baffling to me

    why do you treat me like a drooling idiot
  • Like I get that you feel like you're being told your emotions are wrong, I get that that's frustrating, and I've totally been there

    But is this really the right place to take so much offense? A video about Mario Kart?
  • edited 2015-09-20 22:17:19
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    It bothers me to be told i like a thing when i do not like said thing.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    And no, i definitely took way too much offense, and i'm sorry for blowing up the way i did.
  • Kexruct said:

    Like why is that a notion that bothers you so much

    I cannot even begin to imagine an internet series more dedicated to being gentle and non contentious than Extra Credits and the fact that you're taking this so personally is baffling to me

    why do you treat me like a drooling idiot
    I was speaking to Tachyon, but you're right that I'm browbeating and being patronizing.

    I'm sorry.

  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    The point is that Tach disagrees with the point, not necessarily how it was presented per se, and that it seemed like you were saying that Tach disagreeing was just wrong and stupid.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Honestly, Sredni, i got mad before Kex said anything beyond posting the video, so he has a point.

    TBH i didn't like the presentation of the video either, but that wouldn't have annoyed me like it did if i weren't already out of temper.
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    Tachyon said:

    not Kex, Crystal, the Extra Credits guys

    My bad.
  • edited 2015-09-20 22:23:18
    But I barely said a damn thing about the point in the first place.

    I'm just so sick of people reading this insane amount of superiority into every opinion I state. Every. Time. This argument happens it's always "you tried to tell everyone else that they were stupid" and, just, I'm reading over my posts and I don't see any of that. I wish people would give me more credit.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    As to what i didn't like about the video's presentation: The high pitched distorted voice.  A full minute of praising a game mechanic i despise while playing footage of said mechanic in HD slow motion before they even began to offer their argument in favour of it.  The insipid "everybody wins" conclusion that denies even the existence of any opposing view.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i'm not mad at the moment, i'm just saying, since you asked, what i disliked.
  • If anything I see people trying to tell *me* that I'm immature and need to learn my place all the time and any time I try to assert myself people think I'm trying to call people stupid.
  • kill living beings
    Zeether said:

    Why don't people call it the Spiny Shell

    because it is blue
  • Tachyon said:

    As to what i didn't like about the video's presentation: The high pitched distorted voice.  A full minute of praising a game mechanic i despise while playing footage of said mechanic in HD slow motion before they even began to offer their argument in favour of it.  The insipid "everybody wins" conclusion that denies even the existence of any opposing view.

    You're reading a lot more intentional contention than is appropriate here.

    I mean, do you expect them to make a video and spend the last section saying "here's are viewpoint, but here's why were totally wrong about everything we said."

    They weren't having a debate, they were presenting a position in an academic context and providing reasoning for it.

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Kexruct said:

    If anything I see people trying to tell *me* that I'm immature and need to learn my place all the time and any time I try to assert myself people think I'm trying to call people stupid.

    You have not been immature in this discussion.  You were perfectly right that i was excessively angry.  It was not unreasonable to post that video, although i don't agree with it.
  • kill living beings
    i'll contention your ass
  • edited 2015-09-20 22:29:29
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Kexruct said:

    Tachyon said:

    As to what i didn't like about the video's presentation: The high pitched distorted voice.  A full minute of praising a game mechanic i despise while playing footage of said mechanic in HD slow motion before they even began to offer their argument in favour of it.  The insipid "everybody wins" conclusion that denies even the existence of any opposing view.

    You're reading a lot more intentional contention than is appropriate here.

    I mean, do you expect them to make a video and spend the last section saying "here's are viewpoint, but here's why were totally wrong about everything we said."

    They weren't having a debate, they were presenting a position in an academic context and providing reasoning for it.

    i don't believe they intended the voice or the intro to be annoying.  That's on me.

    When your position is "nobody disagrees with us even if they think they do", i reserve the right to hate that position and consider it BS, regardless of whether it is "academic" or not.
  • Kexruct said:

    If anything I see people trying to tell *me* that I'm immature and need to learn my place all the time and any time I try to assert myself people think I'm trying to call people stupid.

    you say this constantly but what else am I supposed to read into the exaggerated exasperation you break out seemingly every time anyone talks to you about anything and doesn't agree with you right away?

    I'm not a blithering idiot, I'm able to understand that you don't think, at least consciously, that your opinions are objectively correct at all times, but the way you present what you say (or in some cases don't present, in the case of just saying something "is brilliant" and then letting a Youtube video do the talking for you) makes it very hard to have a discussion with you that doesn't devolve into, well, all of this.

    If you don't actually want to have this discussion than that's totally fine but then I'm curious as to why you showed us the video in the first place.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    You can tell me what your opinion is, but do not presume to tell me what my opinion is, Extra Credits guys.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    goddammit people

    let's talk about something less controversial, like religion
  • goddammit people

    let's talk about something less controversial, like religion

    JESUS SUCKS GAY ASS (*a smug picture of Dawkins superimposed over the Crab Nebula*)
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    the Crab Nebula is cool
  • Cooler than Jesus
  • Tachyon said:

    You can tell me what your opinion is, but do not presume to tell me what my opinion is, Extra Credits guys.

    That's what I'm saying, I think this is an unfair and needlessly uncharitable way to read this.
  • like for fuck's sake you're clearly an intelligent person and I would love to just be able to TALK to you without being told "and here's why you're wrong about this opinion you hold!" and then be told why BioShock is brilliant.

    like christ man I don't even really know what video games you like

    like what's your game of the year so far? I don't know! You seem to talk about game design but never actually about games, and I find that very frustrating and difficult to engage with!

