The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    What? Why?
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    It would almost be like if people who liked Dexter's Laboratory hated people who liked The Powerpuff Girls
  • Anonus said:

    What? Why?


    I have seen the idea floated by a handful (and I really do mean just like 2 or 3) people that Adventure Time is somehow problematic but I've never actually seen it explained why.

    I will say that what AT has that SU does not is that it's been running long enough that it's developed an epic, Samurai Jack-ish feel with how long the story's gone on. It's very decompressed and the story mostly focuses on Finn.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    If you ask me it's problematic because I credit it for the death of CN's ties to the Hanna-Barbera-inspired look, but that will come back into vogue someday anyway...
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Manhua is wild.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    (SU looks a lot like the old H-B shorts background-wise, but those are probably more inspired by, like, the paintings in the original Paper Mario than anything else)
  • Adventure Time fandom versus Pony Fandom: which children marketed media is more okay for an older audience of males to watch. 
  • YFIP: Adventure Time

    - noodly arms, noodly arms everywhere
    - hide your lesbians
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Inkblot animation had noodly (rubber-hosey really) limbs too

    And Betty Boop secretly did stuff with Olive Oyl
  • Know your lines? Of course you know your lines! But I don't want to just hear your lines...I wanna hear what's in YOUR SOULS!!
    I never realized that people really hated Fairly Oddparents, at least the recent seasons. I never found it really that funny to begin with.
  • Adventure Time fandom versus Pony Fandom: which children marketed media is more okay for an older audience of males to watch. 

    (*the sound of 10,000 reaching tumblr users echoes in the distance*)
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I say My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is more okay because it is (or will be soon) on Another Cartoon Network and we need to do everything we can to keep ACN alive
  • naney said:

    Adventure Time fandom versus Pony Fandom: which children marketed media is more okay for an older audience of males to watch. 

    (*the sound of 10,000 reaching tumblr users echoes in the distance*)
    I thought Reddit had the most fedoras. 
  • I think something that is worth remembering is that not everyone engages with everything on the same level.

    Many people who watch Steven Universe would not identify themselves as "Animation Fans" for the same reason that many people who listened to 50 Cent in 2002 aren't necessarily hip-hop fans. 
    naney said:

    Adventure Time fandom versus Pony Fandom: which children marketed media is more okay for an older audience of males to watch. 

    (*the sound of 10,000 reaching tumblr users echoes in the distance*)
    no one on tumblr watches Adventure Time
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I thought Adventure Time was the most Tumblr show, at least for a long time
  • i was more recalling that time a year or two back where like half of tumblr was trying desperately to couch the fact that they found bronies super embarrassing in SJ terminology because just finding them embarrassing was too mean or w/e, nothing to do with AT
  • that was so cringeworthy
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Your problem is flavourmatic.
  • naney said:

    i was more recalling that time a year or two back where like half of tumblr was trying desperately to couch the fact that they found bronies super embarrassing in SJ terminology because just finding them embarrassing was too mean or w/e, nothing to do with AT

    naaaaaaaaaaaaaaah some bronies definitely actually are like, 

    you know

    it's weird to see adult men yelling about how a show for little girls isn't for little girls
    naney said:

    that was so cringeworthy

    if anything u read online actually makes u cringe u should really see a doctor
  • like i hate the term "cringeworthy" so much

    it's impossible to not read it in the douchiest dudebro voice possible.

    "aw brah that was totally cringeworthy dude"
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    A lot of things about the MLP:FIM fandom are embarrassing and have been from very early on.

    The constant C.S. Lewis quoting. The acting as though nerds watching children's cartoons was unprecedented. The tendency to act as though the show and its usage of stock cartoon plots and character types was groundbreaking and novel (though I do credit them for some twists).
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    And that isn't getting into what the fandom actually gets whipped for.
  • naney said:

    i was more recalling that time a year or two back where like half of tumblr was trying desperately to couch the fact that they found bronies super embarrassing in SJ terminology because just finding them embarrassing was too

    the "best" (here meaning worst) part of this came when all those same people started watching Steven Universe and then had to come up with elaborate workarounds for how everything they said about bronies didnt apply to them now.
  • I actually, legitimately, think that MLPFIM is bad, and what I saw of it had very few redeeming qualities at all, at least to me.
  • I actually, legitimately, think that MLPFIM is bad, and what I saw of it had very few redeeming qualities at all, at least to me.

    yeah it definitely was tbh
  • naney said:

    naney said:

    i was more recalling that time a year or two back where like half of tumblr was trying desperately to couch the fact that they found bronies super embarrassing in SJ terminology because just finding them embarrassing was too

    the "best" (here meaning worst) part of this came when all those same people started watching Steven Universe and then had to come up with elaborate workarounds for how everything they said about bronies didnt apply to them now.
    have you been replaced with a stereotypical redditor

  • naney said:

    i was more recalling that time a year or two back where like half of tumblr was trying desperately to couch the fact that they found bronies super embarrassing in SJ terminology because just finding them embarrassing was too mean or w/e, nothing to do with AT

    naaaaaaaaaaaaaaah some bronies definitely actually are like, 

    you know

    it's weird to see adult men yelling about how a show for little girls isn't for little girls
    naney said:

    that was so cringeworthy

    if anything u read online actually makes u cringe u should really see a doctor
    1. there were like, 4 cherrypicked examples for this happening. not to say that the whole brony thing wasnt a huge trainwreck, but still

