The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • kill living beings
    i was into harry potter before it was cool (i went as potter on halloween and nobody recognized me) and then i never bothered to read the last book

    lol me
  • There was someone in my brother's year at Sixth Form called Harry Potter.

    Who was named 8 years before the first book came out.
  • i was into harry potter before it was cool (i went as potter on halloween and nobody recognized me) and then i never bothered to read the last book

    lol me

    So what you're really saying is that you dressed up as Hipster Potter. 
  • Tools said:

    My dad read the first Harry Potter book to me as a bedtime story. It's definitely a bedtime story.

    The third HP book is my favourite because of the time travel elements.


    I'm a sucker for time travel.

    They did kind of drop Time Travel altogether after that though. 
    Which fucking sucks.

  • i was into harry potter before it was cool (i went as potter on halloween and nobody recognized me) and then i never bothered to read the last book

    lol me

    relatable content
  • I like the second Harry Potter a lot.

    It is relevant to my interests.
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    The second Harry Potter book is aso relevant to my interests.
  • edited 2015-08-31 22:59:39
    The last book was bad. The charm and humour were absent, and too many people died. I know that's the reality of war, but goddamn it. I wanted to read about a boy wizard learning magic shit, not a bloody war.
  • kill living beings

    i was into harry potter before it was cool (i went as potter on halloween and nobody recognized me) and then i never bothered to read the last book

    lol me

    So what you're really saying is that you dressed up as Hipster Potter. 
    a six year old dressed as a hipster sounds kind of adorable, tbh, magical or not
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Tools said:

    The last book was bad. The charm and humour were absent, and too many people died. I know that's the reality of war, but goddamn it. I wanted to read about a boy wizard learning magic shit, not a bloody war.

    Man, almost exactly endgame Animorphs.  
  • I went as a Dementor for a Guide Halloween party once. This was during my goth phase, so it was perfect. I melted like a bitch wearing my dad's speech day cloak thing.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    i was into harry potter before it was cool (i went as potter on halloween and nobody recognized me) and then i never bothered to read the last book

    Hey, I did that too!

    I had a knack for picking Halloween costumes that only people my age would recognize, which was neat. In 3rd grade I went as Ed from Good Burger, which was fun because all the kids knew exactly who I was and all the adults were like "who are you supposed to be?"
  • And then I went as Moaning Myrtle to see Harry Potter Deathly Hallows part one. Was fun.
  • I basically wore my senior school uniform and was horrified at how short my skirt was.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    There's a design flaw in this laptop and it's become more noticeable over the years.

    Namely: the headphone jack is positioned on the right-hand side near the front edge...meaning the cord comes out right where I tend to rest my wrist when using a mouse.

    This means that I end up jerking the headphone cord around and it makes noticeable cracks and pops as I do.

    My old laptop didn't have this problem because the headphone jack was on the front...
  • I accidentally went as Snape to... I forgot which movie.

    Well, sort of. I was wearing black, my hair needed washing (and was about to my shoulders), and I'm pale with a large nose. 
  • edited 2015-08-31 23:11:58
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Sorceror's Stone (don't care 'bout Britain or Rowling, it is and shall remain Sorceror's Stone to me) was one of the first non-picture books I ever read cover to cover. I think Lion, Witch, and Wardrobe was the actual first.

    I understood precisely none of what was going on, but I liked the words and the atmosphere and the descriptions of things. I was entertained by the anecdotes rather than the main plot.

    I remember watching the first movie in the theater when I was very young and being completely unable to understand the english accents. Also, unable to tell if it was real or not (I didn't figure out reality from fantasy until later, with Disney's The Little Mermaid. I knew from school that Fish didn't talk or sing, and I liked to watch the fish swimming so peaceful. I thought there was a place where everyone was a cartoon. The singing, talking fish were just so wrong to me, I called BS and hated that movie for its lies).

    I did not connect the Harry Potter book to the movie until later.

    Young Rozzy, totally not-comprehending anything, with a mind so blown.

