The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    wallace & gromit
  • So:

    There is an economic cost associated with not taking the "more prudish" approach. Apparently someone thought it was necessary to complain about Naughty Tentacles to Google AdSense and the complaint was picked up by someone who agreed. Boom. There goes 33% of the operating budget of the wiki. This either has to come out of my and Janitor's pockets—which it won't, neither of us is going to short our family of anything for the wiki, anymore—or it has to come out of the services we provide.

    We have learned that none of the "bake sale" sized ideas like subscriptions or donation drives are going to bring in the revenues we need. It is advertise or die.

    Right now, we are appealing the decision to drop the wiki from AdSense. If the answer comes back that it will not be restored, we are going to have to shut some stuff down. My guess would be the forums, since they are a financial drain. We could reduce the performance of the wiki by dropping some servers, but that would be a much bigger detriment to the wiki and than dropping the forums would be. Perhaps we could limit the use/performance of the forums enough to make up the difference.

    If the answer comes back that the Naughty Tentacles is now at the right level of risque for AdSense and we can be restored, then we have identified the level of risque we will just have to live with.

    I suppose there could have been a more a satisfying way for the community to discover its standards than to have it dictated by whatever Google employee happens to pick up a complaint or an appeal request, but that chance has been taken from us.

    It will take them a week or two to respond to the appeal. In the meantime we are on short rations. - Fast Eddie

  • An interesting turn of events.
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
    Its pretty shitty that Eddie needs to have an external force to tell him what is acceptable and what isn't
  • Well, what makes it ironic is that they were in the middle of cleaning up that page when it happened.
  • ::::/

    On the lines of clothing rel8ed stuff, I now own a dress form so that I can fit clothes when I make them.

    Must get 8ack into sewing now that the weather is right for the room my sewing machine is in to 8e a comforta8le temper8ure (it doesn't have heat or AC so I can really only do stuff for an extended time in there in spring and fall.)
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    So it goes.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    For some reason I wonder what Sega's current console would be called were they still making them.

    If they were that would require smartening up on their end; their handling of the Saturn was a disaster and it hurt the Dreamcast. Which they feared would be absolutely creamed by the PS2, GameCube and Xbox, so they just gave up.
  • It doesn't necessarily go. Depends on whether or not the appeal works out.
  • edited 2012-04-06 14:58:43
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • I wonder if people will come here when it gets tanked.

    Also, I finally dl'ed a cracked copy of FL Studio. Currently using bongo samples to make random "world" beats.

  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast

    Eddie is going to nuke the forums because he can't be arsed to clean up his wiki?

    Who has he been taking crisis handling lessons from? Frau Merkel?
  • No, he's considering doing one of several things. Of which "nuke the forums" and "heavily censor the wiki" are some. 

    Neither option is going to make anyone love the guy, that's for sure. I'd hate to be in his position right now.

  • No. If he can't get the ads back he'll have to nuke the forums.

    Things are getting cleaned up, and an appeal has been made.
  • IEP meeting went well, looks like I got a 5th year of High School in the bag.
  • The two posts are unrelated.
  • @TVT: insert popcorn chewing gif of your choice here.

    I had some really good pork dumplings for lunch today. This has been a really good week overall for me and goodness that was a lowflying helicopter
  • Naney: No, I mean what's an IEP meeting?

    I apologize if it's something obvious, acronyms confuse my small brain. #_#

  • edited 2012-04-06 15:26:43

  • Huh.

    I know two people who do those, if that is what I think it is. I just didn't know it was called that.

  • @ Google Incident 2: Electrinaughty Bungalow-Tentacles:

    Pity. Though I like that we now have an outside party with (economic, rather than social) influence demanding change in the wiki, I would have preferred that the forums reformed themselves.
  • The forums aren't going to reform anything, they're going to be gone.

    And it's not like Google actually cares what the wiki does, they care that someone complained. 

    Because people have nothing better to do, I guess.

  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
    Eddie doesn't want reform or he wouldn't ban people for saying they are squicky or waiting for the economic influences in the first place.
  • The sadness will last forever.

