The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    some of us still have or have used non-SIM-card phones because some companies in the US don't like them.

    Even then, most smartphones sync your contacts with Google or Apple or whoever

  • edited 2015-08-10 13:59:34

    some of us still have or have used non-SIM-card phones because some companies in the US don't like them.

    Even then, most smartphones sync your contacts with Google or Apple or whoever

    last non-SIM-card phone I had was a non-smartphone.

    also I don't like synching up my contacts with a service like that; i'd rather back them up locally

    (and some days i'm not sure contacts are a good thing because we rely on them to remember numbers and consequently forget the mumbers themselves)

    but fortunately cell phone company stores have devices that can export/import contacts lists

    they're not perfect, such as this last one attempting to guess the given name and surname parts of my contacts' names rather than porting them as is, but at least it's better than nothing I guess?
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Sometimes I envy people who live in New York for being inherently more important than me
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    THE LAST DAYS OF NEW PARIS is an intense and gripping tale set in an alternative universe: June 1940 following Paris’ fall to the Germans, the villa of Air-Bel in Marsailles, is filled with Trotskyists, anti-fascists, exiled artists, and surrealists. One Air-Bel dissident decides the best way to fight the Nazis is to construct a surrealist bomb. When the bomb is accidentally detonated, surrealist Cataclysm sweeps Paris and transforms it according to a violent, weaponized dream logic.
  • edited 2015-08-10 14:09:18

    Sometimes I envy people who live in New York for being inherently more important than me

    I think I subconsciously try to give more attention to small towns because I feel they get disproportionately less attention and I'm trying to right that.

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    Sometimes I envy people who live in New York for being inherently more important than me

    They're really not though.  Not at all, in fact.  This is so not true and i don't know how to make you or anyone else here see it.

    Sometimes I envy people who live in New York for being inherently more important than me

    I think I subconsciously try to give more attention to small towns because I feel they get disproportionately less attention and I'm trying to right that.

    i appreciate this.
  • it seems like the washing machine is broken

    also one of my friends has fallen off his bike and done his wrist in and i am going with him to a&e

    today is interesting, i guess
  • if i will it hard enough can I reverse time?
  • if i will it hard enough can I reverse time?

    no, i can't. therefore the laws of physics are morally wrong.

    brb devising a difficult JRPG battle against the laws of physics themselves
  • edited 2015-08-10 14:29:16
    edit: duplicated post
  • explanation: i just had a dream wherein my mom made some soup for me but she accidentally poured it down the drain when she was done and i started trying to make it come back up the drain by sheer force of will

    and then i awoke again, cursing the irreversibility of reality
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    explanation: i just had a dream wherein my mom made some soup for me but she accidentally poured it down the drain when she was done and i started trying to make it come back up the drain by sheer force of will

    and then i awoke again, cursing the irreversibility of reality

    12 monkeys
  • Odradek said:

    explanation: i just had a dream wherein my mom made some soup for me but she accidentally poured it down the drain when she was done and i started trying to make it come back up the drain by sheer force of will

    and then i awoke again, cursing the irreversibility of reality

    12 monkeys
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Embedded image permalink
  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Well I was reading some post where a goon said that he couldn't accept a job offer because even though it was physically only 20 miles from his location it would take 2 hours to drive there from Long Island

    And that made me feel inferior because I don't think I'll ever get to have the experience of what it's like to live in New York
  • truust me, the big city 'oh hey this place is 10 miles from my location as the crow flies and it took me 90 minutes to get here' thing is fucking annoying
  • being in london and walking around london feels nice, u feel at the centre of things in a way that you dont in other parts of the country, but in practical terms livin there is a fuckin drag and sucks in a lot of ways
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    You could move there, if that's what you're set on doing.

    There's lots of places you'll never have the experience of living in, though.  And most people will never have the experience of living in New York.  Or for that matter, Columbus.

    idk, it's one thing to admire a place, it's another to think that people who live elsewhere are inherently inferior
  • just visit these places, walk around, feel centred, and then fuck off outta them and dont live there.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    how's your friend's wrist?
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Honestly, I'm just kinda in a bleh mood today because Anonus is leaving and I'm probably projecting that bleh-ness into stuff I saw on SA while he was sleeping.

  • edited 2015-08-10 15:21:00
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    it's ok, really . . . i guess i just feel like 'i wish i was from x, then i would matter' is a common sentiment around here and it's really weird to me and honestly a bit insulting
  • Tachyon said:

    how's your friend's wrist?

    he's in a&e waiting to be seen

    he can't really straighten it without being in a fair amount of pain so it is probably fractured, but also it might just be a sprain. we'll see in a few hours
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    either way, ouch :o

    here's hoping it's not too bad, and they can take a look at it soon
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Metal is the worst genre, because people will make fun of you if you like anything that has vocals that don't sound like a cat having its throat ripped out
  • there is plenty of good and respected metal which does not use harsh vocals
  • myr if youre being serious about this, really dude, too often it seems like you have a bad experience, or a couple of bad experiences, with someone being an ass to you and then massively generalise against huge groups of people off it. not every metal fan is an asshole (though, granted, the asshole fans in metal tend to be very vocal, on the internet. you just gotta remember theyre assholes)
  • I changed my mind

    I miss you guys
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    Hi, Tools.

    i'm sorry about yesterday.  i should have been more considerate.

    i didn't expect to see you again so soon, but i'm glad.
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
  • edited 2015-08-10 16:17:12
    We can do anything if we do it together.
    Hello Tools.

    Glad to see that you stayed after all.
  • Welcome back, Tools :)

    @ sunn wolf: really hope your friend's wrist gets better soon

    meanwhile i'm headed to the doctor's office for a routine checkup...but with a headache
  • Man, what is sherry even?