    I remember watching the second movie in the theater and knowing that it was a story. I remember being sad when Harry killed the Basilisk and being quite upset when he stabbed the diary. Tiny me: total Voldemort Suppporter.
  • I saw Philosopher's Stone when it first came out at the cinema and it blew my mind.

    A few years later, that cinema was changed into a large Sainsbury's. YNTKT.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Tre said:

    I personally enjoyed the author's other work in the Underland Chronicles a little more, but I liked them too, and I appreciate the movies' faithfulness to the source material.

    Woah, Hunger Games lady wrote those? Huh.

    Next it will turn out those books with Banderbears were written by the Russo Brothers.
  • edited 2015-08-31 23:14:36
    Harry Potter took place from 1991-1998, and yet there are no hideous fashion choices.

    I am disappoint
  • Aliroz said:

    Tools said:

    The last book was bad. The charm and humour were absent, and too many people died. I know that's the reality of war, but goddamn it. I wanted to read about a boy wizard learning magic shit, not a bloody war.

    Man, almost exactly endgame Animorphs.  
    Endgame Animorphs got pretty hella dark. I mean, not even Deathly Hallows got into bleeding PTSD
  • i was into harry potter before it was cool (i went as potter on halloween and nobody recognized me) and then i never bothered to read the last book

    lol me

    we were into homestuck before the trolls showed up
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Haven said:

    i was into harry potter before it was cool (i went as potter on halloween and nobody recognized me) and then i never bothered to read the last book

    lol me

    we were into homestuck before the trolls showed up
    You were into OOTS before the linear guild showed up.
  • That is correct and I'm surprised you remember that
  • It's not like I don't like it when a series gets dark. I'm not saying that. I don't mind things getting dark when it still has some comedy, or some happy moments to counteract the dark bits.

    It's when something gets too dark that I don't like.
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    So, tiny me leaning the difference between reality and fiction. Sometime between '01 and '02.

    Must have been shattering.  Stupid Mermaid.
  • It's 20 past midnight and I'm looking up sequels on bloody TVT instead fixing my sleeping patterns.
  • Hunger Games was extremely valuable in that it presented a lot of esoteric concepts in an accessible, resonant way. It was also a lot less polished than the likes of, say, Harry Potter.
  • can't sleep club is the coolest club
  • i have to be awake at 6am tomorrow. that's in five and a half hours. gr8
  • Y'all need some soothing music

    I have a whole playlist of soothing and calming music
  • I fall asleep listening to Homestuck music just a8out every night.

  • I fall asleep listening to classical and/or new age music.

    Occasionally indie rock.

  • i find it almost impossible to fall asleep listening to music, but when i do the music makes me have really vivid dreams

    like one dream where i could see the music in front of me that i posted about before. the only other time i fell asleep with music on, i was listening to agalloch and had dreams about wandering in snowy forests
  • The music is like a soundtrack to my dreams. If I'm listening to some badass sounding music, then I'm doing some badass. If I'm listening to relaxing music, I'm somewhere beautiful having a talk with someone in my dreams.
  • God I sound like such a weirdo now
  • I guess I could say that I was first for The Book Thief. I read the book way before the film came out.

    And cried like a bitch at the end.
  • Weirdo club is an oxymoron, you can't be weird if you're normalized through the meeting of a club.

  • edited 2015-08-31 23:44:02
    Just like my boobs make an excellent TV remote rest, my ribcage makes an excellent iPod rest.
  • Tools said:

    I guess I could say that I was first for The Book Thief. I read the book way before the film came out.

    And cried like a bitch at the end.

    It's been my favorite book since 9th grade, which would make it..6 or 7 years ago now? Probably more. 
  • And that bit of bone next to my boobs makes an excellent phone rest
  • Wait...
  • That's also my ribcage
  • I need sleep

    Sleep no come
  • I have given Dusty many snuggles tonight.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I was into antinatalism before True Detective happened.
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    You were into antinatalism like Booth's bullet was into Lincoln, Odra.
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