    Really? The forums are going to go away for real?

  • Personally I find it disheartening that moralism is slowly taking over the internet, of which this is but an example. 

    But honestly, none of you care what I have to say about it. So I'll not say anything but that.

    Unrelatedly, I find it amusing that Audacity lags more on my computer than FL Studio does.

  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
    Personally I find it disheartening that moralism is slowly taking over the internet, of which this is but an example.

    Saying stuff is rightly paedophilia or rape fetishism isn't moralism
  • Like I said, I really would rather not discuss this beyond what I said. 

    That's not even remotely what I was referring to, anyway.

  • Where are all the pedophiles? Seriously, I mean from the way people act you'd thing there are millions of them, hiding in every nook and cranny, waiting to catch the unwary at any moment.
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
    There are at least 3 people that I know about who have admitted getting off to Loli and or Shota.
  • image

    @Anonus: they would've called it "Morpheus". And gotten Neil Gaiman to sponsor it.

    It would have been a mIrAcLe.
  • edited 2012-04-06 16:01:14
    You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    @TVT and advertising: The stupid thing is that this nonsense already happened two years ago. At the time Eddie's solution was to make a so-called "NSFG wall" and put non-Google ads on the pages behind the wall--including the forums.

    Then within a year he scrapped this, because it apparently didn't bring in enough money. So honestly I have little sympathy for him this time around, because he clearly didn't learn a lesson the first time.
    IEP meeting went well, looks like I got a 5th year of High School in the bag.
  • edited 2012-04-06 16:11:15


    There are at least 3 people that I know about who have admitted getting off to Loli and or Shota.
    Not exactly a massive number of people.
  • Listening to Blixty in lieu of new Homestuck Album.

    I have only just started listening, and I already feel like I'm getting high.
  • I have only just started listening, and I already feel like I'm getting high.

    Is this....good? :D

    also it's a very inconsistent album due to the three years between the oldest and most recent tracks.

  • The sadness will last forever.

    He was a young man of good family, as the phrase went in the New England of a
    hundred-odd years ago, and the reasons for his bitter discontent were unclear,
    even to himself. He grew up in the gracious old Boston home under his
    grandmother’s care, for his mother had died in giving him birth; and all his
    life he had known every comfort and privilege his father’s wealth could provide.

    But still there was the discontent, which puzzled him because he could not
    even define it. He wanted to live among his equals—people who were no better
    than he and no worse either. That was as close as he could come to describing
    the source of his unhappiness in Boston and his restless desire to go somewhere

    In the year 1845, he left home and went out west, far beyond the country’s
    creeping frontier, where he hoped to find his equals. He had the idea that in
    Indian country, where there was danger, all white men were kings, and he wanted
    to be one of them. But he found, in the West as in Boston, that the men he
    respected were still his superiors, even if they could not read, and those he
    did not respect weren’t worth talking to.

    He did have money, however, and he could hire the men he respected. He hired
    four of them, to cook and hunt and guide and be his companions, but he found
    them not friendly.

    They were apart from him and he was still alone. He still brooded about his
    status in the world, longing for his equals.

    On a day in June, he learned what it was to have no status at all. He became
    a captive of a small raiding party of Crow Indians.

  • The sadness will last forever.

    He heard gunfire and the brief shouts of his companions around the bend of
    the creek just before they died, but he never saw their bodies. He had no chance
    to fight, because he was naked and unarmed, bathing in the creek, when a Crow
    warrior seized and held him.

    His captor let him go at last, let him run. Then the lot of them rode him
    down for sport, striking him with their coup sticks. They carried the dripping
    scalps of his companions, and one had skinned off Baptiste’s black beard as
    well, for a trophy.

    They took him along in a matter-of-fact way, as they took the captured
    horses. He was unshod and naked as the horses were, and like them he had a
    rawhide thong around his neck. So long as he didn’t fall down, the Crows ignored

    On the second day they gave him his breeches. His feet were too swollen for
    his boots, but one of the Indians threw him a pair of moccasins that had
    belonged to the halfbreed, Henri, who was dead back at the creek. The captive
    wore the moccasins gratefully. The third day they let him ride one of the spare
    horses so the party could move faster, and on that day they came in sight of
    their camp.