    2. believe it or not cringing is something that is not a particularaly strong response, many things can elicit it.
  • naney said:

    naney said:

    i was more recalling that time a year or two back where like half of tumblr was trying desperately to couch the fact that they found bronies super embarrassing in SJ terminology because just finding them embarrassing was too

    the "best" (here meaning worst) part of this came when all those same people started watching Steven Universe and then had to come up with elaborate workarounds for how everything they said about bronies didnt apply to them now.
    have you been replaced with a stereotypical redditor
  • edited 2015-09-07 04:49:52
    We can do anything if we do it together.
    The MLP fandom is how I met Edlyn and gained a sense of self for the first time in my life, so I can't really ever be against it.

    In fact, I still find the show mildly amusing (and the comics somewhat moreso), but then I actually like RWBY too, so whatever.
  • Know your lines? Of course you know your lines! But I don't want to just hear your lines...I wanna hear what's in YOUR SOULS!!
    I still need to watch Steven Universe but I'm still constantly obsessing over Hey Arnold
  • DAE RELIEGEON IM WEARING MY OCBD WITH MY BEESWAX CDBS AND MY TIMEX WEEKENDER, I HATE FAT PEOPLE, VOTE RON PAUL (*Blows like the hugest vape cloud ever as a smokescreen, vanishes into the night in my Guy Fawkes mask*)
  • Zeether said:

    I still need to watch Steven Universe but I'm still constantly obsessing over Hey Arnold

    That's a crossover idea that would be amusing. 
  • shit i forgot to mention my unbranded selvedge and my killshots and also that my OCBD is from Uniqlo
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.

    That's a crossover idea that would be amusing. 

    For about ten seconds.

    Oh hey, look at that, time's up.
  • edit: nevermind, I'm done trying to actually engage this. It's pointless.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    I don't even know.
  • for the Confederacy & Spongebob-loving Arab in your family.
  • edit: nevermind, I'm done trying to actually engage this. It's pointless.

    sorry to get you down bro

    (*hands you like 50 Uniqlo OCBDs as a sorry present*)
  • naney said:

    edit: nevermind, I'm done trying to actually engage this. It's pointless.

    sorry to get you down bro

    (*hands you like 50 Uniqlo OCBDs as a sorry present*)
    this would probably be hilarious if I know what those were.
  • i am just really tired of seemingly every conversation I have with anyone about anything leading to "you know what? I really hate this specific group of people. Let me just ramble about that for 40 minutes."

    it really happens like far more than you'd reasonably expect
  • edited 2015-09-07 05:01:01
    I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    naney said:

    I actually, legitimately, think that MLPFIM is bad, and what I saw of it had very few redeeming qualities at all, at least to me.

    yeah it definitely was tbh
    Redeeming qualities of FIM to me:


    The colorful Hanna-Barbera-ish aesthetic

    It boosting Tara Strong's profile (too bad for the other, Canadian Talent Pool VAs though)
  • TreTre
    edited 2015-09-07 05:01:13
    Ponies are neither great nor terrible. They merely exist, and are okay, IMO.

    RWBY was enjoyable when I watched it, if a bit
    lacking in depth due to its episode length. It was definitely clear that Monty had a vision planned out for it, though, and it's really disappointing that he won't be here to see it through. :/
  • edited 2015-09-07 05:02:17

    naney said:

    edit: nevermind, I'm done trying to actually engage this. It's pointless.

    sorry to get you down bro

    (*hands you like 50 Uniqlo OCBDs as a sorry present*)
    this would probably be hilarious if I know what those were.

    this shirt

  • naney said:

    naney said:

    edit: nevermind, I'm done trying to actually engage this. It's pointless.

    sorry to get you down bro

    (*hands you like 50 Uniqlo OCBDs as a sorry present*)
    this would probably be hilarious if I know what those were.

    this shirt
    I'm sorry, I don't really see the humor in button-ups.

    Is it because it's overly stuffy? 
  • My ear's been fucked up for like a straight month now.

    I'm fairly confident at this point that it's never going to get better.
  • it's the default shirt r/malefashionadvice recommends because it goes with everything, is suitable for all seasons, comfortable, inexpensive and fits well

    as such, many people who are new to the forum end up with these kinda identikit wardrobes featuring:

    * these shirts

    * kickstarter brand selvedge jeans

    * clarks desert boots

    the level of oversaturation hit a peak around like 2013-ish and it ended up becoming a meme/running gag
  • naney said:

    it's the default shirt r/malefashionadvice recommends because it goes with everything, is suitable for all seasons, comfortable, inexpensive and fits well

    as such, many people who are new to the forum end up with these kinda identikit wardrobes featuring:

    * these shirts

    * kickstarter brand selvedge jeans

    * clarks desert boots

    the level of oversaturation hit a peak around like 2013-ish and it ended up becoming a meme/running gag

    I feel like I just lack whatever paraphysical organ lets people understand fashion in any capacity.
  • and holy shit have I said that my ear hurts lately
  • Kickstart my heart... literally.

    pls donate to my kickstarter. 
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