    I don't know, maybe I'm the problem. It would not be the first time and it probably won't be the last, but more than anything you confuse me.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Dawkins hasn't published anything in biology in decades. Being an idiotic asshole is his career now.
  • kill living beings
    i want to eliminate vibration
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Kexruct said:

    Tachyon said:

    You can tell me what your opinion is, but do not presume to tell me what my opinion is, Extra Credits guys.

    That's what I'm saying, I think this is an unfair and needlessly uncharitable way to read this.
    Alright, i'm listening.  Go on.
  • Odradek said:

    Dawkins hasn't published anything in biology in decades. Being an idiotic asshole is his career now.

    and what a career it is
  • tbf that's a widely-practiced career nowadays
  • kill living beings
    i think the only dawkins i've actually read is the introduction of the selfish gene, which i gave up on because he spent the whole thing comparing christianity to a virus. i am trying to learn biology, here.
  • naney said:

    imi i think you would like this even though it is not your usual cup of tea
  • kill living beings
    plus the idea of the selfish gene is kind of reductive. dawkins has walked back on the really reductive parts, rightly, but that pretty must just leaves us with "genetics is complicated", which isn't new to me, though it might have been when first published.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I've said this before, but Douglas Adams's writing grew noticeably worse when he became a Dawkins fan.
  • Odradek said:

    I've said this before, but Douglas Adams's writing grew noticeably worse when he became a Dawkins fan.

    it's weird i did not notice this until you pointed it out
  • Aw, I brought Dusty's dinner in and she followed me around and started nomming immediately. Cone of Shame and all.
  • also I actually forget who said this earlier but yes Shadow of The Colossus is an interesting game
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I did.

    It has some of the best exploration of any game.
  • I have been told that the controls are kind of slippy though.
  • Tachyon said:

    Kexruct said:

    Tachyon said:

    You can tell me what your opinion is, but do not presume to tell me what my opinion is, Extra Credits guys.

    That's what I'm saying, I think this is an unfair and needlessly uncharitable way to read this.
    Alright, i'm listening.  Go on.
    I mean logically speaking if you hold an opinion, and recognize that others hold other opinions, part of coming to terms with what you believe is coming to a conclusion about why other people believe what they believe and deciding what you think of their methodology?

    It's nothing personal, they're not trying to dictate your emotional response, it's just sometimes it's necessary to step back and ask yourself why your emotional response is what it is.

    Like okay. When Anita Sarkeesian suggested it was defensiveness and nostalgia that prevented me from seeing sexism in games I love, yeah, it felt like she was trying to force me to agree with her and act like I was stupid. But it was important for me to interpret my own emotions and really think critically about them and I grew a lot as a result of considering that, yeah, maybe even a company I love does have a problem.

    like for fuck's sake you're clearly an intelligent person and I would love to just be able to TALK to you without being told "and here's why you're wrong about this opinion you hold!" and then be told why BioShock is brilliant.

    like christ man I don't even really know what video games you like

    like what's your game of the year so far? I don't know! You seem to talk about game design but never actually about games, and I find that very frustrating and difficult to engage with!

    I don't know, maybe I'm the problem. It would not be the first time and it probably won't be the last, but more than anything you confuse me.
    *I don't think Bioshock is brilliant. I think it is twee and pretentious but had enough interesting things going on to be an overall good game.
    *I don't have a game of the year because I don't play new games because they're expensive
    *I talk about game design in the abstract because I usually jump off from saying something about a specific game but then people take it personally and it gets abstract.
    *I talk about games I like all the time. Most of the games I'm truly enthusiastic about I quickly feel stupid talking about.
  • Fun fact, when I was a kid I was like... weirdly obsessed with Lakitu.

    The enemy with the spiny eggs in the Mario games.

    I thought it was the cutest thing ever.

  • Kexruct said:

    Tachyon said:

    Kexruct said:

    Tachyon said:

    *I don't think Bioshock is brilliant. I think it is twee and pretentious but had enough interesting things going on to be an overall good game.
    *I don't have a game of the year because I don't play new games because they're expensive
    *I talk about game design in the abstract because I usually jump off from saying something about a specific game but then people take it personally and it gets abstract.
    *I talk about games I like all the time. Most of the games I'm truly enthusiastic about I quickly feel stupid talking about.
    1. that is not something I knew before now. I would agree with that actually though I suspect we found different things about it interesting.

    2. this is fair but i might suggest maybe getting into indie games more. They're cheaper, usually.

    3. Yeah but when people ask you what you mean you tend to not elaborate.

    4. like?

    5. why?
  • We all seem to be talking past each other at this point, isn't that right ridiculous strawman I made exactly for this post.

    Ridiculous strawman: fuck you Counterclock, no one cares about your opinions. 

    Listen Strawman, just calm down for a moment, if you're unclear about my opinion, then ask, elaborate, discuss stuff with me, instead of trying to go over my head deliberately.

    Ridiculous strawman: fuck you, I'm angry and talking past you, and though maybe there's traits of various people that I represent, all of them are exaggerated to a degree that the original point of which is lost in my hyperbolic views of people who disagree with you.

    Strawman, if we can't have this conversation on equal terms with each other, in good faith with each other, maybe we should stop talking to each other, and if either of us breaks the rules of conversation, report each other instead of melting down and nuking the thread with our viewpoints bouncing against each other.

    Ridiculous Strawman: fuck you Counterclock, I'm going to let my passive aggressive anger at you stew over until I feel it's appropriate to explode while I also continue to make snipey comments at you.
  • I think it was because of the smiley cloud.

    I also think Boos are cute.
  • oh and I was also obsessed with the Minus World.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • counterclock, you seem to butt into conversations in a very non-constructive and inflammatory manner a lot
  • Odradek said:


    See? Super cute! :D
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