    I feel like it's alcoholic, but also fruit-based in some way? A wine, maybe?

    Frig, why do I make alcohol references despite not drinking the stuff?
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    sunn wolf said:

    myr if youre being serious about this, really dude, too often it seems like you have a bad experience, or a couple of bad experiences, with someone being an ass to you and then massively generalise against huge groups of people off it. not every metal fan is an asshole (though, granted, the asshole fans in metal tend to be very vocal, on the internet. you just gotta remember theyre assholes)

    I'd like to run into them, instead of people who are just snobs.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    Odradek said:

    sunn wolf said:

    myr if youre being serious about this, really dude, too often it seems like you have a bad experience, or a couple of bad experiences, with someone being an ass to you and then massively generalise against huge groups of people off it. not every metal fan is an asshole (though, granted, the asshole fans in metal tend to be very vocal, on the internet. you just gotta remember theyre assholes)

    I'd like to run into them, instead of people who are just snobs.
    You're talking to one of them.
  • 8oop
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I am so fucking angry right now and I hate everything and I want to break things
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    Odradek said:

    sunn wolf said:

    myr if youre being serious about this, really dude, too often it seems like you have a bad experience, or a couple of bad experiences, with someone being an ass to you and then massively generalise against huge groups of people off it. not every metal fan is an asshole (though, granted, the asshole fans in metal tend to be very vocal, on the internet. you just gotta remember theyre assholes)

    I'd like to run into them, instead of people who are just snobs.
    You're talking to one of them.
    I am probably misjudging, whatever, wouldn't be the first time, sorry
  • Man, what is sherry even?

    I feel like it's alcoholic, but also fruit-based in some way? A wine, maybe?

    Frig, why do I make alcohol references despite not drinking the stuff?
    yes, it's a fortified white wine

    Odradek said:

    sunn wolf said:

    myr if youre being serious about this, really dude, too often it seems like you have a bad experience, or a couple of bad experiences, with someone being an ass to you and then massively generalise against huge groups of people off it. not every metal fan is an asshole (though, granted, the asshole fans in metal tend to be very vocal, on the internet. you just gotta remember theyre assholes)

    I'd like to run into them, instead of people who are just snobs.
    You're talking to one of them.
    i also like metal

    metal snobs, as i said, are very vocal. also most of them are total fuckwads and losers and quite a lot of them are racists into the bargain. they are not worth your time
  • edited 2015-08-10 17:03:46
    We can do anything if we do it together.
    sunn wolf said:

    Odradek said:

    sunn wolf said:

    myr if youre being serious about this, really dude, too often it seems like you have a bad experience, or a couple of bad experiences, with someone being an ass to you and then massively generalise against huge groups of people off it. not every metal fan is an asshole (though, granted, the asshole fans in metal tend to be very vocal, on the internet. you just gotta remember theyre assholes)

    I'd like to run into them, instead of people who are just snobs.
    You're talking to one of them.
    i also like metal

    metal snobs, as i said, are very vocal. also most of them are total fuckwads and losers and quite a lot of them are racists into the bargain. they are not worth your time
    I was referring to you with that, yes.

    I'm not big on metal, although I do appreciate the craft.

    Speaking of idiotic metalheads, I will never stop being amused by this review on RYM.
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    Among the most prominent Japanese composers (although I use
    the word 'Japanese' superfluously, as even the most well-known American
    composers are barely competent at best), one in particular stands out to the
    enlightened video game soundtrack consumer. His name: Yasunori Mitsuda. For the
    record, this is not to undermine the amazing works of other incredibly talented
    video game composers such as Uematsu-san or Sakuraba-san, but to highlight the
    unique, almost celto-tropic music (the word music is an understatement) that
    Yasunori Mitsuda has been composing for years. It would be sheer ignorance to
    deny that the Chrono Cross soundtrack is anything but the magnum opus of video
    game music; its lilting and oftentimes hauntingly peaceful guitar melodies
    soothe all but the most savage of breasts while its tense battle themes and
    mysterious donjon tunes ignite a blazing passion that can be quenched only by
    the video game's profound story and gameplay. It is a wonder that anyone can
    listen to anything besides video game musical compositions after listening to
    Mitsuda-san's immensely powerful soundtrack, but given that the primitive thuds
    of hip hop are America's current choice of 'music' (I use the term music
    liberally), once can see little hope in the mass appreciation of Mitsuda-san's work.

    There is, perhaps, only one medium of art that matches the
    excellence of video games and that is (obviously) visual kei. Combining
    absolutely exquisite j-rock and j-pop, sprinkled with hints of video game
    melodies, with the pyrotechnic visual flare that the Japanese are known for,
    visual kei takes its viewers on a rollercoaster ride of lights, fanfare, and
    music that even Beethoven could tap his toes to. Would that I were Japanese,
    (though under careful scrutiny, it appears my geneology tree does in fact show
    signs of a Japanese presence) I too would participate in this art of the 21st
    century and even perhaps venture onto the visual kei stage myself. It is no
    surprise that the impotent minds of Western society cannot fully grasp the
    total splendor of visual kei and instead choose to squandor their time
    listening to rap and country "music".
  • 8eep
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I am so fucking mad and I can't experss any of it
  • Odradek said:

    I am so fucking angry right now and I hate everything and I want to break things

    it's just one of those days
    when you don't wanna wake up
    everything is fucked
    everybody sucks
    You don't really know why
    But you want justify
    Rippin' someone's head off
    No human contact
    And if you interact
    Your life is on contract
    Your best bet is to stay away motherfucker
    It's just one of those days
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Not fucking helping
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