The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I like games with no dialogue
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Me too!
  • edited 2015-06-03 15:27:49
    My dreams exceed my real life
    Spoilers for the King of Dragon Pass LP: Not making friends with the ducks would have screwed us. They are implacable foes, friends with the death-worshipping undead hunter ducks of the great swamp, and with the beastmen of the west valley.
  • naney said:

    to clarify

    video games can look very pretty and they can play well but for some reason not a single person in the video game industry can write dialogue in an enjoyable engaging or believable way

    good video game writers are a rare species. by 'a rare species' i mean 'there arent any'
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    naney said:

    to clarify

    video games can look very pretty and they can play well but for some reason not a single person in the video game industry can write dialogue in an enjoyable engaging or believable way

    good video game writers are a rare species. by 'a rare species' i mean 'there arent any'

  • now, somebody please tell me where i can find a high school art show full of pictures of horses where someone has gone round nailing rotten potatoes to all of the paintings
  • unfortunately those are a rare species
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Panurge said:

    Spoilers for the King of Dragon Pass LP: Not making friends with the ducks would have screwed us. They are implacable foes, friends with the death-worshipping undead hunter ducks of the great swamp, and with the beastmen of the west valley.

    So in summary

    Be kind to your webfooted friends

    for a duck may be somebody's mother

    you may think that this is the end

    Well it is!
  • Panurge said:

    naney said:

    to clarify

    video games can look very pretty and they can play well but for some reason not a single person in the video game industry can write dialogue in an enjoyable engaging or believable way

    good video game writers are a rare species. by 'a rare species' i mean 'there arent any'

    perhaps this is a good game writer, because i have never seen it before in my life
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Shovel Knight seems to have some pretty good dialogue, though, in a cheesy sort of way.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    There was a time when writing Great Literature/Films wasn't a goal of making a fun game, even a game that's moving. Miyamoto recently said that all the big devs trying to make a movie instead of a game was a problem.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Miyamoto is wise
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.

    Shovel Knight seems to have some pretty good dialogue, though, in a cheesy sort of way.

    Shovel Knight is a good, fun game that I would recommend.
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    Not stopping there, Macklemore analyzed how mainstream America has digested his image and music in an unfair way to hip-hop culture. He said, “I’m the ’Same Love guy’ who’s all for equality. Like, ‘This is the first time we’ve heard any rapper talk about equality! Wow, he’s a hero!’ I got put in that “hero” box. When that happens, it’s because of privilege. White privilege." 

  • My dreams exceed my real life
    There was a time when writing Great Literature/Films wasn't a goal of making a fun game, even a game that's moving. Miyamoto recently said that all the big devs trying to make a movie instead of a game was a problem.

  • edited 2015-06-03 15:48:56
    You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Hee hee.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    "arguing with a bipolar person"

    Why is that a suggestion, Google? What are people trying to learn?
  • naney said:

    Tachyon said:

    even statistically


    tell me if you ever find it pls
    Devil Survivor 2, the only SMT game I played, was pretty well written and presumably the same goes for the rest of the series. Most Nintendo games are written well in the sense that they're economical and not terribly awkward. Kid Icarus is charming but the pacing seems "off" until you realize it is fundamentally designed around being replayed. I'd argue that Portal's, uh, monologue is damn near perfect. Mass Effect alternated between meh and some of the most heartwrenching stuff I've ever heard. Katamari Damaci has exactly the kind of dialogue it needs to have. Spec Ops: The Line may superficially sound stilted but it always conveys emotion extremely well (your squad mates never shut the fuck up and it actually really sells the chaotic, unpleasant nature of shootouts). 999 and Virtue's Last Reward were mostly dialogue and prose and they were really really good dialogue and prose.

    That's all I have off the top of my head, and it's not as much as it looks like. At any rate I think video game dialogue should be handled and as such be viewed in a manner different from other mediums but I'm not certain how.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    when they invent movies that you can physically walk around and explore like you are a character in them, then i'll concede Miyamoto's point
  • Finished work not smelling of vinegar, but instead smelling of play-doh and sweat.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Tools said:

    Finished work not smelling of vinegar, but instead smelling of play-doh and sweat.