    He thought of trying to escape, hoping he might be killed in flight rather
    than by slow torture in the camp, but he never had a chance to try. They were
    more familiar with escape than he was, and knowing what to expect, they
    forestalled it. The only other time he had tried to escape from anyone, he had
    succeeded. When he had left his home in Boston, his father had raged and his
    grandmother had cried, but they could not talk him out of his intention.

    The men of the Crow raiding party didn’t bother with talk.

    Before riding into camp they stopped and dressed in their regalia and in
    parts of their victims’ clothing; they painted their faces black. Then, leading
    the white man by the rawhide around his neck as though he were a horse, they
    rode down toward the tepee circle, shouting and singing, brandishing their
    weapons. He was unconscious when they got there; he fell and was dragged.

    He lay dazed and battered near a tepee while the noisy, busy life of the camp
    swarmed around him and Indians came to stare. Thirst consumed him, and when it
    rained he lapped rainwater from the ground like a dog. A scrawny, shrieking,
    eternally busy old woman with ragged graying hair threw a chunk of meat on the
    grass, and he fought the dogs for it.

    When his head cleared, he was angry, although anger was an emotion he knew he
    could not afford.

    It was better when I was a horse, he thought—when they led me by the rawhide
    around my neck. I won’t be a dog, no matter what!

    The hag gave him stinking, rancid grease and let him figure out what it was
    for. He applied it gingerly to his bruised and sun-seared body.

    Now, he thought, I smell like the rest of them.

    While he was healing, he considered coldly the advantages of being a horse. A
    man would be humiliated, and sooner or later he would strike back and that would
    be the end of him. But a horse had only to be docile. Very well, he would learn
    to do without pride.

    He understood that he was the property of the screaming old woman, a fine
    gift from her son, one that she liked to show off. She did more yelling at him
    than at anyone else, probably to impress the neighbors so they would not forget
    what a great and generous man her son was. She was bossy and proud, a dreadful
    sag of skin and bones, and she was a devilish hard worker.

    The white man, who now thought of himself as a horse, forgot sometimes to
    worry about his danger. He kept making mental notes of things to tell his own
    people in Boston about this hideous adventure. He would go back a hero, and he
    would say, “Grandmother, let me fetch your shawl. I’ve been accustomed to doing
    little errands for another lady about your age.”

    Two girls lived in the tepee with the old hag and her warrior son. One of
    them, the white man concluded, was his captor’s wife and the other was his
    little sister. The daughter-in-law was smug and spoiled. Being beloved, she did
    not have to be useful. The younger sister had bright, wandering eyes. Often
    enough they wandered to the white man who was pretending to be a horse.

    The two girls worked when the old woman put them at it, but they were always
    running off to do something they enjoyed more. There were games and noisy
    contests, and there was much laughter. But not for the white man. He was finding
    out what loneliness could be.

    That was a rich summer on the plains, with plenty of buffalo for meat and
    clothing and the making of tepees. The Crows were wealthy in horses, prosperous,
    and contented. If their men had not been so avid for glory, the white man
    thought, there would have been a lot more of them. But they went out of their
    way to court death, and when one of them met it, the whole camp mourned
    extravagantly and cried to their God for vengeance.

  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I figured it would be like the "Sega Zephyr" or something.

    ...oh god, if Sonic '06 were still as glitchy and a launch title for a would have been terrible, not like the blessing-in-disguise it turned out to be.
  • I'm a loser. Also, Creeper. And a woman.
    To be fair, Sonic Adventure 1 was pretty glitchy too.

    Irony that Sonic 2006 was based very obviously off of Sonic Adventure 1.(not completely, but the similarities are beyond there XD)
  • Wow, Eddie didn't even know the Rape Tropes index existed.

    BRB LOLing forever.
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