    Man I wish I had your job, whatever it is
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i will say, wrt dialogue, bad writing in a VN is the most irritating thing

    like when your game is nothing but dialogue that dialogue had better be pretty darned excellent
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Tools said:

    Finished work not smelling of vinegar, but instead smelling of play-doh and sweat.

    do you work in a school?
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    I will never understand why this blog was as controversial and important as it was.

    It's just kinda

    someone's blog about webcomics they don't like.
  • jonesin for ya fix of that limp bizkit mix
  • Because secretly all the negativity on the Internet is bringing people down and that was as good a target to unload unexpressed criticisms of other things on as any other.

    ...I have been very frustrated with negativity and dismissiveness recently
  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    "Now, most of the link in question is just flaming and “he’s full of shit,” and I don’t care about that, because either you enjoy reading John Solomon and company’s rants or you don’t. It’s a taste. Presumably the people who don’t like reading John Solomon likewise have an intense dislike for the works of Joe Queenan or Ambrose Bierce or Lester Bangs, and this is, I believe, their loss."
  • i look cute and punk today
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i don't like that blog

    but i don't really care

    i like a lot of webcomics

    probably there are more bad webcomics than good webcomics

    but that's because anyone can just post a comic online

    and tbh when i first encountered webcomics the idea of free online comics was so novel and exciting to me that it didn't matter that some of them were, with hindsight, not terribly good
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    when they invent movies that you can physically walk around and explore like you are a character in them, I'll start being interested in movies.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    You know, people complained about the Firefox 29+ interface for aping Chrome's appearance

    But I find I like it better than the default Firefox 4-28 interface with that awkward orange "Firefox" button

    Hell, it's even a little nicer than Chrome itself, in some ways
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Panurge said:

    "Now, most of the link in question is just flaming and “he’s full of shit,” and I don’t care about that, because either you enjoy reading John Solomon and company’s rants or you don’t. It’s a taste. Presumably the people who don’t like reading John Solomon likewise have an intense dislike for the works of Joe Queenan or Ambrose Bierce or Lester Bangs, and this is, I believe, their loss."
    ok, that is kind of ridiculous
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Was there a time where people were really desperate for vitriol on the internet?
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Tachyon said:

    when they invent movies that you can physically walk around and explore like you are a character in them, then i'll concede Miyamoto's point

    To me, this is missing the point of playing a game.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Do u even score bro
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Tyler, Lalonde, Quartz, master
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    If you don't play games for fashion, get out.

    What I'm getting from this image is that all relationships should be between a girl and a flat piece of cardboard, because lesbians are icky.

    mind jump: 

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    Tachyon said:

    when they invent movies that you can physically walk around and explore like you are a character in them, then i'll concede Miyamoto's point

    To me, this is missing the point of playing a game.
    i'm not missing the point, i just find exploring imaginary worlds more fun than scoring points

    i'm not dissing anyone who prefers a challenge
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i do like a challenging game sometimes, anyway

    but exploring fictional worlds is a thing i can only get from games
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i pagetoppered myself :(

    Tachyon said:

    when they invent movies that you can physically walk around and explore like you are a character in them, then i'll concede Miyamoto's point

    To me, this is missing the point of playing a game.
    i'm not missing the point, i just find exploring imaginary worlds more fun than scoring points

    i'm not dissing anyone who prefers a challenge
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    please don't greet me in the middle of the street, strange man i've never seen before
    As for why John Solomon was so important, I figure it was because no one really did much criticism of webcomics in general before that, and what there was usually focused on subgroups that were stigmatised anyway (furry comics, anyone?)

    I also suspect it was because his blog was more "manly" or something; places like the sporking community and fandom_wank had been doing similar stuff for years, but they were more popular with women and the LGBT community.
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